近日,第三方支付服务商PayPal发布新闻稿,宣布面向中小企业推出了一系列的新功能。 首先是PayPal为小企业添加了Apple Pay作为支付选项,与标准结账方式相比,Apple Pay提供了更多的支付功能和个性化设置。 尽管Apple Pay与PayPal存在竞争关系,但添加更多的支付方式可以为顾客结账带来更多的便利,提升客户的付款几率,对于商家和PayPal来说,都是一件有利的事情。 其次,使用PayPal付款的用户可以通过PayPal保险库,将他们的支付信息和方式安全地保存在商家的电商网站上,以备将来的购买。PayPal称,这样可以提高顾客的付款流畅度,提升付款速度并提高商家的转化率和复购率。 此外,小型企业可以继续使用自动转账等功能,帮助企业管理现金流。PayPal为中小企业引入了interchange++(IC++)定价模型。现在中小企业可以在固定费率定价或IC++定价模式之间进行选择,以更加透明地了解处理成本,提前获得全额付款。 PayPal副总裁Nitin Prabhu表示,对于销量较高(年收入数百万美元)的中型企业来说,IC++是一个不错的选择。“IC++定价结构包括交换费(由发行银行收取)、卡网络费(由Visa和万事达卡等网络收取)和PayPal收取的加价费。”“通过这种方法,商家可以看看他们是否可以激励客户使用特定银行或特定网络的卡。” PayPal称,“通过让PayPal帮助管理企业在金融工具存储方面的部分PCI合规性,企业能够更好地管理其业务,降低风险和复杂性。小型企业可以在PayPal金库中保存多种支付方式,包括PayPal、Venmo和银行卡。保存后,这些支付方式将通过PayPal的实时账户更新服务和网络令牌(network tokens)保持最新状态,这可以通过自动更新丢失、被盗或过期的存档信息来帮助减少拒绝并推动转化。” Nitin Prabhu表示:“零售业在不断发展,中小商家需要使用一系列工具来帮助他们推动销售、降低成本并保护他们和客户的账户资金安全。借助PayPal完整的支付解决方案,小型企业可以一站式解决这些问题。” 据了解,PayPal在支付领域迎来了更多竞争对手,例如,去年亚马逊推出了Buy with Prime,数字支付公司Block(Square)将Cash App线上支付的业务拓展到Square之外的电商网站上。通过引入一系列的新功能,PayPal希望保持自己在支付领域的主导地位。
Revolut Business在澳大利亚强劲增长,收入同比增长11倍
Revolut是一家全球金融科技公司,在全球拥有超过4500万客户。该公司报告称,其企业对企业 (B2B) 产品Revolut Business在澳大利亚实现了强劲增长。在最近一个季度(2024年7月至9月),Revolut Business 在澳大利亚的收入增长了11倍,交易量增长了10倍。 Revolut Business 于2023年在澳大利亚推出,通过多币种账户、虚拟和实体借记卡、费用管理和自动会计等全面功能,为澳大利亚公司提供运营全球业务的最经济实惠的方式。 2024年,Revolut Australia将其商业服务扩展到个体经营者,这些个体经营者约占澳大利亚所有企业的三分之一,这使 Revolut 的潜在市场规模扩大了约60%。 Revolut Business 最近还在2024年 Finder 创新奖中被评为 B2B 创新类别的获胜者,其应用程序因改善澳大利亚企业管理财务和最大限度地利用资金的方式而获得认可。 在此基础上,进一步的产品创新将包括: 1.Revolut Business 5——其创新平台的第五代产品,旨在满足现代企业不断变化的需求。Revolut Business 5 引入了增强功能,以简化财务管理,并重新构想了移动和桌面用户体验。 2.卡片定制——企业很快就能在实体卡片上添加公司名称、标识、团队成员和/或独特设计,以增添专业感,促进业务发展。 3.发票——此功能将使企业能够创建带有内置付款方式的自定义发票,帮助客户快速结清款项。企业很快就能跟踪每一步,并保持健康的现金流。 Revolut 最近还聘请了 Canva 的销售资深人士 Sara La Mela 担任 Revolut Business 的亚太区销售主管。Sara 常驻澳大利亚悉尼,负责领导和建立一支高绩效的销售团队,推动澳大利亚和新加坡的快速增长。 Sara La Mela 表示:“在我的职业生涯中,我曾为一些世界领先的软件提供商工作过,Revolut Business 为客户带来即时和切实利益的速度是首屈一指的。在我们不断增长的客户群的支持下,我们专注于改变澳大利亚企业管理财务的方式,以便他们能够最大限度地利用资金。” Revolut 澳大利亚业务主管 James Roberts-Thomson 补充道:“澳大利亚是 Revolut 在零售领域增长最快的市场,我们有望在 B2B 领域复制这一成功。我们时刻关注客户需求,不断寻求改进产品以更好地满足客户需求的方法。我们对迄今为止取得的惊人增长感到欣慰,我们知道这只是一个开始。” Revolut Business 于2017年推出,最近在新加坡推出,继续扩大其全球业务范围——通过新加坡业务惠及全球企业,并向传统银行服务不足的市场推出技术优先的解决方案。此举使 Revolut Business 上线的市场总数达到40个。最近,Revolut Business 宣布推出 Revolut Terminal,这是一款功能强大的新型销售点设备,旨在帮助英国和爱尔兰的大型企业和零售商接受面对面付款。Revolut Business 的加速增长势头将继续,每月有超过20,000家新企业加入,加入数十万家月活跃企业。Revolut Business 全球年收入现已超过5亿美元。 Revolut Business 运营主管 Manuel Soto Gaspar 表示:“Revolut Business 正在迅速扩张,其使命是改变全球企业财务状况。过去一年,我们在成为顶级财务自动化平台方面取得了重大进展,最近在新加坡推出了新服务,在澳大利亚实现了强劲增长,因为亚太地区继续在 Revolut 的全球扩张战略中发挥着关键作用。在不断增长的客户群的支持下,我们加倍投资该地区,并继续致力于提供创新的 B2B 解决方案。我们的成功建立在多年为数百万零售客户提供服务的经验之上,现在我们已准备好为全球更多企业改变财务的未来。” Revolut Business 是 Revolut 澳大利亚金融产品套件的一部分,该套件包括一款资金管理应用程序和一套投资和旅行功能,旨在增强消费者在国内外汇款、消费和储蓄的体验和安全性。
SAAS近些年为何在中国市场比较火? 首先说一下,为什么这几年SAAS比较火。根本原因是C端的红利没有了,连情侣异地看电影的这种诉求都能被有些人拿出来做,疫情期间兴起的社区团购,也引来了大厂的一窝蜂争抢,并被誉为互联网的最后一站。 那这个时候,大家就想着去做B端产品,为企业服务。B端产品分为两种:一种是做那种定制化的产品,就是传统的软件开发,你企业有诉求,我帮你做,做完企业付钱。大部分是一锤子买卖。这个和包工头包个工程,让农民工干活没啥区别,在这种企业干,员工妥妥的是被压榨的对象,因为钱就那么多,员工多拿一点,老板就少拿一点。还有一种就是做SAAS产品。SAAS产品的赚钱逻辑和第一种是不一样的,SAAS产品是给众多的B端客户使用,这个B端的客户量一旦比较多,就有想象和画饼的空间,针对这种平台,资本更愿意投钱,平台做大了,更有利于资本上市圈钱。这种赚钱逻辑和C端产品赚钱逻辑一样,都是做大平台,上市融资圈钱,本质是赚金融市场的钱。 那中国现阶段适不适合SAAS呢? 答案是现阶段可能还不适合,原因有两点: 中国企业管理问题 中国企业这些年的发展,大部分都是依靠低成本的劳动力堆叠来提高效率,要么加班,大搞996文化,要么就是搞政治,根本不在意分工、协同、效率、组织激活这些,在他们看来,花钱买软件干啥,直接堆人不就完事了。有那个钱,还不如多招几个人,反正耗材那么多。 大厂很少用SAAS 上面说了,中小企业没钱,不愿意额外花费买这些SAAS软件,他们更喜欢堆人。大厂虽说有钱购买SAAS,但大厂为了数据安全,也更愿意自己研发,说不定做好了,还可以作为SAAS产品,提供给中小企业使用。 未来有没有发展可能呢? 有发展的可能。随着中国市场越来越卷,会逼着这些企业必须想着去攻占国际市场,国外的企业管理可并没有那么多的廉价劳动力让你压榨,尤其是一些欧美市场,这个时候,会逼得企业不得不重视效率问题,这个时候,企业可能会想到用SAAS软件来提升自己的企业效率。也许那个时候能迎来SAAS的发展春天。
随着互联网的不断发展,越来越多的企业开始将业务迁移到云端,使用SaaS(Software as a Service)模式来构建和管理他们的网站。 这种模式不仅提供了灵活性和可扩展性,还为企业带来了许多便利。 然而,一个常见的疑问是:SaaS建站是否可以发布视频? 小编将带您探讨这一问题,并分析SaaS建站在视频发布方面的可行性。 一、SaaS建站基础逻辑 首先,我们需要了解SaaS建站的基础逻辑。SaaS建站是一种基于云计算技术的软件交付模式,它允许用户通过互联网访问和使用软件应用程序。这种模式的核心价值在于提供灵活、可扩展的解决方案,以满足不同规模和需求的企业。为了实现这一目标,SaaS建站需要关注以下几个方面: 客户价值的定义与实现 SaaS建站应专注于为客户提供实际价值,如提高生产力、降低成本和优化业务流程等。这需要深入了解客户的需求和期望,以便为他们提供合适的解决方案。 构架搭建的重要性 一个稳定、可靠且易于扩展的架构对于SaaS建站至关重要。这包括选择合适的技术栈、设计高效的数据库结构和确保系统安全等。 云计算技术运用 云计算技术为SaaS建站提供了强大的基础设施支持,如弹性计算、自动扩展和容错能力等。这些特性使得SaaS建站能够快速响应市场变化,同时保持高性能和高可用性。 二、SaaS建站发布视频的可行性 接下来,我们来探讨SaaS建站发布视频的可行性。事实上,SaaS软件可以支持视频上传,但这取决于具体的服务和应用类型。以下是一些可能支持视频上传的SaaS软件类别: 视频会议和协作平台 如Zoom、Microsoft Teams等,允许用户在会议中上传和共享视频。 在线教育和培训平台 这类平台通常允许教师上传教学视频作为课程材料。 内容管理系统(CMS) 如WordPress等,可以通过插件或内置功能支持视频上传和展示。 社交媒体管理工具 一些SaaS工具允许企业管理其社交媒体账户,并上传视频内容。 营销自动化平台 这类工具可能允许用户上传视频作为营销活动的一部分。 云存储服务 如Google Drive、Dropbox等,提供视频上传和共享功能。 客户关系管理(CRM)系统 一些CRM系统可能允许用户上传视频作为客户互动的一部分。 企业内部通信平台 内部通信工具可能支持视频消息或视频内容的共享。 项目管理软件 在一些项目管理工具中,团队成员可以上传视频来展示项目进展或进行讨论。 个性化视频平台 一些SaaS服务专门提供个性化视频制作和上传功能。 电子商务平台 一些电商SaaS解决方案允许商家上传产品视频以增强商品展示。 企业培训和发展平台 企业可能使用这些平台上传培训视频,供员工学习和提升技能。 知识库和FAQ系统 企业可能上传视频作为常见问题解答或操作指南。 视频托管服务 专门提供视频托管的SaaS服务,如Vimeo,允许用户上传、存储和分享视频。 定制化应用程序 根据企业特定需求定制的SaaS应用程序,可能包括视频上传和管理功能。
小石子的坠落,都能打破平静的湖面。 Salesforce重返中国,怎能不让平静的CRM市场掀起波澜? 要知道,在今年12月份之前中国CRM市场整体呈现平静,一来是因为历经前两年的数字化需求爆发,本土CRM在吸收大量客户后进入消化期,开始根据更全面的客户需求、市场需求调整产品结构、业务发展模型、服务能力,以望沉淀出一个更加健康的商业模型。 再者就是AIGC的兴盛,提升了CRM服务能力的上限,为其打开了更多价值服务的想象空间,引导众多本土CRM厂商着手引入,整体进入新一轮的研发战备阶段,市场声量自然降低。 然而,伴随12月18日,阿里云上的Salesforce的销售云、服务云和平台云三大业务正式上线,开始面向客户提供服务。两家巨头携手带着巨大的市场讨论度席卷而来,让人们纷纷开始分析其对本土CRM市场带来什么冲击? 当然比起以上这个论题,更加激进且令人关注的另一个论题:本土CRM厂商与携手阿里云再度而来的Salesforce竞争,谁能最终胜出一筹? 避无可避的胜负之争 当Salesforce再度进入中国市场,一场国外CRM厂商与本土CRM之间不可避免的竞争已悄然拉开帷幕…… 而双方展开竞争的战场,就在服务“跨国企业”领域。 对于Salesforce来说,其很清楚自身要想避免在中国市场的再度折戟,选一片无论是市场规模、品牌影响力,还是整体潜在收益都不错的客户市场,将其攻坚下来作为当下在中国市场的立足之地,以及将在持续拓展业务规模的前进根据地,都是不二选择。 “跨国企业”市场恰好满足上述需求。在规模方面,其在我国市场的经济占比相对较高;在品牌影响力方面,不论所在行业,它们多为领先梯队,且大多具备完善的供应链上下游,有利于口碑营销的推进;至于收益方面,这些企业整体规模较大,因此年度收益表现优异,具备稳定的现金流、良好的付费意愿及相对卓越的支付能力。 更为重要的是,一方面Salesforce凭借多年国际化服务的经验,对跨国企业的业务需求和运营模式有了深入的理解,而且之前在中国市场期间,这部分群体也是自身打交道最多的一类,方便快速做出一番成绩,从而站稳脚跟。 另一方面,之前的跨国企业是要受到全球总部的控制,但是近些年因为中国市场的特殊性,跨国企业在中国区的分支机构越来越注重掌握IT自主权,同时由于自身多年在中国市场沉浸,已经被潜移默化地吸收了中国市场特色,这些特点让Salesforce以此开始“本土化”战略相对容易一些,利于日后持续深化“本土化”战略的开展。 针对本土CRM厂商而言,当前业务发展已至关键阶段,他们在本土业务服务积累方面现已达到一定规模,而随着业务不断拓展,本土CRM厂商面临着是否进军跨国企业服务市场的抉择。这方面,从近年来我国CRM企业纷纷考虑开展海外业务、重视与外企合作的趋势中可见一斑。 若本土CRM厂商能成功打入跨国企业服务市场,将极大地提高其在全球市场的认可度,这对于他们日后走向国际化,实现更大幅度业绩增长具有积极意义。 就如以销售易为代表的本土CRM厂商,在近两年的市场发声中,就对SaaS出海、服务“跨国企业”等话题关注颇多,甚至他们在以往与「ToB行业头条」的沟通中,多次谈及对于MNC“跨国企业”服务,获得其认可的重视。 用销售易CEO史彦泽的话讲:“本土CRM厂商如果拿下‘跨国企业’客群的认同,将对于自身走向国际化的信心和实力,都会带来可观的提升。” 并且就算退一步说,这些“跨国企业”业务规模普遍较大,都符合本土CRM厂商当前重视中大型客户群的战略方向,是当下绝对要重点关注的“潜客群体”。 不仅如此,拓展跨国企业服务市场除了能带来更高经济效益,还将促使本土CRM厂商间接感受国际多样化需求,为日后全面走向国际带来更多的可能性,不得不全力提升自身技术水平和创新能力,提高服务质量和效率,倒逼自身提升硬实力。 所以结合以上信息,不难看出服务跨国企业,获取其普遍信任与认可,是决定当下Salesforce能否突破魔咒,携大势进入中国市场迅速发展的第一步;也是决定本土CRM跳出发展瓶颈,完成打开一片新天地的关键一步。双方避无可避,终要在此地决出胜负。 双方对垒,优势在谁 当本土CRM与跨国巨头Salesforce在服务“跨国企业”领域的竞争无法规避,顺其自然地“谁更具竞争优势?”的话题成为关注焦点。 从表面来看,Salesforce携手阿里云的优势相对好一些,因为这两位的体量、市场知名度,以及在企业服务赛道多年沉淀的服务经验,产品丰富度上都是胜于本土CRM厂商,两者联合更是天雷勾动地火,声势浩大。 不过,分析问题不能流于表面,需要更加深入的探究。 从产品能力来看,Salesforce通过携手阿里云解决了之前长期困扰自身发展的数据合规问题,一定程度上解禁了自己大部分的功能,通过当下的销售云、服务云和平台云等核心产品用于服务中国市场。 不仅如此,为了获得更多的机会拿下中国市场,Salesforce中国软件工程团队定向开发,专门基于中国市场特色,推出面向中国市场的社交电商和社交营销两大产品,集成了中国服务和对象的本地渠道,其中包括腾讯渠道、阿里渠道、社交渠道、中国电子邮件与短信、中国支付和中国店面等。 然而,虽然相比较以前,当下与阿里云携手之后的Salesforce明显强大了不止一筹。可即便如此,现在Salesforce也存在一些缺陷。 「ToB行业头条」了解到,当下Salesforce尚未在移动端软件上线,但在中国市场,特别是对销售角色而言,这是一个非常重要的功能。在拜访客户时,销售人员可以随时打开APP记录信息和打卡,这支撑了他们的大部分使用场景。 除了移动端软件,Salesforce迁移的三朵云中的其他功能虽然宣称会在未来上线,但目前尚未确定具体时间。对于客服云,目前只有基础功能如案例管理可以使用。还有Einstein GPT功能,其本是全球范围内最受期待的AI功能,但在中国的版本中,这项功能服务并未提供。 最后就是与阿里云在服务云、销售云方面的合作,不容否认的是阿里云在数据服务方面确实有极佳的建树,但就CRM营销、销售领域,其还缺乏大量的案例验证能支撑住这两朵云的服务质量达到一定高度,因此在这方面的能力需要先打一个问号,以待后续验证。 对比当下在“营销服一体化”能力尚需补足的Salesforce,当下多数的本土CRM厂商不仅具备在部署方式上非常灵活,还可以支持多云部署,满足了大型企业数据合规方面需求的能力。 并且,本土的CRM厂商们纷纷根据客户需求快速提高产品与服务能力,并推出了针对我国特色的B2B2C交易平台,让厂商、经销商和消费者都能获得自己的价值和利益。 同时,在产品架构方面,本土CRM厂商近年来一方面积极吸纳前沿高新技术与理念,将其融入产品之中,另一方面则加速推进产品一体化进程。 如今,像销售易这样的本土CRM厂商都已成功构建相对成熟的体系。现已实现移动、社交、大数据、人工智能等新兴互联网技术与CRM的深度融合,打造出一款契合国内市场需求的营销服务一体化CRM产品,而很多“跨国企业”正是看中本土CRM厂商在“营销服”方面服务更加全面,才会选择与本土CRM。 例如,自2021年施耐德电气与销售易展开合作以来,历经三年发展,从单一业务单元的现场服务板块拓展至客户服务板块,进而覆盖施耐德电气多个业务单元,最终确立为施耐德电气(中国)售后服务板块的核心管理系统。此过程中,销售易凭借完备的“营销服”能力与深厚的服务底蕴,逐步赢得施耐德电气的信任,成为其优质合作伙伴。 不止是施耐德电气,据了解,截至目前销售易已经服务了江森自控、伊顿、贺利氏、特灵科技、大金空调等众多世界500强跨国企业。 其次,从生态能力来看,本土CRM厂商们在多年实践中已经形成了一套完整的生态系统,销售易等无论是在ISV数量、渠道深度与广度等都有良好的建树,确保了能为跨国企业提供全方位的服务。 而Salesforce生态系统看似更加完善,但在中国市场其生态系统颇为贫瘠,海外的ISV、渠道、交付、咨询等在国内无法直接拿来使用。 当然,面对此等情景,其合作伙伴阿里云曾表示会推出了阿里云上的Salesforce ISV伙伴合作计划,让Salesforce不仅把全球产品带入中国,也将全球合作伙伴带入中国,并引导中国合作伙伴加入Salesforce生态。但难点依旧是全球生态合作伙伴进入中国市场的数据合规问题。 还有从执行力方面来看,本土CRM由于更加了解国内市场,其执行力更强,能够快速响应市场需求,提供针对性的解决方案。 相较之下,Salesforce在全球范围内的运营模式相对固定,即便当下中国团队当下已经具备一定高度的自主权,但问题是推出方式是与阿里云合作的方式,这可能意味着很多大动作需要双方商议确认通过才能推行,这让其在应对本土市场变化方面的灵活性相对较低。 综合以上分析,不难看出,本土CRM对比Salesforce虽然是后来者,但在中国市场由于其在“跨国企业”服务上的优秀表现和Salesforce在短期内能力不足,相对多一些优势。 当然,优势只是优势,不代表最终胜负。毕竟在实际进程中,双方基于实时情况打出的一招妙手或俗手,都可能改变优劣势,甚至影响最终的胜负。 一个大概率的未来,CRM黄金期再来 双方在竞争中的优劣势虽尚未明确,但无论如何,Salesforce历经三次尝试进入我国市场,这无疑在侧面揭示了我国本土CRM市场巨大的潜力,令其无法抗拒进入的诱惑。 并非夸张,首先在市场环境上,国家数据局的成立以及数据公开交易的方式,使市场数据得以充分流通。 这将不仅使之前没有数据积累的企业可以直接购买相应的数据,为其快速进行数字化转型阶段提供基础,同时也为拥有数据积累的企业提供更多全面、广泛的数据渠道,便于这些企业利用全面的数据辅助业务决策,实现数据驱动的业务发展。 随着数据这一生产要素在市场的广泛充斥,不再稀缺,能够帮助企业将其加工并直接提升生产力的数字化工具服务商们,将在不久的将来获得良好的发展。 CRM作为一种基于数据,能直接帮助企业增加业务量的数字化工具,与企业的营收额直接关联,因此在众多数字化工具中,它是被优先考虑采购和深化使用的产品。 此外,中国市场一直保持良好的发展态势,尤其在电商和移动互联领域,领先全球,并且至今未进入瓶颈期,开始逐步延伸到多个领域,实现产业价值的提升。 而随着经济的深入发展,人们数字化意识的崛起,以及交易中重视销售与客户、用户关系的处理,我国企业对客户关系管理(CRM)的需求日益增长,预计市场发展速度也将加快。 Salesforce或许正是预测到了这些未来趋势,看到了中国CRM市场庞大的潜在价值和未来迅速的市场发展速度,因此才在年初宣布暂时撤退后,又迅速做好新的准备,迅速重新回归。 尽管Salesforce与阿里云的携手进入,对我国CRM厂商带来了直接的冲击,但这种冲击并非致命,甚至如果撑过去这波冲击,此事将变成利好。 从长远角度来看,Salesforce与阿里云的融入将有助于提升我国CRM产业的竞争力。他们的流程化先进服务,以及集结生态环境的动作,都将间接影响我国CRM的借鉴与参考,推动整个行业水平的提升。 Salesforce深度开拓我国市场,带来的国际化理念,以及在市场运作、企业管理、客户服务等方面的丰富经验,将有助于推动我国CRM产业走向更成熟、更规范和健康的市场环境,进而刺激我国CRM厂商为了维持竞争力,向更优质、更具竞争力的服务方向进化。 销售易创始人史彦泽也表示“销售易创立之初就没有说是要在中国复刻一个Salesforce,而是如何因地制宜地思考将变化的互联网技术跟企业不变的前端获客、保客的整个链路融合起来,为客户带来更大、更新的价值。” 他讲到:“Salesforce的成功无疑是给中国CRM的发展提供了很多借鉴,也正是因为很多500强企业受Salesforce的影响,给我们提出了‘既要又要还要’的需求,从而鞭策我们在产品上不仅要适配中国本土市场的创新,比如移动性、SCRM、AI等能力;也要具备明显的价格优势,还要Salesforce+咨询公司同等水平的专业度。一步步做到这些严苛要求的同时,销售易也获取了更多大客户的信任。” 最后,随着大众企业对CRM的深度理解,市场发展将按下快进键。这些巨头企业将通过提供优质的产品和服务,帮助企业提升客户满意度,提高企业核心竞争力。同时,他们还将通过培育企业级应用生态,进一步拓宽我国CRM市场的应用场景,推动市场的快速发展。 总之,Salesforce携手阿里云进入中国市场,虽然短期内可能对我国CRM市场产生一定冲击,但从长远来看,将有助于提升我国CRM产业的竞争力,推动市场向更优质的服务进化,加速我国CRM市场的成熟,开启我国CRM市场的又一个黄金发展周期。
SEO 术语和缩略语解释
让我们从房间里的大象开始——定义 SEO。SEO代表搜索引擎优化。搜索引擎优化是优化网站或网页以提高其在 Google 或 Bing 等引擎的搜索引擎结果页面中的可见性和排名的做法。 搜索引擎优化的类型在“SEO”这一笼统术语下,有几种类型,每种类型都有自己特定的重点和目标。以下是一些带有定义的示例: 有机搜索引擎优化 有机搜索引擎优化是搜索引擎优化的最普遍或常见的形式,是指优化网站的内容、结构和其他元素以提高其在有机(非付费)搜索引擎结果页面中的排名的过程。 技术搜索引擎优化 技术搜索引擎优化涉及优化网站的技术方面,例如网站速度、移动响应能力和爬行能力,以提高其在搜索引擎结果页面中的性能和排名。 本地搜索引擎优化本地搜索引擎优化专注于通过优化企业的在线形象和基于位置的信息来提高企业在本地搜索结果(例如 Google 地图)中的可见性和排名。 电子商务搜索引擎优化电子商务 SEO 的功能是通过优化产品页面、网站结构和其他电子商务特定元素来优化在线商店,以提高其可见度、流量和转化率。 国际搜索引擎优化国际搜索引擎优化涉及优化网站,使其在多个国家/地区或语言的搜索引擎中排名靠前,通常是通过创建针对特定地区或语言量身定制的内容。 移动搜索引擎优化 移动搜索引擎优化专注于针对移动设备优化网站,包括确保其快速加载、易于导航以及具有适合移动设备的设计元素。 语音搜索SEO随着 Siri 和 Alexa 等语音搜索助手的日益普及,语音搜索 SEO 专注于优化网站的内容和结构,以在语音搜索结果中排名靠前。 现在,有了一些关于 SEO 类型的常识,我们就可以定义许多常用的 SEO 术语和概念。无论您是经验丰富的 SEO 专业人士还是刚刚起步,了解行业中使用的术语对于提高网站的知名度和吸引更多的自然流量至关重要。开始了! 搜索引擎优化术语301重定向301 重定向告诉搜索引擎该页面已从一个位置 (URL) 永久移动到另一个位置。 Alt 标签(IMG 替代文本)替代文本是作为 HTML 属性插入的单词或短语,用于告诉搜索引擎和用户图像是什么。 锚文本锚文本是在超链接中突出显示的可点击文本;将链接锚定到页面其余部分的文本。 反向链接反向链接是从 website1 上的页面到 website2 上的页面的链接。众所周知,反向链接是搜索引擎的排名因素,但对于反向链接要记住的一个重要注意事项是反向链接的质量比反向链接的数量更重要。 黑帽SEO黑帽 SEO 是针对搜索引擎指南进行 SEO。黑帽 SEO 策略通常对搜索者或搜索引擎没有帮助。这些策略最终也会导致谷歌等搜索引擎的处罚。 规范标签(rel canonical)规范链接元素是一个 HTML 元素,它告诉搜索引擎特定的 URL 代表页面的主副本。规范标签可以帮助防止重复内容等问题。 伪装(页面伪装)伪装是一种黑帽 SEO 技术,它使呈现给搜索引擎的内容与呈现给用户的内容不同。 CTR(点击率)点击率是指网络用户点击您网站上的 URL 的比率与他们看到该 URL 的次数之比。 点击率公式:点击次数 ÷ 展示次数 = 点击率 关注链接Dofollow 是描述搜索引擎抓取链接的链接描述符。默认情况下,所有链接都是 dofollow 链接,除非手动修改为 nofollow 链接或由网站设置自动更改。搜索引擎的爬虫跟踪 dofollow 链接并将其用作质量分数。 域名域名是您网站的“名称”。域名是互联网上用户可以访问您的内容的地址。当查看https://www.seerinteractive.com时,“”就是域名。 重复内容重复内容是指多次出现的内容。如果相同的内容出现在两个或多个不同的 URL 上,则为重复内容。 外部链接从您的网站到另一个网站的链接。 精选片段显示在搜索引擎结果页面顶部的框,其中包含与用户查询相关的信息。 地理定位通过搜索引擎优化或广告活动针对特定地理区域的做法。 谷歌商家资料之前创建的“Google 我的商家”(GMB) 是 Google 的一款免费工具,允许企业管理其在 Google 上的在线状态,包括 Google 地图和搜索结果。 入站链接 从另一个网站到您网站的链接。 索引 搜索引擎将网页添加到其数据库的过程。 内部链接 从您网站上的一个页面到同一网站上的另一个页面的链接。 关键词密度关键词密度是指关键词在给定网页上出现的次数。该数字以网页总字数的比率或百分比形式给出。 关键词密度公式:([关键词被提及的次数]/[总字数])x100 关键词堆砌关键词堆砌并不是一道美味的感恩节小菜,而是一种黑帽SEO技术。关键词堆砌是指关键词被超载到元标签、内容、反向链接锚文本中,试图在搜索引擎中获得不公平的排名优势。 关键词关键字是搜索者输入搜索引擎以查找所需内容的单词或短语。SEO 从业者在其元标记、页面副本和其他 SEO 元素中包含关键字,以向搜索引擎表明该 内容回答了搜索查询。 关键词研究识别与网站或企业相关的关键字和短语的过程。登陆页面 用户点击搜索引擎结果或广告中的链接后登陆的网页。 链接建设链接建设是让其他网站链接到您网站上的页面的过程。众所周知,链接是一个排名因素,但重要的是要记住质量而不是数量。从长远来看,从“垃圾邮件”网站获取链接不会对您有帮助。 链接农场链接场是一组出于某种原因而创建的网页,用于链接到目标页面以尝试提高该页面的排名。这是另一种黑帽 SEO 策略。 长尾关键词 用户搜索的特定较长短语,通常包含三个或更多单词。 元描述元描述是 HTML 元素和 SERP 中显示的文本片段。元描述通常约为 155-160 个字符,但最多可达约 320 个字符。 粘贴图像 0 74 元关键字元关键字是另一个 HTML 元素,它向搜索引擎解释页面的内容。元关键字不再被频繁使用 元标签元标记是向搜索引擎描述页面内容的 HTML 元素。加载页面时,元标记实际上不会出现在页面上。 自然链接自然链接是指另一个网站自然地(自然地,没有跟踪参数、赞助或付费内容)到您网站上的内容。自然链接很好,可以帮助新内容。 不关注Nofollow 是链接的描述符,描述搜索引擎不应抓取它们,或者如果它们抓取它们,请勿将它们与我的网站关联。搜索引擎的爬虫仍然可以跟踪 nofollow 链接,但它们不会将其用作质量分数。 页外搜索引擎优化页外 SEO 是在您自己的网站之外采取的行动,旨在影响您在 SERP 中的排名。链接是页外 SEO 的一个例子。页面搜索引擎优化页面搜索引擎优化是在您自己的网站上采取的行动,以影响您在 SERP 中的排名。元标签和高质量、独特的内容是页面搜索引擎优化的例子。 有机搜索当关键字或关键短语输入搜索引擎时,有机搜索结果会根据与查询的相关性和各种其他因素出现在列表中,并排除广告。 排名超越 当一个网站在搜索引擎结果中出现的位置高于另一个网站时。 过度优化使用太多关键字或其他 SEO 技术的做法会对搜索引擎排名产生负面影响 网页排名[过于简单化] PageRank 是 Google 用于在 SERP 中对网页进行排名的算法。PageRank 的工作原理是通过计算页面的质量链接数量来确定页面的重要性或权威性。 位置 网站在搜索引擎结果中针对特定关键字或短语的排名。 询问用户在搜索引擎中输入的单词或短语。 排名因素网页或网站的一种特征,影响其在搜索引擎结果中的位置。 重定向 将一个 URL 转发到另一个 URL 的过程,通常用于将用户从过时或已删除的页面重定向。 响应式设计一种针对各种设备和屏幕尺寸优化网站的设计方法。 丰富的片段包含附加信息的搜索结果,例如评论、评级和其他元数据。 机器人.txtrobots.txt 文件告诉搜索引擎抓取工具可以或不可以从您的网站请求哪些页面或文件。 模式标记帮助搜索引擎理解网页内容的代码。 搜索引擎搜索引擎是在互联网上访问的程序,它根据各种因素搜索并识别数据库(索引)中与用户输入的关键字或关键短语相对应的项目。 搜索引擎营销(SEM)SEM(搜索引擎营销)是一种互联网营销,涉及通过付费渠道(按点击付费)提高网站/网页在搜索引擎结果中的可见度来推广网站/网页。 搜索引擎优化友好指旨在易于搜索引擎理解的网站或内容。 搜索引擎结果页面 (SERP)SERP 是搜索引擎结果页面的缩写,它是用户完成搜索后出现的屏幕。搜索引擎蜘蛛(网络爬虫)搜索引擎蜘蛛是一种互联网机器人,它通过爬行不同的 URL 并存储信息以供搜索引擎建立索引来浏览互联网。 网站地图 一个文件,其中提供有关您网站上的页面、视频和其他文件以及它们之间关系的信息,可供爬网程序利用。 结构化数据以特定方式组织和格式化的数据,使搜索引擎更容易理解。 标题标签标题标签是另一个 HTML 元素。该元素用于指定网页的标题。标题标签显示在 SERP 中。网址URL 是统一资源定位符(网址)。它是对计算机网络上 Web 资源的特定位置的引用。白帽SEO白帽SEO是指符合搜索引擎指南、条款和条件的SEO策略和策略。原文链接:
Telugu phrases and expressions
The Telugu language is one one of the rapidly expanding languages in the USA, has seen an astounding 86% rise in its speaking population between 2010 and 2017. For that reason is important to know basics Telegu phrases and expressions.But why Telugu, you may ask?This could be attributed to the strengthening connections between Hyderabad, the epicenter of India’s technology and engineering industry, and the US counterparts. With droves of students flocking to the US from this bustling city, the importance of Telugu is undeniably on the rise.Commons phrases to presentationsBy using these phrases, you can initiate conversations, build connections, and have meaningful interactions with Telugu people. Enjoy meeting new people and making lifelong connections!Basics Telugu phrasesLearning these phrases will greatly enhance your travel experience and allow you to connect with the locals.Telugu phrases and expressions to travelLearn Telugu travel phrases and expressions will enhance your adventures in the beautiful state of Andhra Pradesh and beyond.Whether it’s basic phrases like “Nēnu ārakṣaṇa kaligi vunnānu” (I have a reservation?) or more pinpoint expressions such as “Hotel ekkada undi?” (Where is the hotel?), getting a handle on Telugu will make your journey through unfamiliar terrains a breeze.Telugu Phrases for the Foodie in YouTelugu offers a delightful array of culinary terms that will enrich your gastronomic experiences.Get a grip on terms like “Pulihora” (Tamarind rice) and “Pappu” (Lentil stew), and you’ll find yourself weaving through menus and relishing authentic Telugu delicacies like a local.Learn new Telugu phrases or expressions using our translations apps available in Appstore and Googleplay and become you in a native speaker.RememberYou can download our translation apps to learn languages and travel easily : available for free on googleplay and applestore.Don’t hesitate to visit our LIKE.TG website and contact us with any questions or problems you may have; and of course, take a look at any of our blog articles.
The artificial intelligence dilemma: is AI a threat to our professional future?
Introduction to AI and its impact on the professional landscapeArtificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our daily lives. From smartphones to self-driving cars, AI is transforming the way we interact with technology and the world around us. As AI continues to advance, questions about its impact on our professional future become increasingly important.Will AI create new job opportunities or lead to widespread unemployment? What ethical considerations should be taken into account when implementing AI in the workplace? This article aims to address these questions and more, providing an in-depth look at the role AI plays in shaping our professional landscape.Understanding artificial intelligence: what is AI?AI refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence. These tasks include learning, problem-solving, language understanding, and decision-making. AI systems can be classified into two categories: narrow AI and general AI.Narrow AI, also known as weak AI, is designed for specific tasks and is widely used today in various applications, such as voice assistants, image recognition software, and recommendation algorithms.In contrast, general AI, or strong AI, refers to systems that possess human-like intelligence, enabling them to understand and perform any intellectual task that a human being can do. General AI remains a theoretical concept for now, but advancements in machine learning and deep learning are steadily bringing us closer to realizing this vision.The impact of AI on various industriesAI is revolutionizing industries across the board by streamlining processes, increasing efficiency, and reducing costs. Some of the most notable examples include:Healthcare: AI-powered tools are being used for diagnostics, drug discovery, and personalized medicine. For instance, AI algorithms can analyze medical images to detect diseases at an early stage, helping doctors make more accurate diagnoses and treatment plans.Finance: AI is being used to detect fraudulent activities, automate trading, and optimize investment portfolios. Companies are also leveraging AI to improve customer service through chatbots and virtual assistants.Manufacturing: AI is enabling the automation of complex tasks, leading to increased productivity and reduced human error. In addition, predictive maintenance systems are using AI to identify potential equipment failures, allowing manufacturers to address issues before they become critical.Transportation: AI is at the core of self-driving vehicles, which have the potential to revolutionize the way we travel, reduce traffic congestion, and minimize accidents caused by human error.Agriculture: AI is being used to optimize crop management, monitor soil conditions, and predict crop yields, leading to increased efficiency and sustainability in food production.AI and job displacement: myth or reality?As AI continues to evolve, concerns about job displacement are growing. Many people worry that AI will lead to mass unemployment as machines replace human workers. While it’s true that AI has the potential to automate certain tasks, it’s essential to consider the broader context.Historically, technological advancements have always led to changes in the labor market. For example, the Industrial Revolution saw many manual labor jobs replaced by machines, leading to a shift in workforce demands. However, these changes didn’t result in long-term unemployment; instead, they paved the way for new job opportunities that didn’t exist before.Similarly, AI is expected to lead to the creation of new jobs that require unique skills and expertise. According to the World Economic Forum, by 2025, AI and automation will have created 12 million more jobs than they will have displaced. Furthermore, AI can also lead to the augmentation of human labor, where AI systems and human workers collaborate to achieve better outcomes.However, all these developments must be carried out very carefully and gradually, otherwise, it is estimated that it may lead to more disadvantages and damage in the professional landscape.AI and job displacement: the concernsDespite the potential for AI to create new job opportunities, there are valid concerns about the transition process. One major concern is the potential for a skills gap, where workers whose jobs are displaced by AI may not possess the skills required for the emerging job market. This could result in a temporary increase in unemployment and social unrest.Another concern is the potential for AI-driven job displacement to disproportionately affect certain industries and demographics. For example, workers in manufacturing, transportation, and customer service may be at higher risk of job displacement due to the automation of repetitive tasks.Finally, there is the concern that AI may exacerbate income inequality. As AI systems become more capable, companies may choose to replace human workers with machines to reduce costs, leading to an accumulation of wealth among business owners and shareholders.The ethical considerations of AI in the workplaceAs AI implementation in the workplace continues to expand, ethical considerations must be addressed. Some of the key ethical issues related to AI in the workplace include:Bias and fairness: AI systems can inadvertently perpetuate existing biases present in the data used to train them. This can lead to unfair treatment of certain individuals or groups based on factors such as race, gender, or socioeconomic status.Transparency and explainability: AI-driven decision-making processes can be opaque, making it difficult for people to understand how and why certain decisions are made. This lack of transparency can undermine trust in AI systems and make it challenging to hold them accountable for their actions.Privacy and security: AI systems often rely on large amounts of data, raising concerns about the privacy of individuals whose data is being used. Ensuring that data is collected and processed ethically and securely is essential.Labor rights and working conditions: As AI systems increasingly augment human labor, there is a risk of workers being subjected to unrealistic expectations and demands. It’s crucial to ensure that AI implementation doesn’t lead to the exploitation of workers.Preparing for an AI-driven professional futureTo thrive in an AI-driven professional landscape, individuals and organizations must take proactive steps to adapt. Some strategies for preparing for an AI-driven future include:Lifelong learning: Embrace continuous learning and skills development to stay relevant in an evolving job market. Focus on developing skills that complement AI, such as critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence.Adopting a growth mindset: Be open to change and willing to adapt to new ways of working. Recognize that AI can be a valuable tool for enhancing your professional capabilities.Collaboration: Foster collaboration between humans and AI systems to leverage the strengths of both. AI can be used to augment human skills, leading to better decision-making and innovation.Promoting ethical AI practices: Advocate for the development and implementation of ethical AI practices within your organization and industry, ensuring that AI is used responsibly and fairly.AI in education and skill developmentAs AI becomes increasingly prevalent, it’s crucial to ensure that our education and training systems are equipped to prepare the workforce for the future.Some ways in which AI can be integrated into education and skill development include:Personalized learning: AI-driven adaptive learning systems can provide personalized learning experiences tailored to individual needs, helping students develop the skills they need to succeed in an AI-driven world.Skill assessment: AI can be used to assess students’ skill levels and identify areas for improvement, ensuring that they receive targeted support and resources.Career guidance: AI-driven career guidance tools can help students explore different career paths, identify their strengths and interests, and make informed decisions about their professional future.Build upskilling and retraining programs: AI can be used to identify skill gaps in the workforce and develop targeted upskilling and reskilling programs to address these gaps, ensuring that workers are prepared for the evolving job market.Balancing AI advancement and human workforceTo ensure a harmonious professional future, it’s essential to strike a balance between AI advancement and the human workforce.Some strategies for achieving this balance include:Investing in human capital: Organizations should invest in their employees’ continuous education and skill development, ensuring that they have the necessary tools and resources to adapt to an AI-driven world.Creating new job opportunities: As AI automates certain tasks, focus on identifying and creating new job opportunities that leverage human skills and expertise.Embracing human-AI collaboration: Develop systems and processes that enable humans and AI to work together effectively, capitalizing on the unique strengths of both.Support displaced workers: We must establish systems to support workers whose jobs are displaced by AI, such as retraining programs, financial assistance and job placement services.AI: a threat or an opportunity for our professional future?In conclusion, the impact of AI on our professional future is not black and white. While AI has the potential to displace certain jobs, it also presents opportunities for the creation of new jobs and the enhancement of human labor.The key to navigating this complex landscape lies in our ability to adapt, learn and collaborate with AI systems.By embracing AI as an opportunity for growth and innovation, we can shape a professional future in which humans and AI work together in harmony, unlocking new levels of efficiency, creativity and problem-solving ability.The artificial intelligence dilemma is certainly complex, but by proactively addressing the challenges and seizing the opportunities it presents, we can ensure a better professional tomorrow for all.By investing in education, skills development and ethical AI practices, we can create a world where AI and human labor coexist in harmony, driving innovation and progress across all sectors. Harness the potential of AI and prepare for the exciting professional future that awaits you.REMEMBER !!!You can download our available apps for translating and learning languages correctly available for free on googleplay and applestores.Do not hesitate to visit our LIKE.TG website and contact us with any questions or problems you may have, and of course, take a look at any of our blog articles.
The challenges and opportunities of neural machine translation
In today’s globalized world, the importance of efficient and accurate communication across different languages cannot be overstated. One of the most promising developments in this field is the advent of neural machine translation (NMT). This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we communicate, bridging linguistic gaps and opening up new opportunities for businesses and individuals alike.In this article, we will explore the inner workings of NMT, its advantages and challenges, as well as its potential impact on the language services industry.Introduction to neural machine translationNeural machine translation is an artificial intelligence (AI) driven approach to language translation that leverages deep learning techniques to improve the quality and fluency of translated text. Unlike older rule-based and statistical methods, NMT models learn to generate translations by being trained on large parallel corpora of source and target language texts.This allows the system to grasp the intricacies of language and generate translations that are more natural and contextually appropriate.The concept of neural machine translation has its roots in the broader field of deep learning and neural networks. In recent years, advances in computational power and the availability of large-scale multilingual data have enabled researchers to develop more sophisticated and accurate NMT models.As a result, NMT has become a vital tool in the language services industry, and its applications are growing by the day.How neural machine translation worksNeural machine translation uses neural networks to generate translations. It consists of an encoder that reads the input text and converts it into vectors, and a decoder that generates the translation. The NMT model is trained using a large dataset of parallel texts in the source and target languages.During training, the model adjusts the weights of its connections between neurons to generate accurate translations. This is guided by a loss function that measures the difference between the model’s output and the correct translation. By minimizing this loss, the model becomes better at producing translations that are both accurate and fluent.In summary, neural machine translation is a complex process that involves the use of neural networks to generate translations. The model is trained using a large dataset of parallel texts, allowing it to improve its accuracy and fluency over time.Advantages of neural machine translationThere are several key advantages of neural machine translation over traditional rule-based or statistical methods. First and foremost, NMT models have the ability to learn complex language patterns and generate translations that are more fluent and natural-sounding. This is due to the deep learning architecture, which allows the model to capture the hierarchical and contextual relationships between words and phrases.Secondly, NMT models are more adaptable to new languages and domains. Traditional methods often require extensive manual work to create rules or gather statistical data, making it difficult and time-consuming to develop translation systems for less common languages or specialized fields. In contrast, NMT models can be trained on a variety of data sources, allowing for faster development of new language pairs and improved performance in domain-specific tasks.Another advantage of NMT is its ability to leverage context to disambiguate words with multiple meanings. This leads to more accurate translations, as the model is better equipped to select the appropriate meaning of a word based on the surrounding context. Moreover, NMT models can be fine-tuned with relatively small amounts of in-domain data, making them more suitable for adapting to specific industries or applications.Challenges in neural machine translationDespite its many advantages, neural machine translation is not without its challenges.One of the primary concerns is the quality of the training data used to build the models. High-quality parallel corpora are essential for training accurate and fluent NMT models, but such data is often scarce, particularly for low-resource languages or specialized domains.This can lead to problems with data sparsity, where the model struggles to generate translations for rare or unseen phrases.Another challenge in NMT is the handling of out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words. Since NMT models operate on a fixed vocabulary of words, any word not included in the vocabulary is essentially unknown to the model. This can lead to problems with translation quality, as the model may generate incorrect or nonsensical translations for OOV words. Researchers are actively working on methods to address this issue, such as subword segmentation techniques that break words into smaller, more manageable units.Lastly, neural machine translation models can be computationally expensive to train and deploy. The deep learning architectures used in NMT require significant computational power and memory, making it challenging to scale the technology for large-scale or real-time applications.This has led to ongoing research into more efficient models and hardware solutions to make NMT more accessible and cost-effective.Limitations of neural machine translationWhile neural machine translation has made significant strides in recent years, there are still some limitations to be aware of.One major limitation is the model’s tendency to generate translations that are fluent but not always accurate. This can be particularly problematic when translating idiomatic expressions, where the model may produce a literal translation that sounds natural but does not convey the intended meaning.Another limitation is the lack of interpretability of NMT models. The inner workings of deep neural networks are often described as a “black box,” making it difficult for researchers and practitioners to understand why a particular translation was generated or how to improve it. This lack of transparency can be a concern in applications where the quality and trustworthiness of translations are paramount, such as legal or medical contexts.Finally, NMT models are sensitive to the quality and quantity of training data. As mentioned earlier, the availability of high-quality parallel corpora is a key factor in the performance of NMT systems. However, collecting and maintaining these resources can be labor-intensive and expensive, particularly for less common languages or specialized domains.Opportunities in neural machine translationDespite the challenges and limitations, there are many exciting opportunities in the field of neural machine translation. One such opportunity is the development of multilingual NMT models, which can translate between multiple languages with a single model.These models have the potential to greatly reduce the cost and complexity of developing translation systems, as well as improve the performance for low-resource languages by leveraging knowledge from more abundant languages.Another opportunity lies in the integration of NMT technology with other language processing tasks, such as speech recognition, text summarization, and sentiment analysis.By combining these technologies, we can build more comprehensive and intelligent language processing systems that can better understand and respond to human language.NMT also has the potential to democratize access to information and break down language barriers in areas such as education, healthcare, and communication.By providing accurate and natural-sounding translations, NMT can help bridge the gap between people who speak different languages and enable them to access vital information and services.Examples of neural machine translation in actionThere are already several examples of neural machine translation being put to use in real-world applications. One notable example is Google Translate, which switched to an NMT-based system in 2016.Since then, Google has reported significant improvements in translation quality, with reductions in translation errors of up to 60% for some language pairs.Another example is the European Union’s eTranslation service, which provides machine translation services for EU institutions and member states.The system leverages NMT technology to provide translations for official documents, websites, and other materials, helping to ensure that information is accessible to all citizens in their native languages.In the business world, companies like Microsoft and Amazon are investing heavily in neural machine translation to power their language services and products, such as Microsoft’s Translator API and Amazon Translate.These services enable businesses to quickly and accurately translate content, such as websites, documents, and customer communications, to better serve their global customer base.Future developments in neural machine translationAs research and development in neural machine translation continue to advance, we can expect to see improvements in translation quality, efficiency, and adaptability. Some potential future developments include:More advanced architectures and training techniques to improve the accuracy and fluency of translations.Better handling of OOV words and idiomatic expressions, leading to more contextually appropriate translations.Improved multilingual models, allowing for more efficient and scalable translation systems.Greater integration with other language processing tasks, such as text summarization, sentiment analysis, and speech recognition.The development of more efficient models and hardware solutions to make NMT more accessible and cost-effective for a wider range of applications.Conclusion: The impact of neural machine translation on language servicesNeural machine translation has the potential to revolutionize global communication. While there are challenges, its advantages are undeniable. As technology advances, we can expect to see significant changes in the language services industry and beyond.For language service providers, NMT offers opportunities to improve translation workflows and quality. NMT is not a replacement for human translators, but a tool that can enhance their work.NMT opens up possibilities for global communication and collaboration for businesses and individuals. Accurately translating content into multiple languages can expand businesses’ reach and enable individuals to connect with people from around the world and participate more fully in a globalized society.As we continue to explore the possibilities of NMT, we can look forward to a more connected and inclusive world.REMEMBER !!!You can download our available apps for translating and learning languages correctly available for free on googleplay and applestores.Do not hesitate to visit our LIKE.TG website and contact us with any questions or problems you may have, and of course, take a look at any of our blog articles.
The Power of AI and How Microsoft’s Supercomputer is Paving the Way
As an AI enthusiast, I have always been fascinated by the power of computers with AI. The ability of machines to learn, adapt and perform complex tasks has revolutionized many industries, from healthcare to finance, education, and entertainment. But what is the future of AI, and how will it impact our world? In this article, I will explore the history, current state, and potential applications of AI, with a focus on Microsoft’s supercomputer and its collaboration with the MET Office to build a new generation of weather forecasting models.Introduction to AI and SupercomputersArtificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that deals with the development of algorithms and systems that can perform tasks requiring human-like intelligence, such as perception, reasoning, learning, and decision making. AI has been around for decades, but recent advancements in machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing have opened up new possibilities for automation, optimization, and innovation.A supercomputer is a type of computer that has many processors, memory, and storage resources, allowing it to perform complex calculations and data analysis tasks at a much higher speed and scale than regular computers. Supercomputers are used in various fields, such as science, engineering, finance, and defense, to simulate and model complex phenomena, solve optimization problems, and process large amounts of data.The History of Computers with AIThe history of AI can be traced back to the mid-20th century, when researchers started exploring the idea of creating machines that could reason and learn like humans. One of the first AI systems was the Logic Theorist, developed by Allen Newell and Herbert Simon in 1956, which could prove mathematical theorems using symbolic logic. Another milestone was the General Problem Solver, created by J. C. Shaw and Herbert Simon in 1957, which could solve various problems using heuristic search and rule-based reasoning.In the 1960s and 1970s, AI research focused on expert systems, which were designed to mimic the knowledge and reasoning of human experts in specific domains, such as medicine, law, and finance. One of the most famous expert systems was MYCIN, developed by Edward Shortliffe in 1974, which could diagnose bacterial infections and recommend treatments based on the patient’s symptoms and medical history.In the following decades, AI research shifted towards machine learning, which involves training algorithms on large datasets to recognize patterns, classify objects, and make predictions. This approach has led to breakthroughs in computer vision, natural language processing, and speech recognition, enabling machines to perform tasks that were once thought to be exclusively human.The Current State of AI and its Impact on SocietyToday, AI is everywhere, from voice assistants like Siri and Alexa to self-driving cars, personalized advertising, and fraud detection. AI is also transforming industries such as healthcare, where it is used to diagnose diseases, develop new drugs, and improve patient outcomes. In finance, AI is used for fraud detection, risk management, and algorithmic trading. In education, AI is used for personalized learning, adaptive assessment, and intelligent tutoring.However, AI is not without its challenges and limitations. One of the main challenges is the bias and discrimination that can be introduced by AI systems, which are trained on biased data and can perpetuate and amplify existing inequalities. Another challenge is the ethical and legal implications of AI, such as privacy, transparency, and accountability. As AI becomes more pervasive and powerful, it is important to ensure that it is developed and used in a responsible and ethical way.What is a Supercomputer and How does it Differ from a Regular Computer?A supercomputer is a specialized type of computer that is designed to perform large-scale computations and simulations, are typically used for scientific and engineering applications that require high performance and accuracy, such as climate modeling, astrophysics, and quantum mechanics. Supercomputers are also used for data-intensive tasks such as big data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.Supercomputers differ from regular computers in several ways. First, supercomputers have a much higher processing power, measured in floating-point operations per second (FLOPS), than regular computers.Supercomputers can perform billions or even trillions of calculations per second, whereas regular computers can only perform millions. Second, supercomputers have a larger memory and storage capacity, allowing them to process and store massive datasets. Third, supercomputers are often specialized for specific tasks, such as weather forecasting or genome sequencing, whereas regular computers are general-purpose and can perform various tasks.Microsoft’s Announcement to Build a Supercomputer for AIIn May 2020, Microsoft announced that it would build a new supercomputer for AI research, in collaboration with OpenAI, a leading AI research organization. The supercomputer, named Azure AI, is one of the top five most powerful supercomputers in the world, with a processing power of 285 petaflops, or 285 million billion calculations per second. Azure AI is designed to train and run large-scale AI models, such as natural language processing and computer vision, that require massive amounts of computing power and data.The collaboration between Microsoft and OpenAI is aimed at advancing AI research and development, and addressing some of the key challenges and opportunities of AI, such as data privacy, energy efficiency, and ethical considerations. Azure AI is also expected to support various applications of AI, such as autonomous vehicles, personalized medicine, and smart cities.The MET Office and Microsoft’s Collaboration to Build a Supercomputer for Weather ForecastingIn addition to the collaboration with OpenAI, Microsoft has also partnered with the MET Office, the UK’s national weather service, to build a new supercomputer for weather forecasting. The supercomputer, named the Cray XC50, is the most powerful weather and climate supercomputer in the world, with a processing power of 23.5 petaflops.The Cray XC50 is designed to run sophisticated weather and climate models, that can predict the weather up to 15 days in advance, as well as simulate the impacts of climate change on different regions and sectors.The collaboration between the MET Office and Microsoft is aimed at improving the accuracy and reliability of weather forecasts, and providing more detailed and timely information to the public and decision-makers.The Cray XC50 is also expected to support research on climate change and its impacts, and help develop strategies and policies to mitigate and adapt to climate change.The Potential Benefits and Applications of Microsoft’s SupercomputerThe potential benefits and applications of Microsoft’s supercomputer are numerous and diverse. Some of the key benefits include:Improved accuracy and speed of AI models, which can lead to better decision-making, efficiency, and innovation in various industries, such as healthcare, finance, and manufacturing.Faster and more detailed weather and climate forecasts, which can help mitigate the impacts of extreme weather events and support adaptation and resilience measures.Enhanced research and development in AI, climate science, and other fields, which can lead to new discoveries, technologies, and solutions to global challenges.Some of the key applications of Microsoft’s supercomputer include:Natural language processing and speech recognition, for applications such as chatbots, voice assistants, and language translation.Computer vision and image recognition, for applications such as autonomous vehicles, facial recognition, and quality control.Climate modeling and simulation, for applications such as climate prediction, risk assessment, and policy evaluation.Drug discovery and personalized medicine, for applications such as drug design, clinical trials, and precision medicine.The Ethical Implications of AI and SupercomputersAs AI and supercomputers become more powerful and pervasive, it is important to consider their ethical and societal implications. Some of the key ethical issues include:Bias and discrimination, which can be introduced by AI systems that are trained on biased data and can perpetuate and amplify existing inequalities.Privacy and security, which can be compromised by AI systems that collect, process, and store personal data without consent or protection.Transparency and accountability, which can be challenging in AI systems that are opaque, complex, and difficult to audit or explain.Employment and labor impacts, which can be significant in industries that are automated or augmented by AI, and can lead to job displacement, skill gaps, and income inequality.To address these ethical issues, it is important to develop and implement ethical frameworks, guidelines, and standards for AI and supercomputers, that take into account the diverse perspectives, values, and interests of stakeholders, such as users, developers, regulators, and civil society.The Future of AI and SupercomputersThe future of AI and supercomputers is both exciting and challenging. On the one hand, AI and supercomputers have the potential to transform many aspects of our lives, from healthcare to climate change, and enable new forms of creativity, productivity, and well-being. On the other hand, AI and supercomputers also pose significant risks and uncertainties, such as job displacement, inequality, and unintended consequences.To realize the full potential of AI and supercomputers, it is important to pursue a human-centered and responsible approach, that values human dignity, rights, and welfare, and addresses the ethical, legal, and social implications of AI and supercomputers. This approach requires collaboration and engagement among diverse stakeholders, such as governments, industry, academia, and civil society, and a commitment to transparency, accountability, and participation.Conclusion and Final ThoughtsIn conclusion, AI and supercomputers are powerful tools that can help us tackle some of the most pressing challenges of our time, from climate change to healthcare. Microsoft’s supercomputer, in collaboration with OpenAI and the MET Office, represents a significant step forward in AI research and development, and has the potential to unlock new opportunities and benefits for society.However, it is important to recognize that AI and supercomputers also present significant ethical and societal challenges, that require careful consideration and action. By taking a human-centered and responsible approach to AI and supercomputers, we can harness their power for the greater good, and build a more inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous future.REMEMBER !!!You can download our available apps for translating and learning languages correctly available for free on googleplay and applestores.Do not hesitate to visit our LIKE.TG website and contact us with any questions or problems you may have, and of course, take a look at any of our blog articles.
The role of artificial intelligence in website and app localization
In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an indispensable force in transforming the way businesses connect with their diverse, global audiences.One area where AI has made a significant impact is in website and app localization, the process of adapting digital content to meet the linguistic, cultural, and technical requirements of a specific region or group-which not only extends a brand’s reach, but also fosters meaningful connections with users.In this article, we’ll explore the central role of AI in revolutionizing website and application localization, and how it can streamline workflows, improve accuracy, and ensure that your message resonates with audiences around the world.Join us as we uncover the potential of AI to break down language barriers and enable businesses to thrive in the global marketplace.The Importance of Website and App Translations in a Global MarketIn today’s globalized world, businesses are looking to expand their reach and establish a presence in new markets, making website and app translation essential to communicate effectively with diverse audiences and provide a seamless user experience.This helps companies build trust and credibility and maintain a competitive edge in the global marketplace.A well-localized website or app demonstrates a company’s commitment to meeting the unique needs of its customers, resulting in increased user engagement, higher conversion rates, and improved customer loyalty. Multilingual content helps companies reach markets previously inaccessible due to language barriers.But localizing digital content comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to ensuring accuracy and consistency across languages and cultures.Traditional localization methods are struggling to keep up with the rapidly changing digital landscape, leading to the emergence of AI as a powerful tool to revolutionize the field.Traditional Localization Methods and Their LimitationsTraditionally, localization relies on human translators to adapt content across languages and cultures. While this approach has its merits, it can be time-consuming, labor-intensive, and error-prone.In addition, the quality of the translation can vary dramatically depending on the skill level and expertise of the translator, as well as the complexity of the content being translated.Another limitation of traditional methods is the difficulty of maintaining consistency across multiple languages and geographies.This can be particularly challenging when dealing with idioms, cultural references, and technical terminology that may not have direct equivalents in other languages. As a result, companies often require ongoing input from translators and localization experts to ensure that their content remains accurate and up-to-date.Finally, the cost of traditional methods can be prohibitive for many companies, especially smaller companies and start-ups with limited resources.The need to invest in human translators and localization experts can add up quickly, making it difficult for companies to justify the expense.This has led to a growing demand for more efficient and cost-effective localization solutions, such as those offered by AI-based technologies.How Artificial Intelligence Improves Translation AccuracyAI has the potential to revolutionize the localization process by enhancing translation accuracy and consistency across multiple languages and cultures. Machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data, identifying patterns and trends that might be missed by human translators. This enables AI-powered translation systems to learn from previous translations and continuously improve their accuracy over time.Another advantage of AI-driven translation is its ability to process information at a much faster rate than human translators. This means that businesses can quickly and efficiently localize their digital content, ensuring that it remains up-to-date and relevant for users around the world.Furthermore, AI-based translation systems can easily scale to meet the needs of companies of all sizes, making localization more accessible and affordable for a wider range of organizations.While AI-based translation tools have made significant strides in recent years, it is important to note that they are not without limitations.For example, idioms, cultural nuances, and highly specialized vocabulary can still be difficult for machine translation systems to handle.However, as AI technology continues to evolve, it is likely that these challenges will be increasingly addressed, paving the way for even more accurate and effective localization solutions.Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning in LocalizationNatural language processing (NLP) and machine learning are essential technologies for AI-powered localization tools. NLP is a subset of AI that focuses on enabling computers to understand and interpret human language, improving translation accuracy and fluency by analyzing syntax, semantics, and context.Machine learning, on the other hand, enables AI systems to learn from experience and adapt their output. Algorithms identify patterns in massive amounts of data, refining translation models and improving performance over time.By combining NLP and machine learning, AI-powered localization tools can deliver translations that are not only accurate, but also contextually appropriate and culturally sensitive. This powerful combination improves the overall localization experience for users.Benefits of AI-Driven Localization for BusinessesThere are several key benefits of AI-driven localization for businesses, including:Improved translation accuracy: AI-powered systems provide more accurate translations by learning from data, leading to consistent messaging and higher user engagement.Faster turnaround times: AI-driven localization enables quick content localization, saving time and adapting to the evolving digital landscape.Cost-effectiveness: Automated localization reduces costs, especially for smaller companies, enabling access to global markets without prohibitive expenses.Scalability: AI solutions can easily scale for businesses of all sizes, allowing localization in multiple languages without additional human resources.Enhanced cultural sensitivity: By leveraging NLP and Machine Learning, AI tools offer contextually appropriate and culturally sensitive translations, fostering meaningful global connections.AI-Powered Localization Tools and PlatformsThere are a growing number of AI-powered localization tools and platforms available to businesses, each offering unique features and capabilities.Some of the more popular AI-powered translation tools include:Google Translate: As mentioned earlier, Google Translate leverages NMT to deliver accurate and natural-sounding translations across a wide range of languages. The platform also offers an API that can be integrated into websites and applications, enabling businesses to quickly and easily localize their digital content.Microsoft Translator: This AI-powered translation service supports over 60 languages and offers a range of features, including text translation, speech translation, and language detection. The platform also provides an API for businesses looking to integrate AI-driven localization into their websites and applications.DeepL: DeepL is another AI-driven translation tool that uses deep learning technology to deliver accurate translations. The platform supports 26 languages and offers an API for businesses looking to incorporate AI-powered localization into their digital content.SDL Machine Translation: A leading AI-driven localization provider with tools for digital content translation. Utilizes neural machine translation for high-quality output in various languages. Offers services like translation memory management, terminology management, and quality assurance.LIKE.TG Apps: Award-winning AI-powered app for text, voice, and image translation. Offers real-time conversations, AR translation, and language learning in 125+ languages. Features include OCR, object translation, and AI-driven translation engines.Real-World Examples of AI in Localization SuccessAI-powered localization has already made a significant impact in a wide range of industries, from e-commerce to healthcare to finance.Here are some real-world examples of how companies are using AI-powered localization to improve their global reach and increase user engagement:Airbnb: A global marketplace leveraging AI-driven localization, machine translation, and NLP for seamless communication in 60+ languages while maintaining cultural sensitivity.Skyscanner: A travel search engine using AI-powered localization and machine translation for accurate, culturally appropriate translations in 30+ languages, expanding reach and engagement.Waze: A navigation app utilizing AI-powered localization, machine translation, and NLP for accurate, contextually appropriate translations in 50+ languages, increasing user base and engagement.These are just a few examples of how businesses are using AI-powered localization to improve their global reach and enhance user engagement. As AI technology continues to evolve, it’s likely that we’ll see even more innovative use cases for AI-driven localization in the future.Future Trends in AI and Localization TechnologyAI-driven localization is a rapidly evolving field, with new technologies and trends emerging all the time.Here are a few of the key trends that businesses should keep an eye on in the coming years:Speech recognition and translation: With voice technology’s popularity, businesses should invest in AI tools for real-time interpretation and translation of spoken language, requiring NLP and machine learning advances.Augmented reality localization: As AR becomes common, AI localization tools will need to adapt digital content to physical environments, necessitating computer vision and object recognition improvements.Contextual translation: Sophisticated AI systems must consider context for accurate, contextually appropriate translations, demanding further progress in NLP and machine learning.Multimodal translation: Diverse digital content requires AI localization tools capable of translating various content types, such as text, images, videos, and audio, which calls for advances in computer vision, speech recognition, and NLP.These trends will shape AI-driven localization’s future. As businesses expand globally, AI’s role in effectively communicating with diverse audiences will grow increasingly crucial.Conclusion and Next Steps for BusinessesAI-powered localization is a powerful tool for companies looking to expand globally and connect with diverse audiences. By leveraging NLP and machine learning, companies can improve translation accuracy, reduce costs, and maintain cultural sensitivity.As AI technology continues to evolve, companies that invest in AI-powered localization will stay ahead of the competition.To take advantage of AI-powered localization, follow these steps:Evaluate your current localization strategy and identify areas where AI could improve efficiency and accuracy.Research available AI-driven localization tools and platforms, and choose the best solution for your needs.Collaborate with a trusted localization partner to ensure accurate, culturally appropriate, and contextually relevant translations.By following these steps, you can leverage AI to transform your localization strategy and elevate your business.REMEMBER !!!You can download our available apps for translating and learning languages correctly available for free on googleplay and applestores.Do not hesitate to visit our LIKE.TG website and contact us with any questions or problems you may have, and of course, take a look at any of our blog articles.
一、TikTok开户充值的基本概念 什么是TikTok开户充值? TikTok开户充值是指在创建TikTok广告账户后,为账户添加资金以便开始广告投放的过程。充值后的资金将用于支付广告投放费用,支持不同的广告活动和营销策略。 为什么需要进行充值? 进行充值是为了保证广告账户有足够的资金进行广告投放。充值后,账户内的资金将用于支付广告的展示费用、点击费用和其他相关费用。这是确保广告能够顺利进行的必要步骤。 二、如何进行TikTok开户充值? 选择充值方式 TikTok提供多种充值方式,企业可以根据自己的需求选择合适的方式:信用卡/借记卡:最常见的充值方式,通过银行卡直接充值,方便快捷。银行转账:通过银行转账将资金转入TikTok指定账户,适合大额充值或企业账户。第三方支付平台:例如支付宝、微信支付等,提供了便捷的支付选择。 充值步骤 进行TikTok开户充值的步骤通常包括:1. 登录广告账户:访问TikTok广告管理平台,使用企业账户登录。2. 访问充值页面:在账户管理界面找到充值选项,进入充值页面。3. 选择充值方式:根据需求选择合适的充值方式,如信用卡或银行转账。4. 输入充值金额:填写希望充值的金额,确认无误后提交。5. 完成支付:根据选择的支付方式完成支付操作,确保资金成功到账。 充值确认与账户更新 充值完成后,TikTok平台会对资金进行确认并更新账户余额。通常情况下,资金会在短时间内到账,企业可以在广告账户中查看最新的余额和充值记录。 三、充值金额的设置与管理 确定充值金额 确定充值金额时,可以根据以下几个因素进行:广告预算:根据企业的广告预算和投放计划,确定适当的充值金额。广告目标:根据广告的目标和预期效果,评估所需的资金量。账户余额:确保账户有足够的余额以覆盖广告投放期间的费用,避免因余额不足而影响广告效果。 管理充值资金 有效管理充值资金包括:定期监控余额:定期检查广告账户的余额,确保资金充足。预算分配:合理分配资金,根据不同广告活动的需求进行预算调整。使用报告:利用TikTok提供的报告功能,查看广告投放的效果和支出情况,以便进行优化调整。 四、充值过程中常见问题及解决方案 常见问题 充值失败:充值过程中可能会遇到失败的情况,如网络问题或支付方式问题。资金未到账:充值后资金未及时到账,可能是由于支付渠道延迟或系统问题。账户余额不足:广告账户余额不足可能会导致广告暂停或无法投放。 解决方案 检查支付信息:核对支付信息和充值步骤,确保填写正确。联系支持团队:如遇充值失败或资金未到账,可以联系TikTok客服或支付平台的支持团队进行处理。调整预算:根据账户余额和广告需求,及时调整预算和充值金额,确保广告正常投放。 五、选择代理商进行充值的优势 代理商的专业服务 选择合适的代理商进行充值可以带来以下优势:专业指导:代理商通常拥有丰富的经验,能够提供专业的充值指导和优化建议。账户管理:代理商可以帮助企业管理广告账户,进行资金规划和预算分配。问题解决:代理商能够迅速解决充值过程中出现的问题,确保资金及时到账。 爱竞(LoveAd)的服务 爱竞(LoveAd)作为专业的广告代理商,提供了全面的TikTok广告服务,包括:充值支持:帮助企业完成TikTok广告账户的充值,确保资金顺利到账。广告优化:根据企业的广告目标,提供优化建议和策略,提高广告效果。全方位服务:从账户创建、资金管理到广告投放,爱竞提供一站式服务,助力企业实现广告目标。
Translate a JPG document: Efficient Tools and Tricks
Translate a JPG document is a unique challenge for professionals and users worldwide. The JPG format is widely used for distributing images, advertisements, banners, and more, and is praised for its versatility, allowing JPG files to be displayed on any operating system or device.However, translating a JPG document presents a significant hurdle because these files cannot be edited directly in traditional translation environments. This makes the process more complicated than it first appears.1. Preprocessing to translate JPG imagesTo translate a JPG, you need an image translator on your device. This tool allows you to translate images captured with the camera or select an image saved in the gallery, such as screenshots, scanned documents, or images downloaded from the internet.2. JPEG vs. JPG: Understanding the differencesIn addition to the standard .jpg format, there is the .jpeg format, an image format used to reduce file size without significant loss of visual quality. It is important to understand these differences in order to efficiently translate a JPG document.3. Steps to translate a JPGSelect the image: Choose the image you want to translate from your gallery.Select the languages: For example, if you have an English file that you want to translate into Spanish, select English as the source language and Spanish as the target language.Crop if necessary: You can crop the specific area you need to translate, which speeds up the translation process.Translate and Export: Once translated, you can copy, share, or export the translation as a .pdf document.4. Tools to translate a JPGCamera translatorThe Camera Translator app is a versatile tool for translating JPG images. Its advanced technology enables it to handle large JPG files, while its OCR text recognition can identify text even in low-quality JPG images.This image translator uses the best available translation engines on the market, along with the LIKE.TG API, to provide users with intelligent, accurate, and efficient translations that are context-dependent.You can choose from over 100 languages to translate, including common languages like English, Chinese, Arabic, and Portuguese, as well as less common languages like Slovenian, Italian, and Basque. Finding the language you need should not be a problem.It also offers the ability to translate not only a JPG image, but also text documents such as PDF or Word, and even your voice in real time for fluid communication anywhere in the world.Watch the video below to see a small sample of what Camera Translator can do for you:Other optionsGoogle TranslateAs we all know, Google has its widely used translation tool, which can also be used to translate PDF files.Microsoft translatorAlthough Microsoft’s PDF translation feature may be considered outdated, it is still available through its website or the Microsoft Translator application.In the last decade, translation technology has made significant advancements, including the ability to translate JPG images from any device into over 100 languages.This innovation has revolutionized the way people interact with multilingual content and has broken down communication barriers worldwide.ConclusionTranslation of JPG documents has become an essential tool in the modern world, making communication and access to information in multiple languages more accessible. Advancements in translation and OCR technologies have made it easier than ever to quickly and accurately translate a JPG document.REMEMBER !!!You can download our available apps for translating and learning languages correctly available for free on googleplay and applestores.Do not hesitate to visit our LIKE.TG website and contact us with any questions or problems you may have, and of course, take a look at any of our blog articles.
Translation of the Resume: Stand Out in the International Job Market
Resume translation is essential in an increasingly globalized world. A well-translated resume will allow you to stand out in the international job market. In this article, we will provide you with key tips for a successful resume translation and how to stand out among candidates.CHOOSING THE RIGHT TRANSLATORIt is crucial to choose the right translator to ensure a high-quality resume translation. Some options include:Professional translators: Hiring a translator specialized in resumes ensures a high-quality translation tailored to the employment context. However, the costs can be high, and it may take time to find the right professional.Online translation tools: There are several automatic translation tools available online, such as Google Translate. Although they can be useful for quick translations, they may not be accurate or suitable enough for a resume.LIKE.TG Apps: LIKE.TG Apps offer an excellent solution for resume translation. Among their advantages are accuracy, speed, and adaptation to the employment context. Additionally, they have the option of a human translator that guarantees a high-quality translation adjusted to the peculiarities of the target language.When choosing a translator for your resume, it is key to balance quality, time, and cost. Professional translators, online tools, and LIKE.TG Apps offer different advantages.We recommend LIKE.TG Apps for their combination of speed, accuracy, and cultural adaptation. Nevertheless, evaluate all alternatives and choose the most suitable one according to your needs and budget.CULTURAL AND REGIONAL ADAPTATIONAdapting your resume for different cultures is an essential aspect of resume translation services. Resume localization plays a critical role in effectively presenting your skills and experience in the target country. For instance, including a photo on the resume is common in some countries, while it may not be appropriate in others.Some important cultural aspects to consider in the translation of resumes include:Personal information: Including details like age, marital status, and nationality depends on the target country’s expectations.Resume format: The preference for chronological or functional resumes may differ across regions.Resume length: Some countries expect more comprehensive resumes, while others prefer concise ones.Researching local conventions and adapting your professional resume translation will enable you to effectively communicate your skills and experience to potential employers.TERMINOLOGY AND PROFESSIONAL JARGON IN RESUME TRANSLATIONWhen working with resume translation services, ensuring the accurate translation of technical terms and professional jargon is crucial. Investigating the target language’s equivalents will allow you to effectively convey your skills and experience.Some tips for addressing terminology and professional jargon in resume translations include:Conduct research: Perform online searches for industry-specific terms in the target language to guarantee accuracy.Consult reliable sources: Utilize specialized dictionaries or seek expert advice in the field to confirm appropriate terminology.Avoid literal translations: Refrain from translating idiomatic expressions or jargon directly, as they may not make sense in the target language. Find equivalent expressions that communicate the same idea.FORMAT AND DESIGNThe format and design of your resume should be adapted to the style and expectations of the target country. Consider using appropriate images, colors, and typography for the resume translation. A visually appealing and easy-to-read resume will help you stand out among candidates.Some elements to consider when adapting the format and design of your resume include:Font style: Choose a legible and professional font in the target language.Colors: Use neutral and pleasant colors that do not distract the reader.Spacing and margins: Ensure proper spacing and consistent margins for an organized appearance.Headers and subtitles: Use headers and subtitles to clearly divide sections and facilitate reading.Graphic elements: Incorporate graphic elements, such as icons or skill bars, if they are appropriate and common in the target country.Adapt resume length: Some countries prefer shorter and concise resumes, while others expect more details and longer extensions.Design consistency: Make sure all design elements are coherent throughout the resume, including alignment, spacing, and style.Appropriately adapting the format and design of your resume to the expectations of the target country will contribute to the success of your resume translation services.LOCALIZATION OF REFERENCES AND CERTIFICATIONS IN RESUME TRANSLATIONThe process of translating resumes also involves the localization of professional references and academic degrees. Verify the equivalence of certifications and qualifications in the target country to ensure your resume accurately reflects your education and experience in the professional resume translation.To localize your references and certifications in resume translations:Research equivalencies: Understand how your degrees and certifications compare to those in the target country.Provide additional details: Include information about institutions and programs to give context to employers during the resume translation process.Accurately translate names: Ensure that the names of institutions, courses, and certifications are translated correctly in your translated resume.ADAPTING TO THE JOB OFFERTailoring your resume translation according to the position and company you are applying for is essential.Research the company culture and specific requirements of the job offer to effectively adapt your translated resume and increase your chances of success.When adapting your resume to a specific job offer, consider:Emphasize relevant skills: Highlight the most relevant skills and experiences for the position you’re applying for.Use keywords: Include keywords from the job description in your resume to demonstrate that you meet the requirements.Research the company: Investigate the company’s culture and values and reflect this in your resume.Customize the career objective: Adjust the career objective based on the position and company, showing how your skills and experience align with their needs.Include specific achievements: Mention concrete and relevant achievements that demonstrate your ability to succeed in the position in question.Adapt the resume structure: Organize your resume in a way that highlights the most relevant and meaningful information for the job offer, whether using a chronological, functional, or combined format.Relevant references: If possible, include work or academic references that are directly related to the position or industry you are applying for.Demonstrate adaptability: Show how your previous skills and experiences have prepared you to face new challenges and adapt to different work environments.CONCLUSIONSuccessful resume translation is essential in the competitive international job market. To ensure an effective translation, it is crucial to consider the following:Choose the right translator: whether it’s a professional translator or a reliable tool like LIKE.TG Apps.Adapt the resume culturally and regionally: research and adjust your resume to local expectations and conventions.Use accurate professional terminology and jargon: ensure effective communication of your skills and experience.Pay attention to format and design: adapt the style, colors, and typography to the expectations of the target country.Localize references and certifications: verify equivalencies and provide additional details about your education and experience.Adapt the resume to the job offer: research the company and focus on relevant skills and keywords.By following these key tips and paying attention to details, you’ll improve your job opportunities abroad and make a lasting impression on your future employers.Investing in quality translation and adapting your resume to local expectations will make a difference in your job search in a globalized context.Good luck in your job hunt!REMEMBER !!!You can download our available apps for translating and learning languages correctly available for free on googleplay and applestores.Do not hesitate to visit our LIKE.TG website and contact us with any questions or problems you may have, and of course, take a look at any of our blog articles
Tribal Credit:为初创企业提供支出管理工具
导语:Tribal Credit是一家金融科技公司,为新兴市场的中小企业寻找更好的方式支付业务费用和优化财务管理。 Part 1 公司概述 1.1 公司简介 Tribal Credit创立于2016年,总部位于美国圣何塞,为新兴市场初创企业创建信用卡,该公司使用专有的人工智能驱动的审批流程,为中小型公司提供支出渠道并完全控制其支出。 Tribal Credit提供的解决方案:1.国际交易:使用Tribal ,您将在世界各地的商业交易中节省时间和金钱,无论您是外国商人和供应商付款、以多种货币获得资金,还是跨境转移资金,Tribal都能帮助您轻松顺利地进行国际支付,而不会产生所有费用。 2.在线广告:借助Tribal卡和支出管理工具,您可以在一个地方控制和跟踪您的数字广告付款,并轻松控制预算,借助最新的可见性和先进 的报告工具,您将始终了解您的渠道支出。 3.数字工具订阅:使您的团队能够轻松地为他们需要的工具和订阅付款,而不会忘记他们的支出、付款时间或您的总订阅支出。通过为每次重复付款创建独特的虚拟卡来节省资金并避免重复和隐藏费用。 1.2 创立背景 创业经济在新兴市场蓬勃发展,但应该支持它的银行基础设施却难以提供帮助。银行提供的金融服务与初创企业真正需要的之间存在巨大差距。 Tribal Credit了解初创公司的财务难题,比如开设银行账户、获得商业信用卡和进行跨境支付,而所有现有的传统银行流程却无法解决这些问题。 为了满足初创企业的真正财务需求,Tribal Credit开发了专有的人工智能驱动的审批流程,以承保新兴市场的初创企业并更好地为其提供服务。Tribal Credit的使命是为您的初创企业发展提供动力并帮助您扩大规模。 1.3 融资情况 (资料来源:企查查) Part 2 公司业务 2.1 公司产品 2.1.1 套餐 Tribal Credit为企业提供三种套餐,分别是Access、Next和Capital。 Access:成长型公司的理想选择,无需利息或佣金即可管理您的所有信用卡付款。 Next:使用您需要的卡促进您的发展,并在本地和国际上发送付款。 Capital:卡、电子支付和行政控制集中在一处。最多可在 120 天内支付费用。 项目 套餐 Access Next Capital 控制、仪表板和报告 √ √ √ 实体卡和无限虚拟卡,零隐藏费用 √ √ √ 月底免费支付发票 √ 全球支付和信用 √ √ 60 天支付您的费用 Capital 60 90 天支付您的费用 Capital 90 90 天支付您的费用 Capital 120 2.1.2 公司卡 实物卡:每位团队成员订购一张,以支付世界各地接受 Visa® 的离线费用。 虚拟卡:无数量限制,在几秒钟内发行。 Tribal Credit公司卡特点: ①全球接受 Tribal Credit卡可在世界上任何接受 Visa® 卡的地方使用。 ②零利息 Tribal Credit卡完全免息,系统会在每个结算周期后发送一份对账单,您将有 10 天的时间付清余额。 ③手机钱包整合 使用Tribal Credit的“添加到钱包”功能随时随地携带您的支付卡。您的实体和虚拟 Tribal 卡均可用于在线和基于应用程序的购买,或用于任何接受 Apple Pay 或 Google Pay 的商家。 2.1.3 支出控制 Tribal 的在线仪表板设计有先进的工具,可让您实时了解公司的最新开支。从任何地方访问您的仪表板,并始终了解您如何跟踪支出限额。 特点:1.智能报告工具 ①实时可见性 在一个地方查看您公司的可用余额和交易详情。交易会立即记录下来,因此您始终可以查看最新信息。 ②高级报告 为任何日期范围生成各种格式的报告,并按用户、部门、商家、支出类别等分类,以轻松分析您团队的支出。 ③自动费用分类 Tribal 会自动为您分类每笔费用,让您更容易了解您的钱是如何花的。您还可以添加标签来自定义您自己的类别。 2.管理控制 管理员用户可以完全访问公司范围内的交易详细信息,以分析整个企业的支出。Tribal 灵活的仪表板控件使添加或删除用户、控制公司中任何用户的支出限额以及查看或下载公司交易报告变得容易。 3.基本用户功能 非管理员用户可以访问个人仪表板来管理他们自己的卡,或检查他们的个人支出和可用余额。他们可以设置和调整卡片限额,创建、激活和暂停卡片,以及显示自定义支出报告——所有这些都只需点击几下。 2.1.4 奖励 通过Tribes 忠诚度系统,Tribes 客户可以很快成为全球初创企业社区的一部分,该系统提供相关的折扣、津贴、社交机会、资源以及您成长和成功所需的支持。 2.2 解决方案 2.2.1 国际交易 使用 Tribal,您将在世界各地的商业交易中节省时间和金钱。无论您是向外国商家和供应商付款、以多种货币获得资金,还是跨境转移资金, Tribal都能帮助您轻松顺利地进行国际支付,而不会产生所有费用。 特点: ①多种货币 Tribal卡可以用美元或您当地的货币制作。添加新卡时只需选择您的首选选项。 ②实际汇率 Tribal为您提供所有主要货币的实际汇率。 ③没有国外交易费用 避免支付昂贵的海外付款费用,外汇加价为 0%。 ④全球认可 Tribal Credit卡可在世界上任何接受 Visa® 卡的地方使用。 2.2.2 广告支出管理 使用 Tribal 卡和支出管理工具,在一个地方控制和跟踪您的数字广告支付,轻松控制预算。借助最新的可见性和高级报告工具,您将始终了解自己的渠道支出情况。 特点: ①轻松设定预算 为每个广告渠道发行一张独特的虚拟卡,并为其设定支出限额以控制预算,即使您的广告是按点击付费。 ②流畅免费的海外支付 向广告合作伙伴无缝付款,无需支付国外交易费用或卡被拒问题。 ③费用分类 Tribal 会自动为您分类每笔费用,让您更容易了解您的钱是如何花的。您还可以添加自定义标签以按活动对其进行分类。 ④多种货币卡 Tribal 卡可以发行多种货币,不标高汇率。 ⑤简化的实时支出报告 按支出类别生成报告以了解总广告支出,或按商家生成报告以了解您按广告渠道支出的金额。 2.2.3 订阅管理 使您的团队能够轻松地为他们需要的工具和订阅付款,而不会忘记他们的支出、付款时间或您的总订阅支出。通过为每次定期付款创建独特的虚拟卡来节省资金并避免重复和隐藏的费用。 特点: ①无限虚拟卡 为每个订阅创建一个独特的虚拟卡以避免超支,并在您不再需要它们时单击一下轻松停用它们。坚持使用虚拟卡有助于确保您的实体卡号安全。 ②灵活的实时控制 通过为每张虚拟卡设置支出限额,您可以准确支付您注册时支付的费用,并且永远不会被收取隐藏费用。立即停用卡片和用户,这样您就不会在订阅取消或人们离开后为订阅付费。 ③完全可见 使用简单的报告工具,您将始终了解付款时间以及您的团队为哪些订阅付费。而且由于很容易发现重复的内容,您永远不会为同一订阅支付两次费用。 ④用于订阅试用的一次性卡 不要再忘记取消免费试用。为订阅试用设置一次性卡,以避免意外支付全额费用。 ⑤自定义支出类别 使用Tribal 仪表板对每笔交易和订阅进行分类。您还可以添加自定义标签以根据您自己的费用类别进行组织。 Part 3 替代产品 Airbase可以看作是Tribal Credit的替代产品。 Airbase是一家管理销售支出及预算服务商,可以帮助客户企业管理支出和预算,并跟踪支出情况 。Airbase创立于2017年,总部位于美国加州旧金山,是一个多合一的支出管理平台,可帮助公司实现财务控制和可见性,可以帮助客户企业管理支出和预算,并跟踪支出情况。Airbase的目标是帮助客户企业更高效地控制和管理用于购买商品、服务的资金。 相关阅读:Airbase:美国支出管理软件提供商&471880&485932虚拟卡
Uniting cultures: The love story between Douha Laribi and Cañita through translation technology
In an increasingly connected world, the language barrier can be a significant obstacle to communication and understanding between people from different cultures and regions. However, with the advancement of translation apps and technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI) translators, we are granted the opportunity of overcoming this barrier more efficiently than ever.In this article, we will explore the impact of AI translators on global communication, focusing on log-distance love, cross-cultural romance and real testimonies from users such as influential TikToker Douha Laribi and her experience in overcoming language barriers with Peruvian TikToker Alexis José Cañañaupa, popularly known as Cañita.Breaking barriers with the help of technologyDouha Laribi and Cañita‘s story is a vivid example of how technology can break down language barriers and open new opportunities for communication and human connection. On a platform like TikTok, where content can transcend borders and reach audiences around the world, the ability to communicate in different languages becomes crucial to expanding reach and influence.The Douha Laribi experience: Overcoming language limitationsFor Douha Laribi, a TikTok star of Arab descent, the language barrier had always been a challenge in her social media career. However, everything changed when he met Cañita in a TikTok battle and they fell in love. Even though they spoke different languages, AI-powered translation apps became their ally to overcome this barrier and deepen their connection.Forging a digital path: Cañita’s rise in the world of social mediaCañita, a prominent Peruvian digital influencer, began his journey on TikTok by sharing videos of his interactions on Omegle. Despite facing the challenge of having his account suspended twice, he persevered and eventually managed to establish himself as a recognized figure on the platform.His dedication and talent led him to reach a significant milestone in April of this year (2024), when he was invited to compete in one of TikTok’s most prestigious leagues. With his creativity and charisma, he captivated the audience and was crowned the winner, receiving an impressive prize of one million dollars in donations.The chance meeting with the influencer Douha, from Dubai, added a new chapter to her growing international fame. His collaboration and connection on the platform further contributed to his reputation as one of the most prominent and respected influencers in the digital world.The role of AI translators in global communicationAI translators, such as Voice Translator, play a crucial role in global communication by enabling instant voice translation into multiple languages. These tools not only facilitate communication between people of different linguistic backgrounds, but also promote cultural understanding and the exchange of ideas in an increasingly interconnected world.The future of global communication: Challenges and opportunitiesAs machine translation technology continues to evolve, we face new challenges and opportunities in the realm of global communication. While AI translators have proven effective in overcoming language barriers, there is still work to be done in terms of accuracy and adaptability to different contexts and dialects.In conclusion, AI translators represent a step forward in eliminating the language barrier and promoting global communication tools. With testimonies like that of Douha Laribi and Cañita, we can see how these tools are transforming the way we relate and connect in a diverse and multicultural world. However, it is important to remember that technology is just a tool; True human connection arises when we open ourselves to understanding and appreciating each other’s linguistic and cultural differences.
Unraveling the Mysteries of Artificial Intelligence: A Complete Guide to Understanding AI
As an SEO Manager and technology enthusiast, I am fascinated by the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize our world. However, I understand that for many people, AI can be a daunting and mysterious concept.Therefore, I am here to provide you with a comprehensive guide to understanding AI, from the basics to the future.Fundamentals of Artificial IntelligenceEssentially, AI refers to the ability of machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. This includes items such as:Speech recognition.Decision making.Problem solving.AI systems can improve their performance over time by learning from data.There are various types of AI:Machine learning.Natural language processing.Robotics.These technologies have a wide range of applications, including healthcare, finance, transportation, and entertainment.History of Artificial IntelligenceArtificial intelligence (AI) has been in existence for several decades, with the first AI program developed in the 1950s. However, it wasn’t until the 21st century that AI made significant progress, thanks to advances in computing power, data storage, and algorithm development.One of the most significant breakthroughs in AI was the development of deep learning, which enables AI systems to learn from vast amounts of data.The development of AI applications, including self-driving cars, virtual assistants, and image recognition, has resulted from this.The mysteries surrounding artificial intelligenceThe field of artificial intelligence is intriguing, but also raises concerns about job security. Despite these concerns, experts predict that AI will create more jobs than it eliminates.One of the most fascinating mysteries surrounding AI is whether it possesses consciousness.Although AI can perform complex tasks, it lacks the emotions and self-awareness associated with human consciousness.This has sparked a debate about the ethics of AI development and use. The possibilities and innovations that will emerge as we continue to explore and understand this revolutionary technology are exciting.Types of Artificial IntelligenceAs mentioned earlier, AI has various types. Machine learning is one of the most common, where AI systems are trained to learn from data. Natural language processing involves AI systems’ ability to understand and respond to human language.Robotics combines AI with physical machines to perform tasks such as manufacturing and assembly.The Benefits of Artificial IntelligenceAI provides many benefits, including improved efficiency, accuracy, and productivity. AI systems can perform tasks faster and more accurately than humans, resulting in significant time and cost savings. Additionally, they can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and make predictions, which can be valuable to businesses and organizations.AI can also enhance healthcare outcomes, with applications such as personalized medicine and disease detection. Furthermore, AI has the potential to address critical global challenges, such as climate change and poverty.Risks and Concerns Related to Artificial IntelligenceWhile AI has many benefits, there are also risks and concerns to be aware of. One of the most significant risks is the possibility of AI being used for malicious purposes, such as cyberattacks and surveillance. Additionally, the impact of AI on privacy and its potential to reinforce societal biases are also concerning.Another issue is the possibility of AI making harmful or unethical decisions.Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that AI is developed and used in an ethical and responsible manner.Understanding artificial intelligenceTo comprehend AI, you require a fundamental understanding of computer science and programming. Nonetheless, you don’t need to be an authority to learn about AI. There are numerous online courses, tutorials, and resources accessible to assist you in getting started.It’s also crucial to stay current with the latest AI advancements. This may involve perusing news articles, attending conferences and workshops, and following experts in the field.Tips for learning more about AIIf you are interested in learning more about AI, here are some tips to get you started:Take an online course on AI or machine learningAttend an AI conference or workshopFollow experts in the field on social media.Read books and articles on AIExperiment with AI tools and applicationsThe future of artificial intelligenceThe future of AI is full of possibilities and exciting. Advances in machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics are expected. AI will also help address pressing global challenges, such as climate change and healthcare.However, it is crucial to develop and use AI ethically and responsibly.This includes addressing concerns about privacy, bias, and decision-making.ConclusionIn conclusion, artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving field with the potential to revolutionize our world.However, there are also risks and concerns that must be addressed.By staying informed about the latest developments in AI, we can prepare for the future.To keep up with the latest trends in technology, learn languages, discover new places, and immerse yourself in different cultures, visit LIKE.TG’s blog.Expand your horizons with us.REMEMBER !!!Do not hesitate to visit our LIKE.TG website and contact us for any questions or problems you may have, and of course, take a look at any of our blog articles.
Voice recognition
What is voice recognition?Voice recognition is a branch of artificial intelligence that identifies words and phrases in spoken language and then converts them into a machine-readable form.As we are surrounded by smartphones, voice assistants from Google or Amazon, smart cars, and even smart home appliances, it is easy to understand how voice recognition works.But the reality of voice recognition is not as simple as it seems. The technology behind it is complex, despite the fact that Google has achieved a word accuracy rate of 95 percent for the English language as of May 2017.The achievement of significant advances in this technology has been the result of close collaboration between a number of different disciplines.It has required the collaboration of experts in fields such as artificial intelligence, computer science, signal processing, linguistics, acoustics, and physiology. To improve and perfect speech recognition, these fields of knowledge are intertwined.What uses can be made of voice recognition?Cars: In order to have control of certain functions in the car, such as activating the GPS, making a call or playing a song.Dictation: It is the most common application in the use of this technology. It automatically transcribes everything we express orally.Voice command assistant: By means of previously established orders in the form of commands, we can request different actions. An example of this can be found in Google or Amazon devices for the home.Smartphones or other mobile devices: Like I said before but through our phone we execute commands by voice instead of pressing buttons.Disabled people: Depending on the type of disability, a voice recognition system can be used to help resolve certain situations..This type of software is also used to generate passwords. They can be used as a key to encrypt information so that only those authorized to view the data can access it.Applications that use speech or voice recognitionLIKE.TG TranslateLIKE.TG Translate’s voice recognition makes it possible to have real time conversations and translate instantly, allowing a fluent conversation without the need to speak other languages. A perfect tool for travelling abroad.It also uses this technology in conjunction with artificial intelligence to make its results even more accurate. No need to type long sentences on a keyboard, just say them with your voice and let the recognition process and instant translation do the work for you.Here is the link to the shops to download and try this voice translator.DictationA simple, fast and easy-to-use web application that transforms your voice into digital text based on Google Chrome’s speech recognition engine.Go to Dictation SpeechnotesAn Android note-taking app that adds settings to improve speech recognition results, giving you very accurate transcriptions with little or no need to edit your spoken notes.Go to SpeechnotesDescriptThis application is focused for bloggers, YouTubers, and podcasters to transcribe the audio of any multimedia file, or your own voice in written format. It also has other features such as video editing or the ability to record your screen.Go to DescriptCortana – Alexa – SiriThe voice assistants of the big tech companies. Microsoft, Amazon and Apple offer through their own operating systems and devices the possibility to execute actions using voice commands, such as opening an application, making calls, scheduling an activity or receiving information by simply asking for it.The future of voice recognitionThere are still challenges that engineers are trying to solve to improve these types of tools. These challenges includeImprove command over pronunciation, intonation and dialects.Understand the context of sentences.Improve quality by removing background noise.Optimize the algorithm for different languages, especially minority languages.Remember !!!You can download our translation apps to learn languages and travel easily : available for free on Googleplay and Applestore.Don’t hesitate to visit our LIKE.TG website and contact us with any questions or problems you may have; and of course, take a look at any of our blog articles.
近日,“2023德勤中国高科技高成长50强暨中国明日之星”榜单正式揭晓。中国B2B外贸金融第一平台XTransfer,凭借持续的技术创新力和高速增长力成功入选德勤中国50强,是唯一入选该榜单的跨境金融和风控服务公司。 2023年德勤“中国高科技高成长50强”评选以【自主创新,数智赋能】为主题,旨在发现并表彰以研发为本、富有创新活力的高科技企业,鼓励更多企业激发出旺盛的创新潜能。“过去3年,数字化转型先进企业的营收增速大幅领先于行业平均增速,这一差距未来还将进一步加大。数字化水平正成为决定企业竞争力的最重要变量。”德勤中国高科技高成长项目主管合伙人赵锦东表示。 图为德勤中国金融服务合伙人张华先生为XTransfer颁奖 从左到右分别为:德勤审计服务经理戴宇彤、德勤中国金融服务合伙人张华、XTransfer创始人兼CEO邓国标、XTransfer联合创始人兼CFO孙霄谷 作为一站式外贸企业跨境金融和风控服务公司,XTransfer 将AI与外贸行业深度结合,推动AI在外贸行业的产业化应用。从而帮助中小微企业大幅降低全球展业的门槛和成本,提升全球竞争力。成立7年以来,XTransfer发展迅速,目前已服务超过四十万家外贸企业。 在国内业务保持高速成长的同时,2023年11月,XTransfer国际化服务全球上线。通过持有当地金融牌照,以及与全球各地银行及持牌金融机构合作,为全球买卖家提供安全、快速、低成本的跨境金融和风控服务,目前国际化业务正在高速发展中。 作为全球顶尖的高成长企业评选系列活动之一,【高科技高成长评选项目】于1995年创办于美国硅谷,每年在数十个国家和地区举办,被业界誉为“全球高成长企业的标杆”。主办方德勤是世界四大顶级会计师事务所之一,为财富全球500强企业中近90%的企业提供行业领先的专业服务。成员所网络遍及全球逾150个国家,为各行各业的上市及非上市企业提供审计、税务、企业管理咨询及财务咨询服务。 德勤希望通过这一评选项目对高速成长的科创企业予以表彰,并以全球网络和丰富资源赋能企业提升全球知名度。由于历年榜单中涌现出诸如苹果、谷歌、亚马逊、特斯拉等企业,因此被誉为“伟大科技企业的摇篮”。数据显示,2023年全球市值10强企业中,有8家都曾入选德勤高科技高成长项目。中国企业如百度、阿里、腾讯、字节跳动、京东等也都曾入选。 值得一提的是,这已经是XTransfer第二次荣获德勤奖项,2020年,XTransfer就曾凭借创新模式和赛道荣获德勤中国明日之星。3年来,从“明日之星”到“中国50强”见证了XTransfer的一路高速成长与发展,是对XTransfer实力最好的证明。