LIKE.TG是一家有名的跨境支付解决方法提供商。公司专注于为跨境电商、人或单位提供多样化的金融服务,以帮助其在国际市场上买卖。LIKE.TG的支付方式包括了多种支付方法,为商家和消费者提供了便捷、安全、高效的支付感受。 LIKE.TGLIKE.TG适用跨境电商 LIKE.TGLIKE.TG的支付方式提供多种跨境电商,以满足不同商户的要求。 1. 亚马逊(Amazon) 亚马逊是最受欢迎的在线零售商之一,拥有庞大的目标客户。LIKE.TG与亚马逊协作,为商家提供支付解决方法,帮助他们在亚马逊软件上扩展国际业务。 2. eBay EBay是一个常见的在线拍卖和网上购物平台,吸引了来自不同国家的公司和买家。LIKE.TG的支付方式适用EBay的销售,让企业能够方便去接受国际支付。 3. Wish Wish是一个以获得特殊商品而闻名的美国在线网购平台。LIKE.TG与Wish协作,为商家提供金融服务,帮助他们在世界各国销售商品。 4. 速卖通(AliExpress) 速卖通是中国电商大佬阿里巴巴旗下的跨境电商企业,旨在为国际消费者提供我国制造的产品。LIKE.TG的支付方式适用速卖通的交易,使商家可以接受全球支付。 这都是LIKE.TGLIKE.TG支撑的跨境电商。LIKE.TG的支付解决方法不仅限于这些平台,还适用于别的国际电商平台和在线商店,以满足不同商户的规定。 本文转载自:
LIKE.TG(LIKE.TG)是一家跨境电商第三方支付平台,致力于为跨境电商企业提供支付解决方案和金融服务。LIKE.TG的服务涵盖了多个跨境电商网站,旨在支持企业扩大国际业务并提供灵活、安全的支付选项。 一、LIKE.TG(LIKE.TG)概述 LIKE.TG是常见的跨境支付和金融服务提供商,帮助企业实现全球化发展,扩大国际市场份额。致力于为客户提供创新的支付解决方案、安全的支付环境和专业的金融服务。 LIKE.TG的核心价值 LIKE.TG的核心价值包含创新、安全、合作和客户至上。不断追求技术创新,确保支付系统的安全性,积极与合作伙伴合作,以满足客户的需求。 二、LIKE.TG支持的跨境电商网站 LIKE.TG的支付解决方案支持多个跨境电商网站,涵盖了各种行业和市场。 1、 亚马逊 亚马逊是比较热门的在线零售商之一,拥有多个国际市场。LIKE.TG与亚马逊合作,为卖家提供便捷的支付解决方案,支持全球交易。 2、 eBay eBay是一家常见的在线拍卖和购物网站,覆盖了多个国际市场。LIKE.TG为eBay卖家提供多样化的支付选项,帮助他们扩展全球业务。 3、 Shopify Shopify是一家提供电子商务平台的公司,许多跨境电商企业选择使用Shopify搭建和管理他们的在线商店。LIKE.TG与Shopify集成,为商家提供灵活的支付解决方案。 4、 Wish Wish是一家知名的跨境电商平台,提供各种商品和优惠。LIKE.TG支持Wish卖家,帮助他们处理支付交易。 5、 独立电商网站 除了支持大型跨境电商平台外,LIKE.TG还为独立的跨境电商网站提供支付解决方案。这些独立网站可能涉及各种商品和服务领域,LIKE.TG为他们提供了高度可定制的支付服务。 三、LIKE.TG提供的关键服务 LIKE.TG不仅支持跨境电商网站,还提供一系列关键服务,以保障支付流程的顺畅和客户体验好感的提高。 1. 多种支付方式 LIKE.TG支持多种支付方式。这让消费者能够选择适合他们的支付方式,提高了购物体验。 2. 多币种支付 跨境电商常常涉及不同国家和地区的交易,因此多币种支付是非常重要的。LIKE.TG支持多币种支付,帮助企业较好地处理国际交易。 3. 安全支付环境 LIKE.TG致力于提供安全的支付环境,采取了一系列安全措施,包含数据加密、反欺诈措施等,以保护客户的支付信息和个人信息。 4. 跨境结算 LIKE.TG提供跨境结算服务,帮助企业将国际销售收入转换为本地货币,并降低汇率风险。 5. 数据分析和报告 LIKE.TG提供数据分析和报告工具,帮助企业了解客户行为、销售趋势和业务绩效,以优化决策和战略规划。 四、LIKE.TG的竞争优势 LIKE.TG在跨境电商支付领域具有一系列竞争优势,使其成为跨境电商企业的选择支付合作伙伴。 1. 全球化覆盖 LIKE.TG支持多个跨境电商网站,覆盖了全球多个市场,为企业提供了全球化的支付服务。 2. 多样化的支付方式 LIKE.TG支持多种支付方式,满足不同国家和地区消费者的支付需求,提高了购物体验。 3. 安全性和信誉 LIKE.TG注重支付安全性,采取了一系列措施来保护客户的支付信息和个人信息。 本文转载自:
LIKE.TG(LIKE.TG)是一个跨境电商第三方支付平台,旨在为跨境电商商家提供支付解决方案和金融服务。LIKE.TG服务包括多个跨境电商网址,旨在支持企业扩张国际业务,提供便捷、安全支付挑选。 一、LIKE.TG(LIKE.TG)概述 LIKE.TG是促进企业全球化发展、扩张国际市场份额的普遍跨境支付和金融服务提供商。为顾客提供创新的支付解决方法、安全支付环境和专业的金融服务。 LIKE.TG的核心价值 LIKE.TG的核心价值包含创新、安全、合作和顾客至上。不断追求技术革新,保证支付系统优化,积极与合作伙伴协作,以客户为中心。 二、LIKE.TG适用跨境电商网站 LIKE.TG的支付解决方法适用多个跨境电商网址,包含各行各业与市场。 1、 亚马逊 亚马逊是最受欢迎的在线零售商之一,拥有多个国际市场。LIKE.TG与亚马逊协作,给商家提供便捷的支付解决方法,适宜全球销售。 2、 eBay EBay是一个常见的在线拍卖和网上购物网站,包括了很多外国市场。LIKE.TG为EBay店家提供多元化的支付挑选,帮助其扩展全球业务。 3、 Shopify Shopify是一家提供电商平台的公司,很多跨境电商商家选择用Shopify来建立及管理它的在线商店。LIKE.TG与Shopify集成,给商家提供灵活的支付解决方法。 4、 Wish Wish是一家知名的跨境电商企业,提供各种商品和优惠。LIKE.TG适用Wish店家,助其处理支付买卖。 5、 单独电商网站 LIKE.TG除了支持大型跨境电商外,更为更独立的跨境电商网址提供支付解决方法。这一单独网站将涉及各种产品或服务领域,LIKE.TG为其提供高度定做的金融服务。 三、LIKE.TG赋予的重要服务 LIKE.TG不仅支持跨境电商网址,还提供一系列关键服务,以保证支付过程的流畅和用户体验的提高。 1. 多种支付方法 LIKE.TG提供多种支付方法。这使得消费者可以选择合适的支付方法,提高购物体验。 2. 多贷币支付 跨境电商通常涉及不同国家与地区买卖,因而多贷币支付至关重要。LIKE.TG支持多贷币支付,帮助企业解决国际买卖难题。 3. 安全支付环境 LIKE.TG专注于提供安全支付环境,并制定了数据加密、反欺诈等一系列安全措施,以确保客户的支付信息及个人资料。 4. 跨境结算 LIKE.TG提供跨境结算服务,助力企业将国际销售额转化成本地贷款贷币,减少汇率风险。 5. 数据分析与汇报 LIKE.TG提供数据分析和汇报工具,助力企业把握客户行为、销售趋势与业务绩效,提升决策和战略规划。 四、LIKE.TG的竞争优势 LIKE.TG在跨境电商支付领域具有一系列竞争优势,变成跨境电商商家挑选支付合作方。 1. 全球化遮住 LIKE.TG适用多个跨境电商网址,覆盖全球多个市场,为企业提供全球金融服务。 2. 多元化的支付方法 LIKE.TG针对不同国家地区顾客的支付规定,提供多种支付方法,提高购物体验。 3. 稳定性和信誉 LIKE.TG重视支付安全,并采取了一系列措施来维护客户的支付信息及个人资料。 本文转载自:
随着全球电商的蓬勃发展,跨境电商为企业提供了更为广阔国际市场。做为南美洲等地流行的电商平台,Linio对内地公司的影响不可忽视。 一、Linio平台对大陆收款的影响 1. 市场发展契机 Linio平台为内地店铺提供了更多国际市场开发机遇。以在Linio上销售商品,内地商家可以直接接触到达南美洲和其他地区的顾客,进行全球经营。 2. 碰到支付差异和汇率问题 Linio平台的主要市场是南美洲,其用户可以采用不同的支付方式和货币。国内公司需要处理不同地区付款差异和汇率问题,以保证成功收款。 3. 多元化的支付方式 Linio平台常常提供各种支付方式,如信用卡、线上支付等。内地店铺要了解和整合Linio平台支撑的支付方式,以获取更方便的消费体验,提高销售。 4. 合规和结算周期 在跨境电商中,合规和结算周期是内地公司要考虑的一个重要问题。Linio平台可能有其独特的合规要求和结算周期,店铺要了解并遵守对应的要求,以保证销售的合法性和及时结算。 5. 评论和反馈对声誉的影响 Linio平台里的评论和反馈直接影响国内商户的信誉。出色的描写能提高商品在平台里的曝光度,吸引更多的消费者,而负面的评价可能会损害营销和信誉。 二、跨境电商支付工具分析分析 1. 支付宝和微信支付 支付宝和微信支付是我国最主流的支付方式之一,但Linio平台上,因为区域限制,二者或许不是国内商店和Linio平台之间的交易。但面对我国顾客的跨境电商业务,支付宝和微信支付依然是不可缺少的支付方式。 2. 信用卡刷卡 信用卡刷卡是跨境电商常用的支付方式之一。Linio平台一般适用时兴信用卡,如Visa、MasterCard等。内地商家可以通过给与信用卡刷卡挑选,为国际消费者提供良好的服务。 3. 在线支付服务供应商 线上支付服务供应商广泛用于跨境电商。这类服务供应商常常提供各种贷款贷币,并提供简单支付解决方案,同时能够减少内地公司对不同支付方式的融入。 4. 银行汇款 银行汇款依然是一种常见的支付方式,用以规模性交易或某些特定区域的付款规定。商家和消费者能通过银行安全平稳地转移资金。 与建议 Linio平台为国内店面提供了辽阔的国际市场,但与之合作时,店面要注意付款差别、合规和消费者评价。选择适合Linio平台的支付方式是保障买卖顺利开展的重要组成部分。提议内地店面在和Linio平台协作前,对平台的支付政策进行深入分析,挑选融入项目需求的支付方式,提高用户体验,提高销量,维护自身权益。密切关注跨境电商支付领域的新趋势,及时改正付款对策,解决复杂多变的国际市场。 本文转载自:
Meet the Winners of TOL's Pilot Season!
We’re excited to conclude the pilot season of The Open League and introduce you, absolute on-chain Chads, to the best projects we had the honor to host in our testing round. The Pilot had its ups and downs and we faced some challenges, but together with your never-ending support, we overcame every obstacle and successfully finished the season. When Jack, our Director of MarComm announced The Open League proposal, we weren’t expecting much. It was an experimental and unproven initiative that aimed to build on top of TON’s integration with Telegram and its ecosystem being the most accessible across the entire Web3 market. We’re proud to announce that our expectations were absolutely wrong and you Chads completely dominated all the metrics. We couldn’t have wished for a better community. Key Highlights: Below is some data comparing before and after The Open League Pilot season and just look at that beauty… Daily active wallets (DAW): up 347% Weekly Active Wallets: up 252% Monthly Active Wallets: up 137% DeFi Total Value Locked up 244% Liquidity Providers: up 550% Daily Trading Volume: up 624% Daily Traders: up 710% Jetton Holders: up 195% If there was a token, it would’ve been going to the moon now. Anyway… Final Project Ranking of The Open League Pilot Season In our Pilot we tracked leaderboards across four main categories: Apps, DeFi, Liquid Staking, and Tokens. Below are final snapshots of leaderboards actual as of the last day of the Pilot season, March 31. The ranking is based on a score measured across several key metrics, primarily Unique Active Wallets (UAW) and Number of Transactions. You can also see the Toncoin rewards awarded to each project in the leaderboard. Apps Leaderboard ~ 150,000 Toncoin Prize Pool DeFi Leaderboard ~ 160,000 Toncoin Prize Pool Liquid Staking Leaderboard ~ 100,000 Toncoin Prize Pool Token Leaderboard ~ 150,000 Toncoin Prize Pool Conclusion We want to thank every single project and participant of the Pilot season. We thank you for your support, for your activity, and for your patience while we’ve faced unexpected challenges. It was an amazing experience and learning lesson and we’re confident that Season #1 of The Open League which is now live, will meet your expectations and crush the results, pushing TON to previously unseen heights. In Season #1, we will bring you a completely reworked rewards system, new leaderboard categories, including Meme Coin Leaderboard, and a whole bunch of other benefits and perks. Click here to learn more about Season #1 本文转载自:
Metalist Game Partners with TON to Launch Its First Telegram Game and Distribute Web3 GameID
Today, the Metalist Game, an AP NFT partner, announced a new collaboration with The Open Network, aiming to launch its first Telegram game. This collab manifests as a fusion between Metalist's Web3 gaming and Telegram's expansive ecosystem, promising to open the gates of innovative gaming to Telegram's massive user base. Elevating the Gaming Landscape This alliance is set to integrate high-quality Web3 gaming experience for nearly a billion users across the globe within the Telegram ecosystem. Metalist Game, with team members from gaming titans like NetEase, Ubisoft, Blizzard, and Riot Games, has been at the forefront of the Web3 gaming sphere, previously working with prestigious entities like the Associated Press and NARAKA: BLADEPOINT, a top-seller on Steam in 2022. "The integration of TON Space within Telegram is highly meaningful, as it represents the potential user base of 800 million Telegram users for TON Space. Metalist Game will work with TON to explore Web3 game development within the Telegram ecosystem and create an entry point for 800 million users to enter the world of Web3 gaming through the Metalist Game Bot," said Metalist Game's CEO, Franco. A New Era of Gaming: Cards Ahoy & Game Console Aiming to be a pioneer, Metalist Game has unveiled its premier TCG card game, 'Cards Ahoy.' This launch is coupled with their new distribution of the on-chain game identity "Game Console" to players from the TON and Telegram ecosystems. Serving as Metalist Game's first game identity, the "Game Console" will soon provide a ton of gaming benefits from the Metalist ecosystem. Holders of this novelty game identity are in for a treat, with the entitlement to a Genesis Blind Box airdrop for 'Cards Ahoy.' It is more than a game; it's an entryway, a bridge connecting millions to the diverse and dynamic world of Web3 gaming. This collaboration between Metalist Game and TON is not just a partnership; it's a fusion of visions, a melding of innovations, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the gaming world within the extensive and versatile Telegram ecosystem. It's a journey into uncharted gaming territories, with the promise of more to come, reshaping the gaming horizon and redefining the interaction between users and the gaming world. 本文转载自:
Mirana backs Toncoin with $8 million
Mirana Ventures, a global Web3 investment firm, has announced the launch of a new long-term partnership with TON that includes an $8 million purchase of Toncoin in the secondary market. David Toh, Managing Partner at Mirana, said that TON was “uniquely positioned to help accelerate mass adoption of token-governed technologies” thanks to its integration with Telegram. This collaboration provides financial support to TON and long-term assistance in building Telegram’s Web3 SuperApp, along with collaborating with other blockchains, such as Mantle Network. Telegram Ads access and the TON-Mantle partnership Mirana Ventures will receive access to Telegram’s advertising platform as part of this new partnership. This opportunity allows Mirana and its partners, including Mantle and Bybit, to leverage tailored advertising strategies aimed at boosting community engagement and growth from communities within the TON Ecosystem. From its inception, TON was envisioned as a blockchain of blockchains, aiming to collaborate with other ecosystems across Web3. This new partnership between Mirana and TON takes a significant step towards realizing this vision by integrating TON-based $MNT tokens into TON Space. This move towards partnerships with other ecosystems will significantly enhance the user experience in accordance with the foundational goals of TON. Mirana’s commitment to liquidity and technology The Mirana-TON partnership will also include Bybit, one of its portfolio companies, stepping in to provide liquidity for RFQ technology in TON Space. This move represents a considerable improvement in transaction efficiency and price optimization. RFQ, a trading mechanism that allows buyers to request price quotes for specific asset quantities among various suppliers, creates a more personalized trading experience and ensures that even large trades can be completed without negatively impacting market prices. RFQ technology, with Bybit as one of the liquidity providers, is also set to improve the security and stability of the TON Ecosystem by reducing slippage and the risk of market manipulation. The partnership’s two-year commitment to this technology reflects a long-term vision for the TON Space wallet to be the leading non-custodial solution in the blockchain space. Cross-pollination with Bybit Bybit, a leading exchange and partner of Mirana Ventures, has already been working closely with TON Ecosystem. For March 2024, Bybit is offering a special 7% cashback promotion for users spending TON with their Bybit debit card. This follows the successful Bybit x TON Odyssey earn and stake initiative, which was warmly received by the community. As a key player in the TON-Mirana partnership, Bybit will play a crucial role in supporting mutual token listings and other integrations, enhancing the accessibility and diversity of projects within the TON Ecosystem. TON and Mirana are building the Telegram Web3 SuperApp This partnership between TON Foundation and Mirana Ventures, with the support of Bybit and Mantle, sets a groundbreaking precedent in the Web3 space. This collaboration is set to drive blockchain technology’s mass adoption by expediting the development of an accessible and user-friendly Telegram Web3 SuperApp. 本文转载自:
Open League Season 6 Is Bringing Airdrops and New Changes
This season, we’re drastically revamping the meaning of The Open League. In the past, we called it a competition, but we concluded this is incorrect as we’re all on the same mission: growing the TON ecosystem to reach 500 million active wallets and $1 billion in Total Value Locked (TVL). And we’re excited to announce The Open League season 6 will begin next week, September 12. Since TOL's inception, many projects on The Open Network have grown bigger, stronger, and more prominent. With new projects popping up regularly, TOL serves as a platform to offer new TON teams the spotlight they deserve. The goal is not to compete but to lift each other. Founders want loyal communities, and direct rewards play a role in that. Rewards attract users, showcase the product's value, and transform users into supporters and advocates. Let’s see the changes coming into play in the upcoming season of The Open League. For Users TOL invites users to explore the fascinating TON Ecosystem, individual dApps, protocols, and Telegram Mini Apps. For your participation in The Open League and support of the projects building within the TON Ecosystem, we’ll reward you with airdrops to recognize your contributions and support your activity. Normie Airdrop: This will take users on an exciting journey across projects participating in the App League, core DeFi protocols, and the vibrant NFT scene in the TON ecosystem. Degen Airdrop: Targeted at users with a higher risk profile, the Degen airdrop will guide them through the protocols participating in the DeFi League, including vaults, derivatives, bonding curve launchpads, and more. To participate, you must mint your Normie and/or Degen SBT badge on the TON Society website. After minting, TOL will monitor your on-chain activity and consider it for airdrop distribution. And yes, you can participate in both airdrops simultaneously—there are no limits. At the end of the season, you can check your Normie and Degen scores, and eligible participants will receive rewards. To boost your scores, users should complete target actions listed on the Airdrop page on the TON Society website. And don't forget to watch out for hints and additional instructions on TON's official social media channels. For Projects Applications for TOL Season 6 are now open! Teams are welcome to apply to join the App League, DeFi League, and NFT League. Projects that participated in previous seasons don't need to re-apply but should check the eligibility criteria on TONResearch to ensure they can continue. In Season 6, all App League participants will receive an airdrop for their eligible users as the primary reward. The top three performing teams will also earn an additional airdrop because their communities deserve recognition for being the most active. In the DeFi League, we have the TVL Squad and the Volume Squad. Projects in the DeFi League will secure an airdrop for their protocol users. The best performers on the leaderboards will also have their audit costs covered. If your project has a Total TVL of less than $5 million or a Monthly Volume under $50 million, we're waiting for you. For the NFT League, the top three collections on the leaderboard will share a prize pool of credits for Telegram ads and Key Opinion Leader (KOL) campaigns by the end of the season. SPECIAL! The best performers in each League will also be eligible for Gateway Special edition benefits - speaking slots, booths, promotion and free tickets - how cool is that! For more details and the exact rules of TOL Season 6, visit our public Notion. To learn more details on the airdrops and projects Leagues, see the updated rules. Season 5 Success Sets the Stage for Season 6 Season 5 of The Open League saw remarkable achievements and milestones. The season saw a 48% increase in active on-chain users, jumping from 743,706 to 993,876. The total TON TVL with LP Boosts rose by $750k, maintaining an average APR of 50%. The season also introduced 700k daily active wallets and recorded an impressive $130M in daily volumes on DEXs. Moreover, over 2 million new active wallets were created during this season. As we look forward to Season 6, these successes set a strong foundation for future growth and innovation in the TON ecosystem. The upcoming season promises even more exciting developments and opportunities for participants. The Open League is more than just a competition—it's a thriving ecosystem where projects grow together. Get ready for Season 6 by submitting your application today. 本文转载自:
Ozon是俄罗斯最大的电商平台之一。近些年,它慢慢吸引了包含日本商家在内的全球企业。对于此类企业而言,了解如何在Ozon软件上高效收款,特别是运用日元账户进行跨境收款,是很重要的。 Ozon平台简介 Ozon是俄罗斯的一个综合型电商平台,提供从电子设备、服饰到食品在线销售服务。随着其市场快速扩张,Ozon慢慢吸引了来自全国各地的公司,并提供了跨境销售。这为日本和其它国家公司提供了进入俄国市场的机会。 跨境收款的基本概念 跨境收款是指商家在国际交易中接纳外汇支付的过程。针对日本企业而言,它通常涉及将买家支付从卢布转换成日元,并把它汇到日本的银行帐户。这一过程牵涉到汇率转换、银行费用和可能的延迟。 在Ozon软件上收款 汇率波动:俄罗斯卢布和日元不等的汇率波动会严重影响收款额度。 高服务费:跨境交易往往伴随着较高的银行手续费。 支付延迟:国际银行转帐可能需要几天时间。 合规安全:保证收款过程合乎两国法律法规,维护交易安全。 选择合适的跨境收款服务 为解决这些挑战,日本公司需要选择合适的跨境收款服务。理想服务应提供有竞争力的利率、便宜的服务费、快速地资本转移及其高安全性和合规。 国际支付网关:如LIKE.TGLIKE.TG等,她们提供多种贷币收款和自动汇率转换,但服务费可能较高。 专业的跨境支付服务:如Payonerer、WorldFirst等,专为跨境交易设计,提供优质的货币兑换服务与较低的服务费。 银行直接转账:由银行立即转帐,尽管平稳,但服务费较高,处理时间较长。 日元账户优势 针对日本卖家来说,运用日元账户进行跨境收款有其独特的优势: 避免汇率损失:直接以日元收款能够避免汇率转换里的影响。 简化会计:快速接到日元帐户,提升财务管理和账务处理。 提升资金流动性:快速把资金转到日本银行帐户,提高资金便捷性。 进行Ozon软件上高效收款的思路 与支付服务提供商协作:挑选支付服务提供日元收款服务的支付服务提供商,保证其适用Ozon平台的支付页面。 本文转载自:
随着互联网的发展和全球贸易的不断创新,跨境电商已成为连接不同国家与地区商业桥梁。在这一发展中,Prime会员计划的崛起为传统跨境电商带来了颠覆性的转变。 一、Prime会员的崛起 1. Prime会员方案背景环境 Prime会员计划是亚马逊推出的一个会员系统,旨在提供更快地分销服务、更多折扣和独家权益。会员能够享受迅速交货、免费阅读等权利。该服务的推出影响了消费者对电商服务的期待,也推动了全球电商竞争更新。 2. Prime会员影响目前跨境电商 a、 改善用户体验 通过提供迅速、更方便的服务,Prime会员优化了用户体验。传统的跨境电商一般遭受物流时效性限制,而Prime会员计划通过加强物流网络来降低交付时间,满足用户对立即服务的需求,为消费者创造更强的消费体验。 b、 刺激消费欲望 根据给与专属优惠和限时促销活动,Prime会员计划激发了消费者的购物冲动。会员的独家权益,如Prime Day等活动为用户提供很多购物的缘故,推动了跨境电商买卖次数和规模。 c、 造就品牌忠诚度 Prime会员计划除了提供迅速交货和独家折扣,还通过亚马逊的生态体系为顾客提供更好的服务,如视频、音乐等。这类良好的服务造就了用户对亚马逊品牌的满意率,使Prime会员变成电商平台里的重要消费人群。 d、 扩张国外市场 随着Prime会员计划全球推广,亚马逊可以更好的扩展国外市场。会员计划的海外遮盖为用户提供一致的贴心服务,使跨境购物更为无缝,为用户提供更多的选择。 二、Prime会员对传统支付方式的变化 1. 加速收钱的时效性 a、 规定立即明确 随着Prime会员对物流的关注,用户对收款的时效性有了更高的要求。传统的跨境电商在支付确认和分销环节中可能有较长的周期,Prime会员的发布促使用户更快地完成整个选购过程,包含支付确定。 b、 及时支付平台的要求 Prime会员的崛起推动了对及时支付平台的要求。顾客希望在购物时及时完成支付,而不是等待长时间明确过程。这推动了电商平台对支付系统的升级和优化,以适应Prime会员立即收费的规定。 2. 与Prime会员计划有关的支付方式 Prime会员计划一般与特定的支付方式相关,以获取更方便的消费体验。这将包括与信用卡公司协作,完成迅速、更方便的支付过程。因而,传统的跨境电商正面临着多种支付方式压力。 3. 数据安全和隐私保护 a. 支付数据的高标准要求 Prime会员计划重视用户的隐私维护,对支付数据的安全性提出了更高的规范。为了满足用户的安全需求,传统跨境电商要加强支付系统的安全,挑选更先进的加密技术,确保用户的支付信息获得全面保障。 b. 合规和法律纠纷 Prime会员计划全球特点要求,支付平台必须满足不同国家与地区规定。传统的跨境电商在升级支付平台时必须更加重视合规和法律纠纷,以保证跨境支付的合法安全度。 本文转载自:
Promotional Rebates与其他支付模式的区别是什么?跨境电商的款项管理
跨境电商业务的发展作为全球贸易的主要推动力之一。在这个竞争激烈的市场中,支付模式对企业的成功至关重要。PromotionalRebates(促销返利)是一种独特的支付模式。 PromotionalRebates(促销返利)是什么? PromotionalRebates是一种销售促销对策,常常涉及向购买者提供一定金额或百分比的折扣或返利。这个模式的目的是鼓励客户购买更多的商品或继续与企业交易。客户在购买商品后可以在未来的购物中使用返利或折扣,或者在购物完成后获得现金返还。 这种模式可以吸引更多的客户,因为他们可以享受到实际的经济利益,即使在购买时没有获得折扣。 PromotionalRebates可以促使客户继续购物,因为他们有动力回到同一家商店使用他们的返利或折扣。 经过激励客户购买更多的商品,企业可以实现销售的增长。 PromotionalRebates与其他支付模式的区别 在了解PromotionalRebates的优势后,看它与其他支付模式的区别。 1. 折扣和返利 PromotionalRebates模式与传统的折扣和返利模式类似,但有一个关键区别。在传统的折扣模式中,客户在购买时立即获得折扣,而在PromotionalRebates模式中,客户常常需要在未来的购物中使用返利或折扣。 2. 信用卡奖励 信用卡奖励计划也与PromotionalRebates模式相似,但存在差异。信用卡奖励常常是与信用卡交易相关的奖励点数或现金返还。PromotionalRebates可以独立于支付方式而存在,而信用卡奖励常常涉及与特定信用卡交易相关的奖励。 3. 促销代码和优惠券 促销代码和优惠券是另一种促销工具,与PromotionalRebates有一些相似之处。促销代码和优惠券常常在购物车结账时使用,而PromotionalRebates则需要在未来的交易中使用。 跨境电商的款项管理对策 跨境电商的款项管理是一个复杂而关键的领域,涉及到不同货币、支付方式和国际金融法规。 1. 多种支付方式 为了满足不同国家和地区的客户需求,跨境电商应提供多种支付方式,包含信用卡、电子钱包、第三方支付平台以及银行转账等。 2. 多货币支持 由于涉及多种货币,跨境电商需要支持多货币结算。这可以经过与多家银行合作或使用外汇管理工具来实现。 3. 交易费用和汇率 了解不同支付方式的交易费用和汇率费用,以较大程度地降低成本。企业可以使用外汇合同来锁定有利的汇率。 4. 遵守法规 不同国家和地区有不同的法规和税收政策,跨境电商必须遵守这些法规。 5. 数据安全 跨境电商需要采取适当的数据安全措施,以保护客户和交易数据。 6. 国际退款政策 建立透明的国际退款政策,以处理客户的退款请求。确保政策在不同国家和地区都是一致的。 7. 资金流动管理 跨境电商应制定有效的资金流动管理对策,以保障资金在不同国际交易之间的流动顺畅。 PromotionalRebates模式是一种吸引客户、提高销售并增加客户忠诚度的有效支付模式。与其他支付模式相比,PromotionalRebates具有一定的独特性。在跨境电商中,款项管理是获得不错的成绩的关键之一,需要谨慎计划与管理。跨境电商应根据其特定的业务需求,选择适合的支付模式和款项管理对策。 本文转载自:
Putting USDt on TON to Every Pocket With Over 100 Integrations
We all wonder about the future—what it will look like, what will change, and how it will impact our lives. Wonder no more. The future is here, and it's powered by blockchain. With over one hundred planned integrations with various local partners, TON Foundation and Tether are on a mission to make USDt on TON accessible to everyone, everywhere. In this discussion, we introduce you to our ambitious plans to put USDt-TON in every pocket. These plans promise to revolutionize how we interact with crypto. Let’s dive into the details and what they mean for you and the rest of TON’s growing global community. The Power Behind Our Initiative As a result of this latest initiative, our efforts towards TON mass adoption are stronger than ever. We are working to communicate and facilitate seamless USDt integrations on TON with local partners and communities worldwide. TON Foundation is ensuring each integration aligns with the ecosystem's goal of providing global access to USDt on TON. With local partners, we are launching integrations that let anyone acquire USDt on TON and enter the TON Ecosystem in minutes. Additionally, we are collaborating with partners to enable USDt payments for goods and services. So far, we’ve completed integrations with local payment gateways and processors in Africa, Southeast Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America, and more are on the way. Over the upcoming weeks and months, we will team up with on/off ramps and global and local exchanges to provide more options to access and trade Toncoin and USDt on TON. How To Get Involved Your engagement and feedback are invaluable as we continue to roll out these integrations. Here’s how you can be a part of this journey: Stay Informed: Follow our updates on the integration roadmap. Be the first to know about new partnerships and how they can benefit you. Get Involved: Start using USDt on TON with our partners to show them the strength of the TON Community. Your experience can help shape the future of Web3. Spread the Word: Share the news with your network. The more people know about the benefits of USDt on TON, the stronger our community becomes. The integration of USDt on TON with over 100 local partners marks a significant milestone in our journey towards global adoption. With a dedicated ecosystem, strategic partnerships, and a community-centric approach, we’re setting TON to transform the Web3 landscape. Together, we can put USDt in every pocket, creating a future where blockchain technology is accessible to all. Stay tuned for more updates, and get ready to embrace the future with TON and Tether! 本文转载自:
在进行外贸业务时,收汇和结汇是不可或缺的环节。RatingBuster是一种常用的评级系统,用于评估信用和风险,同时处理出口收汇和结汇是关键,以保障交易的成功和资金的安全。 一、RatingBuster简介 什么是RatingBuster? RatingBuster是一种信用评级工具,用于评估借款人或买方的信用和偿债能力。它常常用于金融领域,帮助银行、金融机构和企业确定是否应批准贷款或与某个买方进行交易。RatingBuster的目标是提供一个客观的评估,以帮助决策者做出合理的金融决策。 RatingBuster在外贸业务中的应用 在外贸业务中,卖方需要评估潜在买方的信用状况,以保障交易的安全性和可靠性。RatingBuster可以用来评估买方的信用,并帮助卖方决定是否应接受订单或提供信贷。RatingBuster还可以在收汇和结汇阶段提供有用的信息,以帮助确保资金的安全流转。 二、RatingBuster在出口收汇中的应用 1、评估买方信用 在接受订单之前,卖方可以使用RatingBuster来评估买方的信用。经过分析买方的信用报告和历史交易记录,卖方可以确定买方的偿债能力和风险水平。这有利于卖方决定是否应接受订单,以及是否需要要求预付款或使用其他保护措施。 2、选择适当的支付方式 根据RatingBuster的评估结果,卖方可以选择适当的支付方式。如果买方信用良好且风险较低,可以考虑使用信用证或开放账户支付方式,以提高交易的便利性。如果买方信用较差或风险较高,可以要求预付款或使用其他安全的支付方式。 3、监控付款 当交易达成协议,卖方需要密切监控买方的付款情况。如果买方未按时付款,卖方可以采取适当的措施,如提醒或采取法律行动。RatingBuster的评估结果可以作为支持文件,帮助卖方维护其权益。 三、RatingBuster在出口结汇中的应用 1、确认买方付款 在确认买方已经付款后,卖方需要将相关信息传递给RatingBuster,以更新买方的信用评级。这有利于RatingBuster更准确地评估买方的信用状况,并为将来的交易提供更可靠的信息。 2、选择合适的结汇方式 在收到款项后,卖方需要选择合适的结汇方式,以将外币兑换成本国货币。这可以包含使用银行的外汇服务或使用外汇交易平台。卖方可以使用RatingBuster的信用评级作为参考,确定适合的结汇时机和方式,以较大程度地减少汇率风险。 3、记录和报告 卖方需要妥善记录和报告结汇交易,以遵守相关法规和税务要求。RatingBuster的评估结果可以作为支持文件,帮助卖方证明交易的合法性和透明性。 四、RatingBuster与出口收汇结汇的协同作用 提高信用度 RatingBuster的评估有利于提高卖方和买方的信用度。卖方可以经过RatingBuster的评级来证明其可靠性,因而吸引更多的国际客户。买方也可以经过RatingBuster的评估来增加其在国际市场上的信誉,获得更多的信贷和商业机会。 减少风险 RatingBuster的评估有利于减少交易的风险。卖方可以根据买方的信用评级来制定安全的支付。 本文转载自:
在进行外贸业务时,有效的收汇账务管理是非常重要的。RatingBuster是一种比较不错的工具,可以用来评估买方的信用和风险,帮助出口商降低潜在的损失。 一、RatingBuster简介 什么是RatingBuster? RatingBuster是一种用于评估买方信用的工具,旨在帮助出口商确定是否应接受订单或与某个买方进行交易。它经过分析买方的信用报告和历史交易记录,提供一个客观的信用评级,有利于降低不良债务和欺诈的风险。 RatingBuster的重要性 在外贸业务中,信用风险是一个常见的问题,尤其是在涉及国际交易时。如果出口商未能妥善评估买方的信用,可能会导致未付款或付款延迟,因而损害业务的利润和声誉。RatingBuster的应用可以帮助出口商降低这些风险,确保交易的顺利进行。 二、RatingBuster的出口收汇账务不错实践 实践1:提前评估买方信用 在接受订单之前,出口商应该使用RatingBuster来评估买方的信用。这包含分析买方的信用报告、历史交易记录和其他相关信息。经过提前评估买方信用,出口商可以确定是否应该接受订单,以及是否需要采取额外的保护措施,如要求预付款或使用信用证支付方式。 实践2:选择适当的支付方式 根据RatingBuster的评估结果,出口商可以选择适当的支付方式。如果买方信用良好且信誉度高,出口商可以考虑使用开放账户或信用证支付方式,以提高交易的便利性。如果买方信用较差或信誉度低,出口商可能需要要求预付款或使用其他更安全的支付方式,以保障款项的安全收取。 实践3:定期监控付款情况 当订单得到确认并且交易开始进行,出口商应该密切监控买方的付款情况。如果买方未按时付款,出口商应立即采取行动,如提醒或与买方协商付款计划。及时的反应有利于减轻风险,并确保款项的安全收取。 实践4:与RatingBuster共享信息 在与RatingBuster开展合作关系时,出口商应与其共享关于买方的信用评估信息。这有利于RatingBuster更准确地评估买方的信用状况,并为出口商提供有用的建议和建议。出口商还可以定期更新RatingBuster,以保障评估信息的准确性和实效性。 实践5:合规性和法规遵守 在进行出口收汇账务时,出口商必须遵守相关的法规和合规性要求。这包含金融交易的合规性、税务法规和外汇管制法规等。出口商应与RatingBuster一起确保其账务操作符合法律要求,并随时准备好接受审计或检查。 三、RatingBuster的出口收汇账务实施案例 为了较好地理解如何实施RatingBuster的出口收汇账务不错实践,下面是一个具体案例: 情景: 一家制造商公司准备与一家国际买家签订大额合同,但担心买方的信用问题可能导致支付延迟或不付款。 1、评估买方信用: 制造商使用RatingBuster来评估买方的信用。他们获取了买方的信用报告,并分析了买方的信用历史和金融稳定性。RatingBuster的评估结果显示,买方信用良好,信誉度高。 2、选择支付方式: 基于RatingBuster的评估结果,制造商决定接受买方的开放账户支付方式,以提高交易的便利性。 3、监控付款情况: 交易进行时,制造商定期监控买方的付款情况。他们发现,买方按时支付了所有款项,并没有出现问题。 4、与RatingBuster共享信息: 制造商与RatingBuster共享了关于买方的信用评估信息,以帮助RatingBuster更准确地评估买方的信用状况。 5、合规性和法规遵守: 制造商确保其出口收汇账务操作符合所有相关法规和合规性要求,包含外汇控制法规和税务法规。 本文转载自:
墨西哥作为拉丁美洲较大的经济体之一,对跨境贸易和市场拓展具有巨大的吸引力。在墨西哥开展业务需要办理RFC税号(Registro Federal de Contribuyentes),也称为墨西哥税号。对一些企业来说,使用代理来申报RFC税号可能更为便捷。 1. 了解RFC税号 RFC税号是墨西哥用于纳税人识别和税收申报的重要标识,类似于其他国家的税号系统。 2. 考虑使用代理 在申请RFC税号时,一些企业可能会考虑使用代理来处理申报事务,以节省时间和精力。 3. 选择合适的代理 选择可信赖的代理机构或律师事务所,确保他们深入学习墨西哥税法和申报流程。 4. 准备申请材料 与代理合作时,要准备所需的申请材料,包含公司信息、法人证明、授权文件等。 5. 委托代理申报 将申请材料提供给代理机构,委托他们代为申报RFC税号。 6. 代理办理手续 代理机构将根据委托,代表你办理RFC税号申报手续,与税务机关进行沟通。 7. 确认申报进程 与代理保持沟通,确保申报进程顺利进行,并在需要时提供必要的支持文件。 8. 获得RFC税号 当代理完成申报手续,将获得墨西哥RFC税号,可以正式开展业务。 9. 咨询代理 如果在申报过程中有任何疑问或问题,随时与代理机构进行沟通和咨询。 10. 持续合规 获得RFC税号后,确保按时进行税收申报,遵守墨西哥的税法要求。 墨西哥RFC税号代理申报攻略可以帮助企业更顺利地在墨西哥市场开展业务。使用代理可以节省时间和精力,让平台客服处理繁琐的申报手续。选择合适的代理机构,准备必要的申请材料,并确保与代理保持沟通,都是顺利申请RFC税号的关键步骤。经过RFC税号,企业可以在墨西哥合规开展业务,探索更多的市场机会。 本文转载自:
供应链融资(Supply Chain Finance,SCF)与传统国际支付方式不同,这是企业进行国际贸易和供应链管理的两个不同方法。让我们来谈谈SCF和传统国际支付方法的最大区别,再通过案例研究来阐述它们应用。 SCF vs 传统国际支付方法最大的差异 资本流动方式: SCF:SCF致力于提升供应链里的现金流。根据提早支付、应收账款融资、应付款融资等供应链融资工具,加速资金流动,降低资产卡死。 传统国际支付方法:传统国际支付方法通常涉及以货币转账的方式支付。此方法可能需要更长的处理时间,由于它取决于银行清算和结算程序。 风险防控: SCF:SCF有利于降低供应链风险,因为它可以给予融资支持,以保证经销商立即支付。这能够减少供应链中的不确定性。 传统国际支付方法:传统国际支付方法将面临汇率波动和支付延迟的风险,严重影响产业链的稳定性。 成本: SCF:SCF往往具有较低的资金成本,因为它可以运用供应链里的应收帐款和应付款做为抵押借款,进而降低融资成本。 传统国际支付方法:传统国际支付方法将涉及高额的服务费和汇率转换费,从而增加交易费用。 供应链可持续: SCF:SCF能够支持供应链的可持续,因为它可以提供资金来调节经销商的生产能力和可持续实践。 传统国际支付方法:传统支付方法往往不能立即适用供应链的可持续项目。 SCF案例研究:IBMSCF方案 IBM是一家运用SCF策略的企业的案例研究。IBM运用SCF提升其全球产业链管理,改善其与供应商的关系。以下是IBMSCF案例研究的一些亮点: 供应商融资:IBM运用SCF给予供应商融资,协助经销商解决现金流问题。这有利于保证经销商快速提供所需的产品或服务。 减少支付周期:IBM能通过SCF加快支付周期,从而减少与供应商的支付风险,提升供应商的好感。 供应链可持续:IBM的SCF解决方法还支持供应链的可持续项目。它能够提供资金来支撑供应商的可持续实践,如提升能源效率减少碳足迹。 传统国际支付方式案例研究:汇钱和信用卡刷卡 国际传统支付方法的案例研究包含汇钱和信用卡刷卡: 汇钱支付:假定一家美企应该向我国经销商支付钱款。该企业使用传统的银行汇款形式进行支付。此方法往往需要很长的处理时间,并牵涉到银行汇率转换成本。因为时差和清算程序的差别,支付可能会有一些延迟。 信用卡刷卡:一家美国日用品企业在网店接纳国际顾客的支付。用户可通过信用卡刷卡来支付。此方法通常更方便,但涉及到一定的交易费用和汇率转换成本。信用卡刷卡容易受到支付限制和安全隐患的影响。 SCF在供应链和外贸交易中与传统国际支付方法有很大不同。公司应根据自己的喜好与目标选择最合适的支付方法,并取得良好的效益。SCF作为一种新兴的供应链融资工具,因为他提供了更多可靠性和效率而越来越受企业的关注。 本文转载自:
在跨境电商交易中,选择合适的支付方式对业务的成功至关重要。传统的跨境电商支付方式和Seawaybill(海运提单)作为新兴的支付工具,各自有其独特的优势和适用场景。 传统跨境电商支付方式 传统的跨境电商支付方式包括信用卡、借记卡、电子钱包、银行转账等。这些支付方式在国际交易中广泛使用,各自具有一定的优势。 1. 信用卡和借记卡 信用卡和借记卡是最常见的跨境支付方式,其主要优势包括 全球多数商户和平台接受信用卡和借记卡,提供了广泛的支付渠道。 用户只需提供卡号、有效期及CVV码即可完成支付,无需进行复杂的操作。 信用卡通常提供购买保护和欺诈防范服务,提升交易的安全性。 信用卡交易通常能够实现即时结算,交易确认迅速,提升用户体验。 2. 电子钱包 电子钱包,如PayPal、Apple Pay、Google Pay等,也在跨境支付中占据重要地位,其优势包括 电子钱包不仅支持支付,还提供汇款、账单支付等多种功能。 用户可以快速完成支付,无需输入繁琐的支付信息,提升交易效率。 电子钱包通常支持多平台、多设备支付,方便用户进行跨境购物。 电子钱包采用多重加密技术和身份验证措施,增强交易的安全性。 3. 银行转账 传统银行转账也是一种常见的跨境支付方式,具有以下优势 银行转账支持大额交易,适合大宗商品和批发业务。 银行转账是正规的金融交易方式,符合金融监管要求,交易安全可靠。 银行转账具有较高的稳定性和普遍接受度,适合长期稳定的商业关系。 Seawaybill(海运提单)作为支付工具 Seawaybill,作为一种新兴的跨境支付工具,逐渐在跨境电商领域获得关注。它通常用于海运交易中的支付和货物交付,其优势主要体现在以下几个方面 1. 跨境支付的便捷性 Seawaybill可以简化跨境支付流程,特别是在传统支付方式难以覆盖的地区 Seawaybill通常支持多币种支付,可以适应不同国家的货币需求,简化货币兑换过程。 对于一些缺乏完善支付基础设施的国家和地区,Seawaybill能够提供有效的支付解决方案,减少支付障碍。 与传统支付方式相比,Seawaybill的支付流程相对简单,可以减少繁琐的手续和手续时间。 2. 安全性和合规性 Seawaybill在支付过程中注重安全性和合规性,确保交易的可靠性 Seawaybill作为海运提单,是一种正式的运输文件,记录了货物的运输和交付过程,具有法律效力。 由于Seawaybill涉及到货物的实际交付,支付和货物交付通常是同步进行的,这降低了欺诈风险。 Seawaybill通常符合国际海运和支付的合规要求,确保交易的合法性和透明性。 3. 成本控制 Seawaybill在一些方面具有成本控制的优势 降低手续费 与传统的跨境支付方式相比,Seawaybill的手续费相对较低,尤其是在大宗交易中,能够显著降低支付成本。 减少货币兑换费用 Seawaybill支持多币种支付,减少了货币兑换带来的费用和损失,有助于控制跨境支付的总体成本。 4. 适用场景 Seawaybill的优势在于其适用的特定场景 Seawaybill特别适合大宗商品交易,如海运原材料和工业设备等,因为其支付方式与海运的物流流程紧密结合。 在长期供应链和大宗货物交易中,Seawaybill能够提供稳定的支付解决方案,确保交易的可靠性和稳定性。 对比分析 1. 灵活性与适用性 传统支付方式在灵活性和普遍适用性方面具有优势,能够满足大多数跨境电商交易的需求。Seawaybill则主要适用于海运交易和大宗商品交易,在这些特定场景下展现出独特的优势。 2. 成本效益 Seawaybill在大宗交易中能够降低支付成本和手续费,适合大型采购和长期合同。传统支付方式的费用结构则因支付金额、跨境区域等因素有所不同,企业需要根据具体情况选择合适的支付方式。 3. 交易安全 传统支付方式如信用卡和电子钱包通过多重安全措施保护交易安全,适合日常电商交易。Seawaybill作为一种运输文件,能够提供可靠的货物交付保障,适合海运交易和大宗商品交易中的支付需求。 4. 用户体验 电子钱包和信用卡在用户体验方面具有优势,提供快速、便捷的支付流程,适合日常消费和小额交易。Seawaybill的支付流程比较复杂,通常涉及货物的交付和运输安排,用户体验与传统支付方式有所不同。 在跨境电商运营中,选择合适的支付方式对业务成功至关重要。传统支付方式如信用卡、电子钱包和银行转账在普遍适用性、灵活性和用户体验方面具有显著优势,适合大多数跨境电商交易。Seawaybill作为一种新兴的支付工具,在大宗商品交易和海运交易中展现出独特的优势,如成本控制、合规性和交易保障。企业应根据自身业务的特点和需求,综合考虑各种支付方式的优势,以选择最适合的支付工具,优化跨境电商的支付流程。 本文转载自:
Simplifying Integration of USDt on TON: Key Infrastructure Providers
With our goal of putting crypto in every pocket, supporting and encouraging the integration of USDt on TON is one of our key ways to achieve this. We're simplifying the integration of USDt on TON into crypto exchanges, onramps, payment services, and more as a significant step towards expanding the utility and accessibility of digital assets. To facilitate this seamless integration, several infrastructure providers play pivotal roles in ensuring the efficiency and security of transactions. But first, you need to know that USDt on TON runs as a Jetton. In summary, Jettons represents tokenized assets that leverage the capabilities of the TON Blockchain for secure and efficient transactions. The most relevant infrastructure providers have already integrated the Jetton standard, and here is a spotlight on the essential providers. MPC Wallet Providers Multi-Party Computation (MPC) wallet providers are crucial for securing digital assets while maintaining accessibility. These providers utilize advanced cryptographic techniques to distribute private keys among multiple parties, enhancing security without sacrificing usability. For exchanges integrating USDt-TON, MPC wallet solutions ensure robust protection against potential threats while enabling efficient management of digital assets. Dfns: Dfns is a leading wallets-as-a-service platform known for its robust MPC security and reliable blockchain integrations, featuring clients such as Zodia Custody, Fidelity, ABN AMRO, Bridge, and many others. More recently, they have started enabling exchanges to deal with USDt on TON transactions. They are the first MPC wallet infrastructure to offer data indexing on the TON Blockchain, jetton broadcasting, balance tracking, token management, transfer history, and webhooks with TON. Custodians Custodians play a vital role in the storage and management of digital assets on behalf of their clients. They offer secure storage solutions, often employing advanced security protocols such as cold storage and multi-signature wallets. For USDt-TON integration, custodians ensure that exchanges can securely hold and manage large volumes of digital assets, providing peace of mind to traders and investors alike. Cobo: Cobo is a trusted custody and wallet infrastructure provider that simplifies digital asset security. As the industry's only unified platform integrating Custodial, MPC, Smart Contract, and Exchange Wallets, Cobo offers advanced risk controls and developer tools that lay the foundations for any blockchain innovation and support over 3,000 tokens, including USDt on TON. Founded in 2017 by blockchain pioneers, Cobo is trusted by more than 500 organizations worldwide, safeguarding billions of dollars in assets with a zero-incident security track record. PrimeVault: PrimeVault's platform allows enterprise users to conduct and automate virtually any on-chain operation at scale while ensuring the security of digital assets, including Toncoin, USDt on TON, and any Jetton standard on TON blockchain. Copper: With a reputation for secure custodial services, Copper offers comprehensive insurance and compliance measures to ensure the safekeeping of digital assets, including USDt-TON. RPC Solutions Remote Procedure Call (RPC) solutions enable communication between software systems, facilitating seamless interaction with blockchain networks like TON. RPC providers offer APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that exchanges can integrate into their systems, enabling functionalities such as transaction monitoring, balance inquiries, and smart contract interactions. These solutions are essential for the real-time integration and operation of USDt-TON on crypto exchanges. TONX API: Provides customized quotas for high-load users accessing RPCs. Focused on the TON blockchain and the Asian market, they offer better customer support and reliable service based on past experience with and NOWNodes: Provides access to shared and dedicated blockchain nodes via fast API with a load balancer. It supports 100+ protocols and networks and offers unlimited availability to TON nodes and indexers with no rate limits and 99.95% uptime. ** GetBlock:** GetBlock is an RPC node provider and Web3 infrastructure platform. It fuels dApps of all types with reliable connections to full and archive nodes of 50+ blockchains, including all mainstream L1s and L2s, via JSON RPC, gRPC, and WebSockets interfaces. GetBlock was the first major RPC node provider to add support for TON, removing the need for TON-centric apps' teams to run full nodes themselves. GetBlock offers a 30% discount on your first subscription to any shared node package: one month, six months, or even a full year! The Importance of Collaboration The successful integration of USDt on TON into crypto exchanges relies heavily on collaboration among these infrastructure providers. By leveraging their expertise in the blockchain space, crypto exchanges, onramps, and payment services can ensure a seamless user experience while maintaining the highest security and efficiency standards. As the demand for diverse digital assets grows, these infrastructure providers continue to innovate, paving the way for broader adoption and integration across the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Their efforts not only support the operational needs of key platforms in the Web3 industry but also contribute to the overall growth and stability of the digital asset market. If you want to collaborate with TON or need technical support, contact Victor Mendes on Telegram (@jvictormendes). 本文转载自:
Speed of Tomorrow: TON Is The World’s Fastest Blockchain
Today, The Open Network has made history. TON Foundation performed a live performance test of the TON Blockchain Technology to achieve the highest transaction speed for a blockchain in the world. TON has officially bypassed all L1 blockchains and centralized payment networks such as PayPal, Visa, and Mastercard. This result is now fully audited by a leading auditing firm, CertiK. We’re ecstatic to report that the test was successful, and TON Blockchain reached a staggering speed of 104,715 transactions per second. This makes TON Blockchain the fastest and most scalable blockchain in the world. And yet, this record is far from reaching TON’s limit. Thanks to its unique architecture, TON can process millions of transactions per second from billions of users by adding more nodes, confirming that TON is technically miles ahead of all the other existing blockchains. You can now watch the recording of our live performance test on Youtube. Achieving this record wasn’t an accident. TON’s architecture has been designed to enable unlimited scalability, with the core feature being horizontal sharding. This allows the TON Blockchain to ‘partition’ into smaller workchains and shardchains, so each node only needs to store and validate a subset of the network data instead of storing and verifying the entire blockchain. This enables higher transaction speeds but also makes TON more secure and decentralized. With this in mind, it’s easy to understand why we sometimes call TON the “blockchain of blockchains.” If you want to learn more about TON’s architecture, read our article. Another Step Forward When the TON Community embarked on a journey towards turning TON and Telegram into the world’s first Web3 SuperApp, everyone knew this feat would require a technical marvel – a blockchain capable of serving hundreds of millions of users. By setting this record, TON proves it is capable of exactly that. TON provides practically unlimited scalability and a seamless user experience without transaction bottlenecks or unexpected transaction fee spikes. It’s important to note that this record was not performed using simple coin transfers but by executing complex smart contracts. With this record, TON proved that we already have the necessary infrastructure to power the world’s first SuperApp built on blockchain, far beyond simple transactions or smart contracts. This paradigm shift changes how we think about blockchain and its capabilities. Closing The Gap Web3 represents a new era for applications and platforms, one that gives network participants control over their own data, identities, and assets, becoming more than just mere ‘users .’ By proving that blockchain can scale and handle the load necessary for complex applications like SuperApp, TON is accelerating the rate at which these decentralized systems become a part of our daily lives. High scalability and low latency are often seen as the missing pieces for mainstream adoption of Web3, but TON is quickly closing that gap. Conclusion TON’s new world record is not just a benchmark or a PR stunt; it’s a statement highlighting the possibilities of TON Blockchain Technology. By setting the stage for the world’s first blockchain-powered SuperApp, TON isn’t just breaking records but also exploring the horizons for new use cases and Web3 adoption. With TON’s unique architecture and focus on the ecosystem, the TON Community shows that the future of a highly scalable and decentralized ecosystem is not just possible but already here. 本文转载自: