
在全球化和数字化的今天,越来越多的企业和个人需要进行外国手机号码采集,尤其是美国市场。美国不仅是世界上最大的消费市场之一,也是企业营销、客户服务和市场调研的重要目标。如何合法、有效地采集美国手机号,并且通过筛选工具提高数据质量,成为了每个从事市场营销和数据收集的人士关注的问题。本文将为您详细介绍几种常见的美国手机号采集方法,并重点介绍如何使用LIKE.TG号段筛选工具帮助您高效筛选数据,确保采集到的手机号码质量符合业务需求。最高效的号码筛选工具:https://www.like.tg免费试用请联系LIKE.TG✈官方客服: @LIKETGLi @LIKETGAngel美国手机号采集的常见方法在进行美国手机号采集时,有多种方法可以选择。这些方法各有优缺点,但无论采用哪种方式,合规性和合法性始终是最重要的。以下是几种常见的美国手机号采集方法。通过公开网站和平台采集许多美国公司和机构会公开部分电话信息,特别是在一些行业目录、黄页网站和公共注册平台上。通过社交媒体获取社交媒体平台如Facebook、Instagram、LinkedIn和Twitter等,已成为企业与客户沟通的主要渠道。许多用户在注册账户时填写了他们的手机号。通过与这些社交平台的API对接,或者通过用户自愿分享的信息,企业可以收集到有效的手机号。然而,这种方式需要谨慎使用,必须明确告知用户手机号将用于何种目的,并征得其同意,避免侵犯用户隐私。通过市场调查和问卷许多公司选择通过线上调查、问卷、促销活动和抽奖等方式收集手机号码。参与者在填写个人信息时自愿提供手机号。在美国,许多市场调查公司通过这种方式合法获取用户信息。使用LIKE.TG号段筛选工具提升数据质量采集完美国手机号之后,接下来的挑战是如何筛选这些号码,以确保其有效性、准确性和合法性。LIKE.TG号段筛选工具正是解决这一问题的有效工具。LIKE.TG号段筛选工具通过对手机号码的区号、运营商信息以及号码段进行比对,帮助用户筛选出符合特定条件的手机号码。通过这种方式,您可以有效剔除无效、错误或不符合目标市场要求的手机号,确保采集到的号码符合实际需求。LIKE.TG号段筛选工具的工作原理是基于号码段的标准化,每个国家和地区都有特定的号码段。通过对这些号码段的分析和比对,您可以轻松筛选出符合条件的号码,从而减少无效数据,提高您的工作效率。如何使用LIKE.TG号段筛选工具?使用LIKE.TG号段筛选工具非常简单。以下是使用该工具的基本步骤:访问LIKE.TG筛选平台。输入您已经收集的美国手机号码或手机号段。设置筛选条件,包括国家、地区或运营商等。点击筛选按钮,系统会根据您提供的条件,自动过滤并提供符合要求的有效手机号。这种自动化筛选工具极大提高了数据筛选的效率,帮助您在大量数据中快速找到符合目标市场需求的手机号码。为什么选择LIKE.TG号段筛选工具?高效准确:LIKE.TG号段筛选工具可以自动识别并过滤不符合要求的手机号,节省大量人工筛选时间。全球兼容:不仅限于美国,LIKE.TG支持多国号码筛选,适用于全球市场需求。数据保护合规:LIKE.TG严格遵守数据保护法,在数据收集和处理过程中确保合规性,保护用户隐私。采集完手机号码后的数据管理和利用成功采集并筛选出有效的美国手机号码后,如何管理和利用这些数据,也是一个至关重要的环节。下面是一些关于手机号码数据管理和利用的建议。定期更新和验证随着时间的推移,一些手机号码可能会发生变化或不再有效。因此,定期更新和验证手机号码是确保数据有效性的关键。可以通过再次使用LIKE.TG号段筛选工具来验证和更新已收集的数据,确保它们仍然符合要求。利用手机号数据进行精准营销手机号码是进行精准营销的重要资源。通过对收集到的手机号进行分类和分析,企业可以根据用户的兴趣、行为和需求,提供更加个性化和定向的营销服务。而LIKE.TG号段筛选工具可以帮助企业筛选出有效的手机号码,使得营销活动更加精准高效。美国手机号采集是全球市场扩展和精准营销的基础之一。通过合法合规的方式采集数据,并利用工具如LIKE.TG号段筛选工具筛选出有效手机号,可以大大提升数据质量和工作效率。无论是进行市场调研,还是开展精准营销,借助LIKE.TG,您都能高效完成数据采集和筛选工作,为您的企业提供强有力的支持。通过遵守法律法规,合理管理和利用采集到的数据,您将能够在美国市场中脱颖而出,获得更多商业机会和成功。免费试用LIKE.TG官方:各社媒平台获客工具,住宅代理IP,翻译器,计数器,号段筛选等出海工具;请联系LIKE.TG✈官方客服:@LIKETGLi @LIKETGAngel想要了解更多,还可以加入LIKE.TG官方社群 LIKE.TG生态链-全球资源互联社区/联系客服进行咨询领取官方福利哦!

在全球化的信息时代,很多企业和个人都需要获取外国手机号码来拓展市场、进行市场调研或开展商业活动。然而,如何有技术高效地采集这些信息?如何筛选有效的手机号?本文将介绍一些外国手机号采集的方法,并着重介绍如何通过LIKE.TG号段筛选优化你的数据,LIKE.TG号段筛选帮助你提高信息采集的精准度和效率。最好用的号码采集工具:https://www.like.tg免费试用请联系LIKE.TG✈官方客服: @LIKETGLi @LIKETGAngel外国手机号采集的基础方法外国手机号采集是一个复杂的过程,涉及多个步骤和技术手段。以下是几种常见的手机号码采集方法:通过公开数据和网站收集在一些国家和地区,政府或商业网站会公开一定数量的电话号码。这些数据可以通过爬虫技术或人工方式收集。通过社交媒体平台收集随着社交平台的发展,很多企业选择通过社交媒体来获取潜在客户的联系方式。在一些平台上,如Facebook、Instagram、Twitter等,用户在填写个人信息时可能会公开他们的手机号。通过调查问卷和促销活动进行市场调研时,很多公司会通过线上调查问卷或促销活动来获取用户的手机号码。这种方式一般通过引导用户填写表单或者参与抽奖等活动来收集手机号码。为了确保采集合法性,通常需要在用户填写前明确告知他们信息将被用于什么目的。如何使用LIKE.TG号段筛选提升数据质量在采集完大量外国手机号之后,筛选这些数据的质量是非常关键的。无论是为了精准的市场营销,还是为了避免数据冗余或无效数据的干扰,数据筛选都能提高工作效率。使用LIKE.TG号段筛选工具是一种非常有效的方式,能够帮助用户快速筛选出有效的手机号,减少不必要的干扰。LIKE.TG号段筛选工具通过对手机号的区号、号段、活跃度、性别等信息进行比对,帮助用户筛选出符合特定标准的手机号码。它支持多国号码的筛选,适合全球市场需求。LIKE.TG号段筛选工具可以根据你设定的国家、地区或个人信息,快速过滤出符合条件的手机号。这种方式特别适合需要在多个国家开展业务的企业或市场研究者。如何有效使用LIKE.TG号段筛选工具?使用LIKE.TG号段筛选工具并不复杂,用户只需按照以下步骤操作:访问LIKE.TG筛选平台:首先,打开LIKE.TG号段筛选平台。输入手机号段:在平台上输入你需要筛选的手机号段。选择筛选条件:根据目标市场选择国家或地区,平台会自动根据设置筛选出符合条件的手机号。批量处理:LIKE.TG支持批量上传数据,帮助用户高效处理大规模数据。这种方法能够大大提高手机号筛选的效率,确保你获得的是有效且符合目标需求的号码。采集完外国手机号码后的管理和利用采集完成后,并不仅仅是将数据存储在数据库中就可以了。如何高效管理和利用这些数据,是一个长期的挑战。以下是一些管理和利用手机号码的建议:使用LIKE.TG筛选优化数据正如前文提到的,通过LIKE.TG号段筛选工具,你可以对采集到的手机号进行进一步的筛选和优化。这样可以去除无效或不准确的数据,确保营销活动的准确性和效果。定期更新和维护数据随着时间的推移,手机号码会有变化,特别是长期未使用的号码。因此,定期更新和维护你的数据是非常必要的。通过利用LIKE.TG等工具,你可以定期清洗数据,保证数据的时效性和有效性。外国手机号采集是全球市场拓展中的重要一环,但如何合法、合规且高效地采集和筛选手机号,直接影响到数据的质量和营销的效果。通过采用LIKE.TG号段筛选工具,可以显著提升手机号的筛选效率,确保你获得的是高质量且符合需求的手机号。无论是采集过程中,还是在后期管理数据时,遵守法律和数据保护政策是每个企业的责任。在未来的市场竞争中,合理采集、管理和使用手机号码将成为关键竞争力之一,利用好LIKE.TG号段筛选等工具,帮助你在全球市场中脱颖而出。免费试用LIKE.TG官方:各社媒平台获客工具,住宅代理IP,翻译器,计数器,号段筛选等出海工具;请联系LIKE.TG✈官方客服:@LIKETGLi @LIKETGAngel想要了解更多,还可以加入LIKE.TG官方社群 LIKE.TG生态链-全球资源互联社区/联系客服进行咨询领取官方福利哦!

在全球化的今天,无论是开展国际营销活动还是进行跨国消息传递,能够高效、精确地生成大量电话号码显得尤为重要。然而,手动电话号码生成这些号码不仅耗时,而且容易出错。幸运的是,LIKE.TG平台为用户提供了一个快速、高效且安全的全球自动电话号码生成解决方案,帮助你解决这一挑战。最好用的号码筛选工具:https://www.like.tg免费试用请联系LIKE.TG✈官方客服: @LIKETGLi @LIKETGAngel全球电话号码生成的智能平台LIKE.TG是一个功能强大的全球自动电话号码生成和筛选平台,致力于为用户提供覆盖全球的电话号码数据。无论你是需要在不同国家进行WhatsApp营销、Line推广,还是想通过Telegram、Signal等社交平台发送消息,LIKE.TG都能为你提供准确、可用的电话号码,帮助你轻松实现目标。LIKE.TG拥有一个庞大的全球电话号码数据库,涵盖了所有主要国家和地区的电话号码前缀,包括美国、英国、法国、意大利、日本、台湾、新加坡、德国、印度、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、墨西哥、巴西、南非等。平台的智能生成技术确保用户能够快速生成符合需求的电话号码,且支持各种文件格式(如TXT、VCF),方便后续处理和使用。高效生成全球电话号码LIKE.TG的智能算法和庞大数据库让用户只需选择目标国家,就能一键生成所需的电话号码。整个过程不仅快速高效,且支持生成的号码可以随机化、排序、拆分,避免号码连续性问题,确保每个号码的独特性和精准性。无论你需要生成少量还是大量的电话号码,LIKE.TG都能在短短几秒钟内完成任务,省时省力。跨平台支持,覆盖全球社交应用LIKE.TG不仅支持生成电话号码,还为多种主流社交平台提供数据筛选和优化功能,帮助用户在WhatsApp、Line、Zalo、Facebook、Telegram、Instagram、Signal等平台上进行精准营销。通过平台强大的数据处理能力,用户可以更轻松地进行群发消息,精准找到目标客户群体。定制化的电话号码筛选功能LIKE.TG的优势不仅在于生成全球电话号码的速度和精确性,还在于其强大的筛选和过滤功能。平台提供了多种定制化选项,包括:筛选开通状态:筛选是否已开通特定平台的账户;筛选活跃度:筛选活跃的电话号码,以提高营销效果;筛选性别、头像和年龄:根据用户设定的目标群体,筛选出符合条件的电话号码;筛选时长和设备:根据设备类型和号码的使用时长,筛选出合适的号码进行营销;筛选空号:帮助用户去除无效或空号,提高数据质量。通过这些智能筛选,用户可以更精确地获取潜在客户,从而提高营销的精准度和效果。全球电话号码去重功能LIKE.TG的去重功能是其另一大亮点。除了本地去重,平台还支持基于云库的去重机制。这意味着,用户可以从全球各大社交平台中筛选出最精准、最具潜力的电话号码,避免重复号码,确保每一条数据都是高效的营销资源。跨国数据处理与批量操作LIKE.TG不仅支持单个号码的生成与筛选,还能够处理百万级的电话号码数据。平台强大的数据处理能力使得用户能够高效地进行大规模的号码生成、筛选和去重,适用于全球各个行业和领域的营销需求。通过LIKE.TG的批量处理工具,用户能够在短时间内完成大规模数据的筛选与优化工作,帮助企业迅速拓展市场,提升营销效果。平台采用智能算法,通过自动化的批量操作,确保处理速度与准确性,极大提升了工作效率。针对全球236个国家的号码智能筛选LIKE.TG目前支持全球236个国家和地区的电话号码生成和筛选,包括各大洲的主要国家。平台会实时更新电话号码段和相关信息,确保数据的准确性和时效性。此外,LIKE.TG的智能系统还能够根据每个国家的实际情况进行号码生成,避免因地区差异而导致的号码无效或无法使用的情况。多平台筛选支持LIKE.TG不仅提供全球电话号码的筛选与生成,还支持社交平台的多维度筛选,如WhatsApp、Line、Zalo、Facebook、Telegram、Instagram、Signal等。这些平台覆盖了各类社交、即时通讯、电子商务和金融应用,能够为不同领域的用户提供精准的号码数据。例如,在进行WhatsApp群发消息时,LIKE.TG可以根据用户的需求,筛选出活跃的号码,确保营销活动能够达到最大效果。同时,平台还支持自定义筛选模式,用户可以根据特定条件筛选目标号码,进一步提升营销的精准性。数据质量保障与隐私保护LIKE.TG非常注重用户数据的质量和隐私保护。平台采用严格的数据筛选机制,确保所有生成的电话号码都是有效、活跃的,并且符合目标国家的标准。与此同时,LIKE.TG还遵守各国的隐私保护政策,确保用户的个人信息不会被泄露或滥用。平台的AI自动化识别功能使得每一个电话号码的筛选过程都经过智能分析和精准匹配,最大程度地减少人为错误,保障数据的可靠性和安全性。LIKE.TG助力全球数字化营销总之,LIKE.TG是一个非常适合全球用户进行电话号码生成和筛选的平台。无论你是开展国际营销、跨境电商、还是社交平台推广,LIKE.TG都能为你提供精准、高效的数据支持。其广泛的电话号码数据库、智能筛选功能、批量处理工具以及全球跨平台支持,使其成为全球营销人员的首选平台。通过LIKE.TG,企业能够节省大量的时间和精力,精准定位目标客户,提高营销效果,并推动业务增长。无论是中小企业还是跨国公司,都能借助LIKE.TG的强大功能,在全球范围内实现数字化营销的突破。LIKE.TG,助力您的全球数字化发展,开启营销新纪元免费试用LIKE.TG官方:各社媒平台获客工具,住宅代理IP,翻译器,计数器,号段筛选等出海工具;请联系LIKE.TG✈官方客服:@LIKETGLi @LIKETGAngel想要了解更多,还可以加入LIKE.TG官方社群 LIKE.TG生态链-全球资源互联社区/联系客服进行咨询领取官方福利哦!

在全球化的今天,跨境电商和出海生意正迅猛发展,然而,伴随而来的是市场中的信息安全和数据隐私问题日益严峻。尤其是在进行市场营销和客户沟通时,如何确保联系到的手机号码真实有效,已成为电商企业不可忽视的一环。如果你的营销活动依赖于大量的手机号数据,但却因为假号码、无效号码或不活跃号码的干扰而导致效果大打折扣,那可真是得不偿失。因此,全球手机号安全监测成为了一项至关重要的工作。我们将深入探讨全球手机号安全监测的必要性,并重点介绍如何通过LIKE.TG号段筛选工具帮助跨境电商、出海生意的商家提升营销效果和保障数据安全。让LIKE.TG号段筛选助力您的营销推广!最好用的号码筛选工具:https://www.like.tg免费试用请联系LIKE.TG✈官方客服: @LIKETGLi @LIKETGAngel为什么全球手机号安全监测如此重要?确保营销效果的精准性无论是群发短信、电话营销,还是通过移动应用推送广告,所有这些营销手段的有效性都取决于你所联系的手机号是否真实有效。如果你联系到的是一个不活跃的手机号,或者是一个完全无效的号码,那么这些营销努力不仅白费,还可能浪费大量的资源和时间,导致投资回报率(ROI)大大下降。避免假号码带来的风险在全球范围内,假号码的存在已成为跨境电商行业中的一个大问题。尤其是在数据采购过程中,一些不合规的数据供应商可能会提供大量伪造或者无效的号码,给企业带来极大的安全隐患。通过LIKE.TG号段筛选工具,可以有效地识别这些假号码,确保您的营销活动不被这些无效数据所拖累。保护用户隐私和企业数据安全随着隐私保护意识的提高,尤其是GDPR等法规的实施,如何保护客户数据变得尤为重要。通过筛选手机号的活跃度、性别、地区等信息,LIKE.TG号段筛选不仅能够提高数据的准确性,还能帮助企业规避一些潜在的法律风险,确保合规性。LIKE.TG号段筛选:全球手机号筛选的技术领先者功能强大的筛选工具LIKE.TG号段筛选是一款集全球手机号筛选、活跃度监测、地区分析于一体的工具。通过技术手段,LIKE.TG号段筛选可以快速精准地筛查全球范围内的手机号码,帮助跨境电商避免无效号码带来的问题。通过LIKE.TG官网进行操作,你只需简单输入需要筛选的手机号数据,系统会迅速判断这些号码的真实情况,包括其活跃度、所在地区、性别等信息,帮助你全面了解每个号码的有效性。如何使用LIKE.TG号段筛选提高营销效果?为了确保您的营销活动能够获得最佳效果,建议在进行任何大规模的短信或电话营销之前,先通过LIKE.TG号段筛选对所有目标手机号进行预筛查。这样一来,你不仅能精准获取目标客户,还能避免那些不活跃或虚假的手机号浪费营销资源。号码性别与地区分析功能除了手机号的活跃度,LIKE.TG号段筛选还具备对号码的性别和地区进行详细分析的功能。通过这一功能,你可以更有针对性地设计营销策略,例如针对特定性别或地区的促销活动。这不仅提升了营销效率,也提高了客户的满意度和转化率。采用LIKE.TG号段筛选工具的优势精准的号码活跃度检测通过LIKE.TG号段筛选工具,你可以了解到一个手机号是否为活跃号码。如果某个号码已长时间未使用,或者无法接收信息,那么这将是一个无效的号码,筛选掉这些号码将有效提升营销效果。防止假号码对营销活动的影响假号码的存在无疑对营销活动造成了很大的困扰。LIKE.TG号段筛选能够帮助你识别并排除假号码,这样一来,不仅可以提高营销的真实性,还能确保你在全球范围内的客户关系更加稳固。提高数据安全性随着全球对数据隐私保护的重视,使用LIKE.TG号段筛选能够有效降低个人信息泄露的风险,确保你的数据不会被用于不当的目的。同时,它也能避免跨境电商企业在营销过程中出现违规行为。如何开始使用LIKE.TG号段筛选工具?访问LIKE.TG官网要开始使用LIKE.TG号段筛选,首先需要访问LIKE.TG官网,在这里,你可以找到所有相关工具和资源,进行手机号筛选操作。登录并上传数据在注册并登录后,你可以直接上传你的手机号数据进行筛选。通过简便的操作流程,系统会自动开始处理并提供详细的筛选结果,包括号码的活跃度、性别、地区等信息。获取筛选结果并优化营销策略完成筛选后,你将能够获得一份详细的报告。根据这些报告,你可以对无效的号码进行剔除,保留活跃和真实的客户号码,从而制定更加精准的营销策略。随着跨境电商市场的不断发展,全球手机号安全监测已经成为了所有跨境电商企业不可忽视的一项重要工作。而通过LIKE.TG号段筛选工具,商家不仅可以高效识别活跃号码、假号码,还能够获得号码性别、地区等详细信息,为自己的营销活动提供数据支持,确保每一分钱都花得其所。如果你正在为全球手机号筛选和数据安全问题头痛,那么不妨访问LIKE.TG官网或直接前往LIKE.TG工具页面了解更多信息。通过使用LIKE.TG号段筛选,你将为自己的跨境电商之路保驾护航,轻松提升营销效果,确保全球市场运营更加安全、稳定。免费试用LIKE.TG官方:各平台云控,住宅代理IP,翻译器,计数器,号段筛选等出海工具;请联系LIKE.TG✈官方客服:@LIKETGLi @LIKETGAngel想要了解更多,还可以加入LIKE.TG官方社群 LIKE.TG生态链-全球资源互联社区/联系客服进行咨询领取官方福利哦!

在全球数字化营销的时代,如何精准触达目标客户、提升广告效果是每个出海企业都关注的关键问题。OKLA数据筛选为出海企业提供了“精准数据”支持,让企业在全球各地的营销活动更具针对性。通过OKLA技术,品牌不仅可以进行telegram账号购买、whatsapp账号购买、line账号购买、facebook账号购买、电报账号购买等多平台账号的有效筛选,还能通过精准数据提升市场触达率、客户满意度,最大化推广效果。出海市场中的精准数据:OKLA数据筛选的价值对出海企业来说,进入新市场需要有效的数据支撑,而精准数据正是连接品牌与客户的桥梁。通过OKLA数据筛选,企业可以获取针对各区域市场的详细用户数据,帮助制定精准的营销策略。无论是telegram账号购买,还是whatsapp账号购买,通过OKLA数据筛选,企业能清晰地进行精准数据的筛选,从而在内容定制和广告投放上更加高效。社交平台营销管理:OKLA精准数据助力提升效果随着社交媒体的发展,品牌往往需要在多平台上同步进行营销,而精准数据的获取至关重要。OKLA数据筛选帮助企业快速筛选line账号购买、telegram账号购买等渠道的高效账号资源,通过用户的互动数据,分析出广告的最佳投放时间、内容喜好等信息,使得品牌信息传播得更有效、更准确。多平台账号扩展:OKLA精准数据指导客户画像要想在出海市场中深入布局,企业需要构建清晰的客户画像。通过OKLA数据筛选技术筛选的精准数据,企业可以全面了解每个平台上的用户属性。比如,通过facebook账号购买获取的用户可以定位到特定地区的用户群体,使用精准数据还可以细化到用户的兴趣爱好、互动习惯等。这一策略不仅能提高品牌忠诚度,还能为后续的精准营销提供数据支持。广告投放的精细化:OKLA精准数据指导广告决策广告效果是评估出海营销成败的关键。OKLA数据筛选技术能够从whatsapp账号购买、电报账号购买等平台获得的精准数据中,分析不同市场的广告效果。通过精准数据的分析,企业可以了解到广告在各区域市场的点击率、互动率等关键数据,从而找到最适合的内容与投放策略,让每一分钱都花在刀刃上。用户数据整合:OKLA精准数据支持用户行为分析企业需要的不只是用户数量,更要从中挖掘出有价值的用户行为信息。OKLA数据筛选技为企业提供了全方位的精准数据,整合来自line账号购买、facebook账号购买等渠道的数据,从而帮助品牌更全面地了解用户需求。例如,用户活跃时段、浏览偏好等信息可以更好地指导产品和服务的优化。社交媒体精准运营:OKLA精准数据提升粉丝活跃度在社交媒体的营销中,粉丝的活跃度直接决定了品牌影响力。企业通过telegram账号购买等方式获取大量账号资源,但更需要依赖精准数据进行账号的有效筛选。通过OKLA数据筛选获取的精准数据,企业可以对有效的数据,快速掌握并进行有效的营销,调整运营策略以提升粉丝参与度。全球市场多样化策略:OKLA精准数据助力本地化营销每个市场的文化、语言、消费习惯差异明显,OKLA的精准数据可以帮助企业更深入地理解不同市场的差异。例如,利用电报账号购买资源针对市场,通过whatsapp账号购买扩展拉美市场,再配合精准数据的有效筛选,企业能有针对性地调整品牌信息和营销策略,实现真正的本地化落地。客户服务优化:OKLA精准数据助力客户满意度提升在出海营销中,良好的客户服务有助于品牌的长期发展。OKLA数据筛选通过精准数据帮助企业分析客户反馈、互动情况,从而优化服务流程。比如,使用line账号购买和facebook账号购买获取的客户数据,结合精准数据分析,能够帮助品牌快速识别用户需求并提供个性化的解决方案。社交媒体活动效果监控:OKLA精准数据评估推广成效在出海市场中,品牌推广活动的效果监控尤为重要。OKLA数据筛选提供的精准数据支持可以帮助企业分析活动效果,监控关键指标。通过telegram账号购买和whatsapp账号购买获取的用户资源,企业可以通过精准数据对活动进行实时监控,确保推广效果达到预期。未来展望:OKLA精准数据助力企业全球化发展随着跨境营销的深入,精准数据将在企业的全球化发展中扮演更加重要的角色。OKLA数据筛选为企业提供了实时的客户反馈和市场洞察,通过获取电报账号购买和facebook账号购买的用户数据,企业可以更有效地调整全球营销策略,推动品牌在海外市场中的深耕细作。无论是telegram账号购买、whatsapp账号购买,还是line账号购买、facebook账号购买,企业在出海营销中都离不开精准数据的支撑。OKLA数据筛选帮助企业通过精准数据更准确地识别和触达目标客户,实现市场的精准布局。在未来的出海营销中,精准数据将持续为企业的全球化发展提供重要支持。免费使用LIKE.TG官方:各平台云控,住宅代理IP,翻译器,计数器,号段筛选等出海工具;请联系LIKE.TG✈官方客服: @LIKETGAngel想要了解更多,还可以加入LIKE.TG官方社群 LIKE.TG生态链-全球资源互联社区/联系客服进行咨询领取官方福利哦!

在全球化进程加速、数字化发展迅猛的今天,越来越多的企业通过“数字星球”项目积极寻求海外市场的扩展。在这一过程中,号段筛选技术成为了企业布局全球市场、精准触达客户的重要利器。无论是telegram账号购买、whatsapp账号购买、line账号购买,还是facebook账号购买、电报账号购买,都可以通过号段筛选技术实现更高效的市场定位与用户获取。本文将深入探讨企业出海中号段筛选的关键作用与应用策略。出海市场需求:为何号段筛选是跨境业务的关键?对于许多出海企业来说,成功的关键在于深度理解目标市场的需求与文化差异。在这个过程中,号段筛选技术能够帮助企业迅速而准确地抓住用户的真实需求,并细化客户画像。例如,通过telegram账号购买获得的用户资源,企业可以利用号段筛选技术,对用户的行为习惯进行分析,从而获得该市场中最具潜力的客户群体。通过这样的策略,企业能显著提升品牌在新市场中的渗透率。多元化渠道管理:如何利用号段筛选实现精准营销?为了在出海业务中扩大影响力,企业往往会选择在不同社交平台上进行多元化的账号管理。比如,使用whatsapp账号购买与line账号购买来触达本地化的用户群体。号段筛选技术则帮助企业根据每个平台的特点和用户属性,制定更具针对性的营销策略。具体来说,号段筛选可以帮助企业了解每个平台上用户的活跃时间、互动习惯等,从而将广告和推广内容更加精准地投放到目标人群中。用户数据整合:号段筛选助力全方位客户洞察在跨境业务中,掌握用户的消费行为和偏好是打造品牌忠诚度的重要因素。通过facebook账号购买和电报账号购买获取的用户资源,再结合号段筛选技术,企业可以对客户数据进行多维度整合。这种整合包括地理位置、浏览行为、购买历史等,最终生成全面的客户画像。号段筛选不仅帮助企业明确用户需求,还能为后续的营销决策提供数据支持,确保品牌信息在海外市场的传播更具吸引力。社交媒体账号扩展:号段筛选优化账号运营通过telegram账号购买等手段获取社交平台账号资源是企业布局海外市场的基础。然而,仅仅拥有账号还不足以实现业务增长。企业需要依靠号段筛选技术来管理和优化这些账号的运营。号段筛选能帮助企业实时分析账号的互动数据,了解哪些内容最受欢迎、哪些广告效果最好,从而在不同的市场环境下制定个性化的内容策略,让账号的活跃度和粉丝增长更具成效。精细化市场投放:号段筛选提高广告效果跨境市场广告投放面临多种挑战,不同的文化、语言、审美偏好都影响着广告的有效性。通过whatsapp账号购买和line账号购买获得的账号资源,企业可以利用号段筛选技术对广告效果进行精细化管理。号段筛选可以帮助企业分析广告点击率、用户留存率等关键数据,从而判断哪类广告在不同市场更具吸引力。如此一来,企业能够根据不同市场的反馈不断优化广告内容,从而获得更高的投资回报率。号段筛选助力客户服务本地化除了广告投放,客户服务的本地化也是出海企业的关键策略之一。facebook账号购买等方式带来的本地账号资源,能够让品牌在新市场中建立与客户的直接联系,而号段筛选则帮助企业实时分析用户的反馈和评论。这些数据不仅能优化服务流程,还能迅速识别和解决用户在产品使用中遇到的问题,提升客户满意度和忠诚度。全球市场差异化:如何通过号段筛选制定差异化营销策略?在数字星球的出海战略中,不同市场的需求差异显著。通过号段筛选技术,企业可以快速区分不同市场的用户偏好,制定差异化的营销策略。例如,使用电报账号购买获取的资源可以针对欧洲和中东市场,而line账号购买则适合亚洲市场。通过号段筛选技术整合各市场的数据,企业可以灵活调整产品和推广策略,以满足全球用户的多元化需求。利用号段筛选进行市场反馈监控出海企业在产品推广后,获取市场反馈至关重要。号段筛选能够帮助企业从各种渠道获取用户的真实反馈,及时调整产品和服务。通过telegram账号购买和whatsapp账号购买等资源积累的大量客户数据,号段筛选可以迅速识别出市场中的热议话题、关注焦点,让企业在新市场中的品牌表现更具敏锐性和响应力。号段筛选与全球品牌建设在全球市场中,品牌建设需要长时间的运营和客户累积。通过号段筛选技术,企业能够更清晰地了解品牌在不同市场中的受欢迎程度。结合facebook账号购买和line账号购买的账号资源,企业可以根据每个市场的反馈和需求调整品牌定位,使其更贴近当地消费者的偏好。未来的数字星球与号段筛选的融合可以预见,随着跨境电商和全球化的进一步发展,号段筛选在出海市场中的应用将越来越广泛。未来,号段筛选技术的智能化提升,将让企业在全球市场中获得更加深度的客户洞察。通过更智能的算法和模型,企业可以更好地从whatsapp账号购买和电报账号购买的资源中获取数据支持,实现更精确的客户触达和品牌传播。无论是telegram账号购买,whatsapp账号购买,还是line账号购买,号段筛选技术都为企业的出海策略提供了强大的支持。随着数字星球的深入发展,号段筛选将成为每个出海企业获得全球市场成功的关键武器。免费使用LIKE.TG官方:各平台云控,住宅代理IP,翻译器,计数器,号段筛选等出海工具;请联系LIKE.TG✈官方客服: @LIKETGAngel想要了解更多,还可以加入LIKE.TG官方社群 LIKE.TG生态链-全球资源互联社区/联系客服进行咨询领取官方福利哦!

在数字化飞速发展的今天,“数据筛选”已经成为了商业和科技融合的象征。随着全球营销渠道的丰富和社交平台的多元化,数据筛选成为了企业实现精准营销、优化运营策略的核心。无论是通过telegram账号购买,还是通过whatsapp账号购买,各大品牌都在利用数据筛选技术提高营销社交媒体账号的有效营销效率,推动精准传播和品牌效应。一、什么是数据筛选?数据筛选是指在大量信息中筛选出有价值数据的过程。面对信息洪流,数据筛选尤为重要。它不仅仅是简单地过滤冗余数据,更是一种通过技术手段对海量信息进行多维度处理的手段。比如,使用数据筛选工具时,企业可以从客户行为、浏览偏好、交易记录等不同维度入手,优化广告投放,实现个性化营销。数据筛选技术正是在这个过程中大显身手的。二、数据筛选在营销中的应用随着社交平台的普及,用户信息变得更加丰富多样。利用telegram账号购买等手段获取优质账号资源,借助数据筛选技术,可以更好地了解用户需求,细分市场。如今,许多企业通过whatsapp账号购买实现高效的客户触达,并通过数据筛选技术分析用户行为,从而制定个性化的沟通方案。在数字星球的营销体系中,企业往往通过不同平台账号的运营来扩大影响力。facebook账号购买也是一个流行的选择,因为通过这种方式获取的账号资源,能够触达更广泛的目标客户。此外,line账号购买也为品牌拓展亚洲市场提供了支持。正是由于数据筛选技术的应用,企业能够从这些社交平台中获得宝贵的客户洞察。三、为什么数据筛选成为数字星球的核心技术?数据筛选在数字星球体系中的重要性不言而喻。它不仅提高了数据的利用效率,还可以通过整合不同平台的用户数据,更清晰地了解市场动向。无论是通过电报账号购买获取客户线索,还是在line账号购买后借助数据筛选分析客户喜好,企业都能更加精准地制定策略。四、数据筛选如何支持账号购买策略?许多公司利用telegram账号购买来增强自身在社交平台上的影响力。通过数据筛选技术,可以精准定位潜在用户群体,提高账号的活跃度和影响力。whatsapp账号购买也在营销策略中扮演着重要角色,数据筛选则帮助企业了解用户习惯,实现精确的客户营销。 类似地,通过facebook账号购买和line账号购买等方式获取的用户资源,同样可以通过数据筛选进一步细分客户群体。这种结合账号购买和数据筛选的模式,有助于企业在目标市场上赢得竞争优势。五、数据筛选与全球市场拓展在数字星球的体系中,全球化的市场策略已变得越来越重要。为了在全球市场中脱颖而出,企业可以使用电报账号购买等方式扩大国际影响力,利用数据筛选技术深入分析不同地区的用户偏好,从而在全球市场上更具竞争力。数据筛选的高效性使得这一过程更加顺畅。六、数据筛选的未来趋势在未来,数据筛选技术的进一步提升将更有助于社交媒体账号的高效运营。企业在利用telegram账号购买后,能够通过更智能的筛选机制发现潜在客户,并且将合适的内容传递到目标客户手中。同时,随着数据筛选的技术不断进化,企业能够在不同平台上,特别是在whatsapp账号购买和facebook账号购买中,获得更为精准的客户洞察。通过数据筛选,品牌的传播效果将变得更加高效。特别是在line账号购买之后,企业能充分分析该平台上客户行为的细节,制定更贴近市场需求的传播方案。无论是telegram账号购买,whatsapp账号购买,还是line账号购买的营销数据,数据筛选都扮演了不可替代的角色。通过数据筛选技术,企业不仅能更加精确地找到目标客户,还能借此优化账号运营策略,提升营销的有效性。在未来的数字星球,数据筛选将成为每一个出海企业成功的关键。免费使用LIKE.TG官方:各平台云控,住宅代理IP,翻译器,计数器,号段筛选等出海工具;请联系LIKE.TG✈官方客服: @LIKETGAngel想要了解更多,还可以加入LIKE.TG官方社群 LIKE.TG生态链-全球资源互联社区/联系客服进行咨询领取官方福利哦!

在现代企业营销中,精准触达用户是提升转化率的关键,而WhatsApp作为全球广泛使用的即时通讯工具,成为了企业开展营销推广的重要渠道。然而,要充分发挥WhatsApp的营销潜力,企业必须依靠高效的号码管理策略,包括精准的号码导入与筛选流程。通过科学的操作和专业工具的辅助,企业可以优化资源配置,提升营销效果。本文将为您详细解析如何通过优化WhatsApp号码导入与筛选,提升营销管理效率,并介绍数字星球提供的专业筛选平台。WhatsApp号码导入的关键步骤在进行WhatsApp营销时,导入号码的准确性和规范性至关重要。确保导入过程清晰无误,能够为后续的筛选与营销打下坚实基础。1. 准备号码信息企业在导入号码前,应明确所需号码的来源、类型和格式。通常号码来源可能包括客户注册数据、市场活动收集的线索或其他数据资源。将这些号码按照统一格式整理,如“国家代码 + 手机号”,有助于避免格式错误,提高数据导入效率。2. 确保数据清晰与完整数据导入前需仔细检查号码数据是否完整且无误。清理冗余数据和重复号码,确保系统中的号码唯一且高效。还应注意号码隐私合规性,避免不当使用用户信息。3. 系统化导入流程依据企业所使用的号码管理系统或WhatsApp营销工具,按步骤完成数据导入。建议在导入过程中多次核对,并进行测试导入,确保系统正确接收和处理号码。号码筛选的重要性与实操技巧导入号码后,企业应立即筛选出有效且有潜力的用户,从而减少资源浪费,提升营销精准度。高效的筛选流程能够帮助企业精准定位目标受众,最大化营销转化率。1. 根据业务需求多维度筛选企业可以从多个维度对号码进行分类和筛选,例如:地理位置:定位到特定国家或城市的用户群体。行业类别:识别特定行业中的潜在客户。标签分类:基于用户参与的活动、购买行为等进行分类。精准的分类有助于企业在后续推广中实现个性化信息推送,提升客户满意度。2. 去除重复号码,确保数据清洁筛选后的数据应仔细核对,避免重复号码的存在,确保每个客户只接收到一次营销信息。这不仅能避免干扰客户,还能提高企业在客户心中的专业形象。数字星球WhatsApp筛选工具的独特优势为了帮助企业进一步提升号码筛选效率,数字星球筛选平台提供了一系列专业的号码检测与筛选服务。通过这些功能,企业能够精准识别潜在客户,有效提升营销活动的转化率。1. 开通检测:精准识别WhatsApp用户数字星球支持全球200多个国家的号码导入,并快速检测哪些号码已开通WhatsApp。检测过程精准度高达95%,筛选速度达到每秒3000个号码,单日筛选量可达3亿。这一功能能够避免将消息发送给未注册用户,提高营销效率。2. 活跃用户筛选:优化营销目标为了确保营销信息能够触达到活跃用户,企业可以使用工具筛选出最近3天、7天或15天内活跃的用户。建议优先选择3天内活跃的用户,以提升营销信息的响应率。通过这种筛选,企业能够确保营销活动更具针对性,实现更好的转化效果。3. 性别与年龄筛选:实现精准定位借助数字星球的筛选平台,企业还可以通过用户头像分析性别和年龄,进一步优化目标市场定位。这一功能让企业能够根据不同客户群体的特点制定个性化推广策略,提高用户的接受度与参与度。WhatsApp筛选平台的应用场景与价值高效的号码筛选不仅是数据管理的基础,更是企业实现精准营销的重要工具。以下是一些WhatsApp筛选工具的实际应用场景:·跨境电商推广:精准筛选海外市场的WhatsApp用户,推送个性化促销信息,提高订单转化率。·客户维护与再营销:筛选出活跃用户,定期推送优惠和活动信息,提升客户复购率。·社群运营与信息通知:快速筛选适合加入社群的目标用户,进行活动推广和通知提醒。通过这些应用,企业能够更加灵活地管理客户资源,提升客户满意度和品牌忠诚度。如何高效使用WhatsApp筛选工具要充分利用数字星球的筛选平台,企业应注意以下几点:·定期更新数据:确保导入和筛选的号码数据实时更新,避免过期信息影响营销效果。·合理安排筛选频率:根据营销活动的需求,合理设置筛选的时间周期,以确保信息精准推送。·合规操作:严格遵守隐私保护法规,确保在WhatsApp上的每次推广活动都合法合规。在WhatsApp营销的浪潮中,高效的号码管理是取得成功的关键。企业通过优化号码导入与筛选流程,不仅能够节省时间和人力成本,还能提升推广的精准度与转化率。数字星球的专业筛选平台,为企业提供了强大的工具支持,让营销变得更加精准和高效。如果您希望在WhatsApp营销中脱颖而出,不妨尝试数字星球的筛选工具。通过科学管理和精准筛选,您的企业将能更好地连接客户,实现业绩的稳步提升。如需了解更多信息或获取支持,请随时联系我们的专业团队。免费试用请联系LIKE.TG✈官方客服:@LIKETGAngel想要了解更多,可以加入LIKE.TG官方社群 LIKE.TG生态链-全球资源互联社区/联系客服进行咨询领取官方福利哦!

随着全球市场的扩大,越来越多的企业开始涉足国际市场,但是如何在海外市场上立足并且取得成功呢?作为一款功能强大的社交软件,为企业开拓海外市场提供了有力的支持。Okla全球筛号管家是专注于各社交媒体平台,通过提供一系列服务,助力企业在出海市场中取得突破。帮助企业在进行营销推广时获取大量的目标用户手机号码。Okla全球筛号管家利用先进的筛选技术,根据不同的需求和目标人群进行筛选,确保推广效果最大化。这为企业提供了便利,使得营销推广更加精准和高效。最好用的号段筛选系统:https://news.like.tg/免费试用请联系LIKE.TG✈官方客服: @LIKETGAngelOkla全球筛号管家的服务优势:Okla全球筛号管家提供的一系列服务为企业在出海市场中取得成功提供了有力的支持。通过这些服务,企业可以根据自身需求和目标人群进行精准的推广,提高品牌知名度和曝光度,吸引更多的目标用户,并且提高转化率。如果你想要在出海市场中获得成功,不妨考虑使用Telegram提供的服务来支持你的营销战略,获得更大的成功。Okla全球筛号管家为企业开创出海市场新篇章,共创辉煌!使用Okla全球筛号管家:① 全球自有号源源头数字工场② 集合全球二十个社交产品App③ 全球有礼享受高级待遇最低工场价④ 全自动365天24小时智能筛选服务⑤ 平台福利活动专区产品天天最低价全世界最实惠最高效的Okla全球来了,全球精准筛选okla!这里有最亲民的价格,无任何的门槛,高质量的服务,全自动化平台,平台免费测试,融合了WhatsApp、Line、Zalo、Facebook、Twitter、LinkedIn、Instagram、Telegram、Microsoft、Signal、Viber、Skype、亚马逊、Tiktok等全球社交应用软件的检测过滤筛选。你还在等什么?赶快联系LIKE.TG✈官方客服: @LIKETGAngel!Okla平台为保障客户隐私和数据的安全,所有客户筛查数据均可自行加密删除历史订单文件,平台不再保留客户数据。免费试用请联系LIKE.TG✈官方客服: @LIKETGAngel感兴趣的小伙伴,可以加入LIKE.TG官方社群 LIKE.TG生态链-全球资源互联社区/联系客服进行咨询领取官方福利哦!

推特(Twitter)是一个成立于2006年的社交网站,拥有着1.3亿用户和每天发布500亿条新推文的庞大规模,被公认为当下最受欢迎的社交媒体平台之一。许多互联网出海从业者利用推特进行营销,以获取精准客户。而借助于Twitter号码检测工具,他们能够极大提高开发客户的效率,从而使添加的账号更加精确。最好用的号段筛选系统:https://news.like.tg/免费试用请联系LIKE.TG✈官方客服: @LIKETGAngelTwitter号码检测软件的主要功能:1.注册状态检测:通过Twitter号码检测工具,您可以快速检验手机号码是否已经注册过推特。这样一来,就能避免浪费时间和资源去联系那些没有注册推特的用户。2.自定义上传号码/全球号码生成:该工具支持用户根据企业需求自定义上传号码,或者使用全球号段进行自定义生成,以获得符合需求的客户数据。3.24小时自动化筛选:该工具采用24小时自动化筛选方式,能够高效地筛查近期活跃数据,使您的营销活动更加高效。Okla全球筛号管家是一种高效的方法,可帮助企业和个人快速筛选有效的电话号码。该平台提供多种功能,可以根据特定需求精确筛选目标用户,从而提高营销效率和推广效果。Okla全球筛号管家支持全球范围内的电话号码筛选。无论您需要寻找来自哪个国家或地区的用户,都能够轻松实现。Okla全球筛号管家的主要功能:1.号码数据上传:Okla全球筛号管家能够直接将Excel表格中的数据上传至平台进行处理。2.全球号码生成:Okla全球筛号管家支持全球号段号码的自定义生成。使用者只需选择目标国家或地区,并设置相关参数,即可生成符合需求的号码。3.筛选条件设置:Okla全球筛号管家平台提供多种筛选条件,如手机号段、开通情况等,可根据具体需求进行设置,以获得更加符合要求的电话号码数据。4.数据导出:Okla全球筛号管家还可以将筛选出的有效数据通过Excel表格等形式进行导出,方便后续的市场营销和推广活动。5.实时筛查速度:Okla全球筛号管家能够快速筛选海量数据,每分钟可过滤数百至上千个电话号码,极大提高工作效率。Okla全球筛号管家平台的功能非常强大,是一个高效、准确且易于使用的号码筛查工具。它适用于各种类型的企业和个人,无论您是小型创业公司还是大型跨国企业,都可以轻松地找到符合目标需求的电话号码。使用Okla全球筛号管家① 全球自有号源源头数字工场② 集合全球二十个社交产品App③ 全球有礼享受高级待遇最低工场价④ 全自动365天24小时智能筛选服务⑤ 平台福利活动专区产品天天最低价全世界最实惠最高效的Okla全球来了,全球精准筛选Okla!这里有最亲民的价格,无任何的门槛,高质量的服务,全自动化平台,平台免费测试,融合了WhatsApp、Line、Zalo、Facebook、Twitter、LinkedIn、Instagram、Telegram、Microsoft、Signal、Viber、Skype、亚马逊、Tiktok等全球社交应用软件的检测过滤筛选。你还在等什么?赶紧联系LIKE.TG✈官方客服: @LIKETGAngelOkla平台为保障客户隐私和数据的安全,所有客户筛查数据均可自行加密删除历史订单文件,平台不再保留客户数据。免费试用请联系LIKE.TG✈官方客服: @LIKETGAngel感兴趣的小伙伴,可以加入LIKE.TG官方社群 LIKE.TG生态链-全球资源互联社区/联系客服进行咨询领取官方福利哦!

在全球数字化浪潮的推动下,精准触达目标客户成为企业获取市场优势的关键。随着Skype全球排名在过去三个月内从1,957位上升至1,816位,该平台的市场影响力与日俱增。数据显示,Skype的受众中25-34岁用户占比最大,这一群体不仅活跃度高,更具有显著的消费潜力。此外,美国用户占12.91%,表明这一市场的重要性。为了帮助企业高效获取各类平台用户的数据资源,数字星球号码筛选系统应运而生,成为跨境营销不可或缺的利器。多平台数据支持:精准筛选目标用户 数字星球号码筛选系统是一款专为跨境营销和推广任务打造的强大工具,支持对全球范围内多种平台的用户数据进行筛选。平台涵盖WhatsApp、Facebook、Line、Zalo、Twitter和Skype等热门社交平台,满足各类企业的市场需求。通过叮当助手筛号工具,用户可以一键获取指定国家的有效平台用户数据。系统不仅能检测号码的空号状态、漫游信息和所属运营商,还支持批量过滤和高效筛选,确保企业将资源精准投入到有价值的用户群体中。如何精准获取美国Skype用户数据 为了满足企业在美国市场的营销需求,数字星球号码筛选系统提供了便捷的操作流程。借助叮当助手系统,用户可以批量生成美国手机号码,并将其导入筛选系统进行检测。系统自动识别号码是否开通了Skype账号,帮助企业迅速锁定潜在客户。这种精准筛选不仅提高了推广效率,还大幅减少了资源浪费,确保企业能够以最优方式与美国市场中高消费潜力用户建立联系。多维度数据分析与智能筛选 数字星球号码筛选系统不仅是一个简单的号码筛查工具,更具备多维度数据分析能力。借助系统提供的运营商信息、漫游状态和号码有效性检测,企业能够对潜在客户群体进行更深入的了解和分类。这为跨境营销活动的优化和推广策略的制定提供了强大支持。 此外,系统采用高效的自动化流程,减少人工操作,提高筛选的速度和准确性。无论是全球市场推广,还是特定国家的营销活动,该系统都能帮助企业迅速提升转化率,实现营销目标。联系我们,开启全球营销新旅程 数字星球号码筛选系统凭借其强大的数据支持与智能筛选功能,帮助企业在跨境营销中实现高效引流。如果您希望了解更多功能详情或获取个性化服务,请立即联系我们的客户服务团队:官方客服:@LIKETGAngel了解更多:https://news.like.tg精准的用户数据是成功营销的基石。借助数字星球号码筛选系统,您将轻松掌握全球市场的脉搏,与高潜力客户建立紧密联系,迅速实现市场突破。立即加入我们,抢占跨境营销先机!

在数字时代,即时通讯应用已成为企业营销的重要工具之一。Telegram,作为全球主流的即时通讯平台,不仅提供了一个安全的沟通环境,还因其开放性和灵活性,成为企业进行营销推广和客户开发的热门选择。为了帮助企业更高效地利用Telegram进行营销推广,LIKE.TG Telegram云控系统应运而生,它是一款专门针对Telegram开发的高效获客工具,旨在帮助用户实现客户流量的快速增长。LIKE.TG Telegram云控系统-智能大师拓客系统。今天,我们也来聊聊“windows 双开tele”的方法,以及如何通过一些技巧和工具,让这一过程变得更加高效和方便。最好用的Telegram云控系统:https://news.like.tg免费试用请联系LIKE.TG✈官方客服: @LIKETGAngel一、什么是“Windows 双开Tele”?很多用户都遇到过一个问题:如何在同一台Windows电脑上同时登录多个Telegram账号呢?“Windows 双开Tele”指的就是在Windows操作系统上,通过特定的方式实现两个或更多Telegram账号同时运行。对于一些需要管理多个账号的用户(例如市场营销人员或企业主)来说,双开功能极为重要。通过双开,用户能够在同一台电脑上同时接收不同账号的信息,进行多个账号的管理,提高工作效率。二、为什么需要“双开”Telegram?1. 账号管理更方便很多用户,特别是市场营销人员和企业管理者,往往需要同时管理多个Telegram账号。双开功能可以让你轻松切换账号,无需登出再重新登录,从而提高工作效率。2. 提高工作效率如果你需要同时处理不同团队或不同业务线的Telegram信息,双开功能让你可以在一个设备上快速切换,避免了繁琐的多设备操作。3. 营销需要,同时操作多个群组或频道对于那些需要用小号做营销作用,或者管理多个群组或频道的用户,双开功能能让你在同一电脑上同时操作多个群体,进行群发消息、互动等。三、如何在Windows上实现双开Telegram?方法一:使用Telegram网页版最简单的方式是利用Telegram的网页版进行双开。Telegram提供了网页版和桌面版两种版本,用户可以在桌面版登录一个账号,在网页版登录另一个账号。这样,你就可以在一个设备上同时运行两个Telegram账号。打开Telegram网页版。使用第一个账号登录Telegram。打开浏览器的隐身模式,访问Telegram网页版,使用第二个账号登录。不过,这种方法有一个限制,就是网页版并不支持所有桌面版的功能,所以它更适合一些简单的操作。方法二:利用虚拟机或模拟器另一种方式是在Windows系统上使用虚拟机或模拟器(如BlueStacks、NoxPlayer等),然后在模拟器中安装并运行Telegram。这种方法可以让你完全独立地管理多个账号,模拟器为每个账号提供一个独立的虚拟环境。下载并安装模拟器(如BlueStacks)。在模拟器中安装Telegram。使用不同的账号登录多个Telegram。这种方式相对来说资源消耗较大,但却能让你完全隔离每个Telegram账号的操作,避免出现冲突。方法三:利用下载完官方Telegram应用程序除基础的利用Telegram提供了网页版和桌面版两种版本可以多开,还可以用复制telegram程序文件夹,只需要复制多个文件夹,直接点击就可以实现多开的目的。方法四:使用“LIKE.TG”助力双开Telegram以上的三个方法可以实现多开的效果,但是还是会受局限,如果用在营销层面上,工作效率可能不会那么便捷。利用“LIKE.TG”平台提供的工具Telegram云控系统,可以更加轻松地实现“windows 双开tele”。在“Telegram云控系统”平台上,你可以批量管理多个Telegram账号,执行群发消息、自动化回复等营销操作。四、LIKE.TG Telegram云控系统主要功能1、云控群控多开:允许用户在无需实体设备的情况下,通过网页云控群控大量Telegram账号。这种方式不仅降低了设备成本,还能够在一个网页运营管理多个Telegram账号,提高了操作的便捷性和效率。2、一键养号:系统通过互动话术的自动化处理,帮助用户快速养成老号,从而提高账号的活跃度和质量。这对于提升账号的信任度和营销效果尤为重要。3、员工聊天室:支持全球100多种语言的双向翻译功能,以及多账号聚合聊天,极大地方便了全球交流和团队协作。五、LIKE.TG Telegram云控系统优势1、用户采集:系统可以进行全球定位采集,从群组中采集大量的Telegram活跃用户,帮助企业高效精准获客,有助于目标市场精准营销推广。2、群发消息:自动统计粉丝回复消息触达数据,对未触达粉丝再次进行群发,确保信息覆盖的最大化。3、拉陌生人:支持将好友批量拉群,可设置多个群链接,自定义群人数,自动过滤已拉群用户,帮助打造高活跃度社群。4、拉群营销:批量拉活跃用户进群,使得封控率更加低,提高群组的活跃度和影响力。5、自动剧本聊天:智能识别联系人的回复状态(已读、未读、回复),并根据不同状态自动发送相应的预设话术,提高沟通效率和转化率。6、添加附近好友:可指定账号,填写全球地图坐标或者在地图上直接选择地点,再添加附近人为好友。7、活跃号码筛选:批量筛选号码已开通/3天活跃/7天活跃,精准筛选高质量数据8、注册购买账号:支持全球国家地区号码卡商,一键选择在线批量注册账号,大量稳定耐用TG账号出售,量大更优惠Telegram云控系统提供了一个全面的解决方案,无论是快速涨粉还是提升频道活跃度,都能在短时间内达到显著效果。对于想要在Telegram上推广产品、维护客户关系和提升品牌形象的企业来说,Telegram云控系统无疑是一个值得考虑的强大工具。Telegram云控系统,实现营销的快速、准确传递,让您的营销策略更加高效、有力。通过LIKE.TG,出海之路更轻松!免费使用LIKE.TG官方:各平台云控,住宅代理IP,翻译器,计数器,号段筛选等出海工具;请联系LIKE.TG✈官方客服: @LIKETGAngel想要了解更多,还可以加入LIKE.TG官方社群 LIKE.TG生态链-全球资源互联社区/联系客服进行咨询领取官方福利哦!

YouTube advertising
YouTube advertising is promoting goods and services on this video-sharing platform. It allows brands to reach a large and diverse audience on the second most popular social media platform in the world.
In the article, we explain how YouTube advertising works and provide its benefits. We describe the formats of ads on YouTube and the ways to measure their effectiveness. Also, we give tips to build a successful YouTube advertising strategy.
Is YouTube advertising effective?
YouTube states that viewers are two times more likely to buy products they see on this platform, which proves the effectiveness of YouTube advertising. In this section, we explain why ads on this platform are so successful.
YouTube is the second most popular social media worldwide, with over 2.6 billion people using it at least once a month. Such a huge number of consumers allows business owners to be confident that they will reach their buyer personas. Even if your target audience is quite limited, you can be sure that some of these people watch YouTube.
Also, CNBC states that this platform is the second-largest search engine in the world. It means that millions of people use YouTube to discover new information. Consumers do not use the platform to choose something, but they will most likely purchase it if they see what they need.
Moreover, YouTube is a very convenient social media for advertising. You can set channel keywords, add a website, or allow your channel to appear in other channels’ recommendations using advanced settings. YouTube advertisements tend to be relatively cost-effective, which is why so many companies choose this platform. For example, its global advertising revenues in 2021 were around $28.84 billion.
The incredible success of some YouTube promotions motivates companies to work with this social media. Continue reading to discover the peculiarities of advertising on YouTube.
How does YouTube advertising work?
In this section, we’ll figure out the peculiarities of this type of promotion and explain how YouTube advertising works.
There are two types of YouTube ads: videos and static content (image plus text). The choice of the type depends on the aims of your advertising campaign, budget, and the way you want to pay for YouTube promotions.
Also, there are two pricing models: cost-per-view (CPV) and cost-per-engagement (CPE). CPV means that you pay after people watch an ad that they can’t skip, and CPE is paid when consumers interact with an ad. The fee is based on the advertising format you choose.
Users can watch an ad before or during the video, in the search results, in the bottom line of the video, and appear as a pop-up. The place of an advertisement also depends on the chosen format.
YouTube advertising can be tough to work with at once, but it is highly rewarding. Discover the benefits of this promotion type in the next section.
Benefits of YouTube Advertising
YouTube is the most used social media for research among B2B users, which provides many advantages to the companies that advertise on this platform. We describe these benefits below.
Amazing digital reach. Statista states that 81% of people on the internet have used YouTube. It means that this platform allows you to reach 80% of consumers you can find on the Web. Even very specific companies and products can find their target audience on YouTube. So, if you are interested in increasing brand awareness — there is no better way than YouTube advertising.
Incredible economic efficiency. This social platform allows advertisers to run cost-effective campaigns because brands pay after consumers interact with their ads. Also, its average cost-per-view is $0.010 – $0.030, which is relatively low compared to $0.79 in Google Display Ads in the B2B sphere.
Cutting-edge targeting. YouTube provides not only basic settings like demographics and preferences but more specific like the topic of the ad, related keywords, or certain pages to place your ads on. It allows advertisers to show the ads to their buyer personas at the right place and time.
In-depth reports. This social platform provides lots of analytics to measure the success of your ads. You can learn about the behavior of consumers who engage with your ads and make content more personalized. Also, you can use this data to conduct A/B testing, identify the most effective advertisements and use them to increase the success of your campaigns.
High flexibility. YouTube offers many formats and types of advertising. You can share testimonials, post expert content, or engage consumers with funny videos. Also, you can change the setting of your targeting anytime you need, which makes this platform very flexible.
Most business owners will appreciate these primary benefits of YouTube advertising. However, it sometimes may be challenging to deal with various YouTube formats. We explain the peculiarities of each one in the next section.
YouTube Advertising Formats
There are six main formats of YouTube advertisements. Some of them are almost similar but appeal better to different goals. Discover how to differentiate these types and how to deal with them to make your promotional campaigns successful.
Skippable in-stream ads
They play before or during the YouTube videos, and users can skip them in 5 seconds. The main advantage of this format is that you pay after a viewer watches more than 30 seconds of the ad or interacts with it. Use this format of advertising to increase brand awareness. Note that you should hook the viewers during the first 5 seconds to attract their attention to your company.
Non-skippable in-stream ads
Such advertisements also appear before or during the videos, but users cannot skip them. They can last up to 15 seconds. Companies that use this format pay per 1000 views. Non-skippable ads help increase brand awareness and have one strong advantage. CNBC states that 76% of consumers automatically skip ads, but they have to watch this format until the end, which means that you have more opportunities to stand out.
Bumper ads
These ads also play before or during the video, and users can not skip them. Their difference is that they are 6 seconds long or even shorter. Usually, advertisers pay based on the number of views. Companies use this format to transmit short advertising messages and grab people’s attention to make them interested in the brand. Marketers often combine banner ads with other types of YouTube advertising.
Discovery ads
Users can see them in YouTube search results and on the right sidebar of watch pages. They are always in the form of a text with a picture that leads to the promoted video after clicking. Advertisers pay after people click the ad and start watching. This format appeals to promote the brand’s videos on the platform because users are already interested in your topic. Google states that such ads increase views by up to 500%.
Sponsored card ads
These ads look like small call-to-action pop-ups that appear on screen for a few seconds with an ‘i’ symbol in the corner. Viewers can click on them to discover more information. Sponsored cards are rather unobtrusive, and most people find them less annoying than in-stream ads. Usually, such advertisements are relevant to the content that consumers watch. You can use this format of advertising to promote specific products that viewers are potentially interested in.
Overlay ads
They look like banner ads placed on YouTube. Overlay ads are pop-ups containing text and images in the bottom 20% of the video window. People can close these ads anytime they want if they are not interested in your products. However, if they are, the advertisement can lead them out of YouTube on your website or other platforms. You can use overlay advertising to promote products or attract people to your earned media.
Now you know how to deal with different formats of YouTube advertising. Let’s go further and discover how to create and launch your promotional campaigns on this platform.
How to advertise on YouTube
Realizing all the YouTube advertising advantages motivates many business owners to launch their campaigns on this platform. To make them effective and avoid overspending, you should know how to launch them correctly. Discover them in this section.
Step 1. Upload the advertised video
This step is necessary only for video ads, so you can miss it if you want to use sponsored cards or overlay ads. However, if you deal with other advertising formats, it will be better to post videos on your YouTube channel before promoting them. It will help you get organic traffic and discover the audience‘s reactions before the campaign starts.
Step 2. Create a campaign
Sign in to your Google Ads account and choose the option to add a new campaign. Then identify your promotional goal or create an advertisement without recommended aim. Finally, choose a campaign type and the subtype from the suggested ones.
Step 3. Define all the peculiarities
Then you will have to choose the campaign’s name, budget, and the average amount of money you are ready to spend every day. Identify the dates the ad will run, choose the language and location of viewers you want to target. Decide where to show your advertisements and how you want to pay for them. Exclude ‘sensitive’ content if you do not want your ads to be shown with it.
Step 4. Select the audience
YouTube provides a wide range of characteristics to choose from while describing your buyer personas. Identify one or a few segments of your potential clients. Then give the name to the chosen audience so that you will be able to use it for your future campaigns.
Step 5. Finish setting up a campaign
Define the keywords and topics connected with your ad. Remember to add all links, headlines, and other vital details. Then click ‘Create Campaign’ and launch your promotion.
Now you know how to set your advertising campaigns running. Continue reading to discover the ways to make them more powerful.
6 Tips to Develop a Successful YouTube Advertising Strategy
Knowledge of the basic principles of YouTube advertising is crucial for launching powerful campaigns. In this section, we provide some tips on making your advertisements more effective and boosting your company in the market.
Develop the strategy for your YouTube channel and post actively. If you are going to lead users to your social media page, advertising messages should be consistent with your other content. Understanding how you are going to represent your brand makes it easier to transmit the holistic image of your company. Think about the videos you will post. These may be product demonstrations, testimonials, or answering FAQs. This content will help build trust with the audience and make them more loyal to your brand. Also, active posting on YouTube can attract potential clients from organic search and, in such a way, make your promotion even more effective.
Grab people’s attention. Remember that your ads should be remarkable and hook viewers even if they are not interested in your products yet. Motivate them to watch till the end and there will be more chances that they will purchase your products. Evoke their emotions by using catchy slogans, unusual formats, or famous actors starring in the video. Tell stories that have the beginning, climaxes, and ends. Make people notice your products and branding as early as possible. It will increase their chances of remembering the advertised company and make them interested in a particular ad and the whole brand.
Continue optimizing your advertising settings. Constant testing and ad settings improvement are vital to successful promotional campaigns. Sometimes even one button can influence your sales significantly. Conduct A/B testings, enlarge and segment your audiences, try to identify the most effective formats, and find out how to optimize your advertising. YouTube provides many settings to drive more engagement to its advertisers‘ promotions.
Use remarketing. It allows you to attract consumers who are already familiar with your company. Maybe, they watched your videos, searched on your website, or already engaged with ads but did not make a purchase. Remarketing reminds such users about the company and may push them to buy your products. To save money spent on remarketing, it is better to use advertising formats pa id per the number of engagements: skippable in-stream ads, discovery ads, sponsored cards, and overlay ads.
Consider reviews’ promotion. According to Learn Hub, 92% of people are more likely to buy a product after reading a positive review. Advertise with the videos where your existing clients talk about their experiences. It will make users trust your company and increase their desire to purchase your products. Moreover, it will also increase your customer satisfaction because people value brands that care about their clients’ feedback.
Try Brand Lift Study. It is a free way to estimate the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns and discover the ways to increase them. The platform usually creates two groups from your target audience and shows your video ads only to one of them. Then YouTube polls users, compares the answers of the groups, and identifies how your advertisements influence their opinions about your brand and products. You can use this data to discover how effective your ads are. The study is free, but you should pay to promote your advertisements.
Congrats, now you know what YouTube advertising is, why it is effective and how it works. You know the formats of YouTube ads and can launch your effective promotions.

YouTube marketing
YouTube marketing is a strategy that involves creating videos and uploading them on YouTube to promote a brand or a product and gain more exposure. It helps companies boost traffic, increase their customer base, and reach new audiences.
In this article, we’lldiscuss why YouTube is an effective marketing tool and review its benefits. Next, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to create a YouTube marketing strategy and offer some tips.
Why is YouTube an effective marketing tool?
Since YouTube’s 22.8 billion visits a month make it the second most visited sitein the world after Google, it’s able to bring many benefits to businesses nowadays. The platform isn’t just a famous entertaining channel but a powerful marketing tool, and companies can develop YouTube channels for advertising. YouTube channels help getmore views from new geographics, promote a product or a company, build a large customer base, and increase a brand’ssales volume.
YouTube is also a famous educational platform. Companies can achieve greater exposure, which expands their customer base. By making detailed tutorials, live streams, guides, and lessons, brands can rank higher on Google. Running ads isanother reason companies use the online video sharing platform since it helps brands reach a wider audience and obtain new customers. Moreover, it’s much cheaper than paid advertising on Facebook and Instagram.
Now that you know why YouTube is considered an effective marketing tool, it’s time to discover its main benefits.
Benefits of YouTube Marketing
The platform can serve as one of the most effective marketing channels. Optimizing keywords in titles and creating tutorials, commentary, product reviews, QA, and video listiclesallow businesses toachieve higher exposure and reach new audiences. Brands can’t predict who and when will access their videos. If the content contains the necessary keywords in the title and description, all people who look for information might stumble upon a certain video, stayon the channel, and buythe product it advertises. Besides, addingwatermarks and company logos to videos enables businesses to improve brand awareness.
Videos show in Google search resultsand provide companies withmore visibility andan opportunity to bring moreprospects. After exploring your content on YouTube, leadsmight visityour website tolearn more aboutyour products. Your videos will stay on the video-sharing platform as long as they comply with its guidelines and policies.
Since YouTube is an international company, it empowers brands worldwide to reach new geographies. The platform helps attract leads from different countries who speak the same language.
Thekey benefit of YouTube is that it provides a chance to effectively promoteyour company. A business can do it by creating and posting contenton its channel or running pre-roll ads on the platform and gaining the audience’s attention.
To reach viewers fast and gain their loyalty to your YouTube channel, you need to develop your strategy, and the steps below will help you do it.
How to Create a YouTube Marketing Strategy
Create a channel on YouTube
Research your target audience
Conduct competitive analysis
Create videos based on the YouTube algorithm
Start uploading content to your channel
Provide all the necessary information on your channel
Promote your videos
Consider influencer marketing
Measure yoursuccess
YouTube provides businesses with countless opportunities. With its massive base of users, companies can effectively promote their products. Let’s find out how to createa YouTube marketing strategy and implement it for your brand.
Create a channel on YouTube. To create a channel, you can make use of your regular Google account. However, you’ll be the only person who can log in. If you need an account that allows several users to access it simultaneously, you shouldstart a brand account. With its help, you can start several channels on YouTube.
Research your target audience. Before creating videos, you need to analyze your YouTube demographics. Explore your target audience’s location, age, and viewing preferences to meet users’ needs. Based on your target audience’swants and needs, you’ll be able to create helpful content. Gather all theessential information about the videos people like to watch the most. In case you already have a business accounton YouTube, explore its analytics. It will give you more insights into your audience’s preferences. Analyze the comments, ask questions, or create a poll to discovermore about your subscribers’ interests and wishes.
Conduct competitive analysis. YouTube is a large platform with many business accounts worldwide, and the competition is high. By analyzing your business rivals, you have a chance to determine the opportunities your channel has. First, identify your 3-5 most successful competitors. To do it, you can leverage keyword tools to see which brands have the highest ranking based on keywords related to your industry. Pay attention to their metrics, titles, descriptions, and comments under videos to find helpful information and inspiration. Second, you should determineyour competitors’ strengths and weaknesses, and a SWOT analysis will help you do it.
Create videos based on theYouTube algorithm. YouTube has its own ranking algorithm. If you want to rank high, you should create recognizable thumbnails (your videos’ snapshots), optimize your titles and descriptions, and use keywords. It will help youhave priority over other channels and videos as well as obtain more views. To write a strong title, include the appropriate keywords. Open YouTube Analytics to find these words and phrases, and add them to your titles. Make sure to use the keywords at the beginning. Apart from that, write a title that includes 60 or fewer characters. You should use the most critical keywords in your description to write a summary of your video. Tomotivateusers to take the desired action, add CTAsin the form of a card, end screen, watermark, or bumper ad. Finally, encourage people to like, comment, subscribe, and share.
Start uploading content to your channel. Create a schedule to upload your videos on time. This way, viewers will know when the new video is coming up. Ensure to choose the day and time with the highest level of engagement and views. If you’ve already uploaded some videos, you can check the analyticstodefine the most appropriate date for uploading new videos.
Provide all the necessary information on your channel. To simplify the search, you need to optimize your channel. There are several steps you should consider to enable users to find you faster. Firstly, complete your profile. Make sure to fill in the channel description, upload your logo, and make use of channel art. Besides, you can also add your other channels or resources subscribers might find helpful. Secondly, make sure that your channel contains links to your website and social media profiles. Thirdly, create a trailer for your YouTube channel to introduce your company to viewers and educate them about your product. Communicate your brand statement and explain to users why they should subscribe to your channel.
Promote your videos. Your videos can gain exposure if their titles include relevant keywords.Consider creating accounts on different social mediawith quality and interesting videos. It will drivemore attention and encourage word-of-mouth promotion. There are many different effective ways to inform your subscribers about new content on your channel. With LIKE.TG, you can create a list of subscribers and schedule an email send-out notifying users about new company videos.
Consider influencer marketing. Opinion leaders have a vast number of followers who might be interested in your product. It’s always a good idea to contact influencers who work in the same niche and are ready to promote your company and products. You canoffer them to cooperate since49%of customers trust the recommendations of influencers.
Measureyour success. Once you upload your first video, it’s necessary to trackyour progress. This way, you’ll be aware ofyour accolades and failures. YouTube Analytics will simplify this process. Open it to see the changes in the number of subscribers, audience demographics, traffic sources, and device reports. The information you receive will help your channel move forward. By knowingmore about your viewers, you’ll be able to improve your content and meet their needs.
Now when you are familiar with the process of developing a YouTube strategy, it’s time to explore the most effective tools to implement it.
Top5 YouTube Marketing Tools
If you aim to develop a great channel and gain subscribers and views, you should leverage several useful tools.
To attract more subscribers, you need to create YouTube thumbnails and feature images that stand out. Canva is one of the most suitable platforms to help you with this. With its drag-and-drop editor, you can design any image you wishand win new customers. It has a great variety of templatesthat can help youcreate a new video for your YouTube channel.
Take a look atCanva’s editor for creating different types of YouTube thumbnails.
Free plan: 30-day trial.Paid plan: From $12.99 per month for up to five users.
Keyword Tool
YouTube works on the same principle as Google and ranks videos based on keywords, titles, and descriptions. That’s why you need an appropriate tool. Keyword Tool helps optimize videos and make them rank higher. As a result, the number of views and the popularity of your channel grows significantly.
You can see the keywords you can use for videos on your YouTube channel.
Free plan: Available forever with limitations(you can’t see the search volume, trend, CPC (USD), and competition).Paid plan: From $69 per month for one user, billed annually.
BuzzSumo is a great YouTube marketing tool that helps create quality contentanddevelop more ideas and useful videos that will provide viewers with value.Apart from a great content strategy, you’ll also be able to find influencers who can effectively promote your YouTube channel or company. After uploading videos, BuzzSumo will help you monitor the performance of your content.
Below you can see how to search for content topics using relevant keywords and analyze the results.
Free plan: 30-day trial.Paid plan: From $99 per month for five users.
This browser extension helps you optimize your content quickly by keyword search, A/B testing, templates, and comment filters. Its video SEO tools enable you to translate your video title and description into other languages to increase the number of viewers. TubeBuddy’s Keyword Explorer allows you to use the right keywords and rank higher in search results. Moreover, this browser extension also has a video A/B test feature to test your titles, tags, descriptions, and thumbnails.
Free plan: Available forever.Paid plan: From $7.20 per month for one user, billed annually.
Agorapulse allows you to communicate with people from multiple YouTube accounts. That’s why there’s no need to constantly switch accounts and check whether there are new notifications. You can also manage comments under your videos, and if you notice spam or inappropriate comments, you can ban them automatically. Agorapulse also lets people track the reaction of social media users to your videosand scheduleyour publications.
Hereyou cansee what the process of publishing or scheduling content for your YouTube channel with Agorapulse looks like.
Free plan: 30-day trial for one user and three social media profiles.Paid plan: From $79 per month for two users and ten social profiles, billed annually.
Now that you know the best YouTube marketing strategy tools, it’s time to explore several great tips to reach a wide audience and getmore views.
3YouTube Marketing Tips
There are many ways to improve brand exposure and engagement and promoteyour channel to increase viewership. Let’s find out how to do it.
Come up with eye-catching titles. The main aim of creating an engaging heading is to attract new subscribers to your channel. Try brainstorming to develop acaptivating title to encourage users to open and watch your YouTube video. It’s a great idea to use question-based titles or include hyperboles to increase your number of views. Some people turn to a conversationaltone of voice to be closer to their target audience. You can also use “best-of” and “how-to” at the beginning of your heading. However, clickbait headlines are a terrible idea since they often mislead users.
Research your viewers’ needs and wants. To getmore views, make sure that your content meets the needs of your audience. You should know your viewers well toproduce quality videos and provide solutions. In case you are just starting your channel, take a look at your competitors and the videos that make subscribers satisfied. Look through the videos that gain the highest level of engagement, views, likes, and comments. This way, you’ll be able to find the topics and types of videos people like to watch.
Get ready with your thumbnails. Besides a killer title, you should also create an excellent thumbnail to grab more customer attention. To prevent YouTube from using a blurry screenshot as your thumbnail, you should come up with your own. To make the most out of it,be sure to include titlesthat communicate value, use a clear font, an original and relevant image, and be consistent.
Congrats, now you are acquainted with YouTube marketing and its benefits. Make use of our step-by-step guide and tips to create an outstanding strategy for your company. With LIKE.TG, you can promote your videos,provide viewers with a link to video instructions, or invite them toyour webinars using our chatbot builder or bulk email service.

Zone pricing
Zone pricing is a pricing method in which consumers within one zone are charged one price. Clients who are located closer to the company's dispatch point pay less, whereas distant customers pay a higher price as shipping distances increase. To set prices for different zones, companies always consider the local conditions such as competition and costs associated with shipping and storage.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Zone Pricing
Prices in zones are set within certain geographic areas. The more distant the area from the place of production, the higher the transportation costs and, accordingly, the higher the price. Now, before we get into the implementation and examples of zone pricing, let's talk about its pros and cons.
Advantages of zone pricing:
helps you divide customers into useful segments;
enables you to pay transportation costs;
allows you to recoup shipping costs.
Disadvantages of zone pricing:
customers on borders of different zones may suffer from different prices;
distant clients may prefer competitors over your company;
it adds extra layers of bookkeeping to keep track of different prices in different zones.
The technique is very popular among businesses due to the benefits mentioned above. Let's proceed to the steps to consider when implementing this strategy.
How to implement zone pricing
Use information effectively
Consider competitor alternatives
Integrate item-specific strategies
Consider technological solutions
Let's get into how to implement zone pricing in your business.
1. Use information effectively
When giving a thought to a zone pricing strategy, ensure that you're using data that can help you do it correctly. Find out how much money customers are willing to pay for your products or services. This willingness is influenced by the following factors: income level, cost of living, and whether it’s easy for your customers to buy the same product elsewhere.
Analyzing your local customers' characteristics and demographics information allows you to understand the preferences of local customers, price sensitivities, and product affinities across stores.
2. Consider competitor alternatives
Once you understand what drives customers to pay for certain products, analyze your business rivals and the alternatives they offer your consumers. You should understand which competitors matter the most in your industry. The composition of retailers, their price levels, and logistics costs will define your local price level.
3. Integrate item-specific strategies
Mass retailers with multiple departments, restaurants, or specialty retailers can adjust to item-specific strategies. Let’s take sporting goods, for example. The sections with apparel and shoes will be more influenced by nearby stores with shoes and apparel than basketballs and sections for other basketball equipment.
People have high price awareness on certain key value items (KVIs) that influence total store value perception and customer traffic. Products with less price awareness and sensitivity can float up a little to support the investment into KVIs. For example, grocery stores use the "everyday low prices" approach on reference products while prices on less popular products remain the same or even rise. Zone pricing strategies enable specific categories to follow a different set of zone rules than others.
4. Consider technological solutions
Once the strategy has been developed, pay attention to its functioning. Third-party tools enable your pricing teams to handle the problems. You can simplify the process by using deep analytical tools that provide you with the agility and nimbleness necessary for retailers.
Now that you know how to implement this marketing technique grab some inspiration from the examples below.
Examples of Zone Pricing
The following examples will give you a better understanding of how you can incorporate zone pricing in your greater marketing strategy.
Let’s take the gasoline industry, for example. Suppliers often sell the same brands of gasoline to retailers at different costs. The price is based on the “price zone” in which the retailer is located. These zones aren’t established by the law but by suppliers' needs (transportation costs, additional fees, etc.).
Let’s imagine a home decor manufacturer based in Mexico that ships lamps, paintings, mirrors, and vases into the US. The manufacturer can create four pricing zones, and people from different locations will have to pay different costs based on the company's criteria (transportation costs, additional fees). Eventually, a client in Texas who has ordered 10 paintings will receive a smaller bill than a client who has placed the same order but from New England.
All in all, zone pricing is a marketing strategy that enables companies to segment their product offerings into individual "price zones" based on local preferences, habits, and price sensitivities. Usually, the higher transport costs, the greater the number of zones.

WhatsApp marketing strategy
A WhatsApp marketing strategy is a set of methods that utilizes WhatsApp messenger as a platform for brand promotion and direct communication with your target audience.
In this video, Alex, a marketer at LIKE.TG, shares killer tips to create a powerful WhatsApp marketing strategy.
WhatsApp is a free mobile application that allows people to chat, share files and images, make voice and video calls. It is trendy in regions with high SMS charges, like South Africa, Brazil, Mexico, India, and Malaysia. In February 2014, Facebook acquired WhatsApp for $19 billion.
WhatsApp is an excellent channel that allows you to directly engage with customers since it provides two-way online communication, just like in real stores. Let’s find out why it’s a good idea to use WhatsApp in your overall digital marketing strategy.
7 Reasons to Include WhatsApp in Your Marketing Strategy
It has worldwide coverage
It offers high user engagement
It is based on permission marketing
It allows you to personalize your communication
Its features can be used for marketing
It provides an app for running a business
It provides a Business API
A common digital marketing best practice is to make your business present where your potential clients already hang out. Social networks and messengers are the places where users spend most of their time online, so using WhatsApp you can communicate with audiences around the globe, provide customer support, confirm purchases, send shipping updates, etc.
Seven reasons that WhatsApp is worthwhile for marketers. Here they are:
It has worldwide coverage. WhatsApp has more than two billion active users from 180 countries. On this platform, you can surely find an interested audience to tailor your products and services to. According to Statista, people from 15 to 45 make up 66% of the US’s WhatsApp audience. This allows you to establish relationships with a young and active audience in terms of shopping.
It offers high user engagement. According to Statista, around 58% of global users check WhatsApp a few times a day. That means that you can regularly engage and build rapport with a considerable portion of the WhatsApp audience.
It is based on permission marketing. You can only send messages to people if they share their phone numbers with your brand or initiate a conversation. Though permission marketing rules are strict, such a policy results in a segmented audience and ensures that your company has highly interested leads.
It allows you to personalize your communication. WhatsApp allows you to collect users’ behavioral data, including data about their interests and shopping preferences. Based on this information, you can better tailor your promotions in the future and offer the most relevant goods at the right time.
Its features can be used for marketing. For instance, with the WhatsApp groups feature, you can make up to a 256-member group of your most valuable clients and send them exclusive offers and early-bird promo codes for events to celebrate their loyalty. The broadcast feature allows you to send video announcements to multiple contacts at once.
It provides an app for running a business. WhatsApp Business App allows you to create your business profile, provide your hours, link to your website, and other necessary details about your brand. WhatsApp Business also offers useful features, like a product catalog, quick replies, and automated welcome and away messages at no cost. With these functions at hand, you can also improve your customer care team.
It provides a Business API. It’s designed for medium and large businesses. With it, you can send automated updates, notifications, and shipping details to your contacts.
For these reasons, WhatsApp may be worth your while, so let’s have a closer look at how to implement this channel into your plan.
How to Develop Your WhatsApp Marketing Strategy
Learn the Opt-in Rules
Download WhatsApp Business App
Create a Business Profile
Promote your WhatsApp Profile and Opt-in Users
Set Up Quick Replies
Use Automated Messages
Organize Contacts and Chat with Labels
Create a Catalog of Your Products
The following eight steps are the basis of every WhatsApp marketing strategy. Let’s review them so you could better understand how to approach this channel.
Step 1: Learn the Opt-in Rules
Although WhatsApp opened the doors for businesses, user experience is still in sharp focus for this company, unlike Facebook. The rules for marketers are quite strict, and, in essence, they require brands to build transparent relationships with opted-in users. Let’s quickly review the five key regulations:
Companies must get active agreement from people. Only users can initiate communication with brands either by sharing their phone number with you or by contacting your brand directly on WhatsApp to communicate their consent.
The opt-in subscription forms must include your WhatsApp name, logo, information about the content that users will receive, and a field for entering their phone number. A checkbox that lets users subscribe to various channels at once doesn’t count as the WhatsApp opt-in.
Brands must clarify the types of information users will receive after they sign up. It may include shipping updates, transaction notifications, new content and product promos, etc. If you decide to send other types of messages later, you need to inform users and ask for their permission again.
If users call your company on WhatsApp for customer support, that doesn’t count as opting-in. In this case, you are not allowed to follow-up with any messages except one within a 24-hour window, and it can only include details about the solution to their problem.
Any presentation of the WhatsApp brand in your marketing campaigns, including opt-in forms, announcements, banners, etc., must comply with the WhatsApp branding requirements.
Step 2: Download WhatsApp Business App
When you decide to promote your brand on WhatsApp, you should start by downloading WhatsApp Business App. It’s designed for small businesses and provides user-friendly features, like automated messages, quick responses, and contact and chat sorting to manage communication with your audience. Aside from the Android and iPhone versions of WhatsApp Business, you can also use a web version to work on a laptop.
Step 3: Create a Business Profile
A WhatsApp Business profile is similar to a Facebook Business page. Name your profile, upload a profile picture, add your contact number, a short description of your brand, select your location on the map, your business category, and hours.
Step 4: Promote your WhatsApp Profile and Opt-in Users
Add subscription forms to your landing pages and blog. Remember, according to WhatsApp regulations, you can’t use one form for several channels at once. It should also include your WhatsApp name and logo, inform users about content they will receive, and have a field for entering a phone number.
Another effective option is to gather more contacts is click-to-WhatsApp ads on Facebook and Instagram. Post such advertisements to your Story and NewsFeed on both social networks. To create them, connect your Facebook and WhatsApp profiles, and use Facebook Ads Manager.
Here are three types of click-to-WhatsApp ads. The first one displays in the Instagram Feed, the second in Stories, and the last in Facebook Newsfeed. They all include the advertiser’s branding, the “sponsored” disclaimer, a short descriptive text, a large image, and a CTA redirecting to a WhatsApp profile.
Step 5: Set Up Quick Replies
Once your promotion brings some users to chat with your brand, analyze their FAQs and set up quick replies to speed up communication and optimize routine actions. To create a quick reply, follow these steps:
Tap “More options,” then “Business tools,” and “Quick replies.”
Set a text message or a media file as a quick reply.
Choose a shortcut for a quick reply.
Create a keyword to find it quickly.
Check an example of quick replies usage in WhatsApp. To reply in this case, you need to type in “/w”, and the answer will be “What kind of cake would you like?”
There are some limitations you should keep in mind when managing your WhatsApp quick replies:
The maximum number of stored quick replies is 50;
The maximum length of a quick reply shortcut is 25 characters;
Leading and trailing spaces from a shortcut are removed;
All shortcuts must begin with a forward slash - '/';
The maximum number of keywords allowed per quick reply is 3;
The keywords may not contain spaces or any of the following characters: '!', '#', '$', '%', '', '(', ')', '*', '+', '-', '.', '/', '\', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', '[', ']', '^', '_', '`', '{', '|', '}', '~', '×', '÷', '"';
The maximum length of a keyword is 15 characters.
Step 6: Use Automated Messages
Set an away message when you can’t answer so your customers know when to expect a response. You can also create a greeting message to introduce your customers to your business.
Follow these steps to create such messages:
Tap “More options,” then “Business tools,” and “Away message” or “Greeting message.”
Set a text message.
Schedule when it should be sent.
Choose what type of recipients will see this message.
Step 7: Organize Contacts and Chat with Labels
Label your contacts, chats and messages with different colors to organize them based on your business goals. For instance, you can divide chatting with new customers from chats with pending payments, or new orders from completed orders. You can set up different quick replies to better communicate with people at different stages of their buyer’s journey.
It’s easy to use Labels in your WhatsApp marketing. Tap and hold a message or a chat, tap on the label symbol, and choose one of the pre-designed labels or create a new one. You can create up to 20 labels.
Step 8: Create a Catalog of Your Products
Add a price, product description, and number to every product in your catalog. You can upload up to 500 products. With this feature, you don’t have to redirect your customers to a website and repeatedly send product information and photos to every interested contact. You can share your catalog to promote your products and services on other social networks.
Medium and large businesses can utilize the WhatsApp Business API. It offers more profound features and solutions for handling communication with the audience on WhatsApp.
Let’s finish this guide by getting some actionable tips to properly strategize your business activity on WhatsApp.
5 Best Practices to Create a Killer WhatsApp Marketing Strategy
Run your business communication more informally
Regularly update your status
Use WhatsApp to deliver customer care
Send short promotions with a website link
Create a WhatsApp link
We’ve collected four tips that will help you plan your WhatsApp marketing efforts more effectively. Here they are:
Run your business communication more informally. Many people use WhatsApp for informal interactions with their friends. It’s essential to make your business messaging trustworthy, genuine, and creative. Make your marketing campaigns in line with the personal style of this channel, staying professional at the same time.
Regularly update your status. Your WhatsApp status allows you to post business-related quotes, announce events, create promos, and share links that redirect to videos on other social media sites. Make sure the status text is short, informative, and eye-catching to attract more views.
Use WhatsApp to deliver customer care. It’s a great idea to use WhatsApp messages, voice and video calls, and media files to solve customers’ issues in real-time. This direct and personalized approach helps you better engage with your audience and show that you’re a trustworthy business that doesn’t hide from users when they are dissatisfied or have problems.
Send short promotions with a website link. Short WhatsApp messages with links to a website help you bring your contacts to certain pages. Such messages tend to have a high click-through rate and are significant in motivating more leads to shop with your brand.
Create a WhatsApp link.It will help users start communicating with your brand easily. They won't need to look for your phone number, type it and start a chat. They only need to click your link, and they will receive a pre-made message. LIKE.TG offers a tool to create a WhatsApp link quickly and for free. Add it to your landing page, website, social media, chatbots, and email campaigns. Alternatively, you can generate a QR code and place it on your physical ads to let more people join your brand offline.
Congratulations, now you know why WhatsApp is an excellent channel for personalized marketing. Create a strategy to meet your business goals and the platform’s unique style.

Word-of-mouth marketing
Word-of-mouth marketing is a strategy that relies on customers’ experiences with certain brands and recommendations they share with their friends and family. It’s a form offreeadvertising triggered by the impressions, feelings, and thoughts of buyers.
In this video, Neil Patel reveals how to leverage word-of-mouth marketing.
When the Internet is overwhelmed with various marketing techniques, it can be hard to findorganically promoted brands. However, the easiest way to achieve it is to treat customers well, ensure the quality of your products or services, and keep doing what you do best.
In this article, we’ll discuss the importance and pros of word-of-mouth marketing, find out how to use it, and explore several examples.
Why is word-of-mouth marketing important?
Today, every brand strives to be visible on social media and rank higher on Google. However, organic promotion is more important. If a brand cares about its customers and creates a great product, its consumers can promote it. They can easily share their positive experience and bring in new buyers. Such companies won’t need too many marketing techniques that don’t always bring tangible results.
Nielseninforms that 83% of customers who participated in its survey trust companies their family and friends recommended. Experiences of other people with a specific brand often become sources of information for many consumers since they are more relatable and trustworthy.
Any customer can become a part of word-of-mouth promotion in a variety of ways. It can be an unpacking video on Instagram Stories, a review on a website, a hashtag, or a tag. As a result, people can see this content and think about interacting with a particular company too. This way, brands can reach new consumers and drive conversions. A good product plus a positive experience with a brand can help attract more loyal customers. This, in its turn, allows companies to obtain good profit.
Let’s uncover the advantages of this strategy and learn more about it.
Benefits of Word-of-Mouth Marketing
A brand doesn’t necessarily need pre-roll ads, site optimization, paid advertising, and other marketing tools to attract new customers. Consumers satisfied with a product can easily popularize a company and help it gain more profit. First of all, the strategy doesn’t always require additional costs and helps reach out to new clients who will be loyal to your company. Secondly, recommendations from friends and family always drive interest and trust in a certain brand. This is a chance to build your image as a credible, reliable, and trustworthy brand.
Companies that apply word-of-mouth promotion obtain increased conversions, higher sales, and wider reach. All these factors create a great incentive for higher profits. The more people learn about your brand, whether from their friends’posts or direct recommendations, the higher yourbrand awarenessand the possibility of brand engagementwill be.
Now that you know the advantages, let’s proceed to the next section to learn how to leverage word-of-mouth marketing.
How to Use Word-of-Mouth Marketing
Consider influencer marketing
Create hashtags
Obtain reviews
Offer freebies
Conduct giveaways and contests
Prepare referral programs
Be ready to provide your clients with an excellent experience to make them discuss your brand and bring in their friends. Read on for our list of best practices for word-of-mouth promotion.
Consider influencer marketing
With influencer marketing, brands can show the benefits of their products on famous people’s social media pages. Opinion leaders can help you promote your product, reach a bigger audience, and encourage their followers to purchase.
This type of marketing is a perfect choice because statistics say that 49% of customers trust influencer recommendations. Nowadays, this type of marketing is one of the most effective due to the level of trust that opinion leaders have built up with their following.
The partnership between Reese Witherspoon,an actress and influencer, and Biossance, a skincare brand, is an excellent example.
Create hashtags
Social network updates encourage brands to rely not only on popular hashtags but also to explore emerging trends of this modern marketing tool. They enable your company to make your product visible and improve yourbrand recognition and customer engagement. Some brands even make changes to their hashtag strategy to increase their reach. You can use community, branded, campaign, and event hashtags to reach a wider audience and see customers tagging your brand and promoting it organically.
You can see a branded hashtag of Sephora, a French retailer of beauty products. The company’s customers often use the brand’s hashtag to share their experiences and recommend Sephora.
Obtain reviews
Now, when all customers have social media accounts and access to the Internet, it’s not difficult to find necessary information about a brand or its product when considering a purchase. One of the most important things consumers pay attention to is reviews. They are social proof of a brand’s quality. Good reviews are helpful since they increase conversions and make your brand look trustworthy.
As of 2020, nine out of ten customers read reviews before buying something. Thus, a brand should have a good reputation and satisfied clients. Hence, let your customers be influenced by good reviews, not bad ones. Consider adding reviews on landing pages of your products’ features or under your product cards to ensure that visitors will see them.
You can see an example of how to implement that on the DirectEats site.
Offer freebies
People like to get something for free, and brands often give them such an opportunity. You can often encounter various freebies on social media platforms of different businesses. This is how companies try to attract and engage new customers who probably already use the products or services of other brands. The successful freebies can bring repeat sales andcustomer loyalty to your company.
For example, Sephora offers customers to choose a gift for their birthdays.
Conduct giveaways and contests
The size of your brand is not essential when it comes to giveaways that can bring some exposure to your company. Opening a giveaway will not only enable you to reach your target audience but increase your customer base as well. Your clients will share the news about your giveaway with their friends and family and encourage them to participate. This, in its turn, will enable your followers to show their activity and spread information about your brand.
Let’s take Kopari, for example. The company that offers coconut beauty products decided to conduct a giveaway for its followers.
Prepare referral programs
If you aim to achieve success in your word-of-mouth promotion, consider implementing a referral program. Offer some perks to your customers to drive interest and promote your company effectively. You can provide your regular customers with a financial reward or a free product as an appreciation for referring a friend.
For example, some Spotify users got prizes for referring their friends. The company offered one month of using the service for free forexisting users and one month of premium fornew users.
We hope that you’ll make use of the strategies above, and now we’ll walk you through several examples.
Examples of Word-of-Mouth Marketing
Many business owners are ready to implement word-of-mouth marketing strategies to drive sales and generate buzz around their brands. Several examples from big companies will demonstrate how the approach works in real life.
Coca-Cola and the “Share a Coke” campaign
Coca-Cola, known for its soft drinks, decided to create a special “Share a Coke” campaign. This step allowed the brand to attract new customers and encourage them to buy the famous drink. Coca-Cola aimed to make people share a drink with their friends to have a wider reach.
Dropbox and free space
When it was first launched,Dropbox used a referral program to spread its message and make more and more people use its services. Everyone can be enticed by freeproducts. The file-hosting service leveraged this fact by offering 500 MB of bonus space for referred customers.
Netflix and an army of opinion leaders
Netflix succeeded in obtaining a vast number of subscribers by using influencer marketing. The popular streaming service noticed that many consumers trust influencer recommendations. The power of opinion leaders made Netflix stand out and grow exponentially.
Your audience is the best way to promote your brand organically without a huge number of modern tools and approaches. However, you can’t turn your consumers into raving fans at once. To win their love and attention, you’ll need to do your best at creating a good product and providing consumers with excellent customer service and experience.

Webinar announcement
A webinar announcement is a message sent to inform the audience about an upcoming webinar. After registering with LIKE.TG, you can send announcement campaigns for free.
Why should I send a webinar announcement?
If you conduct webinars, conferences, or workshops and never send event invitation emails to your audience, you will lag behind your competitors.
With the help of these messages, you can hype up your event, skyrocket your website traffic, boost sales, and get one step closer to your customers.
With the large selection of channels available today, informing your audience is a no-brainer, and you won’t even have to break a sweat to set it up. Still, you have to choose the best channel for your business at a reasonable price. You can create an attractive banner for your site, but how can you be sure that there will be loads of traffic in the days before your webinar? Alternatively, you can run paid promotions, though, there are no guarantees that your offer will target the right people. As a result, you may lose a lot of money.
To be on the safe side, we suggest sending webinar announcement emails. Direct promotions and email campaigns will drive 58-64% of the registrations for your event. As of 2017, 45% of marketers prefer using email when promoting their webinars. This channel has proven to be the cheapest way to build relationships with customers. With LIKE.TG you can send 15,000 emails for free every month using advanced marketing tools.
How can I create the perfect webinar announcement?
Create an attractive subject line
Add an image worth a thousand words
Write a clear copy
Creating an announcement email campaign will take 30 minutes without making the process stressful. All you need to do is choose a reliable marketing service that provides pre-designed email templates, an intuitive email builder, scheduling options, and helps you monitor email performance.
Let’s dive into creating a webinar announcement step by step.
Create an attractive subject line
Let's assume that you’ve chosen the right segment of people to send your webinar invitation campaign to. Now your task is to make them open your email — and that comes down to the quality of your subject line. Help your subscribers realize instantly that they’ve been invited to a webinar. State this information right in your subject line and include the webinar topic in the preheader. Don’t underestimate the power of a good subject line, and with LIKE.TG, you can customize it to your liking.
Loren Baker from SEJ reveals the topic of the upcoming webinar in the subject line and provides more details in the preheader text.
Add an image worth a thousand words
A high-quality image not only attracts attention but can provide all the necessary information about your webinar without typing a line of text. Your banner may contain the topic of your event, questions that a speaker is going to cover, time and date. Make it clickable so that a user can read more about your webinar right on the registration page. If your speaker is a famous specialist in your niche, use their photo to motivate users.
The GIF in the email below grabs attention and is a metaphoric representation of the topic of the webinar.
Write a clear copy
Include information users need to attend your event: topics for discussion, date, time, duration, the reason why it’s worth attending and say a little bit about your speakers. To make it visually appealing, make use of a bulleted list.
Don’t forget to add a CTA that will let users register. Naming the button “Register,” “Save me a seat,” “Join the webinar,” or something else concise.
The webinar announcement email below brings it all together perfectly. All the details are in front and information is easy to scan.
How can I announce a webinar with LIKE.TG?
With LIKE.TG’s drag and drop editor, you can create an outstanding email campaign without any technical skills. Drag text, pictures, buttons, videos, social sharing buttons to your email and edit them to match your brand style.
You can use free pre-designed templates to save time. This guide will walk you through creating an email campaign.
Tips to Create an Effective Webinar Announcement
To create effective announcements, follow these tips.
Target the right people. If you plan to launch paid promotions on Facebook or Instagram, be meticulous about choosing the audience that you target with your ads. These people should be interested in your activities, otherwise, you’ll be wasting your budget. If you send a webinar announcement email, be careful to choose the necessary segment. Avoid attacking your entire mailing list with the invitation. It’s highly unlikely that all of your audience needs to attend this particular webinar.
Combine channels wisely. Your target audience could be anywhere, but never communicate the same message across all the marketing channels you use. You can announce an upcoming webinar on your site, send reminder emails to your registrants, and tell that a webinar is about to start with a web push notification.
Record your webinars. You can use the recording of a valuable webinar as a lead magnet. This way, users will be more motivated to subscribe and you don’t have to invest a dollar. Besides, you can use the recording as a part of a course, educational materials or transform it into an article.
Examples of Webinar Announcements
This is a webinar announcement post on Facebook. Users can find all the information in the banner and follow the link to fill in the form to attend an event.
This webinar on Logo Design was announced on Instagram. The person holding the webinar is tagged so people can contact them directly if necessary.
This webinar announcement email from Teachable explains what registrants will learn from their webinar.

Web push notification
A push notification is an instant message that is "pushed" by an app in response to a certain event or process that is taking place in the app ("you have a new friend request," "file finished downloading," etc.). Recently the world saw the rise of web (browser) push notifications. Web notifications serve the same role, but instead of an app, push notifications are sent by a website.
LIKE.TG allows you tosend web push notifications free of charge if your database is fewer than 10,000 subscribers. Watch this video to learn how to send push campaigns with LIKE.TG.
What is a web push notification?
Web push notifications are a powerful marketing tool. Push notifications areextremely popular among e-commerce businesses. They send web push notifications from websites to users who havepermitted to receive them. Marketing agencies and push services provide companies with professional instruments that help boost engagement and rocket sales. With LIKE.TG, you can either send push campaigns or combine them with email and SMS for better performance.
Why use push notifications?
High click-through rate
Offline notifications
All popular browsers support them
Spam-free messages
Increase engagement, loyalty, and sales
Free notifications at LIKE.TG
High click-through rate. Web push campaigns' high CTR is due to their visibility. Notifications grab users' attention to whatever site they are viewing.
Offline notifications. Even if subscribers were offline when you sent your push campaign, they willthe next time they come online.
All popular browsers support them. Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and even smartphones support receiving these instant messages.
Spam-free messages. Push notifications exclude sending spam since users don’t have to give any personal information. Right after subscribing, a specific ID is created for each user whoagrees to receivepush notifications.
Increase engagement, loyalty, and sales. Use push notifications to inform your clients about their order status, notify subscribers about the fresh content on a blog, recent updates, and time-limited sales.
You can send web push notifications in LIKE.TG for free if your database is less than 10,000 subscribers.
Check out the list of useful push notifications' features: «The features of web push notifications you have never heard about ».
How do push notifications work?
All you need is to add a script generated by a push service to your site. With LIKE.TG, you’ll get one line of code to be inserted.
When a user visits your site for the first time, they will see a subscription request. If they accept the invitation — congrats, from here on, they will receive your push campaigns. If they block your request,it will never appear again.
How to send push notifications for free with LIKE.TG?
Creating push notifications with LIKE.TG takes five steps and doesn't require any special skills. Just follow these steps.
Step 1.RegisterwithLIKE.TG
If you still don't have an account in LIKE.TG, register.
Step 2. Add your site to send push campaigns
Before creating a web push notification, you need to add your site to LIKE.TG.
Navigate to the "Push" tab and click "Add New Website."
Then, choose a site protocol and enter the link. Upload a website image and choose subscription request conditions.
Follow this step-by-step guide: «How to Add a Site to Send Push Notifications ».
Step 3. Add the generated script to your site
Add the code to the site before the closing tag </head>.
Step 4. Create a web push campaign
Navigate to the "Push" tab and click "Send PUSH."
Choose the recipients of the necessary sites, customize the notification appearance, and specify the sending time. Write the title and text of the message.
To boost conversions, personalize and segment push notifications according to browser language, region, browser type, subscription page. Add a large image to your campaign to attract the attention of more users. Schedule push notifications to be sent to automate your workflow.
Follow the instructions in this guide: «How to Create and Send a Push Campaign».
How toDisable Push Notifications
Irrelevant push notifications, accompanied by an alert, may distract and annoy users, so they want to disable them. It can’t be done on the website that sends you notifications. To stop notifications, go to the settings of your browser, and manage exceptions. Find out how to disable push notifications in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox in our step-by-step guides.
Web Push Notifications API
Want to send push notifications automatically to your clients from your current CRM or CMS system? Make use of our REST API! For more details, go to our Web Push API documentation.
Push Notification Best Practices
Personalize push notifications
Segment push campaigns
Include a large image and custom icon
Preview notifications before sending them
Combine push, SMS, and email marketing
To make push notifications increase customer loyalty, raise brand awareness, and rocket sales, check out some useful tips below.
Personalize push notifications. This is not a new method of increasing performance, but it still holds. If the users see their name in your message, it has more chances to get clicked, since people are fed up with mass notifications.
Segment push campaigns.Stay away from sending the same content to the whole mailing list. That won’t do! User engagement depends on whether you’ve managed to make relevant offers at the right time. Besides, make sure your notification language correlates with your client’s one.
Include a large image and custom icon. This way, your notifications will attract users’ attention at once. A custom icon will help you build brand awareness.
Preview notifications before sending them. Do this to make sure that your customers will receive what you want. This step helps eliminate typos, irrelevant links, and find out how your message will look. This option is available with LIKE.TG.
Combine push, SMS, and email marketing. The combination of the marketing channels mentioned above will allow you to carry out an individual approach to each customer and choose the most appropriate channel when necessary. For example, send an email campaign to inform about the upcoming sale, push notification — to remind on the “X” day, and SMS — to notify about the order status. With LIKE.TG, you can combine these marketing channels for better outreach.
Find out how to create relevant web push notifications on our blog.
Examples of Push Notifications
Personalize and segment notifications according to users’ behavior on your website. They appreciate your care!
Check out another example of a segmented web push notification sent via LIKE.TG. We will help you build relationships with your clients.
This delicious web push notification won't give subscribers a chance to ignore it.
I hope our tips will prove to be useful. Get inspired and leave the technical side of things on our service.
Send push campaign

Webinar invitation
A webinar invitation is a message sent to inform your audience about an upcoming webinar. Email is the most common way to invite subscribers, while marketers also use social media pages and chatbots.
Sending webinar invitations is the best way to attract people to your webinar and stir up interest in the event. In your webinar invitation, you should motivate people to register and showcase the necessary details.
Let’s start this guide by learning what you should include in a webinar invitation.
How do I write a webinar invitation?
Tell your subscribers about the speakers
Combine subject lines and preheaders
Use images
Provide all the crucial details
Add a clear CTA
Provide your contact info
Make a good first impression with your subject line to grab as many potential event-goers’ attention as possible. Get creative with the content of your webinar invitation but, at the same time, stay practical by providing users with all the necessary information about the event. To achieve good results, follow these recommendations:
Tell your subscribers about the speakers. If a well-known expert in going to host the webinar, it’s a good idea to include their names in the webinar invitation subject line. For example: “Learn how to write killer welcome emails with Neil Patel!”
Combine subject lines and preheaders. Support your subject line with a preheader so you can include details or create a hook, like in the example: Subject line — “Digital Marketing Secrets Webinar.” Preheader — “Limited seats.” This combination will create FOMO and improve your open rates.
Use images. Include a picture of the speaker or an illustration that reflects the topic of your webinar.
Provide all the crucial details. Specify the topic of your webinar, date, time, and duration. Leave less important information for later in your series of event reminders.
Add a clear CTA. Use a call to action to tell users what they need to do to take part in your webinar. CTAs like “Register” and “RSVP” are the most common when it comes to webinar invitations.
Provide your contact info. Don't be afraid to let your audience know that your speaker is a pro on the topic of your webinar. Some users may want to contact you to get more specific details, so be ready to answer all of their questions.
Now, that you know what should be included in your webinar invitation, let’s look at some examples.
4 Webinar Invitation Examples
Here are some quality examples for your inspiration collected by Really Good Emails:
Asana’s invitation includes the webinar’s topic and includes the date and time. It also has two strong and clear CTAs. Besides, it shows the guest speaker and the position he holds in his company, which helps readers understand the webinar is made by professionals. At last, users can see the list of activities giving them more motivation for joining the event.
Another great webinar invitation example is from Zoom. It promotes a series of webinars to get the audience acquainted with all of Zoom’s features. It includes an image of a smiling person and gives a small intro text with a CTA. Below, there is a list of upcoming webinars with dates, time, and smaller calls to action. In the end, Zoom promotes free daily demos and also encourages readers to register.
Like the previous example, this webinar invitation by Teachable is designed to make the onboarding process easier. The webinar’s name “Teachable 101” says that it is targeted at beginners. The email explains that the webinar is free. It also lists the details and explains what users will gain by attending the event.
The last example is from Carrot. Their webinar is designed to help couples with fertility issues become parents in the uncertain times of coronavirus. The message is very simple, it contains one image and a pretty large piece of text with some links. This invitation ends with a CTA.
Let’s now learn how to send your own webinar invitation email.
How can I send a scheduled webinar invitation?
Upload your mailing list
Create an email template
Schedule email sending
It only takes three steps to create a webinar invitation email with LIKE.TG.
Step 1: Upload your mailing list
Upload your mailing list or collect subscribers with LIKE.TG’s free subscription forms. Here’s how your mailing list will look in a LIKE.TG account. The columns “Gender” and “Country” can be useful for segmentation.
Step 2: Create an email template
You can create a professional-looking webinar invitation in several ways with LIKE.TG:
Use our intuitive drag and drop editor;
Choose one from pre-designed templates in our free library;
Save any email from your Gmail inbox as a customizable template to your LIKE.TG account with our Chrome extension.
With the first option, simply drag and drop the elements of your email to the working field and customize the images, fonts, text formatting, and CTA buttons to your liking. Below is an example of a webinar invitation email. You can сreate an email like this in half an hour with this guide.
Step 3: Schedule email sending
In the last stage of creating your webinar invitation, you can schedule it for any date required.
Let’s finish this guide with some useful tips.
4 Best Practices for Creating an Effective Webinar Invitation
Personalize your invitation
Motivate returning attendees
Offer an early bird discount
Create a series of follow-up reminders
We’ve collected four excellent tips to help you create a killer webinar invitation that is sure to attract lots of people. Here they are:
Personalize your invitation. Personalized subject lines can increase your open rate by 50%. Try something like this: “Hi, Nina, free 5 February? Join our Hear Everything Webinar!”
Motivate returning attendees. It is always cheaper to work with loyal clients than to acquire a new audience. Create a personalized invitation for those who have attended your webinars in the past. This way, they are more likely to join you again and spread good word-of-mouth about your event.
Offer an early bird discount. Create FOMO to attract more attendees early on. The first registrants will share the news about your webinar with their friends on socials, and generate more attendees for your event.
Create a series of follow-up reminders. Create a series of automated webinar reminders and, as the webinar date approaches, add value with every new message. Aside from email, you can create a series of webinar reminders created with LIKE.TG’s Automation 360 that will include emails, SMS, and web push notifications.
Congratulations, you’ve learned how to create and send efficient webinar invitations. Try sending one with LIKE.TG today!
Send a webinar invitation

Website builder
A website builder is a software that empowers users to develop a site that meets their needs without knowledge of the code. It usually has a drag-and-drop editor so clients can add specific elements and build a professional website for their business.
In this video, Anna, a marketer at LIKE.TG, explains how to create a website for free without any coding skills.
In this article, we’ll uncover why to use a builder, how it works, and how to choose the right one. We’ll also discover the 5 best platforms for beginners.
Why should you use a website builder?
Builders enable business owners to design stylish websites without knowledge of the code. However, there are even more advantages you can reap from it. In this section, we’ll uncover all the benefits for your brand.
First of all, quality services offer you ready-to-go templates for various types of businesses. You don’t need any programming or coding knowledge to build your desired website design.
Building a website allows you to erase the limits of a physical store. You can run an eCommerce business using features, themes, and necessary tools. As a result, you’ll be able to integrate with other platforms and ensure an excellent shopping experience for your consumers. For example, you can incorporate needed payment systems, integrate various lead generation platforms, and bulk email services, apply customer management tools, etc. Since online presence is a must nowadays, the majority of website builders have integrations with them. It enables you to avoid searching and installing specific plugins.
One more advantage of a website builder is its cost-effectiveness. Using a special platform, you can save costs on hiring a website designer.
If you worry about how your clients can find your online store, you can use a custom domain name or your registered domain. Your customers will recognize your site and find it easily.
With a site creator, you can save time and adjust the design of your website at any time. Pre-designed templates and themes enable you to create your site fast. Moreover, you can always make necessary changes if you see some drawbacks later.
Now that you know why you should use a website builder for your business, it’s time to figure out how it works. It will help you decide whether it suits your purpose.
How does a website builder work?
Website developing services don’t imply any installments. So you don’t spend time reading instructions, figuring out how to install the program, and how to use it. They are used in a web application which is very comfortable for users. Since website builders target both starters and professional designers, they have a simple interface and easy-to-understand features.
With drag-and-drop editors, you can add all the necessary elements to your new website by simply dragging them to the editor field. You’ll see various headings, texts, videos, links, and images which you can add to your workspace. After you finish with the components of your website, you’ll be able to see your result instantly. You can adjust the elements if you decide that something looks unsatisfactory or irrelevant.
Usually, you have two options: create a website from scratch or select one of the available customizable templates. If you don’t have any coding skills, it’s better to use a template. It has everything you need for a perfect website except your information. Insert the text, headings, images, and videos you want to get the desired result.
Now that you know how website builders operate, it’s time to proceed to the next section and discover how to select a website that suits your business goals, pricing requirements, and skills.
How to choose a website builder?
When selecting a website builder, you should consider several criteria, including ease of use, features, customer support, pricing, and data ownership. We’ll cover these points so that you can choose a good service for your company.
Determine whether the service is easy to use. If you are a beginner, it’s crucial to figure out if a builder suits you. Go to the company’s website and see whether you need any coding or programming skills, explore how to design a website, and find out if it’ll be easy for you to handle it without the help of a professional web designer. Open the service’s features and search for a drag-and-drop builder, design options, ready-to-use professional templates, and editing tools.
Explore pricing. Since there’s increasing competition for website builders, you have many options. Make sure to select among services that suit you in terms of price and functionality. It’s great if a platform has a basic free tariff or a free trial with the main features to understand how the service works. Search for information about a free domain, free SSL, free business email, and free eCommerce features on the builder’s website before paying for it. Explore this information to calculate the expenses on a website domain, business email, SSL, etc. Check if a service has some hidden costs.
Discover the platform’s features. Your website builder contributes to your business's success and all integrations' productivity. When exploring the features, ensure the service offers a library of templates that satisfies you. Look through the website to see what templates, designs, and themes they offer. Moreover, check if the platform is flexible. It means that you can add some necessary integrations like Google Analytics, payment systems, CRM, email marketing services, etc. See the list of available integrations to ensure the platform meets your requirements.
Contact customer support. Test a company's customer support agents by asking them questions about the service. It will help you determine how helpful and empathetic they are to potential customers. The service should have 24/7 support if you work in a different time zone and have your onboarding. You should also discover whether they have a live chat and a fast response rate. Look if a platform has a knowledge base or a help center in case you can’t get through to the support or want to figure everything out yourself.
Unveil data ownership and privacy policy. Although you might not instantly think about these two points, they are essential for effective work and data security. Before paying for any service, read the terms of this service and its privacy policy. It will prevent you from having any issues in the future regarding your personal data.
Now that you know how to find the right website builder, we’ll provide you with a list of the best services in terms of pricing, functionality, flexibility, and usability.
5Best Website Builders for Beginners
We’ve gathered the5 best website builders for you to consider. Let’s review each of them in detail so that you can choose one for your brand.
LIKE.TG is a multichannel platform that combines all the necessary marketing tools, including a website builder. The service allows you to design sites, landing pages, and online stores. With the provided tools, you no longer need to hire a website designer and spend additional costs. You can do it all by yourself with an easy-to-use platform and no coding skills. Once you understand which site you need for your company, modify the size of the components and select a color palette.
The platform enables you to build a responsive website design that adapts to any screen size. It means that your site will look good on PCs, laptops, and mobile devices. You just need to add text, forms, and buttons that are visible and good-looking. Customize your website style and add the necessary elements to convert leads into clients. Design a website from scratch or use templates. The platform provides you with ready-to-go professional templates to create websites faster.
Add a live chat to answer users’ questions and encourage them to convert. Live chat from LIKE.TG enables you to tailor your live chat’s format, color, and style, hide and expand the live chat widget whenever needed. The dialog history with all your potential customers will appear on one page so you can manage your chats quickly.
Consider adding subscription forms if you want your customers to connect with your brand fast. This feature is available with LIKE.TG. With multichannel subscription forms, you can communicate with your potential clients through preferred marketing channels such as email, SMS, or chatbots. The service empowers you to add various fields (name, gender, address, or phone number), upload images, and modify the form on the go. Set display options and add subscription forms to the web pages you need. The form will appear on the necessary pages of your website immediately or in a couple of seconds.
You can design a smart widget using templates and add smart pop-ups to your newly created website. With ready-to-go templates, you can set up your pop-up and add it to your site within 10 minutes. Modify display conditions, tailor messages, and deliver personalized experiences with your company.
Customers can pay for products right on your site. Add product galleries, descriptions, shipment options, and payment buttons to sell your products seamlessly. Connect LIKE.TG free CRM to manage all the deals and their progress. Besides, the platform provides useful integrations like web push, email campaigns, and chatbots.
Below you can see the process of creating a website using a template in LIKE.TG.
Free plan: One published site, 50 pages, choosing a domain name, and 100 MB of image storage.
Paid plan: Starting from $13 per year for three published sites, 500 pages, custom domain, choosing a domain name, 200 MB of image storage, and accepting payments.
Wix is a perfect platform for people who want to sell online, promote business, and build a community. With the service, you can create a blog, eCommerce website, and portfolio. It helps you reach different purposes like selling goods online, extending a loyal audience, monetizing content, improving visibility, conducting events, etc.
Wix provides you with a library of 900+ free, customizable website templates that will meet the needs of businesses in different industries and the option to design your website from scratch. The platform will be helpful for starters and professional creators since it has a smart drag-and-drop editor. Moreover, after signing up, you’ll get a custom domain, logo, and more brand tools, full-stack web dev tools for custom functionality, and AI technology that assists you during the website development process.
There are even more advantages you can experience with Wix:
fast website loading;
multi-cloud hosting;
space for SEO optimization;
built-in accessibility tools;
24/7 data protection.
Below you can see how to edit an existing template for your business in Wix.
Free plan: Up to 500MB of storage space, up to 500MB of bandwidth, and assigned URL.
Paid plan: Starting from $4.50 per month for 1 GB of bandwidth, 500 MB of storage space, and 24/7 customer care.
GoDaddy is a service suitable for designing portfolios and setting up an online store. Different features of the platform enable you to create a website, promote it, and get your customers.
GoDaddy provides free professional templates for various industries like online stores, restaurants and food, home services, fashion and beauty, and health and fitness. Drag and drop builder enables you to customize or add entire sections like headings, galleries, price lists, or menus. Moreover, the service takes care of your social media and email campaigns. With GoDaddy, you can create engaging branded content for your accounts. The platform allows you to design your website by using templates for free. Once you decide to start selling, you can upgrade to a paid plan and receive orders.
In one dashboard, you can see and manage various things like reviews, orders, and social media. It’s convenient and time-saving.
Below you can see how to build a website in GoDaddy.
Free plan: 7-day free trial.
Paid plan: Starting from $9.99 per month (if paid annually) for custom domain, websites and marketing analytics dashboard, and website chat.
Strikingly is a perfect choice for starters since it’s easy to use. The platform offers you a library of website templates and a drag-and-drop editor. You need to add the necessary elements and edit them. In around 30 minutes, you’ll get a professional-looking site. With Strikingly, you don’t need any knowledge of the code or experience building websites. To launch a website, you need to choose a template and tailor it for your business. The platform offers templates for startups, portfolios, events, blogs, stores, services, etc.
You can create a new domain name or use your registered one. This way, it’ll be easier for customers to recognize your business. Creating eCommerce websites is easy with Strikingly. You need to add a simple store and connect it with the preferred payment systems like PayPal and Stripe. You are all set up to sell.
With the platform's features, you can add shipping, coupons, and membership log-ins. Creating signups, forms, live chat, and newsletters in one place allows you to generate leads and expand your audience. Consider developing a membership program and registering your customers within it. This step will help you increase engagement and customer loyalty. Besides a simple store, you can create a blog. It will enable you to share valuable content with your readers in a convenient way.
After building your website, you’ll be able to access Strikingly built-in analytics. With its help, you’ll see the effectiveness of your blog posts, visitor statistics, and the number of interested prospects. Moreover, you’ll receive insights into the success of your website.
In the screenshot below, you can see how to design a website in Strikingly.
Free plan: unlimited free websites, Strikingly.com domain, 5 GB monthly bandwidth, 500 MB total storage per site, 5 multiple pages per site, and 1 product per site.
Paid plan: Starting from $12 per month for 2 limited sites, unlimited free sites, custom domain, free SSL for custom domain, 1 GB storage per site, 50 GB bandwidth, up to 5 pages per site, and up to 5 products.
Duda enables you to design a well-performing website without any training or special skills. It allows you to access pre-designed elements, create shareable designs, collect and import content, and build websites you can launch in minutes. The platform has a rich selection of templates to choose something appropriate for yourself. Examples include templates for yoga teachers, insurance companies, real estate businesses, professional CVs, design agencies, and many more.
Duda has a Content Library. Creating a website is faster in Duda since it helps you pull all your content from a website or Facebook page into the Content Library. Text blocks, images, and addresses are widgets you can connect to the Content Library to manage your data in one place. Moreover, the service takes care of your team collaboration. You can leverage asset sharing, site comments for quick design iterations, team permissions for frictionless project management, etc.
Utilize no-code website builder software or dive into JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, with the platform’s intuitive web design solution. Discover drag drop tools to create a perfect design for your website.
Below you can see how to design a website using Duda’s ready template.
Free plan: 14-day free trial.
Paid plan: Starting from $19 per month for 1 site AWS hosting included, and email support.
Congrats, now you have a list of amazing website builders to choose the right one. Hope that our article will help you with establishing your business website.

Website monetization
Website monetization is the process of earning money from a particular website or blog by using it as an advertising platform for companies with content and offers relative to that site.
Why is website monetization important?
Increases revenue
Gives a chance for passive income
Allows earning from the blog
It gives you options
Increases revenue.A decision to implement website monetization is crucial because it allows more opportunities for earning. Depending on how much traffic a website has, website monetization can be a part-time job, or something more significant.
Gives a chance for passive income. There are different options forwebsite monetization, which requiressetting it up once, such as display advertising and web push ads. After setting this up, the traffic on a website will result in revenue.
Allows earning from the blog. Bloggers can monetize, too. They often focus on monetization methods like donations and affiliate marketing, but they are not limited to that.
It gives you options. You can monetize a website or blog in different ways. Choosing adequate types of website monetization for your situation is essential. For instance, if you are a vegetarian blogger, it’s a good idea to advertise vegetarian shops and restaurants. If you’re a speech coach, it’s appropriate to suggest microphones and clothes for sounding and looking ideally in public.
Types and Examples of Website Monetization
Display advertising
Google Adsense
Web push ads
Affiliate marketing
Membership site
Sponsored content
Display advertising
Selling ad space to monetize your website means that you have to find companies, ideally within a relevant niche, and provide them with space on your site where they will display their ads. The relevancy of display advertising is based on data about previously visited websites and search queries. The advertisements below are relevant to a person who writes articles on marketing topics, for example.
Google Adsense
It’s a service for selling ad space. Google Adsense liberates a website owner from searching for relevant advertisers and takes fees for such service.
Web push ads
Web push notifications open the other way to monetize a website. If the users allow a site to send web push notifications, they will receive announcements, integrated into this website notification, from other companies. The algorithm shows relevant advertisements only.
Affiliate marketing
This type of monetization means selling other company’s products or services on your website. A website owner finds a product attractive to the audience and promotes it on the site and via email campaigns. The revenue depends on the commission both sides have agreed upon.
Membership site
It means that a website offers exclusive content, which only members can view. A membership site monetization requires payments that allow users to get access to additional and more valuable materials.
Sponsored content
A website or blog can add content from other relevant webpages. This information should be interesting for the audience and be added only to the point. Otherwise, Google can punish the website.
If a website provides users with valuable content or solves their problems for free — a website owner can ask the audience to make donations. The revenue depends on the number of people using the website daily and how strong they want to contribute.
Website Monetization Best Practices and Tips
Let your website breathe. Don’t overwhelm subscribers with tons of ads on every page. Put yourself in your audience’s shoes and mind that the ads should be relevant to a website’s subject.
Follow the law. Your website monetization should be legal. Irresponsible behavior towards marketing methods may harm the reputation of your website and brand.
Develop a monetization mix. A website with a lot of traffic can monetize in different ways at once. A website owner should think out the best ways that fit the circumstances and try to implement them.
Monetize my website

WhatsApp marketing
WhatsApp marketing is a type of messenger marketing, which implies promoting a brand through WhatsApp. This channel helps brands reach an enormous audience, build strong relationships with customers, and increase sales. With LIKE.TG chatbots, you can convert more leads into customers andprovide 24/7 client support.
In this video,Alex, a marketer at LIKE.TG,explains how to boost your marketing efforts on WhatsApp.
Why Should You Use WhatsApp Marketing for Your Business?
WhatsApp is the most popular messaging platform in the world. In 2020, its audience has grown up to 2 billion active users monthly. This marketing channel is a must-have for businesses that want to connect with audiences in developing countries. For instance, there are 340 million monthly WhatsApp users in India and almost 100 million in Brazil. However, the platform is also an excellent choice for promotions in the US market – 68 million Americans access WhatsApp at least once a month.
WhatsApp marketing allows you to stay in touch with your customers – more than half of WhatsApp users check the app every day. Better yet, you can be sure they will get your offers, as text messages have a 98% open rate.
The last point is that your customers love this communication channel. They trust brands with chat apps more – 53% of people say they would buy from companies they can reach via chat.
However, there are more reasons to implement WhatsApp in your marketing strategy. Read on to learn a few more benefits of this marketing channel.
Benefits of WhatsApp Marketing for Your Business
Profound relationships with customers
Higher conversion rate
Better sales
Lower cost of marketing
Using messengers is a golden opportunity to improve your marketing strategy. There are four positive outcomes of using WhatsApp for your business promotion.
Profound relationships with customers
Over 55% of people feel more connected to a brand if they use messaging apps. It makes WhatsApp marketing a bulletproof strategy for building long profound relationships with customers. Maintaining such a connection, in turn, helps brands cut expenditures as customer retention is 5-25 times cheaper than acquisition.
Out of the box, WhatsApp provides business with a robust set of opportunities for personalization. For instance, you can send personalized welcome messages, special offers, birthday congratulations, and so on. Such an approach keeps customers more engaged with a brand – over 70% of consumers say they engage only with personalized marketing messages.
Higher conversion rate
Choosing a perfect channel for your initial contact with customers is crucial. People may get disgruntled with phone calls while staying inaccessible through email or social media.
Here is where WhatsApp comes in handy to nudge your prospects towards the purchase. Businesses say that customers answered 40% of their WhatsApp messages.
Better yet, messaging drives conversions. Namely, messaging after initial contact with a prospect can increase the conversion rate by 112.6%. However, WhatsApp marketing is not the only way to boost your conversions. If you want to learn some more tricks, follow our comprehensive guide on conversion rate optimization.
Better sales
WhatsApp marketing works as a sort of magic wand for your sales. The simple trick of adding a WhatsApp phone number on your website may result in a 27% more sales leads.
It seems like the opportunity to reach a brand through any messaging app alone instills confidence in potential customers. At least 66% feel more optimistic about purchasing from a company if it is active on messengers.
Better yet, you can consider WhatsApp a stand-alone sales channel for your business. It’s possible with the growing tendency for people to buy through messaging apps. Roughly 60% of consumers believe they will use messengers more to make purchases in the future.
Lower cost of marketing
WhatsApp is still a very affordable marketing channel, which makes this platform enticing for small businesses. All you need to get the ball rolling is to install an app and connect to the Internet.
Meanwhile, the chances that your message will reach the customer are sky high. On average, a user checks WhatsApp over 23 times a day.
WhatsApp marketing drives more conversions, improves sales, allows you to build deep quality relationships with customers, and costs next to nothing in terms of marketing expenditures. Read further to learn how to build a WhatsApp marketing strategy.
Support clients and boost sales!
You can answer customers' FAQs, inform them about exclusive offers and increase your outreach via WhatsApp.
Register and connect for free!
WhatsApp Marketing Strategy
Define your goals and KPIs
Pin down your target audience
Get the business app
Create a brand persona
Build a contact list
Design your communication
Deliver great customer service
A well-made strategy underlies the effectiveness of every marketing channel. It enables you to plan your steps and change paths if something goes wrong. Here are a bunch of tips to help you craft your WhatsApp marketing strategy and get great results.
1. Define your goals and KPIs
To get your WhatsApp marketing strategy started, determine your marketing objectives. This step will help you focus your attention on meaningful activities and draw the line on unnecessary things.
Start by revising your marketing funnel and finding weak spots. Try to think of business goals you can pursue with your WhatsApp marketing strategy. Pinpoint the KPIs that will help you understand whether you have met these goals.
Here is an example to help you get your head around this scheme: If your business has issues with retaining customers, you can tackle them by sending promotional messages through WhatsApp. In this case, your KPIs might be clicks, engagement, and customer retention rates.
2. Pin down your target audience
Knowing your target audience underlies all your marketing efforts and defines their success. You can try several approaches to determine your target audience. A classic one is customer profile creation. To explore it, follow our guide on building a buyer persona.
Another way is to use the jobs to be done (JTBD) framework. If you decide to stick to this one, ask yourself these questions:
Why do people use your product?
What value do they want to get from it?
What outcomes do they want to achieve?
Whatever approach you choose, avoid guesses and speculation; explore your audience instead. To start with the JTBD framework, interview 10-15 of your current customers who made a purchase lately. For customer profile creation, you can conduct surveys on social media and add data from Google Analytics, your CRM, Facebook and Google Ads, and so on. These tools will help you spot demographic and geographic characteristics of your typical customers.
3. Get the business app
To meet small and large firms' needs, WhatsApp launched a stand-alone application, WhatsApp Business. This tool has some helpful extra features, such as:
A business profile with essential information: your address, business description, email address, and website.
Catalog – a virtual showcase of your products.
Labels to organize your chats with customers. For instance, you can label conversations according to the stage of the sales funnel.
Quick and automated replies to stay in touch with customers and provide answers immediately.
Statistics to track sent, delivered, received, and read messages.
4. Create a brand persona
People prefer to communicate with other people, not an impersonal business. Thus, to undertake successful WhatsApp marketing, you need to form your brand persona. A brand persona is a kit of traits, attitudes, and values your brand shares.
Remember market leaders? All of them have personas. For instance, Apple appears to be creative and intellectual, Fanta – jolly and easy-going, Nike – passionate and vigorous. Your brand probably also has some personality; try to explore it and spot the most meaningful traits. This persona will underlie your tone of voice and communications with prospects on WhatsApp.
Create a feeling that your customers are dealing with a person. Try to use a person's name as a signature; it works better than a company's name.
5. Build a contact list
If you’re going to use WhatsApp as more than a customer support channel, you need a contact list. The best way to get one and grab new contacts is to use subscription forms. Place them on different pages of your website and offer a lead magnet – such as an eBook or discount.
Consider going for multichannel forms – they allow your subscribers to choose where they want to receive updates – via email, WhatsApp, Facebook messenger, and so on. This move lets you communicate with customers through the channels they prefer. In turn, such an approach creates higher engagement and boosts conversions. To create multichannel forms in two clicks, try the LIKE.TG form builder.
Remember to segment your audience to send the most relevant campaigns and deliver personalized experiences. Follow our guide on mailing list segmentation – though we’ve created it with email marketing in mind, you can apply the same tactics to WhatsApp marketing as well.
6. Design your communication
WhatsApp messages have impressive open rates in comparison with other channels. However, if you offer irrelevant or poorly produced content, your marketing on this channel will be dead in the water.
Start by pinpointing your main topics and the messages you want to deliver. Try not to limit yourself to only promotional messages; remember to entertain and educate your audience. Keep your communications short and sweet – people often check WhatsApp on the go and have no time to read long messages.
Reinforce your messages with multimedia files, such as videos, animations, or pictures. Emoji are also appropriate in WhatsApp marketing. If you want to play around them, choose smiley faces or people rather than business-themed objects.
Another point to consider is message frequency. If you bombard your readers with messages every hour, chances are it will make them annoyed with your brand. It is best to adhere to the commonly used practice of sending 5-10 messages weekly.
7. Deliver great customer service
Most customers use messaging apps to get brand support. 59% of people believe they get responses faster via messengers, 50% find better advice and care in this communication channel. Here is the point where WhatsApp marketing comes in handy.
WhatsApp allows your brand to get queries immediately and provide customers with real-time support. This feature becomes crucial, as long as 28% of customers expect to get help within an hour, and 18% anticipate an immediate response.
Keeping such a pace seems arduous, but WhatsApp allows you to provide customer support round the clock. All you need is to employ a chatbot and feed it with typical questions and answers to them. Such an approach may help you cut customer support costs by 30%.
To sum it up, creating a WhatsApp marketing strategy encompasses setting goals, exploring your audience, delivering great content, and maintaining good relationships with your customers. Some brands have mastered these techniques flawlessly. In the next part, we’ll delve into some examples and ideas for your WhatsApp marketing.
5 WhatsApp Marketing Ideas and Examples
WhatsApp marketing is all about relationships with the audience and delivering value. However, there is space for some creativity in these conditions. Let’s take a once-over of WhatsApp campaigns from all sorts of businesses and get a dose of inspiration for your own brand promotions.
Klook – transactional messages
The online travel platform Klook decided to use WhatsApp for customer satisfaction and to increase retention. Thus, the company built its marketing strategy around updates and notifications about bookings.
Klook kept its clientele's best interests at heart and needed to find the most convenient communication channel. As the company has an enormous audience in the Asia-Pacific region, the choice fell on WhatsApp – the app is widespread in this area.
The travel platform invited its website and app visitors to subscribe to WhatsApp notifications – order updates and reminders. As a result, the opt-in rate for WhatsApp turned out to be 63% higher than for the Klook app’s push notifications. The customer retention rate grew by 40%.
Netflix – personal recommendations
The streaming giant, Netflix, knows a little something about keeping its users engaged with the service. The service offers personal recommendations in its mobile application. In 2017, the company decided to extend this practice to WhatsApp.
Netflix launched this campaign in January 2017 in India – WhatsApp's biggest market. Users, who had both Netflix and WhatsApp installed on their smartphones, saw the offer to stay in touch through WhatsApp messenger. If a person clicked “I’m in,” they started to receive messages about their account and TV program and film suggestions. Half a year after Netflix offered the same opportunity for its users in the UK.
The trick here was to keep interacting with customers even after they’ve canceled their Netflix subscription. New show announcements and reminders triggered recipients to resubscribe to the streaming platform.
Agent Provocateur – profound counseling
The upmarket lingerie brand, Agent Provocateur, decided to go a bit further with recommendations to customers. A couple of years ago, the company started its Ménage à Trois campaign dedicated to Christmas.
Agent Provocateur offered couples to start a group chat with the brand assistant on WhatsApp. During the conversation, the company representative gave personal recommendations and facilitated the discussion of what the prospects wanted for Christmas.
31% of these conversations resulted in in-store visits and 61% converted into website traffic. The campaign was so successful that Agent Provocateur decided to make Whatsapp counseling a permanent service for VIP customers.
Saffola – real-time help
If you've tried any diet, you are probably familiar with the cravings for a slice of pizza or a cookie. The Indian healthcare brand, Saffola, decided to build its campaign around fighting this want for unhealthy food.
To help people combat their harmful eating habits, Saffola crafted a WhatsApp chatbot. A user could send a message to this bot when they felt a longing for some comfort food. In turn, the chatbot tried to distract a person with pre-recorded positive reinforcements, puzzles, and even a rap song. The latter promoted Suffola’s new active slimming drink.
Adidas – tackling audiences’ issues
The sportswear brand, Adidas, used WhatsApp as a part of its new shoe promotion campaign. The brand decided to focus on a narrow audience – amateur football players – and help them tackle their specific issue.
Football teams fairly often experience troubles with stuff. Some players may drop out at the last minute before a match, and there might be no replacement. Adidas offered to find a substitute through WhatsApp. All you need to do is send a message to a WhatsApp hotline and share essential information about the match. In return, Adidas will send a top-notch football player to your game.
Although the campaign only lasted for six days and targeted a specific audience, it has delivered impressive results. In particular, Adidas got a lot of buzz in football media, retail websites, blogs, and so on.
Some of these examples are simple yet effective, while others are difficult to recreate. However, they illustrate the main rules of successful marketing: listen to your audience and know their needs, provide value, and be creative. Want to learn more WhatsApp hacks? Read further.
5 WhatsApp Marketing Tips
Create broadcast lists
Use group chats
Employ WhatsApp statuses
Craft a product catalog
Create a WhatsApp link
We’ve unpacked quite a few tricks of building a WhatsApp marketing strategy. Now it’s time to explore some more specific techniques.
Create broadcast lists
In a nutshell, a broadcast list is a group of recipients gathered together. Сontacts can not see each other and receive your messages separately, which makes them similar to segments in your mailing lists.
These peculiarities make broadcast lists the perfect feature for sending relevant campaigns. For instance, you can gather all your VIP customers in one list and send them exclusive offers or ask existing clients for referrals, and so on. Use this feature to retain and engage your audience.
Use group chats
This feature resembles the previous one at first sight, but there’s a difference between them. Unlike broadcast lists, group chats allow members to see each other and share their opinions with the whole group.
So, group chats may come in handy if you want to encourage discussions between your customers. For instance, you may set up a group to warm up participants before some offline event or webinar.
Another case is when your clients make purchasing decisions in groups. It’s a common practice for businesses with elaborate and expensive products, such as IT solutions, industrial equipment, and so on. Although consumer good sellers may benefit from this tool as well – remember the Agent Provocateur example.
Employ WhatsApp statuses
If you're familiar with Facebook or Instagram stories, WhatsApp statuses may ring a bell for you as well. This feature allows you to share text and multimedia files with all your contacts and receive their feedback. While publishing the update, you may also share it on Facebook. The status expires in 24 hours.
In Instagram marketing, stories are one of the most effective tools, and WhatsApp statuses work well too. You can use them to share special offers, product updates, promo codes, and so on. For instance, you may set up a one-day flash sale for WhatsApp users only.
Craft a product catalog
In 2019, WhatsApp launched product catalogs that allow you to showcase your products. The feature has great potential – even Instagram launched the analogous tool called the Instagram shop.
You can add up to 500 items to your WhatsApp product catalog. Your potential customers may browse through it and share links to some products or ask you questions about them. You may also send catalog items to WhatsApp users or share a link to the whole showcase anywhere online. Catalogs are extremely helpful for small businesses or aspiring entrepreneurs with no websites.
Create a WhatsApp link
It might be difficult for users to initiate conversations with brand on WhatsApp since they need to find your phone number, save it, and start a chat. Luckily, there's an awesome solution— A whatsApp link. You can create such a link and place it on your website, in chatbots, landing page, or add it to your email campaigns. To start communicating with your brand, a user only needs to click it, and they will see a pre-made message. With the LIKE.TG WhatsApp link generator, you can create such a link in several minutes and absolutely for free.
WhatsApp marketing is a golden opportunity to reinforce your brand and build deep, long-lasting relationships with customers. To achieve better results, go beyond WhatsApp and master all the channels your customers prefer. Try Facebook and Telegram messages as well, and reinforce your marketing strategy with email and web push notifications campaigns. To get started with these channels, sign up with LIKE.TG.

Welcome email
A welcome email is the first email communication a company has with a prospect. It is often a part of onboarding emails that help users get acquainted with the brand.
In this video, the LIKE.TG marketershares practicaltips and examples to follow while creating a welcome email. Check out new ideas right now!
Welcome emails enable brands to set the foundation for the kind of cooperation they will have with their subscribers. Given that these emails are sent after purchase or upon subscribing to a company’s newsletter, many of these messages are read which, means that the impression they give the reader is what they will hold over time.
According to an Invesp infographic, 74 percent of people look forward to receiving a welcome email after subscribing to a brand’s email list. So, to ensure that these emails get to customer inboxes as soon as possible, it makes sense to work with a reliable email marketing service.A good email marketing serviceoffers ready-made email templates, flexible email campaign builder, a bunch of useful features and authentication options for better email deliverability.
Why are welcome emails important?
Engages customers better
Saves time
Decreases spam complaints and unsubscribes
Allows sending relevant campaigns
Increases customer loyalty
Gives options for segmentation
Welcome email not only sets the tone for further cooperation with a customer but helps reach the following goals:
Engages customers better
Welcome emails have higher engagement levels compared to other types of emails. As such, they give a business the perfect opportunity to engage new subscribers and convince them to act. According to the infographic referenced above (Invesp), welcome emails have four times more opens and five times more clicks than other marketing emails. Moreover, these emails have a 50 percent open rate, thus making them 86 percent more effective than newsletters.
Saves time
Welcome emails are sent to new subscribers automatically. Hence, they keep marketers from having to connect with new leads manually, which is often a time-consuming task. With LIKE.TG Automation 360, you can set up a welcome email campaign once and let the service do the rest for you.
Let's automate user onboarding!
Give a warm welcome to each subscriber automatically. Make use of ready-made templates, personalization, and a free plan.
Register and create a welcome email!
Decreases spam complaints and unsubscribes
Welcome emails introduce a brand to the customer. As such, the next time the business sends an email, the customer will be receptive to it. This will, in turn, reduce the chances ofsubscribers raising spam complaints or unsubscribing.
Allows sending relevant campaigns
Brands usually add the link to the Preference Center, where subscribers can choose the desired email frequency as well as the content to receive. This way, the brand can create different user segments to meet subscribers’ needs.
Increases customer loyalty
With the right welcome email campaigns, businesses forge lifelong relationships with customers. How so? These emails enable marketers to develop a sense of community in the recipient. For instance, an email with a message such as “Welcome to the club, Anne!” will make Anne feel like she belongs somewhere. In turn, she will feel loyal to the brand that sent her the message.
Another way welcome emails foster customer loyalty is by providing readers with several opportunities to interact with a company. These emails give marketers a chance to add links to websites, blogs, and social media accounts related to their brand.
Gives options for segmentation
Welcome emails also enable businesses to make informed decisions that go a long way in boosting customer loyalty. Marketers can use these emails to collect useful data on leads. After that, they can use that information to precisely target their customers. And by providing them with a better experience, customersare more inclined to stay.
How to Write a Welcome Email
Introduce the business
Give thanks
Write an attention-grabbing subject line
Set expectations
Offer value upfront
Personalize the message
Write a relevant and clear call-to-action
Share useful resources
Get social
Here are useful tips for writing welcome emails:
Introduce the business. Marketers should use welcome emails to share more information about their business. It is necessary to include an easy-to-spot sender name in the email, as well.
Give thanks. A marketer should write a “thank you” to show that they appreciate customers’ decision to subscribe to their messages. An image, suitable GIF, or a single line of text can achieve this.
Write an attention-grabbing subject line. Craft a unique and clear subject line. To come up with an effective one, do several A/B tests to identify the one that generates the highest click-through and open rates.
Set expectations. Provide information on the frequency customers will receive emails from the business. Besides, it’s a good practice to let customers set the email sending frequency. This way, you will have fewer unsubscribes and spam complaints.
Offer value upfront. Do not overwhelm your customers with irrelevant marketing messages. Instead, focus on discounts, tips and tricks, and other valuable information that encourage them to purchase.
Personalize the message. Personalized emails appeal to the target audience more than generic content. You can use LIKE.TG to send more targeted emails that yield higher open and click rates.
Write a relevant and clear call-to-action (CTA). Create effective CTAs that guide the reader to the next step. However, do not confuse the audience with tons of CTAs in the email.
Share useful resources. Provide links to relevant content and resources to get customers more engaged with the company. Videos, guides, blog posts, are some of the resources brands can share with their audiences.
Get social. Link out to social channels related to your brand. Doing this will enable customers to connect with the business on other platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and so forth.
How to Send a Welcome Email with LIKE.TG
You can either send a particular welcome email or a welcome email campaign as an automation flow. LIKE.TG provides users with Automation 360 to set up email sending in advance. Set conditions, goals, manage your mailing lists, and monitor efficiency to improve the strategy on the go.
Follow this step-by-step guide to create and send a welcome email automatically with LIKE.TG.
Welcome Email Examples
Here is a welcome email from Airbnb. This message is sent to people who sign up on the platform as a means of introducing the service to them.
National Geographic sets the expectations in the welcome email, offers top content, and collects the data for segmentation with the help of the section “Which best describes you?”.
This welcome email from Bed Bath and Beyond informs readers about the discount and goes on to highlight other perks the subscriber will enjoy.
Welcome Email Best Practices
Here are some strategies that can help marketers make the most out of welcome emails:
Send a welcome email right after subscription.
Use these emails to set expectations.
Provide options for further mailing list segmentation.
Tell subscribers about the benefits of joining your mailing list.
Personalize the messages in the welcome emails.
Give a chance to set email preferences.
Send a welcome email to develop relationships with the client.
Make use of the tips provided and rely on a professional marketing platform!
Send welcome email

Webinar marketing
Webinar marketing is a set of techniques aimed at promoting specific goods and services, improving brand awareness, entertaining and educating your audience with the help of webinars. Hosting webinars helps brands show their expertise in a certain field and nurture leads.
Watch this video to get inspired by our webinar marketing tips!
According to the Content Marketing Institute, 58% of marketers use webinars to promote their products and services. Let’s find out what makes webinars so popular.
Why is webinar marketing important?
Webinars retain viewer attention
Webinars help you warm up leads quickly
Webinars bring conversions
Webinars generate leads
Four factors prove webinar marketing can be a crucial piece of marketing strategy for some businesses. Here they are:
Webinars retain viewer attention. Unlike advertisements, webinars are not intrusive at all. People willingly tune into your webinar to learn the knowledge you share. According to MakeSocialMediaSell, 40% of users watch webinars from start to finish. This allows you to take your time and sell the idea that your products and services can solve people’s problems.
Webinars help you warm up leads quickly. Users who attend webinars are interested in the topics you plan to discuss. Perhaps, they are in the awareness stage of the buyer’s journey, which means they know about a problem, want to learn more about it, and find a fast solution. If you guide them through solving their issue, they are likely to remember your brand.
Webinars bring conversions. While hosting a webinar, you can show your thorough expertise and prove how helpful your products or services are. Some people will be ready to order from you right after the webinar, especially if they need to quickly solve the problem.
Webinars generate leads. You can use webinars as a lead magnet to turn in new subscribers and leads. To do that, you need to place a lead magnet on your website and tell people about the value you are going to share. If this value is significant enough for users to share their email addresses and other data, they will join your webinar and become leads.
Let’s find out when it’s best to use webinars in your digital marketing strategy.
When should I use webinars in marketing?
When you know how to solve specific problems
When you have exclusive knowledge to share
When you need to teach users how to use your product
When you want to get personal with your audience
A webinar is a universal tool that businesses of any size or niche can utilize to their advantage. We’ve collected the four main reasons to think about using webinars in your marketing strategy. Here they are:
When you know how to solve specific problems. It’s great to tell people how to cope with some issues, especially when your product is the best solution. Promoting your brand in a webinar is a piece of cake if you are sure that it carries value, and most importantly, solves attendees’ problems. You can host a webinar to effectively nurture leads in the early sales funnel stage.
When you have exclusive knowledge to share. You can tell people about upcoming trends, share resources that have helped you become an expert, and help them become better by using your products. A webinar with a focus on providing knowledge won’t bring many direct sales, but it will help you establish trustworthy relationships with your audience, which opens the way for conversions in the future.
When you need to teach users how to use your product. If your product is difficult to use or requires specific knowledge, it’s a great idea to use a webinar as a guide. For instance, if you run a chatbot platform, webinars are a good chance to show people how easy it is to create a chatbot with no coding skills.
When you want to get personal with your audience. A webinar is a way to communicate with people directly. They can see who you are, how you talk, and what you think. In today’s communication between brands and the audience, it’s crucial to make your brand look as personable as possible. Webinars help you achieve that goal.
If any of these reasons resonate with you, let’s learn how to create webinars.
7 Steps to Create a Webinar
Find a topic
Choose your team
Choose a webinar format
Organize webinar content
Select a webinar hosting platform
Set up your space and equipment
Promote your webinar
To create a webinar, you need to go through a few stages depending on your product’s qualities and your target audience. Here is a universal guide that is an outline for any webinar.
Find a topic. It’s best to choose one topic to dive into deeply. As a starting point for your search, review content you’ve already produced, and find out which topics your audience engages with most. When you choose a webinar topic, think about frequently asked questions that your speaker’s experience can address during the webinar.
Choose your team. The more complicated your topic is, the bigger team you may need to conduct your webinar. You may need a facilitator to create the content for your webinar, a presenter to deliver a webinar presentation, and an assistant to take care of technical issues, FAQs, and everything that the presenter will not have time to do. When you do your first webinar, you can accomplish the tasks of these three specialists by yourself.
Choose a webinar format. The simplest option is to conduct an entire webinar with a single speaker. The webinar can also be an interview, a moderated discussion by various speakers, and a QA session. Pick the format that will help you deliver your message in the best and fullest way.
Organize webinar content. Make sure the presentation that you are going to share is full of interesting visual materials and demonstrations. Plain text won’t do because it’s hard for users to focus on for a long time. It’s best to organize your text in lists and support it with relevant images and infographics on every slide.
Select a webinar hosting platform. There are various solutions to host a webinar. The most popular one is Zoom. Its free plan allows you to create webinars with up to 100 participants, though the time is limited to 40 minutes. The paid plan for a 100-member audience without time limitations costs $149.90. You can also consider trying GoToWebinar, BigMarker, Adobe Connect, or WebEx.
Set up your space and equipment. To succeed at conducting a webinar, you need to be calm and focused, especially if you are nervous speaking in public. Use a conference room or any other space without background noises. It’s best to use a broadband internet connection and a headset microphone to ensure a stable signal during the event.
Promote your webinar. Use any digital marketing channels preferred by your audience to inform people about an upcoming webinar. We’ll cover this topic in more detail a bit later.
After the webinar, you can follow-up the with attendees by sending exclusive discounts, quizzes, thank-you emails, etc. Let’s see how to promote your webinar online.
How to Promote Your Webinar
Email Marketing
Social Media
The choice of promotion channels depends on the size of the audience you plan to attract to your event and your budget. There are plenty of free options to promote a webinar.
Email Marketing
Use emails to invite people to your webinar, send event reminders, and follow-up after the webinar with quizzes or a recording. This way you will provide your audience with a positive communication experience.
Here’s an example of a webinar invitation email. It informs recipients about the webinar topic, tells the time and date, presents the speakers, and gives more details about the event. The message ends with a CTA leading to registration.
With LIKE.TG, you can send up to 15,000 emails monthly to 500 subscribers for free and serve invitations, reminders, and follow-ups to your audience using automation.
Social Media
Post about your webinar on your Facebook page so that some members of your existing audience can join it. To attract precisely targeted leads to your webinars, run paid Facebook Ads.
Facebook allows you to narrow your target audience down to San Francisco-based men interested in bodybuilding, aged between 18 and 40 y.o., which is a potential audience of 210 thousand people. This shows that you can tailor your webinar invitation to specific people using Facebook Ads.
Another way to promote your webinar is via chatbots on Facebook and Telegram. You can create a series of messages that will inform users about the webinar’s topic, date and time, answer all FAQs, and guide them towards registration.
Here’s an example of a chatbot flow created with LIKE.TG. Messages are connected in a series, each one has options that move your conversation in different directions. This chatbot flow allows you to find out users’ intentions. In the end, the user can contact a manager who will already know why they are here based on the chatbot data.
You can create up to 3 chatbots with LIKE.TG at no cost. Here’s a guide on creating chatbots.
Let’s finish this guide with some actionable tips.
7 Best Practices to Create Killer Webinars
Optimize for mobile
Create an eye-catching title
Pick an optimal date and time
Set the right expectations
Record your webinar
Don’t be afraid to improvise
Make your webinar interactive
We’ve collected seven tips that will help you create exciting webinars. Here they are:
Optimize for mobile. Make sure the text in your webinar presentation is large enough to be easily visible on mobile phones. That’s important because many people watch webinars from the comfort of their home, so they don’t necessarily use a laptop for that purpose.
Create an eye-catching title. Your webinar's title should tell your audience about the topic, while also showing the value that is waiting for attendees. For example, the title “New Email Marketing Hacks to Try in 2020” clarifies the webinar is about email marketing and tells you what value to expect from attending this event.
Pick an optimal date and time. According to SEJ, around half of attendees prefer to watch webinars on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Meanwhile, webinars that start at 11 am, 1 pm, and 2 pm gather more registrants than other hours.
Set the right expectations. According to Medium, the average number of webinar attendees is 148 people. Don’t expect thousands of people to join your first webinar, otherwise, this experience may disappoint you.
Record your webinar. You can use a webinar for lead nurturing. For instance, you can upload the entire video on YouTube and send it to those registrants who haven’t visited the event. You can also edit the most exciting content from a webinar into smaller videos and post them on social networks or write blog articles based on the webinar recording.
Don’t be afraid to improvise. Your webinar needs to be human. It’s not a big deal if you make a few mistakes during your presentation. People’s engagement level depends on how emotional you are when conducting your speech. A bit of improvisation and appropriate humor is a great way to make your audience tune in and be trust you more.
Make your webinar interactive. Choose a webinar platform that will allow your attendees to send messages in a chat. This way, your webinar won’t just be a monolog, but rather a vivid discussion from which you will learn a lot about your audience’s needs, pain points, and experience.
Congratulations, now you know how to create professional webinars to bring value to your audience and improve your relationships. LIKE.TG can help you collect leads for your webinars, send reminders and updates, and continue communication after the webinar.