

2024-03-20 08:15:19

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根据Gartner Digital Markets的2023年中小型企业软件购买趋势,86%的企业认为验证的评论对于购买决策至关重要,这显示了社交证明在推动销售和信任方面的力量。考虑到49%的客户表示他们在评估购买时会参考评论和用户评级,继续投资于这种类型的媒体覆盖。




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  • 评论:您的产品或服务在行业特定的出版物上进行了评论和发布。




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  • 参加行业特定的贸易展览。尽管参加贸易展览可能不会直接帮助您推动在线增长,但忠实客户倾向于通过社交媒体渠道分享他们的积极经验。在行业特定的贸易展览中结识潜在客户可以帮助获得新客户和品牌大使。



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  • 不要忘记付费媒体覆盖。付费媒体技术,包括影响者营销,可以帮助您获得获得的媒体的关注。这一渠道可以帮助树立信誉和第三方推广。深入了解可以与您的品牌建立互惠关系的影响者。研究他们制作的内容、他们的受众喜欢的内容和对他们重要的主题,然后发送一个相应的提案。重复此过程以与记者建立关系。

  • 使用正确的工具和数字资源来推动您的目标。存在许多公关软件选项,帮助您更好地与记者建立联系,衡量您获得的媒体的影响,了解您获得的媒体价值,创建定制报告等。依靠营销分析软件尤为重要,以识别模式。



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                    100+ Instagram Stats You Need to Know in 2024
100+ Instagram Stats You Need to Know in 2024
It feels like Instagram, more than any other social media platform, is evolving at a dizzying pace. It can take a lot of work to keep up as it continues to roll out new features, updates, and algorithm changes. That‘s where the Instagram stats come in. There’s a lot of research about Instagram — everything from its users' demographics, brand adoption stats, and all the difference between micro and nano influencers. I use this data to inform my marketing strategies and benchmark my efforts. Read on to uncover more social media stats to help you get ideas and improve your Instagram posting strategy. 80+ Instagram Stats Click on a category below to jump to the stats for that category: Instagram's Growth Instagram User Demographics Brand Adoption Instagram Post Content Instagram Posting Strategy Instagram Influencer Marketing Statistics Instagram's Growth Usage 1. Instagram is expected to reach 1.44 billion users by 2025. (Statista) 2. The Instagram app currently has over 1.4 billion monthly active users. (Statista) 3. U.S. adults spend an average of 33.1 minutes per day on Instagram in 2024, a 3-minute increase from the year before. (Sprout Social) 4. Instagram ad revenue is anticipated to reach $59.61 billion in 2024. (Oberlo) 5. Instagram’s Threads has over 15 Million monthly active users. (eMarketer) 6. 53.7% of marketers plan to use Instagram reels for influencer marketing in 2024. (eMarketer) 7. 71% of marketers say Instagram is the platform they want to learn about most. (Skillademia) 8. There are an estimated 158.4 million Instagram users in the United States in 2024. (DemandSage) 9. As of January 2024, India has 362.9 million Instagram users, the largest Instagram audience in the world. (Statista) 10. As of January 2024, Instagram is the fourth most popular social media platform globally based on monthly active users. Facebook is first. YouTube and WhatsApp rank second and third. (Statista) https://youtu.be/EyHV8aZFWqg 11. Over 400 million Instagram users use the Stories feature daily. (Keyhole) 12. As of April 2024, the most-liked post on Instagram remains a carousel of Argentine footballer Lionel Messi and his teammates celebrating the 2022 FIFA World Cup win. (FIFA) 13. The fastest-growing content creator on Instagram in 2024 is influencer Danchmerk, who grew from 16k to 1.6 Million followers in 8 months. (Instagram) 14. The most-followed Instagram account as of March 2024 is professional soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo, with 672 million followers. (Forbes) 15. As of April 2024, Instagram’s own account has 627 million followers. (Instagram) Instagram User Demographics 16. Over half of the global Instagram population is 34 or younger. (Statista) 17. As of January 2024, almost 17% of global active Instagram users were men between 18 and 24. (Statista) 18. Instagram’s largest demographics are Millennials and Gen Z, comprising 61.8% of users in 2024. (MixBloom) 19. Instagram is Gen Z’s second most popular social media platform, with 75% of respondents claiming usage of the platform, after YouTube at 80%. (Later) 20. 37.74% of the world’s 5.3 billion active internet users regularly access Instagram. (Backlinko) 21. In January 2024, 55% of Instagram users in the United States were women, and 44% were men. (Statista) 22. Only 7% of Instagram users in the U.S. belong to the 13 to 17-year age group. (Statista) 23. Only 5.7% of Instagram users in the U.S. are 65+ as of 2024. (Statista) 24. Only 0.2% of Instagram users are unique to the platform. Most use Instagram alongside Facebook (80.8%), YouTube (77.4%), and TikTok (52.8%). (Sprout Social) 25. Instagram users lean slightly into higher tax brackets, with 47% claiming household income over $75,000. (Hootsuite) 26. Instagram users worldwide on Android devices spend an average of 29.7 minutes per day (14 hours 50 minutes per month) on the app. (Backlinko) 27. 73% of U.S. teens say Instagram is the best way for brands to reach them. (eMarketer) 28. 500 million+ accounts use Instagram Stories every day. (Facebook) 29. 35% of music listeners in the U.S. who follow artists on Facebook and Instagram do so to connect with other fans or feel like part of a community. (Facebook) 30. The average Instagram user spends 33 minutes a day on the app. (Oberlo) 31. 45% of people in urban areas use Instagram, while only 25% of people in rural areas use the app. (Backlinko) 32. Approximately 85% of Instagram’s user base is under the age of 45. (Statista) 33. As of January 2024, the largest age group on Instagram is 18-24 at 32%, followed by 30.6% between ages 25-34. (Statista) 34. Globally, the platform is nearly split down the middle in terms of gender, with 51.8% male and 48.2% female users. (Phyllo) 35. The numbers differ slightly in the U.S., with 56% of users aged 13+ being female and 44% male. (Backlinko) 36. As of January 2024, Instagram is most prevalent in India, with 358.55 million users, followed by the United States (158.45 million), Brazil (122.9 million), Indonesia (104.8 million), and Turkey (56.7 million). (Backlinko) 37. 49% of Instagram users are college graduates. (Hootsuite) 38. Over 1.628 Billion Instagram users are reachable via advertising. (DataReportal) 39. As of January 2024, 20.3% of people on Earth use Instagram. (DataReportal) Brand Adoption 40. Instagram is the top platform for influencer marketing, with 80.8% of marketers planning to use it in 2024. (Sprout Social) 41. 29% of marketers plan to invest the most in Instagram out of any social media platform in 2023. (Statista) 42. Regarding brand safety, 86% of marketers feel comfortable advertising on Instagram. (Upbeat Agency) 43. 24% of marketers plan to invest in Instagram, the most out of all social media platforms, in 2024. (LIKE.TG) 44. 70% of shopping enthusiasts turn to Instagram for product discovery. (Omnicore Agency) 45. Marketers saw the highest engagement rates on Instagram from any other platform in 2024. (Hootsuite) 46. 29% of marketers say Instagram is the easiest platform for working with influencers and creators. (Statista) 47. 68% of marketers reported that Instagram generates high levels of ROI. (LIKE.TG) 48. 21% of marketers reported that Instagram yielded the most significant ROI in 2024. (LIKE.TG) 49. 52% of marketers plan to increase their investment in Instagram in 2024. (LIKE.TG) 50. In 2024, 42% of marketers felt “very comfortable” advertising on Instagram, and 40% responded “somewhat comfortable.” (LIKE.TG) 51. Only 6% of marketers plan to decrease their investment in Instagram in 2024. (LIKE.TG) 52. 39% of marketers plan to leverage Instagram for the first time in 2024. (LIKE.TG) 53. 90% of people on Instagram follow at least one business. (Instagram) 54. 50% of Instagram users are more interested in a brand when they see ads for it on Instagram. (Instagram) 55. 18% of marketers believe that Instagram has the highest growth potential of all social apps in 2024. (LIKE.TG) 56. 1 in 4 marketers say Instagram provides the highest quality leads from any social media platform. (LIKE.TG) 57. Nearly a quarter of marketers (23%) say that Instagram results in the highest engagement levels for their brand compared to other platforms. (LIKE.TG) 58. 46% of marketers leverage Instagram Shops. Of the marketers who leverage Instagram Shops, 50% report high ROI. (LIKE.TG) 59. 41% of marketers leverage Instagram Live Shopping. Of the marketers who leverage Instagram Live Shopping, 51% report high ROI. (LIKE.TG) 60. Education and Health and Wellness industries experience the highest engagement rates. (Hootsuite) 61. 67% of users surveyed have “swiped up” on the links of branded Stories. (LIKE.TG) 62. 130 million Instagram accounts tap on a shopping post to learn more about products every month. (Omnicore Agency) Instagram Post Content 63. Engagement for static photos has decreased by 44% since 2019, when Reels debuted. (Later) 64. The average engagement rate for photo posts is .059%. (Social Pilot) 65. The average engagement rate for carousel posts is 1.26% (Social Pilot) 66. The average engagement rate for Reel posts is 1.23% (Social Pilot) 67. Marketers rank Instagram as the platform with the best in-app search capabilities. (LIKE.TG) 68. The most popular Instagram Reel is from Samsung and has over 1 billion views. (Lifestyle Asia) 69. Marketers rank Instagram as the platform with the most accurate algorithm, followed by Facebook. (LIKE.TG) 70. A third of marketers say Instagram offers the most significant ROI when selling products directly within the app. (LIKE.TG) 71. Instagram Reels with the highest engagement rates come from accounts with fewer than 5000 followers, with an average engagement rate of 3.79%. (Social Pilot) 72. A third of marketers say Instagram offers the best tools for selling products directly within the app. (LIKE.TG) 73. Over 100 million people watch Instagram Live every day. (Social Pilot) 74. 70% of users watch Instagram stories daily. (Social Pilot) 75. 50% of people prefer funny Instagram content, followed by creative and informative posts. (Statista) 76. Instagram Reels are the most popular post format for sharing via DMs. (Instagram) 77. 40% of Instagram users post stories daily. (Social Pilot) 78. An average image on Instagram gets 23% more engagement than one published on Facebook. (Business of Apps) 79. The most geo-tagged city in the world is Los Angeles, California, and the tagged location with the highest engagement is Coachella, California. (LIKE.TG) Instagram Posting Strategy 80. The best time to post on Instagram is between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. on weekdays. (Social Pilot) 81. Posts with a tagged location result in 79% higher engagement than posts without a tagged location. (Social Pilot) 82. 20% of users surveyed post to Instagram Stories on their business account more than once a week. (LIKE.TG) 83. 44% of users surveyed use Instagram Stories to promote products or services. (LIKE.TG) 84. One-third of the most viewed Stories come from businesses. (LIKE.TG) 85. More than 25 million businesses use Instagram to reach and engage with audiences. (Omnicore Agency) 86. 69% of U.S. marketers plan to spend most of their influencer budget on Instagram. (Omnicore Agency) 87. The industry that had the highest cooperation efficiency with Instagram influencers was healthcare, where influencer posts were 4.2x more efficient than brand posts. (Emplifi) 88. Instagram is now the most popular social platform for following brands. (Marketing Charts) Instagram Influencer Marketing Statistics 89. Instagram is the top platform for influencer marketing, with 80.8% of marketers planning to use the platform for such purposes in 2024 (Oberlo) 90. Nano-influencers (1,000 to 10,000 followers) comprise most of Instagram’s influencer population, at 65.4%. (Statista) 91. Micro-influencers (10,000 to 50,000 followers) account for 27.73% (Socially Powerful) 92. Mid-tier influencers (50,000 to 500,000 followers) account for 6.38% (Socially Powerful) 93. Nano-influencers (1,000 to 10,000 followers) have the highest engagement rate at 5.6% (EmbedSocial) 94. Mega-influencers and celebrities with more than 1 million followers account for 0.23%. (EmbedSocial) 95. 77% of Instagram influencers are women. (WPBeginner) 96. 30% of markers say that Instagram is their top channel for ROI in influencer marketing (Socially Powerful) 97. 25% of sponsored posts on Instagram are related to fashion (Socially Powerful) 98. The size of the Instagram influencer marketing industry is expected to reach $22.2 billion by 2025. (Socially Powerful) 99. On average, Instagram influencers charge $418 for a sponsored post in 2024, approximately 15.17%​​​​​​​ higher than in 2023. (Collabstr) 100. Nano-influencers charge between $10-$100 per Instagram post. (ClearVoice) 101. Celebrities and macro influencers charge anywhere from $10,000 to over $1 million for a single Instagram post in 2024. (Shopify) 102. Brands can expect to earn $4.12 of earned media value for each $1 spent on Instagram influencer marketing. (Shopify) The landscape of Instagram is vast and ever-expanding. However, understanding these key statistics will ensure your Instagram strategy is well-guided and your marketing dollars are allocated for maximum ROI. There’s more than just Instagram out there, of course. So, download the free guide below for the latest Instagram and Social Media trends.

                    130 Instagram Influencers You Need To Know About in 2022
130 Instagram Influencers You Need To Know About in 2022
In 2021, marketers that used influencer marketing said the trend resulted in the highest ROI. In fact, marketers have seen such success from influencer marketing that 86% plan to continue investing the same amount or increase their investments in the trend in 2022. But, if you’ve never used an influencer before, the task can seem daunting — who’s truly the best advocate for your brand? Here, we’ve cultivated a list of the most popular influencers in every industry — just click on one of the links below and take a look at the top influencers that can help you take your business to the next level: Top Food Influencers on Instagram Top Travel Influencers on Instagram Top Fashion Style Influencers on Instagram Top Photography Influencers on Instagram Top Lifestyle Influencers on Instagram Top Design Influencers on Instagram Top Beauty Influencers on Instagram Top Sport Fitness Influencers on Instagram Top Influencers on Instagram Top Food Influencers on Instagram Jamie Oliver (9.1M followers) ladyironchef (620k followers) Megan Gilmore (188k followers) Ashrod (104k followers) David Chang (1.7M followers) Ida Frosk (299k followers) Lindsey Silverman Love (101k followers) Nick N. (60.5k followers) Molly Tavoletti (50.1k followers) Russ Crandall (39.1k followers) Dennis the Prescott (616k followers) The Pasta Queen (1.5M followers) Thalia Ho (121k followers) Molly Yeh (810k followers) C.R Tan (59.4k followers) Michaela Vais (1.2M followers) Nicole Cogan (212k followers) Minimalist Baker (2.1M followers) Yumna Jawad (3.4M followers) Top Travel Influencers on Instagram Annette White (100k followers) Matthew Karsten (140k followers) The Points Guy (668k followers) The Blonde Abroad (520k followers) Eric Stoen (330k followers) Kate McCulley (99k followers) The Planet D (203k followers) Andrew Evans (59.9k followers) Jack Morris (2.6M followers) Lauren Bullen (2.1M followers) The Bucket List Family (2.6M followers) Fat Girls Traveling (55K followers) Tara Milk Tea (1.3M followers) Top Fashion Style Influencers on Instagram Alexa Chung (5.2M followers) Julia Berolzheimer (1.3M followers) Johnny Cirillo (719K followers) Chiara Ferragni (27.2M followers) Jenn Im (1.7M followers) Ada Oguntodu (65.1k followers) Emma Hill (826k followers) Gregory DelliCarpini Jr. (141k followers) Nicolette Mason (216k followers) Majawyh (382k followers) Garance Doré (693k followers) Ines de la Fressange (477k followers) Madelynn Furlong (202k followers) Giovanna Engelbert (1.4M followers) Mariano Di Vaio (6.8M followers) Aimee Song (6.5M followers) Danielle Bernstein (2.9M followers) Gabi Gregg (910k followers) Top Photography Influencers on Instagram Benjamin Lowy (218k followers) Michael Yamashita (1.8M followers) Stacy Kranitz (101k followers) Jimmy Chin (3.2M followers) Gueorgui Pinkhassov (161k followers) Dustin Giallanza (5.2k followers) Lindsey Childs (31.4k followers) Edith W. Young (24.9k followers) Alyssa Rose (9.6k followers) Donjay (106k followers) Jeff Rose (80.1k followers) Pei Ketron (728k followers) Paul Nicklen (7.3M followers) Jack Harries (1.3M followers) İlhan Eroğlu (852k followers) Top Lifestyle Influencers on Instagram Jannid Olsson Delér (1.2 million followers) Oliver Proudlock (691k followers) Jeremy Jacobowitz (434k followers) Jay Caesar (327k followers) Jessie Chanes (329k followers) Laura Noltemeyer (251k followers) Adorian Deck (44.9k followers) Hind Deer (547k followers) Gloria Morales (146k followers) Kennedy Cymone (1.6M followers) Sydney Leroux Dwyer (1.1M followers) Joanna Stevens Gaines (13.6M followers) Lilly Singh (11.6M followers) Rosanna Pansino (4.4M followers) Top Design Influencers on Instagram Marie Kondo (4M followers) Ashley Stark Kenner (1.2M followers) Casa Chicks (275k followers) Paulina Jamborowicz (195k followers) Kasia Będzińska (218k followers) Jenni Kayne (500k followers) Will Taylor (344k followers) Studio McGee (3.3M followers) Mandi Gubler (207k followers) Natalie Myers (51.6k followers) Grace Bonney (840k followers) Saudah Saleem (25.3k followers) Niña Williams (196k followers) Top Beauty Influencers on Instagram Michelle Phan (1.9M followers) Shaaanxo (1.3M followers) Jeffree Star (13.7M followers) Kandee Johnson (2M followers) Manny Gutierrez (4M followers) Naomi Giannopoulos (6.2M followers) Samantha Ravndahl (2.1M followers) Huda Kattan (50.5M followers) Wayne Goss (703k followers) Zoe Sugg (9.3M followers) James Charles (22.9M followers) Shayla Mitchell (2.9M followers) Top Sport Fitness Influencers on Instagram Massy Arias (2.7M followers) Eddie Hall (3.3M followers) Ty Haney (92.6k followers) Hannah Bronfman (893k followers) Kenneth Gallarzo (331k followers) Elisabeth Akinwale (113k followers) Laura Large (75k followers) Akin Akman (82.3k followers) Sjana Elise Earp (1.4M followers) Cassey Ho (2.3M followers) Kayla Itsines (14.5M followers) Jen Selter (13.4M followers) Simeon Panda (8.1M followers) Top Instagram InfluencersJamie OliverDavid ChangJack Morris and Lauren BullenThe Bucket List FamilyChiara FerragniAlexa ChungJimmy ChinJannid Olsson DelérGrace BonneyHuda KattanZoe SuggSjana Elise EarpMassy Arias 1. Jamie Oliver Jamie Oliver, a world-renowned chef and restaurateur, is Instagram famous for his approachable and delicious-looking cuisine. His page reflects a mix of food pictures, recipes, and photos of his family and personal life. His love of beautiful food and teaching others to cook is clearly evident, which must be one of the many reasons why he has nearly seven million followers. 2. David Chang Celebrity chef David Chang is best known for his world-famous restaurants and big personality. Chang was a judge on Top Chef and created his own Netflix show called Ugly Delicious, both of which elevated his popularity and likely led to his huge followership on Instagram. Most of his feed is filled with food videos that will make you drool. View this post on Instagram 3. Jack Morris and Lauren Bullen Travel bloggers Jack Morris (@jackmorris) and Lauren Bullen (@gypsea_lust)have dream jobs -- the couple travels to some of the most beautiful places around the world and documents their trips on Instagram. They have developed a unique and recognizable Instagram aesthetic that their combined 4.8 million Instagram followers love, using the same few filters and posting the most striking travel destinations. View this post on Instagram 4. The Bucket List Family The Gee family, better known as the Bucket List Family, travel around the world with their three kids and post videos and images of their trips to YouTube and Instagram. They are constantly sharing pictures and stories of their adventures in exotic places. This nomad lifestyle is enjoyed by their 2.6 million followers. View this post on Instagram 5. Chiara Ferragni Chiara Ferragni is an Italian fashion influencer who started her blog The Blonde Salad to share tips, photos, and clothing lines. Ferragni has been recognized as one of the most influential people of her generation, listed on Forbes’ 30 Under 30 and the Bloglovin’ Award Blogger of the Year. 6. Alexa Chung Model and fashion designer Alexa Chung is Instagram famous for her elegant yet charming style and photos. After her modeling career, she collaborated with many brands like Mulberry and Madewell to create her own collection, making a name for herself in the fashion world. Today, she shares artistic yet fun photos with her 5.2 million Instagram followers. 7. Jimmy Chin Jimmy Chin is an award-winning professional photographer who captures high-intensity shots of climbing expeditions and natural panoramas. He has won multiple awards for his work, and his 3.2 million Instagram followers recognize him for his talent. 8. Jannid Olsson Delér Jannid Olsson Delér is a lifestyle and fashion blogger that gathered a huge social media following for her photos of outfits, vacations, and her overall aspirational life. Her 1.2 million followers look to her for travel and fashion inspirations. 9. Grace Bonney Design*Sponge is a design blog authored by Grace Bonney, an influencer recognized by the New York Times, Forbes, and other major publications for her impact on the creative community. Her Instagram posts reflect her elegant yet approachable creative advice, and nearly a million users follow her account for her bright and charismatic feed. 10. Huda Kattan Huda Kattan took the beauty world by storm -- her Instagram began with makeup tutorials and reviews and turned into a cosmetics empire. Huda now has 1.3 million Instagram followers and a company valued at $1.2 billion. Her homepage is filled with makeup videos and snaps of her luxury lifestyle. View this post on Instagram 11. Zoe Sugg Zoe Sugg runs a fashion, beauty, and lifestyle blog and has nearly 10 million followers on Instagram. She also has an incredibly successful YouTube channel and has written best-selling books on the experience of viral bloggers. Her feed consists mostly of food, her pug, selfies, and trendy outfits. View this post on Instagram 12. Sjana Elise Earp Sjana Elise Earp is a lifestyle influencer who keeps her Instagram feed full of beautiful photos of her travels. She actively promotes yoga and healthy living to her 1.4 million followers, becoming an advocate for an exercise program called SWEAT. 13. Massy Arias Personal trainer Massy Arias is known for her fitness videos and healthy lifestyle. Her feed aims to inspire her 2.6 million followers to keep training and never give up on their health. Arias has capitalized on fitness trends on Instagram and proven to both herself and her followers that exercise can improve all areas of your life. View this post on Instagram

                    24 Stunning Instagram Themes (& How to Borrow Them for Your Own Feed)
24 Stunning Instagram Themes (& How to Borrow Them for Your Own Feed)
Nowadays, Instagram is often someone's initial contact with a brand, and nearly half of its users shop on the platform each week. If it's the entryway for half of your potential sales, don't you want your profile to look clean and inviting? Taking the time to create an engaging Instagram feed aesthetic is one of the most effective ways to persuade someone to follow your business's Instagram account or peruse your posts. You only have one chance to make a good first impression — so it's critical that you put effort into your Instagram feed. Finding the perfect place to start is tough — where do you find inspiration? What color scheme should you use? How do you organize your posts so they look like a unit? We know you enjoy learning by example, so we've compiled the answers to all of these questions in a list of stunning Instagram themes. We hope these inspire your own feed's transformation. But beware, these feeds are so desirable, you'll have a hard time choosing just one. What is an Instagram theme?An instagram theme is a visual aesthetic created by individuals and brands to achieve a cohesive look on their Instagram feeds. Instagram themes help social media managers curate different types of content into a digital motif that brings a balanced feel to the profile. Tools to Create Your Own Instagram Theme Creating a theme on your own requires a keen eye for detail. When you’re editing several posts a week that follow the same theme, you’ll want to have a design tool handy to make that workflow easier. Pre-set filters, color palettes, and graphic elements are just a few of the features these tools use, but if you have a sophisticated theme to maintain, a few of these tools include advanced features like video editing and layout previews. Here are our top five favorite tools to use when editing photos for an Instagram theme. 1. VSCO Creators look to VSCO when they want to achieve the most unique photo edits. This app is one of the top-ranked photo editing tools among photographers because it includes advanced editing features without needing to pull out all the stops in Photoshop. If you’re in a hurry and want to create an Instagram theme quickly, use one of the 200+ VSCO presets including name-brand designs by Kodak, Agfa, and Ilford. If you’ll be including video as part of your content lineup on Instagram, you can use the same presets from the images so every square of content blends seamlessly into the next no matter what format it’s in. 2. FaceTune2 FaceTune2 is a powerful photo editing app that can be downloaded on the App Store or Google Play. The free version of the app includes all the basic editing features like brightness, lighting, cropping, and filters. The pro version gives you more detailed control over retouching and background editing. For video snippets, use FaceTune Video to make detailed adjustments right from your mobile device — you’ll just need to download the app separately for that capability. If you’re starting to test whether an Instagram theme is right for your brand, FaceTune2 is an affordable tool worth trying. 3. Canva You know Canva as a user-friendly and free option to create graphics, but it can be a powerful photo editing tool to curate your Instagram theme. For more abstract themes that mix imagery with graphic art, you can add shapes, textures, and text to your images. Using the photo editor, you can import your image and adjust the levels, add filters, and apply unique effects to give each piece of content a look that’s unique to your brand. 4. Adobe Illustrator Have you ever used Adobe Illustrator to create interesting overlays and tints for images? You can do the same thing to develop your Instagram theme. Traditionally, Adobe Illustrator is the go-to tool to create vectors and logos, but this software has some pretty handy features for creating photo filters and designs. Moreover, you can layout your artboards in an Instagram-style grid to see exactly how each image will appear in your feed. 5. Photoshop Photoshop is the most well-known photo editing software, and it works especially well for creating Instagram themes. If you have the capacity to pull out all the stops and tweak every detail, Photoshop will get the job done. Not only are the editing, filter, and adjustment options virtually limitless, Photoshop is great for batch processing the same edits across several images in a matter of seconds. You’ll also optimize your workflow by using photoshop to edit the composition, alter the background, and remove any unwanted components of an image without switching to another editing software to add your filter. With Photoshop, you have complete control over your theme which means you won’t have to worry about your profile looking exactly like someone else’s. Instagram ThemesTransitionBlack and WhiteBright ColorsMinimalistOne ColorTwo ColorsPastelsOne ThemePuzzleUnique AnglesText OnlyCheckerboardBlack or White BordersSame FilterFlatlaysVintageRepetitionMix-and-match Horizontal and Vertical BordersQuotesDark ColorsRainbowDoodleTextLinesAnglesHorizontal Lines 1. Transition If you aren’t set on one specific Instagram theme, consider the transition theme. With this aesthetic, you can experiment with merging colors every couple of images. For example, you could start with a black theme and include beige accents in every image. From there, gradually introduce the next color, in this case, blue. Eventually, you’ll find that your Instagram feed will seamlessly transition between the colors you choose which keeps things interesting without straying from a cohesive look and feel. 2. Black and White A polished black and white theme is a good choice to evoke a sense of sophistication. The lack of color draws you into the photo's main subject and suggests a timeless element to your business. @Lisedesmet's black and white feed, for instance, focuses the user’s gaze on the image's subject, like the black sneakers or white balloon. 3. Bright Colors If your company's brand is meant to imply playfulness or fun, there's probably no better way than to create a feed full of bright colors. Bright colors are attention-grabbing and lighthearted, which could be ideal for attracting a younger audience. @Aww.sam's feed, for instance, showcases someone who doesn't take herself too seriously. 4. Minimalist For an artsier edge, consider taking a minimalist approach to your feed, like @emwng does. The images are inviting and slightly whimsical in their simplicity, and cultivate feelings of serenity and stability. The pup pics only add wholesomeness to this minimalist theme. Plus, minimalist feeds are less distracting by nature, so it can be easier to get a true sense of the brand from the feed alone, without clicking on individual posts. 5. One Color One of the easiest ways to pick a theme for your feed is to choose one color and stick to it — this can help steer your creative direction, and looks clean and cohesive from afar. It's particularly appealing if you choose an aesthetically pleasing and calm color, like the soft pink used in the popular hashtag #blackwomeninpink. 6. Two Colors If you're interested in creating a highly cohesive feed but don't want to stick to the one-color theme, consider trying two. Two colors can help your feed look organized and clean — plus, if you choose branded colors, it can help you create cohesion between your other social media sites the website itself. I recommend choosing two contrasting colors for a punchy look like the one shown in @Dreaming_outloud’s profile. 7. Pastels Similar to the one-color idea, it might be useful to choose one color palette for your feed, like @creativekipi's use of pastels. Pastels, in particular, often used for Easter eggs or cupcake decorations, appear childlike and cheerful. Plus, they're captivating and unexpected. 8. One Subject As evident from @mustdoflorida's feed (and username), it's possible to focus your feed on one singular object or idea — like beach-related objects and activities in Florida. If you're aiming to showcase your creativity or photography skills, it could be compelling to create a feed where each post follows one theme. 9. Puzzle Creating a puzzle out of your feed is complicated and takes some planning, but can reap big rewards in terms of uniqueness and engaging an audience. @Juniperoats’ posts, for instance, make the most sense when you look at it from the feed, rather than individual posts. It's hard not to be both impressed and enthralled by the final result, and if you post puzzle piece pictures individually, you can evoke serious curiosity from your followers. 10. Unique Angles Displaying everyday items and activities from unexpected angles is sure to draw attention to your Instagram feed. Similar to the way lines create a theme, angles use direction to create interest. Taking an image of different subjects from similar angles can unite even the most uncommon photos into a consistent theme. 11. Text Only A picture is worth a thousand words, but how many pictures is a well-designed quote worth? Confident Woman Co. breaks the rules of Instagram that say images should have a face in them to get the best engagement. Not so with this Instagram theme. The bright colors and highlighted text make this layout aesthetically pleasing both in the Instagram grid format and as a one-off post on the feed. Even within this strict text-only theme, there’s still room to break up the monotony with a type-treated font and textured background like the last image does in the middle row. 12. Checkerboard If you're not a big fan of horizontal or vertical lines, you might try a checkerboard theme. Similar to horizontal lines, this theme allows you to alternate between content and images or colors as seen in @thefemalehustlers’ feed. 13. Black or White Borders While it is a bit jarring to have black or white borders outlining every image, it definitely sets your feed apart from everyone else's. @Beautifulandyummy, for instance, uses black borders to draw attention to her images, and the finished feed looks both polished and sophisticated. This theme will likely be more successful if you're aiming to sell fashion products or want to evoke an edgier feel for your brand. 14. Same Filter If you prefer uniformity, you'll probably like this Instagram theme, which focuses on using the same filter (or set of filters) for every post. From close up, this doesn't make much difference on your images, but from afar, it definitely makes the feed appear more cohesive. @marianna_hewitt, for example, is able to make her posts of hair, drinks, and fashion seem more refined and professional, simply by using the same filter for all her posts. 15. Flatlays If your primary goal with Instagram is to showcase your products, you might want a Flatlay theme. Flatlay is an effective way to tell a story simply by arranging objects in an image a certain way and makes it easier to direct viewers' attention to a product. As seen in @thedailyedited's feed, a flatlay theme looks fresh and modern. 16. Vintage If it aligns with your brand, vintage is a creative and striking aesthetic that looks both artsy and laid-back. And, while "vintage" might sound a little bit vague, it's easy to conjure. Simply try a filter like Slumber or Aden (built into Instagram), or play around with a third-party editing tool to find a soft, hazy filter that makes your photos look like they were taken from an old polaroid camera. 17. Repetition In @girleatworld's Instagram account, you can count on one thing to remain consistent throughout her feed: she's always holding up food in her hand. This type of repetition looks clean and engaging, and as a follower, it means I always recognize one of her posts as I'm scrolling through my own feed. Consider how you might evoke similar repetition in your own posts to create a brand image all your own. 18. Mix-and-match Horizontal and Vertical Borders While this admittedly requires some planning, the resulting feed is incredibly eye-catching and unique. Simply use the Preview app and choose two different white borders, Vela and Sole, to alternate between horizontal and vertical borders. The resulting feed will look spaced out and clean. 19. Quotes If you're a writer or content creator, you might consider creating an entire feed of quotes, like @thegoodquote feed, which showcases quotes on different mediums, ranging from paperback books to Tweets. Consider typing your quotes and changing up the color of the background, or handwriting your quotes and placing them near interesting objects like flowers or a coffee mug. 20. Dark Colors @JackHarding 's nature photos are nothing short of spectacular, and he highlights their beauty by filtering with a dark overtone. To do this, consider desaturating your content and using filters with cooler colors, like greens and blues, rather than warm ones. The resulting feed looks clean, sleek, and professional. 21. Rainbow One way to introduce color into your feed? Try creating a rainbow by slowly progressing your posts through the colors of the rainbow, starting at red and ending at purple (and then, starting all over again). The resulting feed is stunning. 22. Doodle Most people on Instagram stick to photos and filters, so to stand out, you might consider adding drawings or cartoon doodles on top of (or replacing) regular photo posts. This is a good idea if you're an artist or a web designer and want to draw attention to your artistic abilities — plus, it's sure to get a smile from your followers, like these adorable doodles shown below by @josie.doodles. 23. Content Elements Similar elements in your photos can create an enticing Instagram theme. In this example by The Container Store Custom Closets, the theme uses shelves or clothes in each image to visually bring the feed together. Rather than each photo appearing as a separate room, they all combine to create a smooth layout that displays The Container Store’s products in a way that feels natural to the viewer. 24. Structural Lines Something about this Instagram feed feels different, doesn’t it? Aside from the content focusing on skyscrapers, the lines of the buildings in each image turn this layout into a unique theme. If your brand isn’t in the business of building skyscrapers, you can still implement a theme like this by looking for straight or curved lines in the photos your capture. The key to creating crisp lines from the subjects in your photos is to snap them in great lighting and find symmetry in the image wherever possible. 25. Horizontal Lines If your brand does well with aligning photography with content, you might consider organizing your posts in a thoughtful way — for instance, creating either horizontal or vertical lines, with your rows alternating between colors, text, or even subject distance. @mariahb.makeup employs this tactic, and her feed looks clean and intriguing as a result. How to Create an Instagram Theme 1. Choose a consistent color palette. One major factor of any Instagram theme is consistency. For instance, you wouldn't want to regularly change your theme from black-and-white to rainbow — this could confuse your followers and damage your brand image. Of course, a complete company rebrand might require you to shift your Instagram strategy, but for the most part, you want to stay consistent with the types of visual content you post on Instagram. For this reason, you'll need to choose a color palette to adhere to when creating an Instagram theme. Perhaps you choose to use brand colors. LIKE.TG's Instagram, for instance, primarily uses blues, oranges, and teal, three colors prominently displayed on LIKE.TG's website and products. Alternatively, maybe you choose one of the themes listed above, such as black-and-white. Whatever the case, to create an Instagram theme, it's critical you stick to a few colors throughout all of your content. 2. Use the same filter for each post, or edit each post similarly. As noted above, consistency is a critical element in any Instagram theme, so you'll want to find your favorite one or two filters and use them for each of your posts. You can use Instagram's built-in filters, or try an editing app like VSCO or Snapseed. Alternatively, if you're going for a minimalist look, you might skip filters entirely and simply use a few editing features, like contrast and exposure. Whatever you choose, though, you'll want to continue to edit each of your posts similarly to create a cohesive feed. 3. Use a visual feed planner to plan posts far in advance. It's vital that you plan your Instagram posts ahead of time for a few different reasons, including ensuring you post a good variety of content and that you post it during a good time of day. Additionally, when creating an Instagram theme, you'll need to plan posts in advance to figure out how they fit together — like puzzle pieces, your individual pieces of content need to reinforce your theme as a whole. To plan posts far in advance and visualize how they reinforce your theme, you'll want to use a visual Instagram planner like Later or Planoly. Best of all, you can use these apps to preview your feed and ensure your theme is looking the way you want it to look before you press "Publish" on any of your posts. 4. Don't lock yourself into a theme you can't enjoy for the long haul. In middle school, I often liked to change my "look" — one day I aimed for preppy, and the next I chose a more athletic look. Of course, as I got older, I began to understand what style I could stick with for the long haul and started shopping for clothes that fit my authentic style so I wasn't constantly purchasing new clothes and getting sick of them a few weeks later. Similarly, you don't want to choose an Instagram theme you can't live with for a long time. Your Instagram theme should be an accurate reflection of your brand, and if it isn't, it probably won't last. Just because rainbow colors sound interesting at the get-go doesn't mean it's a good fit for your company's social media aesthetic as a whole. When in doubt, choose a more simple theme that provides you the opportunity to get creative and experiment without straying too far off-theme. How to Use an Instagram Theme on Your Profile 1. Choose what photos you want to post before choosing your theme. When you start an Instagram theme, there are so many options to choose from. Filters, colors, styles, angles — the choices are endless. But it’s important to keep in mind that these things won’t make your theme stand out. The content is still the star of the show. If the images aren’t balanced on the feed, your theme will look like a photo dump that happens to have the same filter on it. To curate the perfect Instagram theme, choose what photos you plan to post before choosing a theme. I highly recommend laying these photos out in a nine-square grid as well so you can see how the photos blend together. 2. Don’t forget the captions. Sure, no one is going to see the captions of your Instagram photos when they’re looking at your theme in the grid-view, but they will see them when you post each photo individually. There will be times when an image you post may be of something abstract, like the corner of a building, an empty suitcase, or a pair of sunglasses. On their own, these things might not be so interesting, but a thoughtful caption that ties the image to your overall theme can help keep your followers engaged when they might otherwise check out and keep scrolling past your profile. If you’re having a bit of writer’s block, check out these 201 Instagram captions for every type of post. 3. Switch up your theme with color blocks. Earlier, we talked about choosing a theme that you can commit to for the long haul. But there’s an exception to that rule — color transitions. Some of the best themes aren’t based on a specific color at all. Rather than using the same color palette throughout the Instagram feed, you can have colors blend into one another with each photo. This way, you can include a larger variety of photos without limiting yourself to specific hues. A Cohesive Instagram Theme At Your Fingertips Instagram marketing is more than numbers. As the most visual social media platform today, what you post and how it looks directly affects engagement, followers, and how your brand shows up online. A cohesive Instagram theme can help your brand convey a value proposition, promote a product, or execute a campaign. Colors and filters make beautiful themes, but there are several additional ways to stop your followers mid-scroll with a fun, unified aesthetic. Editor's note: This post was originally published in August 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.
为什么需要媒体包,如何创建一个?这个详细指南涵盖了所有内容。想要在CNN或福布斯上获得露出?无论您的业务规模如何,您都可以实现这一目标——但要做到这一点,您需要创建一个强大的媒体包。您可以利用媒体包模板、免费工具和巧妙的文案来制作一个能产生轰动效应的媒体包。您的媒体包为您的品牌提供了内部视角,帮助您:建立权威和信誉确保品牌故事和信息的一致性和强大增加您获得有效媒体报道的机会想知道如何创建媒体包吗?下面是关于与简洁媒体包相关的所有事物的详细信息以及您开始的选项。什么是媒体包?媒体包,或者新闻发布包,是帮助记者和博客作者撰写有关您品牌的文章的宣传材料。这些包旨在为推广您的业务的人们提供尽可能简便的出版过程,为他们提供一切他们所需来撰写代表您品牌的高质量作品。这个过程的顺利进行鼓励媒体报道,并且一经完成,需要很少的持续努力。这个包可以成为您组织的全面营销和传播战略的一部分。为什么媒体包对于企业很重要?如果您有一个网站和社交媒体存在,您可能会认为媒体包并不是必需品。但是,它们是任何媒体策略的关键部分,因为这些包对双方都有好处——它们节省了您和记者的时间和精力。这种做法可能会决定您的品牌是否被报道或从发布中删除。因此,最大的好处就是,当媒体机会出现时,您将做好准备。投资媒体包的其他原因包括:品牌保护:媒体包确保记者和博客作者获得准确、最新的信息、图形、统计数据等。也许您最近更新了标志或标语?所有这些都应包括在您的媒体包中,以确保真实的呈现。如果您没有媒体包,作者将转向Google获取必要的信息。媒体包是您掌控故事的机会。最佳沟通:创建一个经过深思熟虑的媒体包也可以作为公关工具。向客户提供了解您公司所需的所有信息。如果您准备推出新产品或服务,可以创建媒体包或修改以前的推广材料。媒体包的关键组成部分是什么?把您的媒体包视为与您的品牌相关的一切的集合——您是谁、您取得了什么成就、您提供了什么以及人们可以在哪里找到您。想知道媒体包中有什么?以下是一些要考虑的组成部分和要素:您的个人简介以易于理解的格式讲述您的故事。联系信息和社交媒体账号引导人们了解更多关于您并提出问题。标志、首选字体和颜色等等,使值得信赖的出版商能够尽可能简单地代表您的品牌。合作伙伴关系、案例研究、推荐和公共业务统计数据帮助那些报道您品牌的人提供事实数据和支持信息。您品牌的规范与限制提供明确的指导,包括您的使命宣言和可分发的图形,这些也应包括在您的媒体包中。产品或服务信息保持最新,以便始终及时。如何创建一个有效的媒体包?媒体包最好的部分是您几乎已经拥有您所需的一切。创建媒体包将要求您将所有必要的组件进行整理,并将它们以易于访问和接近的方式打包在一起。媒体包可以是交互式的或静态的,没有正确或错误的方式。最适合您的选择将取决于您所在的行业、受众和带宽。选项包括:您网站上的响应式页面可下载的PDF文件演示文稿在线存储选项,如Google Drive或Dropbox请考虑以下因素:了解您的受众及其最关心的内容。虽然您可以包含上述所有元素,但有时简洁的方法是最好的。如果您从零开始,创建一个简约的媒体包,实现其目的——它应该使记者的工作更轻松,同时提供最新、最准确的信息。优先考虑品牌,关注您的标志和简化的样式指南。您的标志可能会成为外部撰写文章中的主要图片。提供不同尺寸——您不希望外部来源拉伸您的文件。此外,还包括一个带有透明背景的PNG版本。这个选项提供了将其放置在其他内容之上的自由。包括关于如何使用您的标志的注意事项。不要忘记您品牌的代表人物。每个人都喜欢一个背后的故事,所以包括个人简介、头像照片和可能使用的一些引用。您还可以包括关键参与者在日常角色中的视频。考虑别人可能需要了解的所有内容——从统计数据和研究到您的首选联系信息。在这种情况下,包括处理公关的个人或团队的联系信息。由于媒体机会通常时间紧迫,您提供的任何电子邮件地址应该每天进行检查。采取下一步创建您的媒体包要开始,可以依靠可用的软件和服务选项。许多品牌管理工具提供营销媒体包模板。如果您的营销团队很小,您觉得可以从外部专业知识中受益,可以考虑一家品牌代理机构或公关代理机构,它们都可以帮助您制定全面的媒体包,以及其他服务。您的媒体包将成为不断发展的永久文档,随着行业的变化和品牌的成长而不断演变。