Why do you need to filter numbers on telegram?
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Telegram, like WhatsApp, is also a social chat tool. As of now, the number of monthly active users of telegram has exceeded 600 million, and the number of users is also very large. Many people engaged in foreign trade also use telegram to communicate with foreign customers.
Telegram marketing is also one of the methods that many foreign trade companies choose. Through some third-party telegram marketing tools, first screen out the mobile phone numbers that have opened telegram numbers, and then do some mass marketing operations to achieve the purpose of acquiring customers.
There are multiple users who filter numbers in telegram, for example:
Quickly obtain the user's contact information. No matter what kind of marketing is carried out, you need to know the user's contact information to carry out Telegram marketing. By filtering numbers, you can quickly obtain the user's contact information, saving time and cost in finding customers.
Screen out active Telegram users, quickly obtain the mobile phone number of the target customer, and establish contact with them. Screening software can also help users filter out groups and users that meet requirements, allowing users to conduct marketing and promotion more accurately.
Extract group members, filter telegram group links, extract group members inside, etc.
To filter numbers on telegram, we need to use third-party telegram marketing tools, such as LIKE.TG Various Accounts Filters.
LIKE.TG Various Accounts Filters can screen whether a phone number is registered with a WhatsApp account and determine gender and age through WhatsApp profile pictures. It can also identify objects contained in WhatsApp profile pictures, such as flowers, cats, dogs, cars, cups, and more. Additionally, it can check whether a phone number has activated accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram. After filtering, the results can be exported in .txt/.xls/.xlsx/.vcf formats.
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