

2024-03-29 06:44:35

LIKE.TG 成立于2020年,总部位于马来西亚,是首家汇集全球互联网产品,提供一站式软件产品解决方案的综合性品牌。唯一官方网站:www.like.tg


















  • 工作时间:如果您的销售代表没有积极工作,您无法完成交易。分配给离线销售代表的潜在客户会处于空闲状态,失去动力。对于买家来说,这是令人沮丧的,并且会让人觉得您不负责任。
  • 时区:如果您在国际上运营,由于时区差异而导致潜在客户被错误引导可能意味着几小时的延迟。当一个热门潜在客户在澳大利亚,而一个总部在美国的销售代表终于在第二天打电话时,他们可能已经没有那么兴奋了。
  • 计划外的缺勤:假期是必须的!HubSpot不会自动考虑这一点,所以休假的销售代表仍会收到潜在客户,导致延迟和混乱的重新分配。
  • 突发的不可用性:人们会生病,约会突然出现。不可用的销售代表不应该接收到潜在客户,但HubSpot不允许您快速切换销售代表的“离线”状态。



  • 复杂性:您需要为每个时间窗口、每个时区等设置多个工作流程。这会迅速扩张,成为一场难以管理的噩梦。
  • 手动工作:缺勤意味着不断地在工作流程中添加/删除销售代表。这是耗时且容易出错,会损害您的潜在客户响应时间。













  • 准确找到合适的销售代表:根据可用性、技能、产品专业知识、交易规模等将潜在客户分配给销售代表。不再因为错误分配而失去动力。
  • 防止数据衰减:糟糕的数据会破坏交易。Linktg使您的HubSpot联系信息保持干净、准确和最新。它会对信息进行去重和标准化,以实现最佳性能。
  • 提高团队效率:消除手动数据任务上浪费的时间。Linktg的自动化将这些时间重新用于交易关闭活动。




This article is republished from public internet and edited by the LIKE.TG editorial department. If there is any infringement, please contact our official customer service for proper handling.

在当今数字化时代,社交网络平台是人们沟通、分享和互动的重要场所。而Discord作为一款功能强大的聊天和社交平台,正吸引着越来越多的用户。那么,Discord注册可以用来做什么呢?让我们来探索它的多重用途。 首先,通过Discord注册,您可以加入各种兴趣群组和社区,与志同道合的人分享共同的爱好和话题。不论是游戏、音乐、电影还是科技,Discord上有无数个群组等待着您的加入。您可以与其他成员交流、参与讨论、组织活动,结识新朋友并扩大自己的社交圈子。 其次,Discord注册也为个人用户和团队提供了一个协作和沟通的平台。无论您是在学校、工作场所还是志愿组织,Discord的群组和频道功能使得团队成员之间可以方便地分享文件、讨论项目、安排日程,并保持密切的联系。它的语音和视频通话功能还能让远程团队更好地协同工作,提高效率。 对于商业用途而言,Discord注册同样具有巨大潜力。许多品牌和企业已经认识到了Discord作为一个与年轻受众互动的渠道的重要性。通过创建自己的Discord服务器,您可以与客户和粉丝建立更紧密的联系,提供独家内容、产品促销和用户支持。Discord还提供了一些商业工具,如机器人和API,帮助您扩展功能并提供更好的用户体验。 总结起来,Discord注册不仅可以让您加入各种兴趣群组和社区,享受与志同道合的人交流的乐趣,还可以为个人用户和团队提供协作和沟通的平台。对于品牌和企业而言,Discord也提供了与受众互动、推广产品和提供用户支持的机会。所以,赶紧注册一个Discord账号吧,开启多重社交和商业可能性的大门! -->
商海客discord群发软件作为一款前沿的营销工具,以其独特的特点和出色的功能,在商业领域掀起了一场营销革命。它不仅为企业带来了全新的营销方式,也为企业创造了巨大的商业价值。 首先,商海客discord群发软件以其高效的群发功能,打破了传统营销方式的束缚。传统营销常常面临信息传递效率低、覆盖范围有限的问题。而商海客discord群发软件通过其强大的群发功能,可以将信息迅速传递给大量的目标受众,实现广告的精准推送。不论是产品推广、品牌宣传还是促销活动,商海客discord群发软件都能帮助企业快速触达潜在客户,提高营销效果。 其次,商海客discord群发软件提供了丰富的营销工具和功能,为企业的营销活动增添了更多的可能性。商海客discord群发软件支持多种媒体形式的推送,包括文本、图片、音频和视频等。企业可以根据自身需求,定制个性化的消息内容和推广方案,以吸引目标受众的注意。此外,商海客discord群发软件还提供了数据分析和统计功能,帮助企业了解营销效果,进行精细化的调整和优化。 最后,商海客discord群发软件的用户体验和易用性也为企业带来了便利。商海客discord群发软件的界面简洁明了,操作简单易懂,即使对于非技术人员也能够快速上手。商海客discord群发软件还提供了稳定的技术支持和优质的客户服务,确保用户在使用过程中能够获得及时的帮助和解决问题。 -->
Discord这个软件相信打游戏的各位多少都会有点了解。作为功能上和YY相类似的语音软件,已经逐渐成为各类游戏玩家的青睐。在这里你可以创建属于自己的频道,叫上三五个朋友一起开黑,体验线上五连坐的游戏体验。但Discord可不是我们口中说的美国版YY这么简单。 Discord最初是为了方便人们交流而创立的应用程序。游戏玩家、电影迷和美剧迷、包括NFT创作者和区块链项目都在Discord上装修起一个个属于自己的小家。而在互联网的不断发展中,Discord现如今已经发展成为一种高效的营销工具,其强大的社区的功能已远不止语音交谈这一单一功能了。本文我们将结合市场营销现有的一些概念,带你领略Discord背后的无穷价值。 初代海外社媒营销: 当我们谈及Marketing市场营销,我们大多能想到的就是广告,以广告投放去获得较为多的转化为最终目的。但随着公众利益的变化,市场营销的策略也在不断改变。社交媒体类别的营销是现在更多品牌更为看重的一块流量池。我们可以选择付费营销,当然也可以选择不付费,这正式大多数的品牌所处的阶段。如国内的微博,抖音。又好比海外的Facebook, Instagram等。 但是,当我们深入地了解这些社交媒体的算法时不难发现。人们经常会错过我们的内容,又或者在看到这是一个广告之后就选择离开,其推广的触达率并不显著。其原因其实和初代社交媒体的属性分不开。 我们来打个比方:当你在YouTube上看着喜爱的博主视频,YouTube突然暂停了你的视频,给你插入了品牌方的广告。试问你的心情如何?你会选择安心看完这个广告,对其推广的产品产生了兴趣。还是想尽一切办法去关掉这个烦人的广告?而在不付费的内容上:你更喜欢看那些能娱乐你,充实你生活的内容。还是选择去看一个可能和你毫不相干的品牌贴文?在大数据的加持下,品牌方可能绞尽脑汁的想去获得你这个用户。但选择权仍就在用户手上,用户选择社交媒体的原因更多是为了娱乐和社交。我们也不愿意和一个个客气的“品牌Logo”去对话。 Discord是如何改变营销世界的? Discord又有什么不一样呢?你觉的他的营销手段就像发Email一样,给你特定的社群发送一组消息?谈到Email,这里要插一嘴。其触达率表现也并不优异,你发送的重要通告,新闻稿,打折促销。都有可能在用户还未浏览收之前就已经进了垃圾箱,又或者是和其他数百封未读邮件中等待着缘分的到来。 其实Discord的频道属性很美妙的化解了社交媒体现在的窘境,我们再来打个比方:比如你很喜欢篮球,因此你进入到了这个Discord篮球频道。而在这个频道里又包含了中锋,前锋,后卫这些细分频道。后卫又细分到了控球后卫,得分后卫。但总的来说,这个频道的用户都是喜欢篮球的群体。Discord的属性也拉近了品牌和用户的距离,你们不再是用户和一个个官方的“品牌Logo”对话。取而代之的则是一个个亲近感十足的好兄弟。直播带货中的“家人们”好像就是这一形式哈哈。 因此在Discord 上你可以针对不同频道发送不同的公告消息,使目标用户能够及时获得你的任何更新。他可不像电子邮件一样,淹没在一堆未读邮件中,也不会像社媒贴文一样被忽视。更精准的去区分不同的目标受众这一独特性也注定了Discord Marketing的强大功能。 Discord拓展属性: 自Facebook更名Meta等一系列动作下,2021年被世人称为元宇宙元年。在这一大背景下,更多的社交媒体开始逐渐向元宇宙靠拢。Twitter逐渐成为各类项目方的首选宣发媒体。Discord的属性也被更多项目方所发现,现如今Discord已被广泛运用在区块链领域。Discord事实上已经成为加密货币社区的最大聚集地,学习使用Discord也已经成为了圈内最入门技能。随着未来大量的区块链项目的上线Discord也将获得更加直接的变现手段。 Discord的各类载体已经数不胜数,区块链、游戏开黑、公司办公软件、线上教课。Discord是否能成为海外社媒的下一个风口?还是他已经成为了?这个不是我们能说了算的,但甭管你是想做品牌推广,还是单纯的就想酣畅漓淋的和朋友一起开个黑。选择Discord都是一个不错的选择。 -->
Synergy Research Group的最新数据显示,在云服务和基础设施市场,2024年上半年运营商和供应商的收入达到4270亿美元,比2023年上半年增长了23%。在这种情况下,最近有一个趋势发生了逆转。很长一段时间以来,云服务的增长速度远远超过云数据中心基础设施支出的增长速度,但在对生成式人工智能技术的大量投资的推动下,这种情况暂时发生了转变。 今年上半年,IaaS、PaaS和SaaS的平均增长率为21%,而公共云和私有云数据中心的支出平均增长率为30%。云服务市场的规模仍然是支持数据中心支出的两倍。随着超大规模运营商继续推动更广泛的IT市场,他们的基础设施足迹也在增长。与2023年上半年相比,已经庞大的数据中心网络的运营能力增长了24%。更令人印象深刻的是,随着继续加大投资,未来数据中心的规模增长了47%。 SaaS和云基础设施服务,整个市场的领导者是微软、亚马逊、谷歌和Salesforce。在数据中心硬件和软件方面,ODM继续占据着很大的市场份额,因为超大规模运营商使用自己设计的服务器,由合同制造商提供。除了ODM之外,市场的领导者还有戴尔、微软、超微和惠普。在这方面,英伟达的影响力正在迅速增长,它向服务器供应商、其他技术公司、企业以及直接向超大规模运营商销售产品。 从地理上看,虽然云市场在世界各地都在强劲增长,但美国仍然是一个重心。2024年上半年,美国占所有云服务收入的44%,超大规模数据中心容量的53%,云数据中心硬件和软件市场的47%。在所有服务和基础设施市场中,绝大多数领先企业都是美国公司。其次是中国公司,占所有云服务收入的8%,超大规模数据中心容量的16%。
作为全球领先的云计算服务提供商,亚马逊云科技通过其高度可靠的基础设施和技术架构,为客户提供强大而灵活的计算、存储和数据库服务、AI等服务。屹立行业之巅,亚马逊云科技为何能引领云计算行业十几年,其秘密武器是打造的从基础设施到技术架构再到运营机制全链路韧性技术。 在近期亚马逊云科技媒体沟通会上,亚马逊云科技大中华区解决方案架构总经理代闻详细阐述了韧性技术背后的逻辑和思考。 如何打造高可靠的云服务 亚马逊云科技在2006年开创性地发布了第一款云服务,时至今日,亚马逊云科技提供了超过 240 种功能全面的服务。 代闻首先披露了一组数据,“亚马逊云科技去年每天稳定启动的Amazon EC2实例超过1亿,每秒 API请求数高达100万亿。正是因为做对了很多事情,才有今天全球数百万客户的选择和信任。”这在云计算行业可谓是首屈一指。 在代闻看来这些事故背后的风险包括: 基础设施层——括数据中心、主机、机架、网络故障,或自然灾害导致的损坏 架构设计层——数据状态、应用程序状态异常、依赖项失效等 运营机制层——由运维操作、代码部署、配置错误等引起的故障 想要构建高度可靠的云服务,必须要解决以上三个重点问题, 秘密武器:基础设施韧性、韧性技术架构和卓越的运营机制 在基础设施韧性方面,亚马逊云科技的基础设施分为区域、可用区(通常相距100公里)、多个或单个超大数据中心等多个层级。每个可用区的数据中心都有独立的电力、制冷和物理安全设施。 当一个可用区发生电力中断,自然灾害时,区域内其他可用区不会受到任何影响, 安全距离既能防止相关故障,又能实现毫秒级延迟的同步复制。 在可用区内部,可用区之间,区域和区域之间,均铺设光纤线路两两互联,实现高速数据传输的同时任一连接是冗余的,实现了高可用、低延迟的可用区网络设计。 在韧性技术架构方面,亚马逊云科技总结云服务自身韧性的四大要素:区域隔离,多可用区;控制面和数据面独立;单元架构;随机分片。 区域隔离,多可用区的目的是实现控制故障发生时对客户的影响范围。控制面和数据面独立能够确保云服务的数据平面能够独立于控制平面的状态持续稳定运行,且能够独立扩展互不影响。单元架构设计确保当发生故障时,只有该单元受影响,而不会导致整个系统瘫痪,无论硬件、网络、电力系统还是代码,都将影响最小化,进一步提高整个应用和系统的可用性。 为确保云服务的韧性,卓越的运营和机制至关重要,也是亚马逊云科技的差异化优势之一,亚马逊云科技的运营机制总结为4个模块:服务责任模型、运营就绪审查、持续安全部署、纠错流程。服务责任模型确保各项服务的良好运营,能够随叫随到。运营就绪审查提供了服务发布和更新相关的标准化流程。持续安全部署能够在保持服务连续性的实现安全的自动化部署。纠错流程能够了解错误发生的根本原因,同时成功的纠错记录还将成为运营就绪审查标准流程的一部分,确保问题不会再次发生。 授人以渔:帮助客户构建端到端的韧性 在与客户和内部团队展开多年合作的基础上,亚马逊云科技为韧性构建工程总结归纳为4大经验: 系统韧性的提高是持续的过程,而不是一次性的努力; 在业务需求、可靠性、成本、系统复杂度之间取得均衡; 以标准软件开发生命周期为蓝本,可轻松整合到企业现有流程中; 从业务、技术与持续运营等多个维度来帮助企业提高系统韧性。 基于经验分解,亚马逊云科技开发了韧性系统建设生命周期框架, 该框架包含五个关键阶段, 包括设定目标、设计及实施、验证和测试、持续运营、实施各种运营最佳实践、响应和改进。并强调韧性是一个持续的生命周期,需要不断重复五个阶段,以应对不断变化的环境和需求。 亚马逊云科技希望客户能够采用同样的单元架构方法论,来最小化自身应用的爆炸半径,提高可用性。亚马逊云科技90%以上的服务来源于用户需求。在韧性系统建设生命周期框架的五个阶段,亚马逊云科技都提供了多种服务和工具:如Amazon Resilience Analysis Framework、Amazon Aurora、Amazon DynamoDB、Amazon Aurora Global Database、Amazon Fault Injection Simulator(FIS)、Amazon Resilience Hub、Amazon Application Recovery Controller等。 系统的可观测性和故障自动化处理 针对LIKE.TG提出的“如何持续提高系统的可观测性和自动化”这一问题,代闻表示,一个关键点是API。一个云服务平台没有 API 或者 API 不健全,自动化是没有办法做到。 亚马逊云科技在全球云计算行业做了非常好的示范带头作用, API 是怎么写,API 的细颗粒度以及安全等前置考虑都实现得非常好。要做自动化和可观测性,你一定需要把应用和这个基础架构里面的数据能够拿出来,能够看,能够做分析。 另外一个关键点是亚马逊云科技对云原生服务支持已经足够好,并提供了一系列的云原生服务,像 Amazon Aurora global Database 能够自动跨区域数据复制;Amazon Lambda无服务器运算,客户只需要关心它的代码运营环境,底层高可用弹性都是自动实现。GenAI领域,用户在Amazon Bedrock中做推理的时候,不用做很多的基础运维工作,亚马逊云科技比较好地平滑地给客户提供一个可扩展环境。一些新的云原生的服务在不断地推出,这将会大大简化自动化流程,并降低可观测性的难度和复杂度。 细微处见真章,云计算行业需要务实、为客户负责、对安全可靠的前置通盘预判,从基础设施到技术架构到运营机制,亚马逊云科技对韧性技术的打造,是赢得客户青睐和信任的秘密武器。
2024年第二季度,全球云基础设施服务支出同比增长19%,达到782亿美元。虽然企业的IT预算已经恢复增长,但很大一部分支出现在直接用于与人工智能相关的投资。前三大供应商——AWS、微软Azure和谷歌云——本季度共增长24%,占总支出的63%。与上一季度相比,AWS的增长明显增加,第二季度的销售额增长了19%。与此同时,微软Azure和谷歌云继续保持强劲的两位数增长,分别增长29%和30%。全球超过1/3的云市场份额仍由其他云提供商占据,但市场正在向顶级超大规模云提供商转移,它们的市场份额越来越大。 Canalys修改了其历史云基础设施服务收入预测。这直接影响了2022年第一季度至2024年第一季度的市场份额,但排名和增长率保持不变。 对人工智能需求的加速预计将为云服务的持续增长带来重大机遇。随着企业采用人工智能技术,他们将需要更先进、可扩展的云基础设施,从而推动云服务的持续投资和发展。但人们开始担心人工智能领域可能出现的过度投资,因为获得回报的时间似乎比最初预期的要长。尽管存在这些担忧,超大规模企业仍在继续增加对人工智能的投资——本季度,三大超大规模企业都将数据中心的资本支出增加了数百亿美元——它们认识到高估投资风险可能比低估投资风险更有害。 这三家超大规模公司都表示,使用人工智能的客户数量大幅增加。他们继续推出新的人工智能产品,比如谷歌云的Gemini 1.5和Azure的GPT – 40 mini。AWS通过其云平台Bedrock还提供Claude 3.5 Sonnet和其他APIs。 除了推出新的人工智能产品和解决方案外,超大规模企业还在努力加强其人工智能合作伙伴生态系统。本季度,领先的供应商特别重视培育人工智能初创企业。值得注意的举措包括AWS的“生成式人工智能加速器”和谷歌云的“谷歌创业加速器”,它们都旨在吸引人工智能初创企业,推动行业内的创新。 主要云供应商 亚马逊网络服务(AWS)继续引领全球云市场,2024年第二季度占33%的市场份额。本季度收入同比增长19%,业绩较上一季度有所增强。其积压订单达1566亿美元,同比增长19%。通过其Bedrock平台,AWS为基础模型引入了新的API,如Claude 3.5 Sonnet和Llama 3.1。Bedrock完全基于云计算,使企业能够开发自己的基础模型,这些模型已经为成千上万的活跃客户提供了服务。AWS非常重视在其合作伙伴生态系统中集成和开发人工智能。2024年6月,该公司宣布向其生成人工智能加速器项目投入2.3亿美元,旨在帮助全球初创公司加速人工智能应用程序的开发。此外,AWS在6月份引入了一些变化,包括增强的技术支持、MSP折扣以及对服务合作伙伴的更低要求。这些调整旨在加强AWS的合作伙伴生态系统,使其更易于访问,并使更广泛的合作伙伴受益。 微软Azure是云服务市场的第二大提供商,市场份额为20%,年增长率为29%。微软声称,2024年第二季度人工智能服务为Azure增长贡献了8%,高于上一季度的7%。凭借先进的模型,Azure AI吸引了超过6万名客户,同比增长近60%。针对这一需求,微软发布或升级了几款机型,包括大语言机型GPT – 40 mini和小语言机型Phi-3 Vision。微软Azure继续扩大其数据中心的足迹,宣布在马来西亚、西班牙和美国进行重大投资。这些投资包括基础设施开发和旨在提高人工智能技能的举措。 谷歌云(google Cloud)是第三大提供商,市场份额为10%,年增长率为30%。截至2024年6月30日,谷歌云的累计积压收入(未完成的项目或合同所形成的待实现收入)达到788亿美元,比2024年第一季度的725亿美元有所增长。截至第二季度末,Google Cloud的人工智能基础设施和生成式人工智能解决方案(如Vertex AI、用于Workspace的Gemini和用于Google Cloud的Gemini)已经产生了数十亿美元的收入,并被200多万开发人员使用。Gemini在搜索、工作空间和谷歌消息等产品中提供了非常有价值的功能,并集成到六个产品中,每个产品的月活跃用户都超过20亿人。2024年6月,谷歌云通过谷歌云市场推出渠道私有服务,促进第三方解决方案的高效交易,并使渠道合作伙伴能够管理从计费到收入确认的客户关系。此外,谷歌还宣布在马来西亚开设首个数据中心和云计算区域,并在爱荷华州、弗吉尼亚州和俄亥俄州进行扩张。
Zone pricing
Zone pricing
Zone pricing is a pricing method in which consumers within one zone are charged one price. Clients who are located closer to the company's dispatch point pay less, whereas distant customers pay a higher price as shipping distances increase. To set prices for different zones, companies always consider the local conditions such as competition and costs associated with shipping and storage. Advantages and Disadvantages of Zone Pricing Prices in zones are set within certain geographic areas. The more distant the area from the place of production, the higher the transportation costs and, accordingly, the higher the price. Now, before we get into the implementation and examples of zone pricing, let's talk about its pros and cons. Advantages of zone pricing: helps you divide customers into useful segments; enables you to pay transportation costs; allows you to recoup shipping costs. Disadvantages of zone pricing: customers on borders of different zones may suffer from different prices; distant clients may prefer competitors over your company; it adds extra layers of bookkeeping to keep track of different prices in different zones. The technique is very popular among businesses due to the benefits mentioned above. Let's proceed to the steps to consider when implementing this strategy. How to implement zone pricing Use information effectively Consider competitor alternatives Integrate item-specific strategies Consider technological solutions Let's get into how to implement zone pricing in your business. 1. Use information effectively When giving a thought to a zone pricing strategy, ensure that you're using data that can help you do it correctly. Find out how much money customers are willing to pay for your products or services. This willingness is influenced by the following factors: income level, cost of living, and whether it’s easy for your customers to buy the same product elsewhere. Analyzing your local customers' characteristics and demographics information allows you to understand the preferences of local customers, price sensitivities, and product affinities across stores. 2. Consider competitor alternatives Once you understand what drives customers to pay for certain products, analyze your business rivals and the alternatives they offer your consumers. You should understand which competitors matter the most in your industry. The composition of retailers, their price levels, and logistics costs will define your local price level. 3. Integrate item-specific strategies Mass retailers with multiple departments, restaurants, or specialty retailers can adjust to item-specific strategies. Let’s take sporting goods, for example. The sections with apparel and shoes will be more influenced by nearby stores with shoes and apparel than basketballs and sections for other basketball equipment. People have high price awareness on certain key value items (KVIs) that influence total store value perception and customer traffic. Products with less price awareness and sensitivity can float up a little to support the investment into KVIs. For example, grocery stores use the "everyday low prices" approach on reference products while prices on less popular products remain the same or even rise. Zone pricing strategies enable specific categories to follow a different set of zone rules than others. 4. Consider technological solutions Once the strategy has been developed, pay attention to its functioning. Third-party tools enable your pricing teams to handle the problems. You can simplify the process by using deep analytical tools that provide you with the agility and nimbleness necessary for retailers. Now that you know how to implement this marketing technique grab some inspiration from the examples below. Examples of Zone Pricing The following examples will give you a better understanding of how you can incorporate zone pricing in your greater marketing strategy. Let’s take the gasoline industry, for example. Suppliers often sell the same brands of gasoline to retailers at different costs. The price is based on the “price zone” in which the retailer is located. These zones aren’t established by the law but by suppliers' needs (transportation costs, additional fees, etc.). Let’s imagine a home decor manufacturer based in Mexico that ships lamps, paintings, mirrors, and vases into the US. The manufacturer can create four pricing zones, and people from different locations will have to pay different costs based on the company's criteria (transportation costs, additional fees). Eventually, a client in Texas who has ordered 10 paintings will receive a smaller bill than a client who has placed the same order but from New England. All in all, zone pricing is a marketing strategy that enables companies to segment their product offerings into individual "price zones" based on local preferences, habits, and price sensitivities. Usually, the higher transport costs, the greater the number of zones.
WhatsApp marketing strategy
WhatsApp marketing strategy
A WhatsApp marketing strategy is a set of methods that utilizes WhatsApp messenger as a platform for brand promotion and direct communication with your target audience. In this video, Alex, a marketer at LIKE.TG, shares killer tips to create a powerful WhatsApp marketing strategy. WhatsApp is a free mobile application that allows people to chat, share files and images, make voice and video calls. It is trendy in regions with high SMS charges, like South Africa, Brazil, Mexico, India, and Malaysia. In February 2014, Facebook acquired WhatsApp for $19 billion. WhatsApp is an excellent channel that allows you to directly engage with customers since it provides two-way online communication, just like in real stores. Let’s find out why it’s a good idea to use WhatsApp in your overall digital marketing strategy. 7 Reasons to Include WhatsApp in Your Marketing Strategy It has worldwide coverage It offers high user engagement It is based on permission marketing It allows you to personalize your communication Its features can be used for marketing It provides an app for running a business It provides a Business API A common digital marketing best practice is to make your business present where your potential clients already hang out. Social networks and messengers are the places where users spend most of their time online, so using WhatsApp you can communicate with audiences around the globe, provide customer support, confirm purchases, send shipping updates, etc. Seven reasons that WhatsApp is worthwhile for marketers. Here they are: It has worldwide coverage. WhatsApp has more than two billion active users from 180 countries. On this platform, you can surely find an interested audience to tailor your products and services to. According to Statista, people from 15 to 45 make up 66% of the US’s WhatsApp audience. This allows you to establish relationships with a young and active audience in terms of shopping. It offers high user engagement. According to Statista, around 58% of global users check WhatsApp a few times a day. That means that you can regularly engage and build rapport with a considerable portion of the WhatsApp audience. It is based on permission marketing. You can only send messages to people if they share their phone numbers with your brand or initiate a conversation. Though permission marketing rules are strict, such a policy results in a segmented audience and ensures that your company has highly interested leads. It allows you to personalize your communication. WhatsApp allows you to collect users’ behavioral data, including data about their interests and shopping preferences. Based on this information, you can better tailor your promotions in the future and offer the most relevant goods at the right time. Its features can be used for marketing. For instance, with the WhatsApp groups feature, you can make up to a 256-member group of your most valuable clients and send them exclusive offers and early-bird promo codes for events to celebrate their loyalty. The broadcast feature allows you to send video announcements to multiple contacts at once. It provides an app for running a business. WhatsApp Business App allows you to create your business profile, provide your hours, link to your website, and other necessary details about your brand. WhatsApp Business also offers useful features, like a product catalog, quick replies, and automated welcome and away messages at no cost. With these functions at hand, you can also improve your customer care team. It provides a Business API. It’s designed for medium and large businesses. With it, you can send automated updates, notifications, and shipping details to your contacts. For these reasons, WhatsApp may be worth your while, so let’s have a closer look at how to implement this channel into your plan. How to Develop Your WhatsApp Marketing Strategy Learn the Opt-in Rules Download WhatsApp Business App Create a Business Profile Promote your WhatsApp Profile and Opt-in Users Set Up Quick Replies Use Automated Messages Organize Contacts and Chat with Labels Create a Catalog of Your Products The following eight steps are the basis of every WhatsApp marketing strategy. Let’s review them so you could better understand how to approach this channel. Step 1: Learn the Opt-in Rules Although WhatsApp opened the doors for businesses, user experience is still in sharp focus for this company, unlike Facebook. The rules for marketers are quite strict, and, in essence, they require brands to build transparent relationships with opted-in users. Let’s quickly review the five key regulations: Companies must get active agreement from people. Only users can initiate communication with brands either by sharing their phone number with you or by contacting your brand directly on WhatsApp to communicate their consent. The opt-in subscription forms must include your WhatsApp name, logo, information about the content that users will receive, and a field for entering their phone number. A checkbox that lets users subscribe to various channels at once doesn’t count as the WhatsApp opt-in. Brands must clarify the types of information users will receive after they sign up. It may include shipping updates, transaction notifications, new content and product promos, etc. If you decide to send other types of messages later, you need to inform users and ask for their permission again. If users call your company on WhatsApp for customer support, that doesn’t count as opting-in. In this case, you are not allowed to follow-up with any messages except one within a 24-hour window, and it can only include details about the solution to their problem. Any presentation of the WhatsApp brand in your marketing campaigns, including opt-in forms, announcements, banners, etc., must comply with the WhatsApp branding requirements. Step 2: Download WhatsApp Business App When you decide to promote your brand on WhatsApp, you should start by downloading WhatsApp Business App. It’s designed for small businesses and provides user-friendly features, like automated messages, quick responses, and contact and chat sorting to manage communication with your audience. Aside from the Android and iPhone versions of WhatsApp Business, you can also use a web version to work on a laptop. Step 3: Create a Business Profile A WhatsApp Business profile is similar to a Facebook Business page. Name your profile, upload a profile picture, add your contact number, a short description of your brand, select your location on the map, your business category, and hours. Step 4: Promote your WhatsApp Profile and Opt-in Users Add subscription forms to your landing pages and blog. Remember, according to WhatsApp regulations, you can’t use one form for several channels at once. It should also include your WhatsApp name and logo, inform users about content they will receive, and have a field for entering a phone number. Another effective option is to gather more contacts is click-to-WhatsApp ads on Facebook and Instagram. Post such advertisements to your Story and NewsFeed on both social networks. To create them, connect your Facebook and WhatsApp profiles, and use Facebook Ads Manager. Here are three types of click-to-WhatsApp ads. The first one displays in the Instagram Feed, the second in Stories, and the last in Facebook Newsfeed. They all include the advertiser’s branding, the “sponsored” disclaimer, a short descriptive text, a large image, and a CTA redirecting to a WhatsApp profile. Step 5: Set Up Quick Replies Once your promotion brings some users to chat with your brand, analyze their FAQs and set up quick replies to speed up communication and optimize routine actions. To create a quick reply, follow these steps: Tap “More options,” then “Business tools,” and “Quick replies.” Set a text message or a media file as a quick reply. Choose a shortcut for a quick reply. Create a keyword to find it quickly. Check an example of quick replies usage in WhatsApp. To reply in this case, you need to type in “/w”, and the answer will be “What kind of cake would you like?” There are some limitations you should keep in mind when managing your WhatsApp quick replies: The maximum number of stored quick replies is 50; The maximum length of a quick reply shortcut is 25 characters; Leading and trailing spaces from a shortcut are removed; All shortcuts must begin with a forward slash - '/'; The maximum number of keywords allowed per quick reply is 3; The keywords may not contain spaces or any of the following characters: '!', '#', '$', '%', '', '(', ')', '*', '+', '-', '.', '/', '\', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', '[', ']', '^', '_', '`', '{', '|', '}', '~', '×', '÷', '"'; The maximum length of a keyword is 15 characters. Step 6: Use Automated Messages Set an away message when you can’t answer so your customers know when to expect a response. You can also create a greeting message to introduce your customers to your business. Follow these steps to create such messages: Tap “More options,” then “Business tools,” and “Away message” or “Greeting message.” Set a text message. Schedule when it should be sent. Choose what type of recipients will see this message. Step 7: Organize Contacts and Chat with Labels Label your contacts, chats and messages with different colors to organize them based on your business goals. For instance, you can divide chatting with new customers from chats with pending payments, or new orders from completed orders. You can set up different quick replies to better communicate with people at different stages of their buyer’s journey. It’s easy to use Labels in your WhatsApp marketing. Tap and hold a message or a chat, tap on the label symbol, and choose one of the pre-designed labels or create a new one. You can create up to 20 labels. Step 8: Create a Catalog of Your Products Add a price, product description, and number to every product in your catalog. You can upload up to 500 products. With this feature, you don’t have to redirect your customers to a website and repeatedly send product information and photos to every interested contact. You can share your catalog to promote your products and services on other social networks. Medium and large businesses can utilize the WhatsApp Business API. It offers more profound features and solutions for handling communication with the audience on WhatsApp. Let’s finish this guide by getting some actionable tips to properly strategize your business activity on WhatsApp. 5 Best Practices to Create a Killer WhatsApp Marketing Strategy Run your business communication more informally Regularly update your status Use WhatsApp to deliver customer care Send short promotions with a website link Create a WhatsApp link We’ve collected four tips that will help you plan your WhatsApp marketing efforts more effectively. Here they are: Run your business communication more informally. Many people use WhatsApp for informal interactions with their friends. It’s essential to make your business messaging trustworthy, genuine, and creative. Make your marketing campaigns in line with the personal style of this channel, staying professional at the same time. Regularly update your status. Your WhatsApp status allows you to post business-related quotes, announce events, create promos, and share links that redirect to videos on other social media sites. Make sure the status text is short, informative, and eye-catching to attract more views. Use WhatsApp to deliver customer care. It’s a great idea to use WhatsApp messages, voice and video calls, and media files to solve customers’ issues in real-time. This direct and personalized approach helps you better engage with your audience and show that you’re a trustworthy business that doesn’t hide from users when they are dissatisfied or have problems. Send short promotions with a website link. Short WhatsApp messages with links to a website help you bring your contacts to certain pages. Such messages tend to have a high click-through rate and are significant in motivating more leads to shop with your brand. Create a WhatsApp link.It will help users start communicating with your brand easily. They won't need to look for your phone number, type it and start a chat. They only need to click your link, and they will receive a pre-made message. LIKE.TG offers a tool to create a WhatsApp link quickly and for free. Add it to your landing page, website, social media, chatbots, and email campaigns. Alternatively, you can generate a QR code and place it on your physical ads to let more people join your brand offline. Congratulations, now you know why WhatsApp is an excellent channel for personalized marketing. Create a strategy to meet your business goals and the platform’s unique style.