

2024-03-29 07:51:09

LIKE.TG 成立于2020年,总部位于马来西亚,是首家汇集全球互联网产品,提供一站式软件产品解决方案的综合性品牌。唯一官方网站:www.like.tg











  • 个性化机会丧失:缺少正确的关联,您的销售团队错过了个性化外展和沟通的机会。这是吸引潜在客户和达成交易的关键步骤。
  • 细分困难:无法根据关联的公司数据对潜在客户和客户进行细分会妨碍有针对性的营销和销售策略,使得在合适的时间传递正确的信息变得困难。
  • 自动化破裂:营销和销售的基本自动化和工作流程依赖准确的数据关联。缺少关联可能导致无效的营销活动,甚至在沟通中出现令人尴尬的错误。



  • 参与跟踪受损:对于基于账户的营销等策略,了解联系人如何与您的营销和销售活动互动至关重要。缺少关联会影响这种可见性,使得很难根据具体账户量身定制策略。
  • 无效的潜在客户开发:能够识别交易中的利益相关者是基于账户的营销和有针对性销售努力的基础。没有明确的关联,您的团队无法有效地确定或联系这些关键人物,可能会错过有利可图的机会。



  • 重复记录增多:当联系人没有正确关联到交易或公司时,创建重复记录的可能性增加。这会使您的CRM系统变得混乱,并且会给将来的个性化和细分尝试带来复杂性。
  • 数据管理噩梦:CRM系统中充斥着没有关联的联系人和交易会变成一个难以管理的噩梦。这需要更多的时间和资源进行清理,分散了您团队的主要销售和营销目标。









1. 导航到您的交易


2. 选择交易


3. 访问关联部分


4. 添加联系人关联


5. 搜索联系人


6. 选择联系人


7. 检查关联
























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This article is republished from public internet and edited by the LIKE.TG editorial department. If there is any infringement, please contact our official customer service for proper handling.

在当今数字化时代,社交网络平台是人们沟通、分享和互动的重要场所。而Discord作为一款功能强大的聊天和社交平台,正吸引着越来越多的用户。那么,Discord注册可以用来做什么呢?让我们来探索它的多重用途。 首先,通过Discord注册,您可以加入各种兴趣群组和社区,与志同道合的人分享共同的爱好和话题。不论是游戏、音乐、电影还是科技,Discord上有无数个群组等待着您的加入。您可以与其他成员交流、参与讨论、组织活动,结识新朋友并扩大自己的社交圈子。 其次,Discord注册也为个人用户和团队提供了一个协作和沟通的平台。无论您是在学校、工作场所还是志愿组织,Discord的群组和频道功能使得团队成员之间可以方便地分享文件、讨论项目、安排日程,并保持密切的联系。它的语音和视频通话功能还能让远程团队更好地协同工作,提高效率。 对于商业用途而言,Discord注册同样具有巨大潜力。许多品牌和企业已经认识到了Discord作为一个与年轻受众互动的渠道的重要性。通过创建自己的Discord服务器,您可以与客户和粉丝建立更紧密的联系,提供独家内容、产品促销和用户支持。Discord还提供了一些商业工具,如机器人和API,帮助您扩展功能并提供更好的用户体验。 总结起来,Discord注册不仅可以让您加入各种兴趣群组和社区,享受与志同道合的人交流的乐趣,还可以为个人用户和团队提供协作和沟通的平台。对于品牌和企业而言,Discord也提供了与受众互动、推广产品和提供用户支持的机会。所以,赶紧注册一个Discord账号吧,开启多重社交和商业可能性的大门! -->
商海客discord群发软件作为一款前沿的营销工具,以其独特的特点和出色的功能,在商业领域掀起了一场营销革命。它不仅为企业带来了全新的营销方式,也为企业创造了巨大的商业价值。 首先,商海客discord群发软件以其高效的群发功能,打破了传统营销方式的束缚。传统营销常常面临信息传递效率低、覆盖范围有限的问题。而商海客discord群发软件通过其强大的群发功能,可以将信息迅速传递给大量的目标受众,实现广告的精准推送。不论是产品推广、品牌宣传还是促销活动,商海客discord群发软件都能帮助企业快速触达潜在客户,提高营销效果。 其次,商海客discord群发软件提供了丰富的营销工具和功能,为企业的营销活动增添了更多的可能性。商海客discord群发软件支持多种媒体形式的推送,包括文本、图片、音频和视频等。企业可以根据自身需求,定制个性化的消息内容和推广方案,以吸引目标受众的注意。此外,商海客discord群发软件还提供了数据分析和统计功能,帮助企业了解营销效果,进行精细化的调整和优化。 最后,商海客discord群发软件的用户体验和易用性也为企业带来了便利。商海客discord群发软件的界面简洁明了,操作简单易懂,即使对于非技术人员也能够快速上手。商海客discord群发软件还提供了稳定的技术支持和优质的客户服务,确保用户在使用过程中能够获得及时的帮助和解决问题。 -->
Discord这个软件相信打游戏的各位多少都会有点了解。作为功能上和YY相类似的语音软件,已经逐渐成为各类游戏玩家的青睐。在这里你可以创建属于自己的频道,叫上三五个朋友一起开黑,体验线上五连坐的游戏体验。但Discord可不是我们口中说的美国版YY这么简单。 Discord最初是为了方便人们交流而创立的应用程序。游戏玩家、电影迷和美剧迷、包括NFT创作者和区块链项目都在Discord上装修起一个个属于自己的小家。而在互联网的不断发展中,Discord现如今已经发展成为一种高效的营销工具,其强大的社区的功能已远不止语音交谈这一单一功能了。本文我们将结合市场营销现有的一些概念,带你领略Discord背后的无穷价值。 初代海外社媒营销: 当我们谈及Marketing市场营销,我们大多能想到的就是广告,以广告投放去获得较为多的转化为最终目的。但随着公众利益的变化,市场营销的策略也在不断改变。社交媒体类别的营销是现在更多品牌更为看重的一块流量池。我们可以选择付费营销,当然也可以选择不付费,这正式大多数的品牌所处的阶段。如国内的微博,抖音。又好比海外的Facebook, Instagram等。 但是,当我们深入地了解这些社交媒体的算法时不难发现。人们经常会错过我们的内容,又或者在看到这是一个广告之后就选择离开,其推广的触达率并不显著。其原因其实和初代社交媒体的属性分不开。 我们来打个比方:当你在YouTube上看着喜爱的博主视频,YouTube突然暂停了你的视频,给你插入了品牌方的广告。试问你的心情如何?你会选择安心看完这个广告,对其推广的产品产生了兴趣。还是想尽一切办法去关掉这个烦人的广告?而在不付费的内容上:你更喜欢看那些能娱乐你,充实你生活的内容。还是选择去看一个可能和你毫不相干的品牌贴文?在大数据的加持下,品牌方可能绞尽脑汁的想去获得你这个用户。但选择权仍就在用户手上,用户选择社交媒体的原因更多是为了娱乐和社交。我们也不愿意和一个个客气的“品牌Logo”去对话。 Discord是如何改变营销世界的? Discord又有什么不一样呢?你觉的他的营销手段就像发Email一样,给你特定的社群发送一组消息?谈到Email,这里要插一嘴。其触达率表现也并不优异,你发送的重要通告,新闻稿,打折促销。都有可能在用户还未浏览收之前就已经进了垃圾箱,又或者是和其他数百封未读邮件中等待着缘分的到来。 其实Discord的频道属性很美妙的化解了社交媒体现在的窘境,我们再来打个比方:比如你很喜欢篮球,因此你进入到了这个Discord篮球频道。而在这个频道里又包含了中锋,前锋,后卫这些细分频道。后卫又细分到了控球后卫,得分后卫。但总的来说,这个频道的用户都是喜欢篮球的群体。Discord的属性也拉近了品牌和用户的距离,你们不再是用户和一个个官方的“品牌Logo”对话。取而代之的则是一个个亲近感十足的好兄弟。直播带货中的“家人们”好像就是这一形式哈哈。 因此在Discord 上你可以针对不同频道发送不同的公告消息,使目标用户能够及时获得你的任何更新。他可不像电子邮件一样,淹没在一堆未读邮件中,也不会像社媒贴文一样被忽视。更精准的去区分不同的目标受众这一独特性也注定了Discord Marketing的强大功能。 Discord拓展属性: 自Facebook更名Meta等一系列动作下,2021年被世人称为元宇宙元年。在这一大背景下,更多的社交媒体开始逐渐向元宇宙靠拢。Twitter逐渐成为各类项目方的首选宣发媒体。Discord的属性也被更多项目方所发现,现如今Discord已被广泛运用在区块链领域。Discord事实上已经成为加密货币社区的最大聚集地,学习使用Discord也已经成为了圈内最入门技能。随着未来大量的区块链项目的上线Discord也将获得更加直接的变现手段。 Discord的各类载体已经数不胜数,区块链、游戏开黑、公司办公软件、线上教课。Discord是否能成为海外社媒的下一个风口?还是他已经成为了?这个不是我们能说了算的,但甭管你是想做品牌推广,还是单纯的就想酣畅漓淋的和朋友一起开个黑。选择Discord都是一个不错的选择。 -->
YouTube advertising
YouTube advertising
YouTube advertising is promoting goods and services on this video-sharing platform. It allows brands to reach a large and diverse audience on the second most popular social media platform in the world. In the article, we explain how YouTube advertising works and provide its benefits. We describe the formats of ads on YouTube and the ways to measure their effectiveness. Also, we give tips to build a successful YouTube advertising strategy. Is YouTube advertising effective? YouTube states that viewers are two times more likely to buy products they see on this platform, which proves the effectiveness of YouTube advertising. In this section, we explain why ads on this platform are so successful. YouTube is the second most popular social media worldwide, with over 2.6 billion people using it at least once a month. Such a huge number of consumers allows business owners to be confident that they will reach their buyer personas. Even if your target audience is quite limited, you can be sure that some of these people watch YouTube. Also, CNBC states that this platform is the second-largest search engine in the world. It means that millions of people use YouTube to discover new information. Consumers do not use the platform to choose something, but they will most likely purchase it if they see what they need. Moreover, YouTube is a very convenient social media for advertising. You can set channel keywords, add a website, or allow your channel to appear in other channels’ recommendations using advanced settings. YouTube advertisements tend to be relatively cost-effective, which is why so many companies choose this platform. For example, its global advertising revenues in 2021 were around $28.84 billion. The incredible success of some YouTube promotions motivates companies to work with this social media. Continue reading to discover the peculiarities of advertising on YouTube. How does YouTube advertising work? In this section, we’ll figure out the peculiarities of this type of promotion and explain how YouTube advertising works. There are two types of YouTube ads: videos and static content (image plus text). The choice of the type depends on the aims of your advertising campaign, budget, and the way you want to pay for YouTube promotions. Also, there are two pricing models: cost-per-view (CPV) and cost-per-engagement (CPE). CPV means that you pay after people watch an ad that they can’t skip, and CPE is paid when consumers interact with an ad. The fee is based on the advertising format you choose. Users can watch an ad before or during the video, in the search results, in the bottom line of the video, and appear as a pop-up. The place of an advertisement also depends on the chosen format. YouTube advertising can be tough to work with at once, but it is highly rewarding. Discover the benefits of this promotion type in the next section. Benefits of YouTube Advertising YouTube is the most used social media for research among B2B users, which provides many advantages to the companies that advertise on this platform. We describe these benefits below. Amazing digital reach. Statista states that 81% of people on the internet have used YouTube. It means that this platform allows you to reach 80% of consumers you can find on the Web. Even very specific companies and products can find their target audience on YouTube. So, if you are interested in increasing brand awareness — there is no better way than YouTube advertising. Incredible economic efficiency. This social platform allows advertisers to run cost-effective campaigns because brands pay after consumers interact with their ads. Also, its average cost-per-view is $0.010 – $0.030, which is relatively low compared to $0.79 in Google Display Ads in the B2B sphere. Cutting-edge targeting. YouTube provides not only basic settings like demographics and preferences but more specific like the topic of the ad, related keywords, or certain pages to place your ads on. It allows advertisers to show the ads to their buyer personas at the right place and time. In-depth reports. This social platform provides lots of analytics to measure the success of your ads. You can learn about the behavior of consumers who engage with your ads and make content more personalized. Also, you can use this data to conduct A/B testing, identify the most effective advertisements and use them to increase the success of your campaigns. High flexibility. YouTube offers many formats and types of advertising. You can share testimonials, post expert content, or engage consumers with funny videos. Also, you can change the setting of your targeting anytime you need, which makes this platform very flexible. Most business owners will appreciate these primary benefits of YouTube advertising. However, it sometimes may be challenging to deal with various YouTube formats. We explain the peculiarities of each one in the next section. YouTube Advertising Formats There are six main formats of YouTube advertisements. Some of them are almost similar but appeal better to different goals. Discover how to differentiate these types and how to deal with them to make your promotional campaigns successful. Skippable in-stream ads They play before or during the YouTube videos, and users can skip them in 5 seconds. The main advantage of this format is that you pay after a viewer watches more than 30 seconds of the ad or interacts with it. Use this format of advertising to increase brand awareness. Note that you should hook the viewers during the first 5 seconds to attract their attention to your company. Non-skippable in-stream ads Such advertisements also appear before or during the videos, but users cannot skip them. They can last up to 15 seconds. Companies that use this format pay per 1000 views. Non-skippable ads help increase brand awareness and have one strong advantage. CNBC states that 76% of consumers automatically skip ads, but they have to watch this format until the end, which means that you have more opportunities to stand out. Bumper ads These ads also play before or during the video, and users can not skip them. Their difference is that they are 6 seconds long or even shorter. Usually, advertisers pay based on the number of views. Companies use this format to transmit short advertising messages and grab people’s attention to make them interested in the brand. Marketers often combine banner ads with other types of YouTube advertising. Discovery ads Users can see them in YouTube search results and on the right sidebar of watch pages. They are always in the form of a text with a picture that leads to the promoted video after clicking. Advertisers pay after people click the ad and start watching. This format appeals to promote the brand’s videos on the platform because users are already interested in your topic. Google states that such ads increase views by up to 500%. Sponsored card ads These ads look like small call-to-action pop-ups that appear on screen for a few seconds with an ‘i’ symbol in the corner. Viewers can click on them to discover more information. Sponsored cards are rather unobtrusive, and most people find them less annoying than in-stream ads. Usually, such advertisements are relevant to the content that consumers watch. You can use this format of advertising to promote specific products that viewers are potentially interested in. Overlay ads They look like banner ads placed on YouTube. Overlay ads are pop-ups containing text and images in the bottom 20% of the video window. People can close these ads anytime they want if they are not interested in your products. However, if they are, the advertisement can lead them out of YouTube on your website or other platforms. You can use overlay advertising to promote products or attract people to your earned media. Now you know how to deal with different formats of YouTube advertising. Let’s go further and discover how to create and launch your promotional campaigns on this platform. How to advertise on YouTube Realizing all the YouTube advertising advantages motivates many business owners to launch their campaigns on this platform. To make them effective and avoid overspending, you should know how to launch them correctly. Discover them in this section. Step 1. Upload the advertised video This step is necessary only for video ads, so you can miss it if you want to use sponsored cards or overlay ads. However, if you deal with other advertising formats, it will be better to post videos on your YouTube channel before promoting them. It will help you get organic traffic and discover the audience‘s reactions before the campaign starts. Step 2. Create a campaign Sign in to your Google Ads account and choose the option to add a new campaign. Then identify your promotional goal or create an advertisement without recommended aim. Finally, choose a campaign type and the subtype from the suggested ones. Step 3. Define all the peculiarities Then you will have to choose the campaign’s name, budget, and the average amount of money you are ready to spend every day. Identify the dates the ad will run, choose the language and location of viewers you want to target. Decide where to show your advertisements and how you want to pay for them. Exclude ‘sensitive’ content if you do not want your ads to be shown with it. Step 4. Select the audience YouTube provides a wide range of characteristics to choose from while describing your buyer personas. Identify one or a few segments of your potential clients. Then give the name to the chosen audience so that you will be able to use it for your future campaigns. Step 5. Finish setting up a campaign Define the keywords and topics connected with your ad. Remember to add all links, headlines, and other vital details. Then click ‘Create Campaign’ and launch your promotion. Now you know how to set your advertising campaigns running. Continue reading to discover the ways to make them more powerful. 6 Tips to Develop a Successful YouTube Advertising Strategy Knowledge of the basic principles of YouTube advertising is crucial for launching powerful campaigns. In this section, we provide some tips on making your advertisements more effective and boosting your company in the market. Develop the strategy for your YouTube channel and post actively. If you are going to lead users to your social media page, advertising messages should be consistent with your other content. Understanding how you are going to represent your brand makes it easier to transmit the holistic image of your company. Think about the videos you will post. These may be product demonstrations, testimonials, or answering FAQs. This content will help build trust with the audience and make them more loyal to your brand. Also, active posting on YouTube can attract potential clients from organic search and, in such a way, make your promotion even more effective. Grab people’s attention. Remember that your ads should be remarkable and hook viewers even if they are not interested in your products yet. Motivate them to watch till the end and there will be more chances that they will purchase your products. Evoke their emotions by using catchy slogans, unusual formats, or famous actors starring in the video. Tell stories that have the beginning, climaxes, and ends. Make people notice your products and branding as early as possible. It will increase their chances of remembering the advertised company and make them interested in a particular ad and the whole brand. Continue optimizing your advertising settings. Constant testing and ad settings improvement are vital to successful promotional campaigns. Sometimes even one button can influence your sales significantly. Conduct A/B testings, enlarge and segment your audiences, try to identify the most effective formats, and find out how to optimize your advertising. YouTube provides many settings to drive more engagement to its advertisers‘ promotions. Use remarketing. It allows you to attract consumers who are already familiar with your company. Maybe, they watched your videos, searched on your website, or already engaged with ads but did not make a purchase. Remarketing reminds such users about the company and may push them to buy your products. To save money spent on remarketing, it is better to use advertising formats pa id per the number of engagements: skippable in-stream ads, discovery ads, sponsored cards, and overlay ads. Consider reviews’ promotion. According to Learn Hub, 92% of people are more likely to buy a product after reading a positive review. Advertise with the videos where your existing clients talk about their experiences. It will make users trust your company and increase their desire to purchase your products. Moreover, it will also increase your customer satisfaction because people value brands that care about their clients’ feedback. Try Brand Lift Study. It is a free way to estimate the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns and discover the ways to increase them. The platform usually creates two groups from your target audience and shows your video ads only to one of them. Then YouTube polls users, compares the answers of the groups, and identifies how your advertisements influence their opinions about your brand and products. You can use this data to discover how effective your ads are. The study is free, but you should pay to promote your advertisements. Congrats, now you know what YouTube advertising is, why it is effective and how it works. You know the formats of YouTube ads and can launch your effective promotions.
YouTube marketing
YouTube marketing
YouTube marketing is a strategy that involves creating videos and uploading them on YouTube to promote a brand or a product and gain more exposure. It helps companies boost traffic, increase their customer base, and reach new audiences. In this article, we’lldiscuss why YouTube is an effective marketing tool and review its benefits. Next, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to create a YouTube marketing strategy and offer some tips. Why is YouTube an effective marketing tool? Since YouTube’s 22.8 billion visits a month make it the second most visited sitein the world after Google, it’s able to bring many benefits to businesses nowadays. The platform isn’t just a famous entertaining channel but a powerful marketing tool, and companies can develop YouTube channels for advertising. YouTube channels help getmore views from new geographics, promote a product or a company, build a large customer base, and increase a brand’ssales volume. YouTube is also a famous educational platform. Companies can achieve greater exposure, which expands their customer base. By making detailed tutorials, live streams, guides, and lessons, brands can rank higher on Google. Running ads isanother reason companies use the online video sharing platform since it helps brands reach a wider audience and obtain new customers. Moreover, it’s much cheaper than paid advertising on Facebook and Instagram. Now that you know why YouTube is considered an effective marketing tool, it’s time to discover its main benefits. Benefits of YouTube Marketing The platform can serve as one of the most effective marketing channels. Optimizing keywords in titles and creating tutorials, commentary, product reviews, QA, and video listiclesallow businesses toachieve higher exposure and reach new audiences. Brands can’t predict who and when will access their videos. If the content contains the necessary keywords in the title and description, all people who look for information might stumble upon a certain video, stayon the channel, and buythe product it advertises. Besides, addingwatermarks and company logos to videos enables businesses to improve brand awareness. Videos show in Google search resultsand provide companies withmore visibility andan opportunity to bring moreprospects. After exploring your content on YouTube, leadsmight visityour website tolearn more aboutyour products. Your videos will stay on the video-sharing platform as long as they comply with its guidelines and policies. Since YouTube is an international company, it empowers brands worldwide to reach new geographies. The platform helps attract leads from different countries who speak the same language. Thekey benefit of YouTube is that it provides a chance to effectively promoteyour company. A business can do it by creating and posting contenton its channel or running pre-roll ads on the platform and gaining the audience’s attention. To reach viewers fast and gain their loyalty to your YouTube channel, you need to develop your strategy, and the steps below will help you do it. How to Create a YouTube Marketing Strategy Create a channel on YouTube Research your target audience Conduct competitive analysis Create videos based on the YouTube algorithm Start uploading content to your channel Provide all the necessary information on your channel Promote your videos Consider influencer marketing Measure yoursuccess YouTube provides businesses with countless opportunities. With its massive base of users, companies can effectively promote their products. Let’s find out how to createa YouTube marketing strategy and implement it for your brand. Create a channel on YouTube. To create a channel, you can make use of your regular Google account. However, you’ll be the only person who can log in. If you need an account that allows several users to access it simultaneously, you shouldstart a brand account. With its help, you can start several channels on YouTube. Research your target audience. Before creating videos, you need to analyze your YouTube demographics. Explore your target audience’s location, age, and viewing preferences to meet users’ needs. Based on your target audience’swants and needs, you’ll be able to create helpful content. Gather all theessential information about the videos people like to watch the most. In case you already have a business accounton YouTube, explore its analytics. It will give you more insights into your audience’s preferences. Analyze the comments, ask questions, or create a poll to discovermore about your subscribers’ interests and wishes. Conduct competitive analysis. YouTube is a large platform with many business accounts worldwide, and the competition is high. By analyzing your business rivals, you have a chance to determine the opportunities your channel has. First, identify your 3-5 most successful competitors. To do it, you can leverage keyword tools to see which brands have the highest ranking based on keywords related to your industry. Pay attention to their metrics, titles, descriptions, and comments under videos to find helpful information and inspiration. Second, you should determineyour competitors’ strengths and weaknesses, and a SWOT analysis will help you do it. Create videos based on theYouTube algorithm. YouTube has its own ranking algorithm. If you want to rank high, you should create recognizable thumbnails (your videos’ snapshots), optimize your titles and descriptions, and use keywords. It will help youhave priority over other channels and videos as well as obtain more views. To write a strong title, include the appropriate keywords. Open YouTube Analytics to find these words and phrases, and add them to your titles. Make sure to use the keywords at the beginning. Apart from that, write a title that includes 60 or fewer characters. You should use the most critical keywords in your description to write a summary of your video. Tomotivateusers to take the desired action, add CTAsin the form of a card, end screen, watermark, or bumper ad. Finally, encourage people to like, comment, subscribe, and share. Start uploading content to your channel. Create a schedule to upload your videos on time. This way, viewers will know when the new video is coming up. Ensure to choose the day and time with the highest level of engagement and views. If you’ve already uploaded some videos, you can check the analyticstodefine the most appropriate date for uploading new videos. Provide all the necessary information on your channel. To simplify the search, you need to optimize your channel. There are several steps you should consider to enable users to find you faster. Firstly, complete your profile. Make sure to fill in the channel description, upload your logo, and make use of channel art. Besides, you can also add your other channels or resources subscribers might find helpful. Secondly, make sure that your channel contains links to your website and social media profiles. Thirdly, create a trailer for your YouTube channel to introduce your company to viewers and educate them about your product. Communicate your brand statement and explain to users why they should subscribe to your channel. Promote your videos. Your videos can gain exposure if their titles include relevant keywords.Consider creating accounts on different social mediawith quality and interesting videos. It will drivemore attention and encourage word-of-mouth promotion. There are many different effective ways to inform your subscribers about new content on your channel. With LIKE.TG, you can create a list of subscribers and schedule an email send-out notifying users about new company videos. Consider influencer marketing. Opinion leaders have a vast number of followers who might be interested in your product. It’s always a good idea to contact influencers who work in the same niche and are ready to promote your company and products. You canoffer them to cooperate since49%of customers trust the recommendations of influencers. Measureyour success. Once you upload your first video, it’s necessary to trackyour progress. This way, you’ll be aware ofyour accolades and failures. YouTube Analytics will simplify this process. Open it to see the changes in the number of subscribers, audience demographics, traffic sources, and device reports. The information you receive will help your channel move forward. By knowingmore about your viewers, you’ll be able to improve your content and meet their needs. Now when you are familiar with the process of developing a YouTube strategy, it’s time to explore the most effective tools to implement it. Top5 YouTube Marketing Tools If you aim to develop a great channel and gain subscribers and views, you should leverage several useful tools. Canva To attract more subscribers, you need to create YouTube thumbnails and feature images that stand out. Canva is one of the most suitable platforms to help you with this. With its drag-and-drop editor, you can design any image you wishand win new customers. It has a great variety of templatesthat can help youcreate a new video for your YouTube channel. Take a look atCanva’s editor for creating different types of YouTube thumbnails. Free plan: 30-day trial.Paid plan: From $12.99 per month for up to five users. Keyword Tool YouTube works on the same principle as Google and ranks videos based on keywords, titles, and descriptions. That’s why you need an appropriate tool. Keyword Tool helps optimize videos and make them rank higher. As a result, the number of views and the popularity of your channel grows significantly. You can see the keywords you can use for videos on your YouTube channel. Free plan: Available forever with limitations(you can’t see the search volume, trend, CPC (USD), and competition).Paid plan: From $69 per month for one user, billed annually. BuzzSumo BuzzSumo is a great YouTube marketing tool that helps create quality contentanddevelop more ideas and useful videos that will provide viewers with value.Apart from a great content strategy, you’ll also be able to find influencers who can effectively promote your YouTube channel or company. After uploading videos, BuzzSumo will help you monitor the performance of your content. Below you can see how to search for content topics using relevant keywords and analyze the results. Free plan: 30-day trial.Paid plan: From $99 per month for five users. TubeBuddy This browser extension helps you optimize your content quickly by keyword search, A/B testing, templates, and comment filters. Its video SEO tools enable you to translate your video title and description into other languages to increase the number of viewers. TubeBuddy’s Keyword Explorer allows you to use the right keywords and rank higher in search results. Moreover, this browser extension also has a video A/B test feature to test your titles, tags, descriptions, and thumbnails. Free plan: Available forever.Paid plan: From $7.20 per month for one user, billed annually. Agorapulse Agorapulse allows you to communicate with people from multiple YouTube accounts. That’s why there’s no need to constantly switch accounts and check whether there are new notifications. You can also manage comments under your videos, and if you notice spam or inappropriate comments, you can ban them automatically. Agorapulse also lets people track the reaction of social media users to your videosand scheduleyour publications. Hereyou cansee what the process of publishing or scheduling content for your YouTube channel with Agorapulse looks like. Free plan: 30-day trial for one user and three social media profiles.Paid plan: From $79 per month for two users and ten social profiles, billed annually. Now that you know the best YouTube marketing strategy tools, it’s time to explore several great tips to reach a wide audience and getmore views. 3YouTube Marketing Tips There are many ways to improve brand exposure and engagement and promoteyour channel to increase viewership. Let’s find out how to do it. Come up with eye-catching titles. The main aim of creating an engaging heading is to attract new subscribers to your channel. Try brainstorming to develop acaptivating title to encourage users to open and watch your YouTube video. It’s a great idea to use question-based titles or include hyperboles to increase your number of views. Some people turn to a conversationaltone of voice to be closer to their target audience. You can also use “best-of” and “how-to” at the beginning of your heading. However, clickbait headlines are a terrible idea since they often mislead users. Research your viewers’ needs and wants. To getmore views, make sure that your content meets the needs of your audience. You should know your viewers well toproduce quality videos and provide solutions. In case you are just starting your channel, take a look at your competitors and the videos that make subscribers satisfied. Look through the videos that gain the highest level of engagement, views, likes, and comments. This way, you’ll be able to find the topics and types of videos people like to watch. Get ready with your thumbnails. Besides a killer title, you should also create an excellent thumbnail to grab more customer attention. To prevent YouTube from using a blurry screenshot as your thumbnail, you should come up with your own. To make the most out of it,be sure to include titlesthat communicate value, use a clear font, an original and relevant image, and be consistent. Congrats, now you are acquainted with YouTube marketing and its benefits. Make use of our step-by-step guide and tips to create an outstanding strategy for your company. With LIKE.TG, you can promote your videos,provide viewers with a link to video instructions, or invite them toyour webinars using our chatbot builder or bulk email service.
Zone pricing
Zone pricing
Zone pricing is a pricing method in which consumers within one zone are charged one price. Clients who are located closer to the company's dispatch point pay less, whereas distant customers pay a higher price as shipping distances increase. To set prices for different zones, companies always consider the local conditions such as competition and costs associated with shipping and storage. Advantages and Disadvantages of Zone Pricing Prices in zones are set within certain geographic areas. The more distant the area from the place of production, the higher the transportation costs and, accordingly, the higher the price. Now, before we get into the implementation and examples of zone pricing, let's talk about its pros and cons. Advantages of zone pricing: helps you divide customers into useful segments; enables you to pay transportation costs; allows you to recoup shipping costs. Disadvantages of zone pricing: customers on borders of different zones may suffer from different prices; distant clients may prefer competitors over your company; it adds extra layers of bookkeeping to keep track of different prices in different zones. The technique is very popular among businesses due to the benefits mentioned above. Let's proceed to the steps to consider when implementing this strategy. How to implement zone pricing Use information effectively Consider competitor alternatives Integrate item-specific strategies Consider technological solutions Let's get into how to implement zone pricing in your business. 1. Use information effectively When giving a thought to a zone pricing strategy, ensure that you're using data that can help you do it correctly. Find out how much money customers are willing to pay for your products or services. This willingness is influenced by the following factors: income level, cost of living, and whether it’s easy for your customers to buy the same product elsewhere. Analyzing your local customers' characteristics and demographics information allows you to understand the preferences of local customers, price sensitivities, and product affinities across stores. 2. Consider competitor alternatives Once you understand what drives customers to pay for certain products, analyze your business rivals and the alternatives they offer your consumers. You should understand which competitors matter the most in your industry. The composition of retailers, their price levels, and logistics costs will define your local price level. 3. Integrate item-specific strategies Mass retailers with multiple departments, restaurants, or specialty retailers can adjust to item-specific strategies. Let’s take sporting goods, for example. The sections with apparel and shoes will be more influenced by nearby stores with shoes and apparel than basketballs and sections for other basketball equipment. People have high price awareness on certain key value items (KVIs) that influence total store value perception and customer traffic. Products with less price awareness and sensitivity can float up a little to support the investment into KVIs. For example, grocery stores use the "everyday low prices" approach on reference products while prices on less popular products remain the same or even rise. Zone pricing strategies enable specific categories to follow a different set of zone rules than others. 4. Consider technological solutions Once the strategy has been developed, pay attention to its functioning. Third-party tools enable your pricing teams to handle the problems. You can simplify the process by using deep analytical tools that provide you with the agility and nimbleness necessary for retailers. Now that you know how to implement this marketing technique grab some inspiration from the examples below. Examples of Zone Pricing The following examples will give you a better understanding of how you can incorporate zone pricing in your greater marketing strategy. Let’s take the gasoline industry, for example. Suppliers often sell the same brands of gasoline to retailers at different costs. The price is based on the “price zone” in which the retailer is located. These zones aren’t established by the law but by suppliers' needs (transportation costs, additional fees, etc.). Let’s imagine a home decor manufacturer based in Mexico that ships lamps, paintings, mirrors, and vases into the US. The manufacturer can create four pricing zones, and people from different locations will have to pay different costs based on the company's criteria (transportation costs, additional fees). Eventually, a client in Texas who has ordered 10 paintings will receive a smaller bill than a client who has placed the same order but from New England. All in all, zone pricing is a marketing strategy that enables companies to segment their product offerings into individual "price zones" based on local preferences, habits, and price sensitivities. Usually, the higher transport costs, the greater the number of zones.
在全球数字化浪潮的推动下,精准触达目标客户成为企业获取市场优势的关键。随着Skype全球排名在过去三个月内从1,957位上升至1,816位,该平台的市场影响力与日俱增。数据显示,Skype的受众中25-34岁用户占比最大,这一群体不仅活跃度高,更具有显著的消费潜力。此外,美国用户占12.91%,表明这一市场的重要性。为了帮助企业高效获取各类平台用户的数据资源,数字星球号码筛选系统应运而生,成为跨境营销不可或缺的利器。多平台数据支持:精准筛选目标用户 数字星球号码筛选系统是一款专为跨境营销和推广任务打造的强大工具,支持对全球范围内多种平台的用户数据进行筛选。平台涵盖WhatsApp、Facebook、Line、Zalo、Twitter和Skype等热门社交平台,满足各类企业的市场需求。通过叮当助手筛号工具,用户可以一键获取指定国家的有效平台用户数据。系统不仅能检测号码的空号状态、漫游信息和所属运营商,还支持批量过滤和高效筛选,确保企业将资源精准投入到有价值的用户群体中。如何精准获取美国Skype用户数据 为了满足企业在美国市场的营销需求,数字星球号码筛选系统提供了便捷的操作流程。借助叮当助手系统,用户可以批量生成美国手机号码,并将其导入筛选系统进行检测。系统自动识别号码是否开通了Skype账号,帮助企业迅速锁定潜在客户。这种精准筛选不仅提高了推广效率,还大幅减少了资源浪费,确保企业能够以最优方式与美国市场中高消费潜力用户建立联系。多维度数据分析与智能筛选 数字星球号码筛选系统不仅是一个简单的号码筛查工具,更具备多维度数据分析能力。借助系统提供的运营商信息、漫游状态和号码有效性检测,企业能够对潜在客户群体进行更深入的了解和分类。这为跨境营销活动的优化和推广策略的制定提供了强大支持。 此外,系统采用高效的自动化流程,减少人工操作,提高筛选的速度和准确性。无论是全球市场推广,还是特定国家的营销活动,该系统都能帮助企业迅速提升转化率,实现营销目标。联系我们,开启全球营销新旅程 数字星球号码筛选系统凭借其强大的数据支持与智能筛选功能,帮助企业在跨境营销中实现高效引流。如果您希望了解更多功能详情或获取个性化服务,请立即联系我们的客户服务团队:官方客服:@LIKETGAngel了解更多:https://news.like.tg精准的用户数据是成功营销的基石。借助数字星球号码筛选系统,您将轻松掌握全球市场的脉搏,与高潜力客户建立紧密联系,迅速实现市场突破。立即加入我们,抢占跨境营销先机!
在数字时代,即时通讯应用已成为企业营销的重要工具之一。Telegram,作为全球主流的即时通讯平台,不仅提供了一个安全的沟通环境,还因其开放性和灵活性,成为企业进行营销推广和客户开发的热门选择。为了帮助企业更高效地利用Telegram进行营销推广,LIKE.TG Telegram云控系统应运而生,它是一款专门针对Telegram开发的高效获客工具,旨在帮助用户实现客户流量的快速增长。LIKE.TG Telegram云控系统-智能大师拓客系统。今天,我们也来聊聊“windows 双开tele”的方法,以及如何通过一些技巧和工具,让这一过程变得更加高效和方便。最好用的Telegram云控系统:https://news.like.tg免费试用请联系LIKE.TG✈官方客服: @LIKETGAngel一、什么是“Windows 双开Tele”?很多用户都遇到过一个问题:如何在同一台Windows电脑上同时登录多个Telegram账号呢?“Windows 双开Tele”指的就是在Windows操作系统上,通过特定的方式实现两个或更多Telegram账号同时运行。对于一些需要管理多个账号的用户(例如市场营销人员或企业主)来说,双开功能极为重要。通过双开,用户能够在同一台电脑上同时接收不同账号的信息,进行多个账号的管理,提高工作效率。二、为什么需要“双开”Telegram?1. 账号管理更方便很多用户,特别是市场营销人员和企业管理者,往往需要同时管理多个Telegram账号。双开功能可以让你轻松切换账号,无需登出再重新登录,从而提高工作效率。2. 提高工作效率如果你需要同时处理不同团队或不同业务线的Telegram信息,双开功能让你可以在一个设备上快速切换,避免了繁琐的多设备操作。3. 营销需要,同时操作多个群组或频道对于那些需要用小号做营销作用,或者管理多个群组或频道的用户,双开功能能让你在同一电脑上同时操作多个群体,进行群发消息、互动等。三、如何在Windows上实现双开Telegram?方法一:使用Telegram网页版最简单的方式是利用Telegram的网页版进行双开。Telegram提供了网页版和桌面版两种版本,用户可以在桌面版登录一个账号,在网页版登录另一个账号。这样,你就可以在一个设备上同时运行两个Telegram账号。打开Telegram网页版。使用第一个账号登录Telegram。打开浏览器的隐身模式,访问Telegram网页版,使用第二个账号登录。不过,这种方法有一个限制,就是网页版并不支持所有桌面版的功能,所以它更适合一些简单的操作。方法二:利用虚拟机或模拟器另一种方式是在Windows系统上使用虚拟机或模拟器(如BlueStacks、NoxPlayer等),然后在模拟器中安装并运行Telegram。这种方法可以让你完全独立地管理多个账号,模拟器为每个账号提供一个独立的虚拟环境。下载并安装模拟器(如BlueStacks)。在模拟器中安装Telegram。使用不同的账号登录多个Telegram。这种方式相对来说资源消耗较大,但却能让你完全隔离每个Telegram账号的操作,避免出现冲突。方法三:利用下载完官方Telegram应用程序除基础的利用Telegram提供了网页版和桌面版两种版本可以多开,还可以用复制telegram程序文件夹,只需要复制多个文件夹,直接点击就可以实现多开的目的。方法四:使用“LIKE.TG”助力双开Telegram以上的三个方法可以实现多开的效果,但是还是会受局限,如果用在营销层面上,工作效率可能不会那么便捷。利用“LIKE.TG”平台提供的工具Telegram云控系统,可以更加轻松地实现“windows 双开tele”。在“Telegram云控系统”平台上,你可以批量管理多个Telegram账号,执行群发消息、自动化回复等营销操作。四、LIKE.TG Telegram云控系统主要功能1、云控群控多开:允许用户在无需实体设备的情况下,通过网页云控群控大量Telegram账号。这种方式不仅降低了设备成本,还能够在一个网页运营管理多个Telegram账号,提高了操作的便捷性和效率。2、一键养号:系统通过互动话术的自动化处理,帮助用户快速养成老号,从而提高账号的活跃度和质量。这对于提升账号的信任度和营销效果尤为重要。3、员工聊天室:支持全球100多种语言的双向翻译功能,以及多账号聚合聊天,极大地方便了全球交流和团队协作。五、LIKE.TG Telegram云控系统优势1、用户采集:系统可以进行全球定位采集,从群组中采集大量的Telegram活跃用户,帮助企业高效精准获客,有助于目标市场精准营销推广。2、群发消息:自动统计粉丝回复消息触达数据,对未触达粉丝再次进行群发,确保信息覆盖的最大化。3、拉陌生人:支持将好友批量拉群,可设置多个群链接,自定义群人数,自动过滤已拉群用户,帮助打造高活跃度社群。4、拉群营销:批量拉活跃用户进群,使得封控率更加低,提高群组的活跃度和影响力。5、自动剧本聊天:智能识别联系人的回复状态(已读、未读、回复),并根据不同状态自动发送相应的预设话术,提高沟通效率和转化率。6、添加附近好友:可指定账号,填写全球地图坐标或者在地图上直接选择地点,再添加附近人为好友。7、活跃号码筛选:批量筛选号码已开通/3天活跃/7天活跃,精准筛选高质量数据8、注册购买账号:支持全球国家地区号码卡商,一键选择在线批量注册账号,大量稳定耐用TG账号出售,量大更优惠Telegram云控系统提供了一个全面的解决方案,无论是快速涨粉还是提升频道活跃度,都能在短时间内达到显著效果。对于想要在Telegram上推广产品、维护客户关系和提升品牌形象的企业来说,Telegram云控系统无疑是一个值得考虑的强大工具。Telegram云控系统,实现营销的快速、准确传递,让您的营销策略更加高效、有力。通过LIKE.TG,出海之路更轻松!免费使用LIKE.TG官方:各平台云控,住宅代理IP,翻译器,计数器,号段筛选等出海工具;请联系LIKE.TG✈官方客服: @LIKETGAngel想要了解更多,还可以加入LIKE.TG官方社群 LIKE.TG生态链-全球资源互联社区/联系客服进行咨询领取官方福利哦!