Whatsapp Super Filter

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WhatsApp filtering is a very common technique in WhatsApp marketing. Marketers will first check the information corresponding to a phone number before proceeding with their marketing efforts. If the information is suitable, they will then engage in marketing. This approach not only saves time but also improves marketing success rates.
There are many WhatsApp filtering software options available on the market, but today we are discussing a super filter that stands out from other products. This WhatsApp Super Filter not only includes all the necessary filtering functions but also offers additional filtering features for our use.
Unlike other filtering software that only determines whether a phone number is registered, and retrieves the user's avatar and signature, this software goes further. It automatically estimates the user's age, gender, and language based on their avatar and signature, with a fairly high accuracy rate.
Besides these unique filtering capabilities, this software also supports categorization. After filtering, we can categorize users based on gender, age, language, and other criteria to create a tailored marketing list for future use.
Additionally, the export functionality (requires a subscription) of this software is excellent. We can quickly export the filtered data into various file formats, including files with additional information if needed. This makes it easy to share the data with others or import it into other auxiliary software for further use.
LIKE.TG WhatsApp Filter allows users to scan a QR code to log into their WhatsApp account or import channel accounts or hash accounts in batches for filtering. It uses your WhatsApp permissions to filter target phone numbers registered on WhatsApp and determines gender and age based on WhatsApp avatars. After filtering, you can export the results to .txt/.xls/.xlsx/.vcf files.
Keywords: WhatsApp filter、WhatsApp Super Filter

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