Custom-coded template

LIKE.TG 成立于2020年,总部位于马来西亚,是首家汇集全球互联网产品,提供一站式软件产品解决方案的综合性品牌。唯一官方网站
If you don’t want to use ready-made templates, then you can import your custom HTML code to create a unique custom-coded email template.
LIKE.TG enables you to create email templates using four methods: "My Templates and Import," "Layout Template Editor," "Existing Design Templates," and "HTML editor." To create a custom-coded template, use the method "My Templates and Import."
In the tab "My Templates and Import" you can choose one of these three options
- Upload a file of any type: HTML, zip, rar, or 7z. The file size should be less than 5Mb. The images and the HTML file must be in the archive root directory.
- Import from a URL.
- Paste the HTML code.
Only those templates that meet the following demands will be correctly displayed to every email client.
- Use the table layout.
- Insert a style sheet using the inline style. Don’t save the separate style sheet file with a .css extension.
- For every block element, specify the font style (font size, font family, line height, etc.).
- The size of the letter shouldn’t exceed 100 kB.
- Please note that a significant part of the style attributes do not work with some email clients.

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