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Geolocation helps identify the actual geographic location of objects, such as mobile devices, or any terminals connected to the internet. The term 'geolocation' stands both for the process of geographical localization of objects and for the actual identified geographic location.
Geolocation on the internet means finding the actual geographic location of objects using their IP address, MAC address, GPS coordinates, hardware and software embedded production numbers, and Wi-Fi positioning system.
IP Address Geolocation Data
- Country
- Region
- City
- Zipcode
- Latitude/longitude
- Time zone
Geolocation in Email Marketing
In email marketing, geolocation means better personalization of automated email campaigns. When someone fills in your subscription form, their geolocation data and time zone can be automatically identified.
Based on this data, you have a chance to send emails to your customers in line with their geographic location time zone. For example, if you want to send a morning digest with the latest news, you know that it will arrive on time for your subscribers’ actual morning, whether it is in the USA, Europe, or Asia.
Some email marketing services already have the geolocation tool built into their platform. In such a case, the customer does not have to perform any manual actions because the system will automatically define the best time to send an email.
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